MacBook Pro :: Upgrade The 320gb Hard Drive With My 2.66ghz MBP?
Nov 24, 2009
I'm looking to upgrade the 320gb hard drive that came with my 2.66ghz MBP. I was just wondering what's the quickest 500gb 2.5" drive around now? I would love to get the scorpio blue 640gb but I can't really justify the fact its like double the price of most of the 500gb's.lso does anyone know a good website to buy from inside the UK for stuff like hard drives and Ram, because newegg seem good but I don't think they ship here
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Jul 30, 2010
so i'm going to be a freshman in college and have decided to buy a 13" Macbook Pro laptop. I'd be getting the cheapest one ($1199) and using it for the internet, writing papers, storing music and photos, and whatever else I may become interested in while i'm in college. My question is, when ordering, for $40 I can bump the hard drive up from 250GB to it worth it for what i'd be using the computer for?
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Nov 7, 2008
I recently put an upgraded hard drive in my new aluminum unibody MBP. I replaced the stock 5400rpm drive with a 7200 RPM 320 GB drive - a Western Digital Scorpio Black. I can feel a lot more vibration and I'm just wondering if this is normal. The drive upgrade and subsequent install went fine. It's mounted correctly and tight in the case. Has anyone else done this? Can you feel the vibration on your wrists more when typing? It's not annoying really, but a lot more noticeable. I took it in to the Apple Store recently and a genius commented that it was noticeable, but they don't have much experience with the new MB's and MBP's with 7200rpm drives yet, so he couldn't tell me if it was normal or not.
On another note - I get two ACL errors every time I run disk permissions. They say ACL not expected but found in "Applications" and "Library". They never go away not matter how many times I repair disk permissions. The genius said to ignore it, it's not a problem, and the web says the same thing pretty much. It's still annoying, and repairing permissions can take 5-10 minutes with this new drive.
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Feb 29, 2012
My external WD 320GB hard drive wont show up on Finder when I connect it up. Ive been having this problem ever since I pulled it out without ejecting it - I know thats bad but my macbook froze and I had no choice.
Now my external hard drive wont show up on Finder, I even tried disk utility and I was able to verify the disk & then repair it, but its like I cant use the hard drive anymore. Every time I try to add files to it or remove files my laptop freezes and I cant do anything.
Its got to the point where all I want to do now is get all my files off this external hard drive somewhow, Is there a way to get my files off this hard drive before its too late if isnt already so.
MacBook (13-inch Aluminum Late 2008)
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Dec 12, 2010
I'm looking at a MBP on CL and the seller has swapped out the HD and put in this WD Scorpio 320gb 7200 rpm HD. I'm wondering if any of you have this hard drive and can confirm it's quality or claim that it is of poor quality?
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Feb 11, 2012
So I've just purchased a mid 2011 Macbook Pro 13" used via eBay. Was advertised as having 500gb hard drive and 6gb ram. I checked the ram and it was all legit, checked the hd capacity and it was all correct as well. So I made a new login for myself and deleted the previous owner's. Now my hard drive shows up as 320gb. Even in disk utility and terminal.
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Dec 25, 2009
I picked up an ibook g4 14", and everything was working fine. Today, the hard drive failed, so I picked up a 320gb western digital PATA hard drive and installed it. Disk utility recognizes it, but when I go to install panther (the original restore disk), it says it can't install on that volume... no matter what size the partition is. I also have a tiger (legit), but only have access to a copy of it. I can't seem to get the ibook to boot from the tiger disk, it just goes into open firmware. I only have access to the ibook as far as macs go, but i have two pc's... any ideas? I'm trying to get this going for my daughter tomorrow morning.
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Jul 2, 2009
I am planning to purchase a 13" Macbook Pro base model (first Mac by the way), and I want to upgrade from the stock 160Gb HDD.
I don't really see myself needing 500Gb, but I have read that a higher density drive outperforms a lower density drive. Newegg currently has the 500 WD Scorpio Blue drive listed for $30 over the 320Gb edition. Will I see significant performance increase by going with the 500Gb model instead of the 320Gb one?
What about power consumption? Is one better than the other?
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May 15, 2012
I have a 13" MBP (late 2010) with a 320Gb HD. I would like to upgrade to a 512Gb SSD.
MacBookPro, 13", 2.66GHz Intel 2 Duo
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Dec 11, 2009
I recently put a 320gb drive into my macbook and partitioned it into 3 drives one for the OS, one for apps and one for data, eg photos, music etc. Is this necessary? It's what i do on windows based pc's but not sure whether i need to do this on the MAc in quite thae same way. Does anybody have any recomendations for partitionig this drive, i don't intend runnig bootcamp or similar, just snow leopard.
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Aug 17, 2010
I have a MacBook (Mid 2009) and want to upgrade my hard drive to a 500GB (or maybe higher) 7200rpm drive. I have already upgraded the hard drive once, from the standard 160GB to a 320GB 5400rpm, so I already know how to do it.I just need more storage, rather than using external drives. Also, after I upgraded to the 320GB drive, the startup was much slower than when using the stock drive, so that is the reason for having a 7200rpm drive.
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Jan 13, 2010
I have a 3 year old Macbook pro which is still going strong. It's my birthday soon and I'm thinking about treating myself to a new 500 GB Hard drive. I have looked up how to upgrade it myself on and it looks OK but I'm just checking here to see what the general level of opinion is about difficulty / risk of buggering it up. The link to the process is here: [URL] I paid to upgrade the stock HD to a 250 GB whilst it was still under warranty but since that has expired now I don't think I have as much to lose by opening it up myself.
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Aug 18, 2009
Because of the re-introduction of the matte displays, I'm thinking about purchasing a 2.8ghz Macbook Pro. To make up for the 50$ of non-conformist-punishment-tax for the matte option I'd like to downgrade to the 320gb 7200 RPM drive. I've read about the issues with the 500gb drives - does the 320gb version also have the chirp / beep issue?
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Jan 13, 2011
I am looking into Macbooks for college next year.
I have settled on the MacBook Pro 15" I5 processor. I am going to keep everything stock, but was wondering if it would be worth it to upgrade the hard drive to an SSD? If I were to do that, I could afford the 256gb, but would that even be enough?
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Mar 9, 2010
My Macbook pro 13" is 160 GB . I need more, but I don't know what the kind is.
Could anyone give me a link of 500GB on a macbook pro 13" from amazon or ebay.
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Feb 18, 2012
I am having all kinds of problems with my 2nd (in less than a year) WD external 1TB hard drive on my Macbook. I use it for my iTunes and iPhoto, as well as my Time Machine backup. So when my Macbook just stops seeing the hard drive that is a problem. The first WD 1TB My Passport HD did the same thing until I had to run the Mac HD repair program to see the hard drive. The problem persisted. I've ordered my third HD but this time it's a Seagate GoFlex USB 2.0. My Macbook has only a Firewire 400 and USB 2.0 ports. My iPhoto and iTunes files are too big to fit on my 160GB internal HD. Is there a Apple recommended internal HD upgrade to solve this problem? I have Mac OS X 10.7.3
Info:MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3), FIOS wifi and Airport Express
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Apr 2, 2012
I have a Macbook that I need to upgrade my hard drive to the maximun size and speed possible. Is it something that I can do or only Apple?
Info:MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Toshiba 160GB H.D., 4GB memory
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May 4, 2012
Would like to upgrade my hard drive to 1 TB and RAM to 8GB. Is this possible and which products can one recommend?
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 13 inch Early 2011
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Jul 2, 2009
No big deal - I partitioned the new drive in Disk Utility, made sure it had a GUID partition scheme, then used Carbon Copy Cloner to zap over my OS X partition. Boot from new drive - it works but there is an odd pregnant pause on boot up before the machine starts actually booting. I always boot in verbose mode (I like to see all the UNIXy goodness under the hood), so I see about 30 seconds of grey screen before I get the scrolling white text of OS X booting.
Now I find myself wondering if this is because of the lack of EFI partition on the new drive - but Googling around t'interweb I'm struggling to find any definitive guidance on this issue or indeed, anyone else with precisely this problem. Any bright sparks on here have any ideas?
(as an aside, I've started to recreate my Windows partition - Boot Camp assistant is quite happy to create a Windows partition and resize the OSX one, which seems not to work based on what I've read if your partitioning is wrong)
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Jul 15, 2009
I got someone at work to install the 500GB WD Scorpio Blue drive that I bought into my MacBook Pro, but now when I turn the laptop over I can hear the drive move. What would cause this to happen? How can it be fixed?
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Jul 6, 2010
I have an A1226 15" MacBook pro with 2GB of RAM and 120GB hard drive. I'm busting at the seams! It's running very slow, with 110GB of hard drive used up. I need more hard drive for photos, etc. and more memory for speed. I'd rather not spend the money for an iMac, so I'm considering upgrading this MacBook Pro with 500GB hard drive and 2GB more RAM (total 4GB). Can anyone tell me the pros and cons? Am I fooling myself to think this is going to come close in performance to a new iMac with 4GB RAM and 500GB hard drive?
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Apr 20, 2012
I plan to upgrade my hard drive from 320 gb to 750 gb. I have a macbook pro 13 inch laptop which I purchased last October. Can I just do a fresh install of osx lion on the new hard drive? Do you guys recommend hard drives from Western Digital or Samsung?
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Apr 28, 2012
I have 128GB SSD. I'd like either a 256 or 512. It's the 13" version. Bought it last summer.
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Jun 11, 2012
Yeah, I know its probably way too early for me to be asking this question but if I purchase the new MBP (specifically the 15" 2.3 256 SSD) will I (in the future) be able to replace the hard drive with a bigger one? I'm asking because I don't have $3500 to spend on the best optoin available. Some people are suggesting that parts may now be soldered in place to make these laptops so thin.
I'm not really expecting an answer today, I'll buy in the next few weeks, but in case anyone feels like cracking open their brand new baby and telling us about it, feel free to share (and post pictures!)
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Jun 15, 2012
I have a 13" MPB mid 2010 model and am looking to upgrade the hard drive. Is there a limit to the size of hard drive that I can use? I was hoping to upgrade from my 250GB to a 1TB hard drive, would that work?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 27, 2012
I am planning to buy the New 13inch MacBok Pro that came out this July. Is there a possibilty of upgrading the Hard drive to 7200 rpm like the way I did it in the old model. I have had news that its not possible to upgrade this machine as we did the previous one.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.1)
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Apr 23, 2010
I'm running a late 2008 Macbook Pro. I exhausted my efforts to clear up unneeded data on the internal drive and still found I needed more. So, I bought a Hitachi 500gb drive which others had purchased and used in their MBP. The drive installed fine and I was able to restore everything from a Time Machine backup so that the system booted up on the new drive as it would have before.
Trouble is, most applications no longer work. Safari, Mail, iCal, QuickSilver and Onyx I know for sure won't start up. I get this error message:
Safari cannot be opened because of a problem... Check with the developer to make sure Safari works with this version of Mac OS X. You may need to reinstall the application...
I tried reinstalling a couple of apps but they all still delivered the same error message. Also, opening the Dashboard crashes Finder and the Dock.
Is there something I did wrong in upgrading the drive? Is there some way I can fix this without having to start everything over? Is there ANY way to transfer all of my data and settings and everything over to the new hard drive? Or will I be forced to do a fresh install of MacOS?
Also, FYI--Google Chrome seems to work fine. Thus my ability to post this question on the forum.
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Jun 12, 2012
Just got one of the new 13 mac book pros and the apple salesperson told me if I do a ram or hard drive upgrade myself it would void the warranty? Is this true? I mean they show us how to do it here on the apple site. Looking to go to 8 gig of ram and maybe ssd drive but for sure 7200 rpm drive....
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Feb 16, 2012
Can I upgrade to a hard drive that has SATA 3 interface with my Macbook Pro mid 2009 model?
macbook pro
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Mar 19, 2012
How much does Apple Charge to upgrade a 13" MBP Hard Drive? Laptop is about a month old And I desperately need a hard drive upgrade (at the time of purchase could not afford).
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.6)
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