MacBook Pro :: Syncing Ical From Laptop To Phone?
Apr 13, 2012I've been told this can be done with icloud but i'm not upgrading to that until next year when I buy a new pro as mine is quite old.Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
I've been told this can be done with icloud but i'm not upgrading to that until next year when I buy a new pro as mine is quite old.Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
When I open my iCal on my Mac at work, and also on iCloud via the intertnet, I realized it's not synced up to my phone and items are missing. WiFi is on on the iPhone. I can see what I input on desktop/icloud in the phone, but not what's input on the phone in desktop/icloud online. It should all sync up automatically right? Also, how do you put music onto iCloud?
Info:Airport Express, Mac OS X (10.5.8), Macbook
Trying to get them to talk to each other - I've input the Google account into iCal preferences, and it shows up fine. But I seem only able to sync one way - if I add an appointment in Google Calendar - then sync - it shows up fine in iCal. But if I add an event in iCal and then sync - it doesn't show up on the Google Calandar.
I've been trying to sync all of my contacts off my old sony ericsson phone onto my macbook, so I can then sync them onto my shiny new android. How do I do this? Every time I use iSync nothing happens.
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy previous phone literally broke and I didn't back up my contacts. So I'm retyping them. I don't want to make that mistake twice.
I plugged in the phone to my MBP but I have no idea what to do.
My phone prompts me to choose Media Player, PC Studio, or Mass Storage. I don't have Media Player. So which do I pick and then what to do on the MBP?
I have a MacBook Pro (Mac OS X ver. 10.7.4), an iPhone and an iPad 2, I am not syncing iCal with MobileMe on any of these units, In fact iCal is not even an option in MobileMe System Preferences. I read something about iSync which I do not have in my Applications folder.Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
All of a sudden, my iCal will not sync with iCloud. My iPhone still syncs, and events put into iCal on my phone push to my Mac, but not vice versa. iCal on my Mac SAYS it's "Updating", I'm not getting any error messages, but any new events put into iCal on my Mac do not update via iCloud. What happened?
MacBook (13-inch Aluminum Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I just upgraded to icloud yesterday. All my contacts synced okay, but when I enter a new contact in address book on my computer it doesn't show up in icloud online or on my iphone. When I enter them in my iphone address book, they do show up in icloud and on my mac. Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I'm in the market for a new phone, and since I'm a Verizon customer, I'd like to get a verizon cell phone that I can easily and successfully sync my iCal with. Any experiences with this?
EDIT: I've also read that some of the cell phones that can sync with ical (from verizon) have the hangup of only being able to sync one of the calenders. Has this problem been fixed, or is there a certain phone I should aim for that doesn't have this problem?
Is there any application or way to get alerts on my mobile from iCal events? I have set few notifications in my iCal, but it will be shown on my Mac only. If there is any application that can send SMS to my mobile.
View 4 Replies View Relatedi 'm using MS exchange server and supporting mail, contact, cal, and task. but is it support mac's phone book and ical ?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm looking at getting my wife an LG enV Touch cell phone and wanted to know if her contacts and calendar info on our Mac could be synced to the phone.
Can anyone let me know if this is possible? I can't find anything online saying it is or it isn't possible, so I just don't know. The person at the store is not very helpful here either.
Since migrating over to iCloud, my iCal entries aren't syncing with my iPhone. I'm getting a message saying - The calendar [url].. was not found on the server. Make sure the URL is correct.
Info:Macbook pro, Mac OS X (10.6.4)
How would I go setting this up, so all my appointments from my phone could be synced into iCal? I'm afraid if I just set up calendar syncing, it will import the blank calender from iCal and erase all my appointments I already have on my iPhone.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI waited to upgrade to Lion until Apple released a revision to correct all the inevitable bugs. I'm now having the same problem that many of the first users of Lion experienced: my iCal sync is not working between devices. I've gone through all the previous threads but haven't found a common answer. How to get all my calendars talking again? Â
View 5 Replies View Relatedicloud calendars is checked in system preferences, however my ical appears empty on my macbook pro. Why is my iphone calendar not synching with ical in macbook pro even though icloud preferences are properly set up?
MacBook Pro
My ical is not syncing with my iPhone 4s. I had mobileme and upgraded to iCloud. I also have Mac Lion and feel like I have all the upgrades required, but any time I enter a new event in my iCal, it never transfers to my iPhone. Note: when I enter an event in my phone, it DOES transfer properly to my iCal on my Mac.
Info:iPhone 4S, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
So, i have been using entourage for a couple of years and had no problems. I now want to sync my mail and calendars with my new phone (Nokia N97 mini). To do this I believe I have to use Isync, so I have set the sync services preferences in entourage to 'sync events and tasks with ical and .Mac'.
I have a few queries:
1. when I do this my calendar in ical does not represent my calendar in entourage - there are additional events in the ical calendar (it doesnt recognise that these have been deleted from entourage). Ical is also set to sync with mobile me and that has the same additional events as ical.
2. in ical it says I have 2 calendars 'entourage' and 'entourage 2' however 'entourage' doesnt have any events on it. So I deleted it but it just keeps coming back
My ical is not syncing with mobile me account. I anyone else having issues today?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI started an event in iCal on my Mac at 1pm. When synced to my iPod (4.1), it's 3pm. Why is that so?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI just returned to the iPhone after 2 years with Android and am trying to sync my calendar and address book via iCal. Supposedly this was made possible by Outlook 11 Service Pack 2, released in April, but I can't make it work. I'm on the current versions of Lion (10.7.3), Microsoft Office (14.2.2) and iPhone (5.1.1). Here's some of what I have tried so far: Rebuilding the Microsoft Office database. Turning sync services off in Outlook by unchecking all the boxes, then turning it back on again. Resetting Sync Services on the mac side from the menu at the top of screen. Going into Library/Preferences and deleting everything related to SyncServer. I also tried creating a new OS X user account then syncing up that account from Outlook to see if there was a problem with my user account and once again could not sync.
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1
iCal has stopped syncing using .mac and I can't use iCloud because I'm on Snow Leopard (can't upgrade yet due to Lion's lack of support of previous versions of Microsoft Office). The iCal sync option is turned on in system preferences. Has Apple changed something already in .mac to cause this?Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I recently updated to Mavericks. Now I'm getting an error message from syncing with my Yahoo! calendar. It keeps saying that Yahoo! won't accept the change.  All I wanted to do was dismiss the message from my mac, not change anything on Yahoo! Very annoying.Â
Also, for the past few months, even before I upgraded to Mavericks, I've been noticing a problem with events that migrate between my cell phone and my computer. The cell phone is a Samsung Android. It purports to sync with my gmail calendar. ical also purports to sync with the gmail calendar. The appointments do migrate from calendar to another, but the messages don't. It doesn't do much good to have an appointment in my calendar if the program doesn't give me a message warning me of the event.Â
Yes, unfortunately, I have both Yahoo! and gmail calendars.
mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.6)
I dont know whether I am being stupid or whether it is simply not possible, but I am havign issues syncing new calendars to mobileme.
On iCal I have two headings, 'On my Mac', and 'MobileMe'. Any calendar that is created under 'On my Mac', will not sync with mobileme, and is not in the cloud. I find this odd and I can't seem to figure out the problem. Any idea why this might be?
I am trying to sync my ical calandars to google but for the life of me I can't figure out how! I've set up everything in ical but can't figure out how to send the calandar to google?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI set a date in my iphone and it goes off correctly. however when i sync my iphone to my macbook all of the times are set two hours late in Ical.
I USED to live in las vegas which is two hours earlier than houston where i currently live however my macbook is currently set for central time so i have no clue how to trouble shoot this.
just for example, if i set a reminder at 1pm to wash clothes, it goes off correctly on my iphone, but it will set and go off in Ical at 3pm.
Anyone try it yet? It's integrated now, but I'm not sure if it's just simplifying setup or actually syncing with a new mechanism. Hopefully the latter, the way they suggested setting it up previously didn't work very well.
View 1 Replies View RelatedSo the company I work for gives Verizon cell phones to their employees. This is good because I get free cell service, and bad because the version phones I get are crappy. I just upgraded to an LG enV3 and really want to sync it with iCal and address book on my mac. I wouldn't mind getting some music on there too. I have been searching on the internet for a half hour now and haven't found anything.
I really don't care what I have to do in terms of software hacks, firmware, whatever. Just sick of having Verizon cripple the technology on their phones so I have to pay for their crappy data transfer service to put things on there. The obvious solution of "go buy an iphone" is unfortunately out of the question right now.
With no change to my system, ical stopped syncing.
My setup
All has synced well for quite some time. Last night, I created appointment on iPad and in synced with all. This AM created appointments on iMac and does not sync. I have looked at the calendar in iCloud and new stuff is not there. I have checked to make sure all calendars are turned on and the the iMac calendar in checked in the sync menu.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
I have an iPhone 4S, iPad 2, and a Mac running OSX 10.7.3. I have recently noticed a problem that while ical entries made on the Mac will synch to all devices, ical entries made on the iPhone or iPad won't synch to the Mac. I have tried the troubleshooting tips on the apple site, including turning off icloud on the mac for calendars, but it still doesn't work. It essentially means I cant trust my Mac calendar to be up-to-date.
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