Hardware :: Looking For A Verizon Phone That ISyncs ICal?
Jul 12, 2008
I'm in the market for a new phone, and since I'm a Verizon customer, I'd like to get a verizon cell phone that I can easily and successfully sync my iCal with. Any experiences with this?
EDIT: I've also read that some of the cell phones that can sync with ical (from verizon) have the hangup of only being able to sync one of the calenders. Has this problem been fixed, or is there a certain phone I should aim for that doesn't have this problem?
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Feb 18, 2008
Is there any application or way to get alerts on my mobile from iCal events? I have set few notifications in my iCal, but it will be shown on my Mac only. If there is any application that can send SMS to my mobile.
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Apr 13, 2012
I've been told this can be done with icloud but i'm not upgrading to that until next year when I buy a new pro as mine is quite old.Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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May 18, 2009
i 'm using MS exchange server and supporting mail, contact, cal, and task. but is it support mac's phone book and ical ?
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Oct 4, 2009
I'm looking at getting my wife an LG enV Touch cell phone and wanted to know if her contacts and calendar info on our Mac could be synced to the phone.
Can anyone let me know if this is possible? I can't find anything online saying it is or it isn't possible, so I just don't know. The person at the store is not very helpful here either.
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Jan 12, 2010
So, i have been using entourage for a couple of years and had no problems. I now want to sync my mail and calendars with my new phone (Nokia N97 mini). To do this I believe I have to use Isync, so I have set the sync services preferences in entourage to 'sync events and tasks with ical and .Mac'.
I have a few queries:
1. when I do this my calendar in ical does not represent my calendar in entourage - there are additional events in the ical calendar (it doesnt recognise that these have been deleted from entourage). Ical is also set to sync with mobile me and that has the same additional events as ical.
2. in ical it says I have 2 calendars 'entourage' and 'entourage 2' however 'entourage' doesnt have any events on it. So I deleted it but it just keeps coming back
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Mar 13, 2009
I just received a usb cable to connect my samsung phone to my ibook. The computer does not recognize my phone when I plug it in. Additionally, they sent a mini disc with it. Is there something I am supposed to do to get this to work?
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May 27, 2012
How can I connect my droid phone to my mac to get the pictures from my phone to my mac?
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Feb 23, 2012
I have all these albums and songs on my phone and I don't know where they came from. I haven't downloaded them, they aren't in my library and I haven't synced with another computer. I have done a sync over and over anot nothing. I have even done a synch and took all the music off. I think it is 'other' stuff but don't know how to get it off of there.
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Apr 16, 2009
I just "upgraded" to Fios. So far it seems pretty good. Downloads are relatively quick.
The reason I'm posting is because whenever I want to go to a new webpage, it takes forever and a day for said page to actually START loading on my browser. Is this a common issue with Verizon FIOS?
Here are my rates: 9236 Kb/s DL 1345 Kb/s UL Latency: 16 ms
It takes an average of about 30 seconds for my browser to even begin loading the first few images of a web page. However, once it starts, it is crazy fast.
I timed/compared it with my parents AT&T DSL (1286 Kb/s DL) and it was actually faster HAHA! (when you factor in the wait time of beginning to load)
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Sep 16, 2010
I'm thinking about getting FiOS when I move out and I just want to know if I can have internet on both my Mac and PC.
How do I install the router and what do I need to do on both computers to get them hooked up to the internet? Also, will I have to pay an additional fee to have an extra computer on FiOS?
I'm not that knowledgeable when it comes to computers so I would appreciate replies in laymans terms or better yet step by step instructions.
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Nov 12, 2007
I'm having issues connecting to the internet through tethering with my Moto Q and my Macbook that runs 10.5. I haven't had the need for the tethering option for sometime now and not until today I realized that it doesn't seem to work quite the same way it used to with 10.4.
The first time I tried it worked just fine; the phone was recognized by the VZ Connection Manager (for those who are not familiar with it, it's the software that allows you to get on the internet through the phone) and a connection was established correctly. What I didn't realized is that the phone had crashed during the process (the Moto Q runs Windows Mobile and it crashes the same a PC would ), even thou it showed a healthy connection. So, I restart the phone and try again. This time things didn't go as planned: the phone is no longer recognized by the Manager (even after repairing the phone several times with the compy.)
I think I'm missing something but I can't get a good grasp of it. I've checked the config many times and I don't seem to find the problem. Any one else having issues with this as well?
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Apr 22, 2009
I just got Verizon FiOS installed today, and I am looking to find out how to use my Airport Express as the router. I have it working like this...
FiOS router / modem (wireless turned off) >Ethernet> Airport Extreme WAN Port >Wireless> Computers.
It works, however ports are being blocked by the FiOS router, which I have forwarded on the Airport. How do I get the "raw" internet to go to the Airport?
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Mar 4, 2010
I'd like to use my macbook upstairs, but I can't, because the default Verizon ActionTec router.
What could I use to extend the range for my macbook?
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Mar 25, 2012
Before moving to the Mac Mini, I used a Hauppauge WinTV-HVR-1950 and my FIOS STB to watch tv on my HP Pavilion PC. That tuner is not Mac compatible. I'm not interested in anything fancy. My computer monitor is really large, making it useful to double as a tv, saving space in my sewing room for other toys. My wireless network is 5G and I have a Cisco E3000 router.
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3), New to Apple...sort of
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Apr 19, 2012
I am traveling through the US for a few months and have an LG handset that can be tethered as a modem to a computer.When I was given the handset a few months ago, I plugged it into my MBP (running Leopard .8) and the network preferences immediately recognized that the handset was connected although I couldn't do anything with it at the time. I activated the handset today at a Verizon store and have now spent over two hours trying to make it work. My MBP won't recognize the handset. I downloaded the VZ Access Manager software and tried an auto detect but it's also not seeing my handset. It doesn't show up under the System Profiler either.
late 2009 model Macbook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8), iWork '08 and iLife '09
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Jun 4, 2012
My wife just called in a panic. She opened an e-mail from Verizon Wireless. The e-mail noted that we had a bill of over $1100 which was completely wrong. Unfortunately she clicked on a graphic within the email and then decided to forward it to me. At that point, her mail app stopped functioning. I've Googled the issue and found out that she most likely has infected her iMac with a trojan. She is currently running an anti-virus software that I don't have much faith in. How to remove this trojan?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Mar 8, 2009
I've searched to the ends of the internets and back and have yet to find a definitive answer.
I am getting Fios in a couple of weeks and want to make sure I can keep my current setup.
Time Capsule supplying Wireless N
Airport Express supplying Wireless G
Back to My Mac
Does anyone have experience with this? Could you provide me with your exact setup so that it is understandable?
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Dec 10, 2009
I have the newer, rounded model Verizon FIOS router.
There is a USB port on the back and I was wondering if I could use that to somehow connect my WD HD to it so that I can use it wirelessly for Time Machine back-up.
I would buy a Time Capsule or Airport Extreme, but the Verizon router is the central hub for my Internet, cable, and phone. And of course I'd save about $200 if I can do this too.
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Sep 6, 2014
I get the message " The mail server "pop.verizon.net" is not responding. Verify that you have entered the correct account info in Mail settings. This just happened all of a sudden.Â
I deleted mailbox and tried to add it again without any luck. I then tried to add my wife's account without any problems. The settings are exactly the same. I already called Verizon and they could not figure it out. What is odd is this is an issue both on my iPhone 4s and MacBook Pro.Â
iPhone 4S, iOS 7.1.2, MacBookPro OS X Yosemite Beta 10.10
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Apr 28, 2008
OK, I am a newbie, as the name implies. I purchased a MacBook Pro with supposedly Leopard? Mac Os X (somewhere on the machine it said Tiger - does it matter?), with Parallels installed by the friendlies at MacMall. I start Windows and cannot connect to the Verizon wireless express card which is working just fine. The Parallel's User Manual is a joke... how do I make this thing work?
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Dec 28, 2008
I am looking for an individual who can spend some time to carefully take me through the steps of piggybacking my Apple router off of my new Verizon router (pictured above).
I realize some of the process is discussed earlier in this thread but I found some of it difficult to follow, and I think I may have a newer Verizon router than what may have been previously discussed.
There are also some functions of this Verizon router that I cannot have disabled.
Will talk about all of that below...
To Begin With
I switched from DirecTV to Verizon Fios this past week.
The tech who came to my home told me that I would need one of their routers if I wanted the DATA (channel
text information) transmitted to all the displays in my home.
This would mean, of course, my Airport Extreme Router would have to go.
Since switching to the Verizon MI424WR router, my Wifi signal at far ends of the
house constantly goes up and down. This was never a problem with the Apple router.
Need to Piggyback the Apple Router but not disable critical Verizon Functions
I need my Apple Airport Extreme router back.
Problem is, the Verizon router provides critical data information to all my displays. So,
hopefully there is a method that I can piggyback the Apple Router and turn off the Verizon
WiFi function without affecting its data transmission to the other televisions.
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Apr 24, 2012
I'd like to use my mac (Imac and Macmini) for sending/receiving faxes and perhaps for CPI (computer phone integration).I have obtained a USRobotics usb modem. The question I have is do I need to connect that modem to the same connection (using a splitter) to where my telephone handset is ?If I connect this usb modem from the macmini to the phone line (not where the handset is), can I then use the Imac to connect to the phone for fax/cpi|? It is all the same phone line and on the same wifi.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Jul 22, 2009
Everytime I upload that ical backup file... nothing happens in google calendar. It does nothing in Firefox... and safari I just get 0 was transferred. I just want to bring over my calendar to google. Does anyone know what is going on? Anything I am missing?
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May 7, 2009
I just used the ical calibration tool to sync ical up with my google calendar and it works like a charm. I love how i can just click on dates in Mail and add them to my iCal which then pushes i to google calendar for my wife to see...that way i can sneak tennis or a round of golf in and she can't say she didn't know
At any rate-i would like to know if there's a way to pull her cal stuff to my ical. I can see all of her stuff on my google calendar, but i dont have the "right" to add her account to ical. I assume i could just have her enter in her login info - but i would like to know if that's the best way.
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Mar 29, 2010
Trying to get them to talk to each other - I've input the Google account into iCal preferences, and it shows up fine. But I seem only able to sync one way - if I add an appointment in Google Calendar - then sync - it shows up fine in iCal. But if I add an event in iCal and then sync - it doesn't show up on the Google Calandar.
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Sep 2, 2009
Loaded 10.6 last night and everything appeared to go well. However, when I opened iCal, ALL of my appointments, birthdays, events, etc. had disappeared. Unfortunately I had not backed up iCal before loading SL.
I have good SuperDuper backups of the system and I have Time Machine backups of everything, but I don't see a way to extract the appointment data from those.
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Jul 2, 2008
I recently had Fios installed and they provide a router/modem Actiontec M1424. I have it set up so I am still able to get wifi off my airport express since it provides faster wifi speeds. I am having a problem with xbox live.
I keep getting NAT moderate instead of open. I opened ports 3074 and 88 in airport utility but no luck. Is it because it is going through two routers?
Anyone have a similar setup and have an open nat? The reason I choose not to use the actiontec is because on live the connection is terrible but I have an open nat.
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Nov 9, 2010
I try not to have iCal running because I've got the Dateline app that stays on my desktop. Mousing over that will give me appts and such as I need to have them.
I've found, that opening iCal and messing with the input screen for a new event is kind of cumbersome, and I'm wondering if folks have found a good way to create new iCal events w minimal interaction with iCal itself.
Today 2.5 offers this as a feature, but it's $25. Macworld also had a tip, but running that Automator action opens up iCal in the background.
Are there any other solutions out there?
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Apr 17, 2010
I cant get my mobile me ical to update ical on my MBP. It says in the ical settings that its connected to the mobile me account. What can I do to fix this?
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