I did not set my computer up to log on with a password. For security reasons, I do not want anyone else to be able to access or turn on my computer without a password. How do I set one up?
Is the password for the computer itself (the one required when you want to, for example, install software updates) different from your Apple I.D. password? What happens if you've forgotten the computer-specific password - can it be re-set?
after my computer had been broken I sent it to apple, but somehow I can not login and I am using a guestuser right now. I am pretty sure that I am using writing in the right password but it does not let me in. How can I login again?
How do i reset my password to allow updates to my computer? In order to complete the update, I have to put in my password, but every password i tired isn't working so now I can't update it.What should I do?
When i sign on to my computer, the mail pops up and asks for my password. I put it in and it declines it. Then i reset my password and still doesnt work.
I got this Mac pro with osx. It's a old business computer, so I don't have the login password for the user or administrator. I had this installation CD, and it worked fine when I tried holding "c" down while restarting the computer. But I couldn't fix the problem at the moment so I turned it of again. Now it won't start up as usual with the "Choose language menu" so I can't get access to the computer. I really don't know why it does it, and I'm so lost right now. How do I get access to the computer now, and reset the computer and password?
I have a macbook pro. is there a way that I can have a password automatically turn on when I close my screen and it goes to sleep? Without having to lock it before I close it.
Yesterday we set up the computer at the Apple Store. When entering the Password for the computer, apparently we thought we were entering one thing when in fact we entered something else. Now I can't log into the computer to install new printer software, reset/change my password or anything else. I have tried looking through the Manual for the iMac 27-inch, Mid 2011 and can't find anything for resetting the password, finding it in the Keychain Access, etc. The computer is a waste if I can't reset the password to install the apps I need on it.
im trying to connect to my other computer via ssh and the account has a blank password and when prompted for the password it wont connect because it wont let me enter a blank passwprd it just keeps saying password over and over. what do i do
I have a colleague who is still running 10.2 (yea I know, time to upgrade, but they haven't felt the need for it yet I guess). Anyway, someone changed and forgot, or someone did it to be a jerk, either way they are unable to update any software or even log in. Just wondering how to rest the password. The computer is stuck on the log in screen currently and they can't access anything.
For work, I got a new MBP 15" a month ago and we have the computer set to require password to wake computer/screensaver. When I type in my password, it sometimes takes up to a minute for it to authenticate the password. Other times it takes a second like normal. I check the error logs and nothing is coming up during those times.
Have an old MBP. Just installed lion on it today. Previously, the computer had no password (at login, I would just hit enter so essentially the password was nothing). After installing Lion, that no longer works, and now I can't get into my computer.
I am disabled and unable to type on the keyboard. Can I set my computer not require password at start up? If not, is it safe to just let it sleep when I'm not using it, meaning it would be on 24/7.
Info: MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), 1 TB HD, 8 GB RAM, 2.7 Ghz Intel