MacBook Pro :: Retina Won't Recognize Lexar USB 3.0 Reader
Jun 22, 2012
USB ports mount regular USB devices on MBP Retina but will not recognize cards/reader. Card reder is a Lexar Professional USB 3.0 Dual Slot Reader Reader. Any idea why it is not recognized?
Lately, my macbook pro has not been recognizing my SD card reader. SD cards do not mount, and it looks like the computer is not recognizing the SD card reader at all (When I check About This Mac -> More Info -> System Report -> USB, the card reader does not show up). I've never had a problem before, in the ~3 years I've had this Macbook. I'm running Maverick.
Info: MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), 2011 MacBook Pro
macbook doesn't recognise external sandisk card reader, USB 3,in the shop said my mac with usb 2 would talk to each other, not happening, no icon on the desktop nothing.
I have 2 Macbook Pro's, a 2009 and this brand new one I got today. My external hard drive is a 1 TB clickfree. It has worked for months on my old Mac but when I plug it into my new mac it doesn't even show up in finder or disk utility. I tried the USB ports with another device and they work fine. So it isn't a hard ware issue. The cables are USB 3.0. The external hard drive model number is HD2037N3.I have tried taking everything off (huge pain) and reformatting the drive and still it doesn't recognize it! how I can get my Mac to recognize it?
I simply can't take any of my pictures off of my SD card. I've tried using the USB cable that came with the camera itself, as well as a USB card reader. iPhoto, and the laptop itself does not recognize the card, or that there is any device mounted at all. I've also tried checking "External Disks" in Finder Preferences, didn't seem to work.
I plugged a Lexar JumpDrive into my USB hub then browsed the internet for a few minutes. Before closing my Safari browser, I noticed that my trash can was full, so I right clicked on the Trash Can to empty it. After about half way through the deleting process, I noticed that there were several thousand files that were getting erased, so I quickly aborted the emptying process.
To my dismay, the files that were getting deleted from the Trash can were those on my Lexar JumpDrive. For some strange reason, plugging in the JumpDrive loads the files into my Trash can! Now I've just accidentally erased several thousand files.
How do software that aren't retina compatible yet look on the MBP Retina Display? From my own experience as a developer when using regular sized images and resolutions on the iPhone 4, they come out as blurry. I was thinking perhaps the same thing will occur if the software isn't retina compatible? I e 2x in GUI size and scaled down?
I had decided to get a retina MacBook Pro earlier, but I have grown tired of never finding them in the stores. Now I am wondering if the non retina would be the best way to go.
I edit a weekly 60 min TV show and need to save the show file to the USB.The show file is over 4 gigs after placing the show file on the USB I take it to the TV station where they are trying to open the USB and transfer the show file into a playback syatem which is on a PC platform. The PC is not recognizing the USB drive.
I just got a lexar 1000x 32 gig compact flash card.When I put it in the card reader it repeatedly connects and disconnects. I bought two cards and they both do it so I don't think it's a bad card. I'm using a lexar professional UDMA compact flash, sd reader (usb 2.0).
I am storing info for my non profit organization on a Lexar thumb drive - I think it is 8GB. The person I gave it to reported the following message when she plugged the drive into her iMac: "Low Power" and thus the drive does not work. [code]
I'm running osx 10.6.4 and Adobe Reader is giving me fits. It doesn't play well. How do I change the default PDF reader from Adobe to Preview or iArchiver? Adobe Reader just grabs hold of the download and won't let go.
I was looking for a Safari Reader-like add-on for Firefox and finally stumbled on Firefox Reader, which seems to have more customizations, and options. Has anyone else tried it? What are your impressions?
I just tried NetNewsWire, and Vienna, NNW is nice but Google Reader has a great feature that these both are without.
In GReader, when I mouse over or scroll down it marks that one article as read. No pushing buttons, clicking next, nothing. Just read.
I want to be able to pre-download all of my current unread items, AND the pictures. Gears for GReader does NOT download the pictures. I have a lot of picture only feeds, like lolcats, that I would like to let build up for a week and then on my long plane ride home, check out.
In NNW I can smash the space bar and get this accomplished, but I'd rather just scroll through, or at least have the option to.
I don't really like the look of Vienna, it's too unpolished, NNW is a tad better and has better options for like the prefs.
It would also be interesting to be able to give specific instructions, or adjust certain settings on a per-feed basis. Such as filter out cartain keywords (Without using a service such as feedrinse).
I hat vienna because once I click on a feed, it marks everything as read. That's bad for me as I sometimes just open a mega feed and read one or two items. I have maby 20 or 30 feeds, but usually get 2-300 new items a day. Most are junk like Joystick, but I like to sit down and go through the important ones while im taking a break or eating lol.
I know you can't but it'd be interesting to allow some feeds to auto queue an embedded movie, let me view it offline (or off my VPN.
I'm looking to buy a new retina display MacBook pro. My question is that should I get the 2.3 GHz model or the 2.6 GHz model? I will be doing lots of video editing with final cut pro and playing some games Such as left 4 dead 2, diablo 3, and more. Will the 256 GB SSD be enough to hold All of my applications and games? I plan on getting an external hard drive for all the video files, so that won't be a problem. Also, does the 2.6 GHz processor really all that much better than the 2.3 GHz? If I end up getting the high end I probably won't upgrade the RAM, but if I got the 2.3 GHz model, I would for sure just to be safe. My biggest concern is the cost of the 2.6 GHz. I would like to get it sooner than later so that's why I would opt for the 2.3 GHz. Since I do qualify for the student discount, I get $200 off. But even then, the 2.6 GHz is still a lot of money. At this point I can only afford.The base model retina MacBook pro.
I finally got my graduation money to buy the macbook pro I want. It's the low end pro, 2.3ghz with retina display. ($2200) I checked online and they say there is a 3-4 week before the item even gets shipped. I also tried calling me local apple store twice and got 2 different responses, the first one said they got a shipment earlier today but they quickly sold out nearly an hour later, and the second specialist told me I should just order it online.
I've got a Macbook Pro with retina display andits got a 4GB 1600 MHz DDR3 Memory and 121 GB flash storage and its all full. I cant download anything else and some programs wont run anymore because of the full storage. Is there a way to upgrade so I can download more apps, save more documents, download more music, etc.?
Info: MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Late 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I want to use my CAC reader on my MACBOOK. I am currently operating with OS X 10.6.3. My reader is SCR 331. The MACBOOK sees all of my certificates and allows me to enter the url for the new identity - I have been entering "[URL]. When I get to the site via Safari it asks me to input the pin number and then it drops the connection after I enter the pin. I am wondering if there is a step that I missed between Safari and the CAC Reader.
Ivy Bridge, just like Sandy Bridge, supports RAM upgrades all the way to 32 GB. However, Apple seems to be limiting this to 16 GB. Websites like Crucial will sell you a 32GB RAM package for the same price as Apple offers you a 16GB ram upgrade. Can anyone enlighten me on this? Will the Retina MacBook Pro be able to upgrade the RAM separately say after a year or so of owning it? I have heard that the RAM is soldered to the board, but there are also indications that there is an upgrade tab on the top right-hand corner of the RAM card location.
I have a Retina MBP on the way and I'm trying to figure out the best way to transfer data to it from my Mid 2010 13" MBP (Firewire but no Thunderbolt).
Would the new Thunderbolt to Firewire adaptor allow me to enable Target Disk Mode and transfer? As this adaptor doesn't appear to be available yet, in the UK Store at least
I've just ordered the new Macbook Retina, and the delivery is planned for 16th of July,The problem is that Apple ask, for a free upgrade to the new OS (Mountain Lion) coming in July, to ask within 30 days of purchase, which is here impossible.
I can't imagine why I would need any more than 8GB since I'm not a professional photographer or video editor or whatever, so I'm planning on going with the base model. Smart idea? The only reason I'm even considering getting the 16GB is because the RAM isn't upgradable and I'm somewhat scared I might regret not getting the 16GB when the computer's a bit older and 16GB start to become the standard amount of RAM- if that ever happens?
I have a timemachine backup that is on a USB3 Toshiba 750 GB drive. Obviously ive been using it at USB2 speeds, and it works fine on other macs, but when I plug it into my retina MBP, the HD will spin at low speed, but it never fully loads. For those that know these toshibas, the light on it stays blue instead of turning white.
I have tried mounting it via diskutility, but to no avail. It has a fair number of things I need to transfer over!
I am seriously considering purchasing the new Retina Display MBP.My confusion lies with some of the adapters What adapter will I need to:
a) hook a new Retina MacBook Pro to a VGA projector?
b) hook a new Retina MacBookPro to a HDMI TV so that I can move video and sound to the TV directly?
I need to do both for teaching purposes when away from home.I understand I will need a new Ethernet Adapter and a new FireWire Adapter to work with the Thunderbolt connectors.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.7)