ITunes :: Sync IPad 2 With Media Library On MacBook Air
Jul 4, 2012
I am not being able to sync my iPad, after having been using it for more than a year now! I had been syncing my iPad2 with iTunes on my Windows Vista machine. After my Windows Vista Laptop crashed, I replaced it with a Macbook Air 128GB (MBA). Since hard disk space on the MBA is at a premium, I transferred my iTunes Media Library to a 64 GB USB drive.
Now I tried to sync my iPad with iTunes on my MBA. iTunes on MBA saw my iPad: sync started: backing up completed without any hitch: and then came the error message "The iPad 'Rishav's iPad' cannot be synced because there is not enough free space to hold all of the selected items (additional 7.88 GB required)". I checked the available memory on my MBA, USB and iPad.
a. HDD of MBA: 86.6 GB out of 120.47 GB Free.
b. USB Drive where iTunes Media Library is located: 39.93 GB out of 64 GB Available.
c. iPad 2: 7.7 GB out of 58.1 GB Available.
Despite this availability of free memory, the sync is not going through. The memory utilization within my iPad, as seen graphically on iTunes on my MBA (when iPad is connected to MBA) is as follows:
a. Audio: 8.10 GB
b. Video: 7.30 GB
c. Photos: 7.50 GB
d. Apps: 14.00 GB
e. Books: 1.01 GB
f. Others: 2.60 GB
g. Free: 17.94 GB
How I can carry out my sync.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Also involves iTunes
I have a new MacBook pro. I have transferred my iTunes library to the MB. I would like to sync my iPad 2 to the MB. What is the best way to do this? The MB iTunes library has 2200 songs while the iPad has 1300.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), iPad 2 64G 3G
I have over 10,000 songs in my iTunes library--about 7,000 are songs I ripped from CDs and about 3000 are songs purchased through the iTunes store. I am able to sync all the songs to my iPod Classic without any problem. However, only about 7,000 songs are synced to my iPhone 6 and iPad Air 2--a mix of all the songs purchased and some of the songs ripped. How can I get my complete library synced to the iPhone and iPad, both of which are 128 GB and have plenty of room for the songs.
i have a large network with three 3TB TimeCapsules and a load of other stuff. On one of the drives is my main iTunes library which is now over 530GB in size.Â
Backing this up alone takes over a day to complete and I am restricted by the way that the iPhone and iPad operates in that I cannot make multiple libraries and have them sync successfully. Â
There is also the issue of the sheer value of the library which makes me concerned for its safety. Â
Is there a way to split this library up into say music, TV and Movies that would still allow me to sync my iPad and iPhone to the relevent bits that I want or am I stuck with this ever-growing monster!?
Info: MBP, 4Gb RAM, 1Tb HDD, iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 3, iPad 64 w 3G, Mac OS X (10.6.5), If there are no bugs, it 'aint got enough features
Also, is it possible to share an iTunes library between my MBA and my PC so I can sync my iPad and iPhone without having to create a new library? The library file is currently on the NAS and just wanted to use the same one. Would it allow me to sync my iPhone with the PC and the iPad with the MBA using the same library on the NAS? I know this is more of an iTunes question, but figured I would post it here instead of starting another thread.
I have a dot ibooks file created in ibooks Author. I have used Export to put it in a folder on my Mac (Mavericks) and then used Add to Library to put the dot ibooks file into iBooks. It appears in iBooks on the Mac and I can open it and read it. It does not automatically synch with connected ipad. I have tried putting it into a "Collection" and making sure that "Synch Collections" is checked but it still does not automatically synch. What am I doing wrong? How can I get iBooks on Mac to synch with iBooks on iPad?
Is it possible to sync my iPad on both Mac and Windows, and to share the same library for both devices. I constantly switch between my desktop pc and Macbook Pro and it would be handy to get the same apps/music/movies on both, and being able to either sync my iPad on the pc or Mac depending on which one I'm using that day. Is this possible? Or can I only sync my iPad to one iTunes installation?
So I already had an iPad mini which was synced to an iTunes account on a Dell laptop running Windows. However, the laptop which it was synced to broke down and I am unable to switch it on so I decided to purchase a 2014 MacBook Pro Retina, which I received a couple of days ago.Â
I set up the laptop and I created an iTunes account with the same Apple ID as my iPad.
I then purchased a couple of songs on that iTunes account. I then tried to sync the music from my iPad to my new library and visa-versa, but I got the message warning me that it would erase all of the songs on my iPad.Â
How would I be able to transfer the purchases from my iPad to the library without losing anything?Â
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
Ive just installed Windows 7 via Bootcamp on a MacBook. When I go into 'Computer' in Windows, I can see my Macintosh HD drive and most of its contents, some pics and other folders etc are all viewable and draggable into Windows. What im thinking now is, can I setup iTunes or even Media Player to see my iTunes library on the Mac side without actually copying it to Windows?
Ive been searching for the Library whilst in Windows but cant find it.
I've been syncing my devices for years, but after I updated to iTunes 10.6 then attempted to sync my iPhone 4, iTunes aborts and does not complete the sync. I tried my iPad as well with exactly the same results. So, I expect that something has begun corrupted in iTunes and I tried to revert to the previous version of iTunes with Time machine, but the Mac reported that I cannot remove iTunes.It could be a library that is corrupt or a cache of some sort, but I can't tell.Â
My ipad or iphone will not sync with my Macbook pro. This is the first "windoze" type I have ever had with an apple product. Been using them since Mac SE.Â
Itunes hangs if opened but does not hang if I connect as a guest on my macbook. I have deleted libraries, reinstalled Itune but nothing changes.
I have a WD my book network drive that i have connected to my router via ethernet.
i am trying to run my itunes library off /volumes/public/shared/music/itunes but when i restart my computer itunes resets the media library back to default ??
I have my iTunes folder on an external drive, and my iTunes library file was damaged. I need to import all of my media, but I don't want iTunes to make duplicates of everything.
Info: iMac (24-inch Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have a number of iTunes libraries, and for the "supplementary" ones, I set the preferences so that iTunes does not copy the media to the Library, instead it just references it.Usually the original media is on a disk other than the one the Library is located on.However I have noticed that when I do this, and add media to the Library, it changes the modification date of all the original media files. This is very impolite and improper behaviour. Why does iTunes change the modification date? For a start, all my backups are made out of sync, because they now think these files have been changed when they haven't.Is there any way to stop this and make iTunes play nice?I haven't tried making the files "read only" but frankly one should not need to do that to avoid the problem (and maybe iTunes would spit the dummy with read only files?).
Info: Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2 x 2.66 Dual Core
Can one itunes library.itl file be used for music in two different itunes media files? I have an Air. Want to have music in MP3 format on the Air and the same music in Lossless format on a large external HD. Would like same playlists etc for both types. Lossless takes up too much room on the Air but for playing tunes on the road, MP3 is fine. Want to keep same music as Lossless for archiving and for playing on very good speakers at times; would be kept on the external HD. Would like to have the same playlists, ratings, etc., for music that is in both MP3 and Lossless format. For example, rating Dylan's Blood on the Tracks album as a 5 for both the tracks that are in MP3 format (that live on the Air) and the same tracks in Lossless format (that reside on the external HD). I realize I could have separate iTunes folders on the Air and the Ext HD but then would have to duplicate all the data on playlists, ratings, etc. for the two independent iTunes folders.Â
Usually, I convert videos for my iPad or iPhone using Toast and it works fine. Today, I had an mp4 video and I just dropped it into iTunes where it will play there just fine. However, it will not sync to my iPad. So, I went into the iTunes Advanced menu and had iTunes convert it for the iPad. Even that video will not sync to my iPad. I don't get it. I just converted it with Toast and now it will go on my iPad thru iTunes. I don't get why it doesn't work when iTunes converts it.
I have a Mac running Lion 10.7.3 and iTunes 10.6.1 and I have a New iPad that I just got yesterday. It has been updated to IOS 5.1.1. I can get it to sync only with the USB cable. I have verified that the iPad is on the same WiFi network as my Mac, and that Sync over WiFi is enabled on both the iPad and in iTunes. I have three other IOS devices that are syncing over WiFi without problems so I beleive I know what I'm doing. Maybe I missed a step?
I bought a song on my iPad 2. Tried to sync it with iTunes on MacBook.It won't work. The song doesn't show up in the MacBook's iTunes library listing. Â
A good friend of mine had over 1500 songs ripped from CD on my MacBook. In a hurry before a trip she purchased a new iPhone and new iPad and in the syncing to get Address book and calendar and photos synced up a big change happened on the laptop. All the music appears to be gone.Exclamation points in iTunes and practically nothing in the iTunes Music folder. The macbook is running 10.5.8.I have tried search on the laptop... I cannot see the files. I have tried mounting the macbook as target disk and using Data Recue 3 in demo mode to see if I can "see" the files they do not show up. Somehow iTunes knew they were there before so it lists the songs with the exclamation point and given the huge unused space on the macbook disk it sure seems like the files should be there.
Unfortunately, my friend only has her original CDs as backup.How can I recover the files which were on that disk? The iPad and iPhone are on the road and we think the music got removed from them as well.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.1), Win 7 running on BootCamp and vmFus
Since either the new OS or iTunes version, I have no options on syncing music from my computer to my iPad. I want to add playlists I already have to my iPad. Old ones were there but I cannot figure out how to do it manually.
I've been trying vigorously to connect my itunes library with my Time Capsule Media files.So that I can keep the music I acually listen to on my Macbrook Pro's harddrive but have the rest of my music stored onto my time capsule and listen to when I am at home.What I thought to do was put the music i listen to in the itunes library folder on the harddrive and then change the media location to the TC media file folder.Turns out my idea was wrong.. any others care to elaborate on this issue? I'm pretty much confused with this and i haven't been able to find it on the forums anywhere
I have imported a number of Caf del Mar CD's to iTunes, and iTunes keeps scattering the tunes into several different folders in iTunes Media. It also has trouble finding album information, unless it has been downloaded from iTunes Store. Previous versions of iTunes I have tried didn't have this problem.I've tried to tidy the files manually in iTunes Media, but that usually results in duplicates, so I stopped messing with it. I actually wouldn't mind iTunes blowing up my albums into a nightmare file structure of hyper categorization in iTunes Media (Album, Album Artist, Artist, etc.) if only it recognised its own mess when I transfer the library from one iTunes library into another.
An example: I downloaded Cafe del Mar - Essential Elements featuring 13 tunes, two of these can be found in the files Cafe del Mar/Cafe del Mar Essential Elements, iTunes also created the folder Cafe del Mar/Cafe del_Mar Essential Elements containing 0 tunes!?! and the rest of the tunes are found under Rue de Soleil in the root folder, indicating ONE of the artists as the criteria for creating a folder of tunes!?!
I am trying with every fiber NOT to hate this program, and would appreciate it if someone could explain to me how I can move an iTunes Media library of aprox 54 gb from my desktop via an external harddisk onto my laptop. I have tried 4 times, and everytime the result varies. Sometime I transfer 3000 files, other times 4000. Which files follow and don't is random. I lose files tranferring to the external harddisk and lose even more files from the external disk to the new library on my Lap. Do I have to transfer song for song or can this genius program actually transfer a larger amount of files without losing half the files and duplicating the rest?