MacBook Pro :: Get AppleCare On A Refurbished Bought Through Apple?
Jun 11, 2012Can you get AppleCare on a refurbed MacBook Pro bought through Apple?
View 4 RepliesCan you get AppleCare on a refurbed MacBook Pro bought through Apple?
View 4 RepliesWell I received my refurbished 27" i5 about two weeks ago. Since taking it out of the box it has consistently rebooted itself and sometimes even shuts down where I can't power it back up unless I remove the cord from the machine and reinsert it. I tried everything to troubleshoot, zapped PRAM, Reset SMC Controller, logged times after removing USB components, ran multiple quick and full hardware tests. Finally I gave one last attempt and wiped my drive clean and reinstalled snow leopard...Not a single one of these measures worked.
So today I finally called applecare for the first time ever. THey were extremely helpful, didn't try to walk me through troubleshooting steps since they understood that I already tried them all. They instead stated that since Im at around 28 days since ordering (may 14) that I can have it repaired or they can claim the one I got as DOA and ship me a brand new one. Once I receive the new one I ship the old one back. They also bumped up my delivery to overnight since I have been putting up with the reboots and trying to troubleshoot myself.
hey i have just bought a refurbished apple imac and i was looking for the i'life11 pacake that should come with this mac it contains iphoto, imovie and garageband, but i can not find it anywhere on the system i have done a system software update but still no sign of it. the ilife software is however registerd to this computer :
View 8 Replies View RelatedHas anyone bought a refurbished from the apple store? If so have u had any problems with it?
View 16 Replies View Relatedif i remember correctly the 4 finger swipe function came out AFTER the 1st generation MBA. But when i looked at the refurbished ones on sale now on Apple site, it's unclear if it includes the 4 fingers or not, or just the previous generation the two finger swipe...
View 12 Replies View RelatedIf I buy a MacBook Pro from Microcenter or somewhere else, can I go to an Apple store and buy AppleCare and use it for the MacBook?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm looking to get applecare on my 13" MBP.
It's so much cheaper to get it on ebay. Is this a good way to go? Or should I go through Apple? thoughts?
I've got a Macbook Unibody which is still covered under AppleCare, and I discovered that the battery has swollen and became slightly bigger, enough for the battery cover not to close properly. The battery has only 200 cycles and is still on 84% capacity, and I have AppleCare until November 2011, so I thought it was a battery defect and took it to my local Apple reseller. (no Apple stores here yet )
So, after two days I was told that they had checked my Macbook and found the cause for the battery to swell up: there was a lot of dust on what seems the output of the processor disippator (a place I wouldn't be able to reach myself to clean, as I would have to disassemble it), and that dust caused the processor to become hotter (even though I hadn't noticed it) and that too much heat caused the battery to swell up.
But the funny thing is: Apple won't authorize the battery replacement, because they say it is not a battery defect, as it was caused by the processor heating because of the dust that got there by "normal usage" and I couldn't clean by myself. They told me I should have got there by the time I noticed my laptop becoming hotter than before so they could have cleaned it, but now it was just too late.
So I was left with the laptop and the swollen battery again, after I refused for them to charge me for the battery a little bit more than the price that I could get it from the online Apple Store.
any experience with swollen after normal usage batteries? Will the battery swell up more if I keep using it? Do you have any idea on how to convince Apple to give me a new battery? (after all, batteries aren't supposed to swell up, aren't they?)
How and where do you get Apple Computers repaired after Applecare has run out, and what sort of costs would be involved. Only asking because I have equipment that it has run out on and the wife wants the box/boxes gotten rid off....
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs it safe to buy AppleCare from a vendor on ebay rather than from Apple?
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy friend has a MacPro with 10.7 on it. He upgraded his OS by buying it on the App store. Now he has a weird screen at start up We would like to run Apple Hardware Test on the install DVD but as mentioned he bought it from the App store.The only file we get is an installer (4.2 GB) but it is not a start up disk.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'd like to get my macbook on a Mac Refurbished.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.2), sell my mac on Mac Refurbished
I'm looking into purchasing a Macbook Air and was curious if anyone had opinion on which refurbish unit I should be looking at? Specifically, I want to keep my budget around $1,100.
Apple has two different refurbished units 1) 1.6Ghz w/ 120GB HD or 2) 1.8Ghz w/ 80GB HD.
Should I sacrifice 40GB of HD for 0.2Ghz? Is there that noticeable of a difference? I also noticed that the 1.8Ghz seem to be running Intel graphics rather than the Nvida. Any thoughts?
Now that they have cheaper refurbished Macbooks up, I think I'm going to buy one today.
I have bought many refurbished products before, but never one this expensive. I just wanted to make sure that there is NO difference in warranty, quality or anything when buying refurbished. Simply just a computer that has been refurbished but includes everything as if it were being bought brand new.
Also I am definitely going to buy a new Hard drive for it immediately. I was reading around about the western digital 5400 rpm and 7200 rpm. Is it worth waiting for the 7200rpm or just go for the 5400? And is 500GB the biggest hard drive that I can put in my macbook? I want the biggest possible.
What is the exact drive that is compatible with the macbook?
I just got mine refurbished and it appears in perfect condition, and runs perfectly, but I have no idea whether the previous owner stressed it, in which case it may be more likely to break, or may break soon after my year is up. I don't really want to buy AppleCare, but I guess I might if it really is worth it.
View 24 Replies View Relatedwhats the difference in features between the modern macbook pro and this refurbished one?
Someone is selling a (supposedly) brand new MBP 15" i5 on [URL] and I am considering of buying it from him. I was wondering if there was any way of knowing whether it is a brand new MBP or refurbished?
View 21 Replies View RelatedI want a laptop for social networking and blogging. I want something that is simple to use. I'm thinking of buying a refurbished G4 laptop, as it is in my price range. But am also considering an iPad.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm planning to get a 13' refurbished MBA (Late 2010). Getting the stock model wouldn't be an issue, but if i wanted one with a 4GB RAM, is it possible to get one? SInce the RAM is soldered onto the board and upgrade is not an option.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI recently bought a refurbished macbook (2.1 ghz, 120 gb hd, 1 gb ram, not sure of video card), and I have been trying to play diablo 2. I downloaded the installer and patch for it, but after installing everything, I am unable to start it up at all. It says, "The application Diablo II quit unexpectedly." From here I can ignore, report or relaunch. I've reported once already, but relaunching is pointless and ignore obviously closes it out entirely. I am not even able to get a startup or menu screen to come up. I have never owned a Mac before now so I am learning as I go. I am pretty sure I need to get to 256 colors, but I am stuck with millions. There are no other available options and downgrading my resolution has had no effect.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI went to the refurbished online store and I noticed they are both selling for the same price. One is the latest generation and has all the nice features like 7 hour battery life and better screen, but the other has the dedicated gpu. I will be playing a fair amount of games, and I am wondering if the 9400m will be enough.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs a student discount available on refurbished items?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I recently ordered this refurbished MBP off of the Apple website:
15.4-inch LED-backlit glossy widescreen display
2GB memory
2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
NVIDIA GeForce 9600M GT graphics processor; and NVIDIA GeForce 9400M graphics processor with 256MB of DDR3 SDRAM shared with main memory
250GB hard drive
8x SuperDrive (DVD�R DL/DVD�RW/CD-RW)
Built-in iSight camera
Illuminated keyboard
I thought I got a good deal ($1299) but now that I think about it, I'm kind of upset that it does not have the built in battery. I wanted to ask about how many hours this MBP will last and if it was significantly less than the new MBPs with the built in battery. I don't use any graphic-intensive programs but I'd still like a long-lasting battery. I'm thinking about returning this one once I receive it and purchase the refurbished 2.53GHz Intel Core 2 Duo 13" with 4GB memory and the built in battery instead.
I need a new laptop and I've decided to make the move from PC to Mac. I think the thing that's bothered me most about the dell laptop I've been using for the past 4 years is that it's quite heavy (I think somwhere around 8 pounds) and bulky.
I fell in love with the powerbook 12", but held off in part for financial reasons, and in part because I was hoping there would be a 12" macbook pro.
I hear great things about the macbook, but trying it out in the store, it seems to be just as big as my Dell and almost as heavy (well, at least quite a bit heavier than what I remember the 12" feeling like).
at $1199, apple is offering a refurbished powerbook which seems to offer as much if not more than the macbook
I'm a comic book writer that travels quite a lot, so here's what I'd like:
To be able to use MS Word and Final draft
To be able to use photoshop (really just to open photoshop files, not to do much to the artwork itself)
To have something very light to travel with, but still big enough to do a significant amount of work on without straining my eyes or feeling like the keyboard is cramped
and I guess possibly to play games, notably civ iv, although it seems neither the powerbook or the macbook is good for that (the powerbook at least has a dedicated videocard)
it's mostly the size thing that's causing the hangup...I think the macbook is just big enough to be a problem on planes, not fitting on the fold out tray.
apple replaced my SR mbp with a new unibody model after a series of breaks (which was awesome). Anyway, they told us to buy applecare, and since we were getting a brand new laptop we kind of had to say yes, so we bought it. Then when I got home and actually tried to apply it, it said it already had applecare. So I looked up the serial and it's covered until sep 2012, 3 years. So did I just get free applecare or did it just automatically apply because they were on the same receipt?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI'm buying iMac, I should get it about 4/10/10, I got it with apple care. My question is :- in three years time, can I buy it again and still be covered?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have an old AppleCare Protection Plan for a Macbook Pro/Powerbook (MA515LL/A) that I did not use within one year of purchasing my old computer. Because of this (and my inability to find my proof of purchase), it was never registered. If I got a new Macbook Pro, would I be able to use this old AppleCare Protection Plan on it?
View 15 Replies View RelatedI want to purchase Applecare through Amazon because it is so much cheaper than the Apple Store. However, Amazon doesn't have any listings for Applecare specifically for the Air.
View 6 Replies View Relatedthere the webpage that sais this :
1. Tell us about your AppleCare agreement.
Select your location
Select Your Agreement
2. Review the Terms and Conditions.
3. Provide your address information.well after i select the Country, the next tab shows (which is the SELECT YOUR AGREEMENT) well that tab doesnt have anything, it just shows this >
My Applecare is about to run out on my Macbook pro.