MacBook Pro :: Formatting Palette On Excel Will Not Open All Of The Functions?
Jun 25, 2012
Whenever I try to manipulate a chart in Excel, my formatting palette will not open all of the way? The formatting palette opens completely in Microsoft Word.
I use the format palette all the time. Somehow, it's disappeared now, and every time I use the correct instructions to get it back (view palette, etc) it doesn't come out. I see something flashing across the screen, almost as if it is hiding from me, but I can't get it back.
I am running Excel 2008 on my MacBook Pro. I'd like to conditionally format some cells in a single column with a condition format like: <COndition 1> AND <Condition 2> AND <Condition 3> However, the (paltry) help seems to suggest that I can only do a logical OR of the conditions. It says "If more than one condition is true for a cell, Excel applies only the formatting of the first true condition to that cell."
Although that is a bit vague, I certainly can't get it to do logical AND through the graphical interface. Google has failed to find me the answer. Sniff.
I have loaded windows 7 and parallels. I want to load MS office so I can send properly formatted excel and doc files to my client. They say the numbers conversion does not translate well to Excel and pages to word. Do I load MS Office in the windows OS? How can i access the numbers file in the Mac OS to use in the Windows OS on Excel? Is this a better option than loading Office for Mac? I need the formatting that I put into the excel file lto hold.
I am just trying to alternate the row colors of excel by selecting all cells and then going to autoformat and selecting "List 1." It then takes forever to load and freezes. I have to command + alt +esc to get out of excel. Does anyone know why this is happening?! I have mac excel 2008.
I'm doing a paper in Office 2008, and need some charts for better visualization. I want to have some graphs showing the numbers of listeners of ten different radio stations by columns. To provide good labeling I thought about the names of the radio stations under the chart, but horizontally it's quite a mess, vertically is hard to read. So is it possible to orientate the labels diagonally, maybe sixty degrees or see instead of the pre formatted settings of 270 degrees? I couldn't find definite answers via Excel help or even Google. ("excel chart labels orientation").
I write reports and I use office for mac because at work I need to read the reports I write at home with macbook. I use tables on microsoft word that are connected to excel. When I click on them the excel opens to may introduce formulas and text. If I close excel the table I modified on excell lays on word with the rest of the text of the report. My doubt is when I add cells to the table on excel....I can't visualize them on word...
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.6.3 (Build 10D2094) CPU: Intel Core Duo, Number: 4, Speed: 2147 MHz Haven't had a problem to date and after opening a file that excel obviously struggled with for some reason, excel open briefly then I encounter the following error message. Much obliged for any help or guidance.
My MBP blew up so am on a temporary Blackbook and luckily all my important day to day docs are on my iDisk, no problem I thought... But something really odd is happening, when I try to open a spreadsheet with Excel (tried 04 and 08) it says "the file may be read only or you may be trying to access a read only location or the server the document on may not be responding".
I can open the file with open office and ALL other file types open fine from iDisk (including Word and PPT).
At the moment I am having to drag the files to my desktop edit them and drag them back to iDisk so all is up to date when I get my computer back.
Has anyone had anything similar? Any tips gratefully received (apart from the obvious; ditch MS Office!).
After first noticing the problem I set iDisk to keep a local copy on the temp machine but this made no difference.
I cannot access or save exel or Powerpoint Files. I did restart the machine after every install. I also repaired the disc permissions but I had two messages come up: 1. SUID file " system/library/ been modified and will not be repaired 2. SUID file " system/library/ been modified and will not be repaired When I try and open an excel or PowerPoint file that already exists, a message pops up and says that "the file cannot be accessed".When I try and save a new file it says that several things could be wrong such as:I have installed and uninstalled so many times. I have called apple and they said its a Microsoft problem so they wouldn't help. I then called Microsoft and they wont help unless I purchase another copy. The copy I originally had got deleted during my reboot. I have no idea how to solve this problem. I need excel in order to do my schoolwork.
I just used software updater this morning (Oct. 22,2010). Now when I go to open an excel file, it appears to open but doesn't. I can open up other excel files. Other people can open up this same file. I even had someone re-save file with new name, and it still won't open. If I open it directly from Entourage, it will open excel, but not the workbook. The workbook isn't hidden, as I've tried to print and unhide workbook, but it's acting as if there's no workbook open. I think this has something to do with the updated software from this week.
I get an error message that says the file cannot be accessed because it is a "read-only" or in a read only location. I tried both opening it from the email and saving it to my desktop and opening it. Both ways I get the same message. These are files that I believe were created on Excel for Windows.
I'm getting a weird error when I try to open Microsoft Excel 2004. "You can't open the application "Microsoft Excel" because the Classic environment is no longer supported."
1. Excel used to work just fine (I'm not sure if I've used it since I upgraded to Leopard) 2. I've seen other people say on forums that the MS Office 2004 suite works fine with Leopard 3. As far as I know the Classic environment was phased out in Leopard, though I don't think I've ever used the classic environment 4. All my other MS Office Apps work
I'm not having much luck with google, hopefully it's a dumb configuration thing that I don't know about.