MacBook Pro :: Face Time Hd Camera Clarity Is Poor
Apr 20, 2012
i purchase the new macBook pro 5days back.i find the camera has poor clarity..Can any one suggest how to improve the clarity of the camera or any sittings are their..
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 19, 2012
I am an Imac user and learning this new macbook air. I have face time on this and am wondering if I can use skype with the facetime camera of if I need to add a remote web cam? I am not seeing the video function in skype.
Info:MacBook Air, iOS 5.1.1
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Mar 12, 2012
How much time can you use the face time software? I mean, how longer is the licence?
MacBook Air, New MacBook Air 13" display
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Mar 29, 2012
I am having trouble accessing FT on my mac at the sign in.This is my first time on mac for this however use it reg on my IPhone. I put my apply ID and password in and it is telling me the check my connectivity? Could not sign in , please check your conection and try again.
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Mar 15, 2012
I want to purchase the FaceTime App for my MBP, but i want to be sure that it will work for all users on my MBP. My wife and I (much to my dislike) share my MBP and When i go out of town, I want to be able to use the FaceTime app to chat with her and my son. We use seperate App store accounts for our Iphones (3g and 4s) will this matter?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010)
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May 31, 2012
Is there a new Face Time I can download? Since I upgraded to OSC Lion it won't work. I want to use it.
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Nov 29, 2010
However i have tried to download some software to use "face time" and it requires my password... I am 100% sure i am entering the correct password but it is not accepted, any ideas?
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Mar 22, 2012
I recently bought a couple-year-old Dell 22 inch monitor (model SP2208WFP) and I'm having trouble figuring out the best connection to use. I have a early/mid 2010 MacBook Pro and the monitor can connect via VGA, DVI, or HDMI. Connecting via VGA is terrible - text is incredibly unclear and hard to read on the external monitor. Connecting via HDMI is much better in text clarity, but the colors are weird such that I can't see most pictures because they're too dark. Connecting via DVI seems to be the best option - colors are the correct color and the text clarity is fine, but still a little jagged with smaller text. I've tried using the calibrationg assistant in System Preferences on my Mac, but that seems to make things worse.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 9, 2012
today i decided to use my sony bravia 26 inch klv series LCD TV as my primary display instead of my LG 22 inch LED and at first i was surprised that it reported the input as "unsupported". after a few tries now i have the display running as a primary diplay at 1080p and the macbook in closed lid clamshell. but the picture clarity is horrible! the font is barely readable and the color isn't that good either. also, the edges of both the font and the pictures aren't sharp or crisp.
its like watching a blur image like on a vga. i'm using a mini display port to dvi adapter and a dvi to hdmi cable. before u think its the cable let me tell u this same cable works fine with my 22inch led, 22inch sony lcd and 40 inch sony lcd in the living room. but they had their own set of problems. the color is unnatural with too much saturation for a computer screen and the zoom fit is a well known probelm which required a lot of effort untill apple equppied os x with "underscan"
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Mid 2010
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Feb 24, 2012
So I dropped my macbook pro and it was opened and it landed face down (screen/keyboard hit floor) and I picked it up immediately and plugged it back into the charger. The screen is black and it will not turn on and is making no noises or anything. When I plugged the charger back in, the light went green, but otherwise the computer is completely unresponsive. It has a plastic shell on it, but I still think that something could be wrong. Can this be fixed?! If so, how?!
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.6)
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Jan 10, 2009
Surely this is a pretty standard feature in laptops now, particularly with Apple's obsession with iPhoto etcDoes it come as an option?How do you get your pics off your camera? You have to connect a usb cable from the laptop to the camera?
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May 23, 2012
i bought an ssd for my laptop knowing that is not going to use the sata3 because this model is only sata2 capable but the you check in system information and says that: Velocidad de enlace: 3 gigabitsVelocidad de enlace negociada:1,5 gigabits There is any possibility to use the sata2 speed in this laptop, because the ssd is going faster than the traditional hdd 5400rpm but not as fast as other ssd in sata2. with TRIM active the maximum performance is 130 read and 90 write while with the hdd was 70 read and 70 write. Versión de la ROM de arranque: MBP71.0039.B0EVersión SMC (sistema):1.62f6 Tried with a bootcamp and windows 7 64 bit and the same performance.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.4), ssd sata 3 240gb sandforce
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Aug 15, 2009
I have a MacBook (late 2007) and I've noticed that my internet crawls when I'm using the laptops battery power. I can be downloading a file at 200 kB/s under A/C power, and as soon as it goes on to the battery it'll drop to 10 kB/s. I'm assuming some kind of power saving is being activated, but this has only happened recently. Around the same time this started happening, I updated my computer to 10.5.8 and I also turned in my computer to the Apple store to have the palm rests replaced for having cracked under the weight of the lcd. Would this problem be caused by either the update or the repair, and if not, what could be causing it?
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Jun 3, 2010
I have a broken fan in my 2008 MBP. The broken fan is on the side where my right hand is so im assuming thats thr right fan on the MBP. It still spins a bit but is insanely loud but my MBP performance has dropped considerably lately and im wondering if there is any correlation between the two. The main issue is video.
Videos that used to stream fine low lag and are choppy and working in Final Cut and After Effects has become quite the slow and verrrrrry choppy process. All things were working out smoothly until recently. I am getting the fan replaced next week and hope it remedies these problems. If anyone has any experience with this I would love to hear it!
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Jun 2, 2012
I know this has been asked many times before but seeing as im a new mac user ill ask anyways. I bought my Macbook pro 13" i5 yesterday and have noticed the very poor battery life. A partial reason i bought a mac was because of the long battery life advertised. My battery is lasting 3 hours off charge ( the same as my 3 year old eePc) I have called support but unfortunately being a Sunday no one is available to chat. Lets see my chances on here.What can I do to make my battery life last longer than 3 hours!?It the battery drains even when im just browsing the net with no other applications open... as im writing this it has already drained from 59%-50% within a 10 minute time span..
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011)
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Jul 16, 2008
When I used my Air today, I noticed that the trackpad button seemed raised. It was like you could lightly push down on it and it would "click", but not actually click. If you pushed harder, then it would actually hit the button and click. Hard to describe, in another way, when you put your finger on the left side of the button, while pushing it down, and slide it to the right, it makes a loud clicking noise. Anyone else had this issue? This is my second Air with the same problem. My first was exchanged due to several problems, and now I get one of the same issues. This is a bit disappointing. Now I really wish I took their offer of exchanging for a Macbook Pro.
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Jul 12, 2009
I recently upgraded my 1st Gen MBP 2.14Ghz and my legs no longer get cooked while doing basic task. This is a great improvement.My new laptop is the 2.53Ghz w/ 4GB and 9400M Nvidia GPU w/ 256MB shared memory. upgraded w/ EFI 1.7
Aside from the upcoming Snow Leopard, the main reason I upgraded was because I watch alot of online video. Netflix, Hulu, etc...I have read that the new GPU does alot of the decoding which keeps the CPU in single digits.I noticed something was sluggish the first time I started watching videos. Netflix had a vertical sync issue that I never experienced w/ my old MBP.Then today I was watching Hulu and I saw the processing or CPU jump to 112% and the base of my laptop was very hot.
Like I said I purchased the new MBP hoping to avoid cooking the family jewels. Anyone know what's going on and what I can do to stop this?
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Jul 12, 2009
Just got the 2.53 model coming from the unibody 2.4 MBP. This new screen is not very good IMHO. I have panel LP154WP4-TLA1. The colors look fake and I swear the text is blurry. I am having major eyestrain when reading in the dark. That never happened with my old MBP.
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Aug 10, 2009
I just bought a 13" MBP over the weekend as an upgrade to my original series white Macbook bought July 2006.My understanding is that the battery is rated for 7-8hours. Yet I do not see any improvement over my previous 3yr old Macbook regarding battery life.Right now, I have the screen set on dimest, nothing else running other than the browser, battery is at 80% and it says 4 hours remaining. What gives?I have had this Macbook and my old white macbook sitting next to each other doing pretty much the same thing and the % battery remaining seemed to track pretty close between them. The new Macbook doing better, but not by much.I used migration assistant to copy over the system. But I've done a new install since then. Could it somehow remember the old Macbook's battery performance?
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Oct 31, 2009
I dunno why. but my airport wireless is very unstable.i have a early 2008 macbook pro 15inch.It's inconsistent. breaks on and off.
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Jul 5, 2010
I'm using a MacBook Pro OSX 10.6.4, have a simple dongle I purchased at the Mac Store which takes only DVI. The HP 2304 widescreen monitor only works with windows mirrored and has poor resolution - nothing like the 1440 Mac tells me I'm getting. I've used the build HP display adjustments with no joy. HP does not have Mac drivers for this display.
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Jun 26, 2012
Every time I connect my Canon EOS 5D, my iMac, does not recognize it. What can I do to fix this? I will upgrade to OS X Mountain Lion.
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Core i7, 8GB RAM, 1TB hard drive
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Sep 9, 2010
So I recently moved into a new apartment with my 2 roommates, one of which has a macbook, while the other has a desktop that is plugged directly into the router. My macbook roomie has no issues with the WiFi. I, however, have been having numerous issues. It mostly seems to be with posting things, sending emails, logging into websites, and playing videos. 9/10 times I can't post topics onto message boards or update my facebook status. My Gmail almost always works well, while my college email can't send a thing. On twitter I often cannot load the next set of tweets. I was trying to order a textbook online today, I added to cart, and when I went to complete the checkout, the connection timed out. I can do all of these things, however, on the WiFi network on campus at school. Basically what I'm asking is, is this a problem on my end that I can fix? I doubt that the problem lies with our internet providers, because I can have my laptop side by side with my roommates, and he has no issues.
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Sep 10, 2010
So I've had my MBP 13 for 3 weeks and i took a screenshot of coconut battery. I've noticed crappy battery life so does the 94% mean my battery isn't doing as good as it should be? Shouldn't it be at 100 since its new?
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Nov 28, 2010
I used my 13.3/1.86/4GB MBA to watch football today and was pretty surprised with the poor battery results. Would this seem normal?
Took off charger at 11:45AM CST, battery 100%Apps open - Mail, Chrome, Parallels with Win XP running, no XP apps open11:45-12:00pm - Simple browsing, no flash running (I use FlashBlock)12:00pm - I start up one window for NFL Sunday Ticket Online, Flash fullscreen video and one window for my Yahoo Fantasy Sports which also uses Flash. For the bulk of the time the NFL game is on fullscreen video with my Fantasy app running in the background1:15pm - I notice my battery is down to 48% with approx 1 hr 10 min remaining. I check my screen brightness and it is at 100% (not sure why), I reduce brightness to 50%1:15 - I use the computer same as at 12:00pm but now at 50% brightness
2:20 - My computer goes into hibernation (there was a low battery warning about 5-10 mins earlier.
So I essentially got 2 1/2 hours of usage with the bulk being heavy usage with flash. For the bulk of the time the computer was using 50-60% of the processor and the exhaust was about 3400rpm (the fan was audible but not loud). Does this usage time seem normal for what I did? I would have expected at least to get 4-5 hours with a 13.3 using flash. Also I was surprised that the battery life didn't improve at all after dropping screen brightness from 100% to 50%.
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Feb 21, 2008
I can't seem to get 3 hours of life out of this battery and I wanted to know if I was alone on this. I've drained it multiple times and my capacity is at 4829. Sure, with the screen dimmed all the way and everything turned off I can reach 4 hours, but that's not why I purchased this machine. With my screen on max, no bluetooth, and WiFi on, I struggle to get 3 hours. This is with normal web-browsing, typing in word, etc. Forget about watching a movie, because the time remaining will just drop like a rock. I don't recall what the max capacity was on these batteries. If it's 5200, then I'm already at ~93%. At what point do I go into Apple to demand a new one?
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Jul 19, 2009
I've been getting poor battery life on my MBP for about a month now. I get like 90 minutes to 2 hours max with brightness down and bluetooth off. I tried calibrating to no avail, and finally I'd had enough and called Apple.
I still have 8 months left on my original warranty. The guy on the phone told me that unless I bought Apple Care for the extended phone support, he could not help me. So I said fine, should I just go into the Apple Store? He said no, they would refer me back to him and he still couldn't help me. So I asked him if my one year warranty included battery problems like I'd outlined, and he said yes, but that I'd need phone support. WTF?
Okay, that makes zero sense and I'm annoyed now with his endless loop of nothing. Basically I can't get a part of my purchase that's covered under warranty taken care of because I haven't bought Apple Care yet? That's ridiculous. Has anyone else heard of this? Of course, I always buy Apple Care for my products, but when I purchase it varies within the first year based on when I have the money.I made a Genius Bar appointment, but I was really hoping to not have to go there today. Just wondering if anyone has some insight on this.
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Jan 1, 2010
Two days ago I got a 'new' refurbished 13" MBP from Apple to replace my aging 2006 MB. It's ok, but not quite as nice as I expected. One major thing I've noticed is that the wireless reception is much worse than my old MacBook. They're both connected to a Netgear WGR614 v9, but the MB is getting about 2/4 bars, while the MBP is constantly dropping the connection. In fact, right now I have the MB booted in Win7 and it's running Connectify, in order to share the connection with the MBP. I'm downloading the latest software updates right now, and then I'll see if any firmware is available, but I doubt that will make much of a difference. Is this because the new MBP is made from aluminum?
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Jun 10, 2012
Have MBA 11.6 MC969 Mid 2011 with Lion 10.7.4 and use only for web browsing and Skype. Battery Power life is about 100 min per cycle.
And then 0% of power of life. Any idea what to do?
MacBook Air (11-INCH, MID 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jul 6, 2012
I have a 13 month old macbook pro. Recently it has been operating VERY sluggishly. Its slow/jumpy when scrolling through internet pages, through documents, pictures, downloads etc. The little rainbow 'loading' icon (i'm sorry i'm not sure what it's called) seems to appear all the time, when doing most things.I've also noticed that my battery life has gone appaling. I charge it up and get a couple of hours tops now and the 'time remaining' icon jumps up and down massively now rather than remaining relatively constant.
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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