MacBook Pro :: Battery And Usb Broadband Modem
Jun 8, 2010
got my mbp 15 i5 last week, ive been testing my battery, already recalibrated and all that.. i get 8+ hours on full charge on idle.. pretty average on normal use, around 5-6 hours. anyways so while i was testing my battery, i decided to unplug my usb broadband modem to see how much battery it's draining from my laptop. but to my surprise my battery life went down from approximately 3 hours left, to 2 and half ! i even waited 5 minutes so it can properly calculate it, but it didnt increase. so my question is wuzzup widat?! shouldnt it be the other way around? i was planning on canceling my wireless broadband contract when it expires and just wirelessly tether my newly jailbroken iphone via mywi for internet access, but its seems like wifi is a minus on the battery, but usb modems are actually a plus.
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Sep 1, 2009
i have got already a time capsule 500g and now i move to sweden i just wonder is it possible to use time capsule as wireless modem for broadband or not by other words is it necessary to buy a modem or can i just connect time cap to?
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Jan 17, 2010
I have recently moved house and no longer have access to a DSL / ADSL line but have successfully plugged a wireless USB modem (ZTE MF688+) into my desktop PC. I have a mac book pro and a time capsule which were previously networked but I don't know how to access the internet as there is no DSL cable to plug into the time capsule. Is there any way to use the Time Capsule to access the internet without plugging a DSL / ADSL cable in?
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Feb 10, 2009
I am finally jumping on the WiFi bandwagon at home - I know my macs pretty well but need advice at this wireless stuff...
1) I currently have a broadband modem that came with my BT broadband account - am I right I do not need to change this - just add an airport extreme/express to it?
2) What should I be considering when I am choosing between express/extreme? is extreme just longer range? I live in a 2 bed flat on 1 floor..
3) I would like to add some storage to this airport so I can store my itunes music on it and have it accessible to my laptop when I come in the house with it - I see airport extreme has a usb port - but is this USB2? if only usb1 then that would be very slow - what's the best way of adding wireless network storage (something like a firewire/usb2 drive like the drobo) to my wireless network?
4) - I am thinking about getting an apple tv - does extreme/express decision make any difference in this regard?
5) - If I want to run itunes through my main stereo - do I need to get a separate airport express for that? (Stereo and broadband modem are in different rooms in the flat) and does my laptop then work as itunes server, sending music from the storage attached to the airport extreme, to the express attached to the stereo?
6) - I see many people use a mac mini in systems like this - what are the advantages of having a separate mac mini added to the system to act as a media server as opposed to just using my laptop?
7) - If am am attaching media storage to a WiFi network - how do I make sure it is secure?
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Feb 10, 2007
Is there any sort of "bridge" software that allows a terminal emulation program, say, Z-Term, to use Skype as a modem? It seems silly to pay for connections to BBS's when I've got SkypeOut, but I haven't been able to find a way to do this.
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Jun 17, 2008
What O2 settings I need to enter into my macbook to get my mobile broadband working? The O2 manual doesn't make sense and on the O2 website it says the mac will walk me through it but nothing comes up. I guess I need to enter the settings in manually but I dont know what they are and where to put them.
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May 25, 2012
why cant i connect to Celcom Broadband?
Info:MacBookPro, forgot the OS sory...
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Jun 30, 2009
Just installed a new netgear wnr2000 router with my Virgin Media 20mb broadband.
Broadband speed checker says i'm now getting 19000kbps down load and 750kbps upload, not bad.
19 meg tops my last result by some 6 meg.
However, the actual page loads are taking considerably longer than my old belkin router.
I'm using safari and wpa security settings (in case it matters).
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Jan 28, 2009
i have a Three Mobile Broadband dongle and am looking for an alternative way of connecting to 3g from it rather then use the 3 Connect software ?on my MBP i was getting kernal panics due to the software - plug in, use broadband , close connection and then the system will crash with a kernal panic.anyone elese have the same issue? any workaround or other software ?great deal on it BTW 3GB pack on a PAYG for ?49
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Oct 31, 2009
I've reloaded OS9 on my G3 400 iMac, with the intention of bringing it back up to 10.3 after a 7 pass HD clean. Last night I downloaded the firmware upgrade on my current iMac and transferred it via USB flash pen, but it's unable to read it, presumably as it was written with an Intel OS and it appears with a PC icon. I don't know if downloading it via the original iMac would make any difference. However, as it can only has dialup internet access, that's out of the question with my broadband connection.
While I'm at it, I may a well ask, what is the fastest way to get to 10.3 Panther? I've seen another site, but can't locate it again, where it said 9.1 would have to be installed before then installing 10.2 Jaguar. Is this correct?
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Feb 1, 2010
I have a slow broadband connection with iMac, My wireless router is connected at 4Mbs but my imac only gets download speeds on usually around 0.5Mbs. My daughters laptop running Windows 7 will connect at about 2 Mbs at the same location as the iMac. Is there any thing I can do to improve the speed ? My imac is a 27" c2d with Snow Leopard & using Safari & connected wireless.
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May 12, 2010
I've just received my dongle and having set it up noticed that the internet manager application uses about 20% of my CPU causing my fan to ramp up all the while I'm using the internet.I was just wondering if anyone is having similar issues and knows of a way to make it more efficient.
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Mar 16, 2009
I've been using 3 (UK) mobile broadband for about the last year now, paired with a Huawei E220 USB dongle. At times this has worked well, but it quite often has unexplainable issues which I'm growing tired of.
I'm wondering what experience others have had with 3G modems for the Mac. Are there any particular modems that worked especially well for you?
Likewise with UK providers - is there anyone in particular you've found to work well? For reference I'm looking at general use in and around London where the 3G coverage is pretty good.
I'm leaning toward the Vodafone USB Modem Stick 'Pro' on a 24 month package for �15 per month. Their network appears to be one of the fastest (7.2mb), Voda's coverage is generally good, and the modem has the bonus of doubling as a USB drive with the addition of a microSD card.
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Apr 5, 2009
I'm currently on Satellite broadband (unfortunately no other option where I live) and the latency is, as expected, very high. While downloading files is no problem, loading pages like NZHerald and using Google is awful. Generally it takes forever (slower than dial up) and often Google fails to load.
Can someone suggest some third-party software so that I can make this bearable?
I've heard of using software to somehow optimise broadband so that it requests sites differently.
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Jul 17, 2009
have just gone onto an 18 month contract with tmobile, and it is working fine - speed and connection wise.
Now I have the aluminium macbook (if that makes a difference...) and for some reason, whenever I go onto a webpage, 90% if not all the images dont load.
For example on this forum, the mac rumors: forums logo comes up, but when looking at smilies and stuff in the thread they do not.
They have blue boxes with ? marks in them.
This happens on every website I go onto. I have tried safari and firefox and the same thing happens in both.
I have windows 7 on here aswell that I boot into using boot camp, and it works perfectly fine on there - so its definitly a mac related issue.
The stick I am using is the 530 stick from tmobile.
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Feb 21, 2012
I bought a Power Mac G4 (version=3.3) second hand from my company. It is running Mac OS 10.2.8 and Microsoft Office X. I wish to connect it to my BT broadband hub. However, it does not appear to have an AirPort card and even if it did I was told that the BT hub mainly works with Microsoft rather than apple products. Can anyone advise me how I can connect and what products I need to buy?
PowerMac, Mac OS (10.2.x)
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Jul 12, 2009
so I dont know why, but I have recently purchased a tmobile mobile broadband stick on an 18 month contract, but for some reason the pictures are not showing up.
For example , when making a thread, all the smilies and stuff have those white question marks in blue boxes.
Apparently the dongle just makes the mac all messed up and go crazy, and is reversible - have had a look on the web , but to no avail.
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Mar 31, 2012
why my Imac looses connection with my tele2 broadband. It does not find the airport after a few minutes run. And when I do a diagnostics it findes it again and says "it seems to work normally" and then after a few minutes again it fails.
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Jun 15, 2012
I just downloaded it. It is on the desktop, is it running, doing something or how do I get it to work?
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Jan 20, 2008
It states on the info that the time capsule is for DSL broadband connections.
Living in a non-cabled area we are forced into using ADSL broadband. Is there any way to get the time capsule to work on ADSL?
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Oct 18, 2009
I have tried a Sierra mobile broadband adapter from AT&T and an Ovation mobile broadband adapter from AT&T but both do not work.
The Sierra card gave a "terminal failure" and the Ovation card cause a kernel panic.
Does any carrier make a mobile broadband adapter that works with Snow Leopard without a tweak or hack?
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Jan 26, 2010
I'm looking into purchasing a modem through our phone carrier that will allow me to use internet at my house (much cheaper than the monopoly of cable internet). I was wondering if I can somehow make that 3g network modem wireless with my airport express so that I can use the internet wirelessly on multiple computers throughout the house (including appletv).
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Aug 21, 2010
I currently need to replace my mobile broadband and dongle as my existing one with Virgin media in a pain in the ass. From day one it has never worked and I have to constantly work around the software to get it to work on my Mac Book Pro.So my question is, can anyone recommend a mobile broadband provider which will allow a dongle to be plugged into my Mac Book Pro running Snow Leopard without ay issues at all.
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Jan 26, 2010
I have a home network where all devices (various Macbook pros, xbox, ps3, pc's, etc.) connect wirelessly via airport extreme: works great. I am trying to connect an ipod touch from a distance of about 75 feet, and although it will connect, it drops the signal now and again (signal strength goes from 1 bar to no bars). I have this older dell "Wireless 2350 Broadband Router" and I am wondering if I could add this either in a wired or wireless configuration to repeat the base station signal (i.e., to extend the range of the network). I know that I could just run out and buy an airport express to accomplish this, but I'd like to see if I could "recycle" the dell router first. Whatever I do, I don't want to muck up the primary network in the process.
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Feb 25, 2009
I have just recieved a Macbook Pro as a birthday gift! Along with it came Airport Express. We already have an imac that is connected to the internet via an ethernet cable using the broadband provider Virgin Media. Can I create a wireless network with airport express and my broadband or do I need some sort of upgrade or additional hardware?
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Jan 4, 2010
I have just completed rescuing a water damaged MB C2D which was originally a 2.16 and is now a 1.83. Fun project for a cold Sunday afternoon. 5 hrs I have one issue with the MB and that is the charging of the battery. The battery icon sometimes shows 'no battery' or if it shows a battery is recognized, it isn't charging. The LED on the mag-safe charger is always green. The battery is from the water damaged 2.16 and my thinking is that it may have suffered damage from being exposed to water. Original owner left the MB in the backyard and it started to rain!
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Sep 1, 2010
i managed to get on the at&t all you can eat $29 data plan for ipad, but no longer have the ipad (gave it away, was not using it enough). however, i kept the sim.
i'm thinking of putting the microsim in a modem and using it in my mbp... however, i was hoping to get some recommendations. any one using one in the SD slot or a general USB one (the SD slot is why i posted this in the MBP forum, mods!).
realize the software is not built in, so that would be a pretty key requirement. i hate the idea of os 10.7 coming out and having to wait six months for drivers
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Jul 27, 2009
today i'm setting off on an ambitious undertaking, building a wireless 3g modem (on the at&t network of course) that would fit into the MacBook airport card slot and act in place of it, therein giving me 3g internet signal anywhere i go. Only problem is, i have no idea how to do this, i was hoping you guys might be able to help
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Mar 8, 2010
Hi, I want to network 2 of my old mac book pros (2006) using an old DSL Modem/Router of mine. I don't want to connect to the internet using the modem, but just use the router capabilities of it. Is this possible?
I intend to use the connection to begin a small render farm for my designs!
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Mar 29, 2012
I want to use my 3G iPad as a modem for my MacBook Pro? And how is the best way to do it?
MacBook Pro, iOS 5.1
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