MacBook Pro :: Why Is There A Weird Blue Spot / When Screen Is Black
Dec 2, 2014
while working on my computer i can vaguely see a weird blue spot in the center of my screen. When the screen is dark or black a bright blue spot appears.
MacBook Pro
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May 31, 2012
I have a tiny black spot on my imac screen that is only noticable when background is white.
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May 16, 2012
There is a black spot on top right of the screen on my imac 21 inch.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jan 2, 2011
I have a 15'' mbp previous generation with the silver keys. I had my trackpad repaired by apple back in March 2010. Since then, these little black smudges and white spots have been appearing behind the lcd screen. The black smudges actually look like dust that got between the screen. I took some pictures and circled them. You can see them better against a white screen. Sorry about the quality of the pics. The first one is the whole screen and the second two are close ups of a black smudge and a white spot.
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Jun 19, 2012
I have a MacBook Pro Core 2 Duo 2.5GHz/250GB HDD/2GB RAM that won't turn on, unless I leave the power button pressed, in which case, as you all know, the computer turns off again. It started about 3 days ago. Set the computer to sleep, shut it closed, took it to another room and opened it. The MBP gave me the blue screen, then black and then... nothing. At first I thought it was the HDD, but now I'm having second thoughts. I now think it's the cpu fan.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Aug 29, 2014
Macbook Pro 15 inch
OS X 10.9.4
2.4 GHz Intel Cor i7
4 GB 1333 MHz DDR3Â
I have had my macbook pro for just over 2 years. About a week ago it started randomly giving me a blue striped, grey, or black screen. The fan pins up and won't stop and either the laptop shuts itself off or I have to force it off. When it restarts it is very slow and sometimes the fan kicks on and won't stop and the screen just stays white after the initial apple and spinning wheel screen, so I have force shut it down and try again. Other times it eventually loads and lets me in but everything responds slowly and takes some time to open.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Feb 4, 2008
I am looking at purchasing an Ibook G4 but the description of the item includes this:"When you switch it on it begins to load up i.e. the blue screen with the Apple logo, but then the screen goes black or flickers. Said friend has kindly wiped the hard drive for me so now when you switch it on it makes the �opening� noise then you get a blue screen with alternating �?� and the Finder logo."
I have a feeling this may have been a temporary fault with the screen connector being loose and possibly damaged.But i assume the alternating "?" and the "finder logo" is simply a lack of OS?
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Jul 3, 2012
New to Mac computers. When trying to open computer after being in sleep mode, I clicked the mouse to open the password screen, & a blank blue/black screen appeared & the mouse timer( colored circle) appeared, as if to be waiting. I had to unplug the computer to reboot it. This has happened twice in 2 days.
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011)
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Feb 8, 2009
Everytime I turn it on I get a black box asking to shut down or restart the mac. I have managed to get it to turn on to powersave and managed to update the software. Thought it might help but just made it worse - it won't boot up at all now past an apple symbol with a little swirly thingy underneath (I apologise now for my lack of intelligence when it comes to computers/knowledge/names of things!) The first time I managed to boot the computer up it came up with the grey screen and a little folder flashing between a face and a question mark which I assume meant it couldn't find anything but that appears to have gone away now. I bought this computer new from Apple about 2 - 3 years ago and no disks were provided with it.
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Apr 26, 2012
I have an iMac 21inch, Late 2009. I found after it was runing really slow that my hard drive was failing. It told me there were SMART errors on the drive. The computer is out of warranty and I'm in the middle of no where so i have no Mac store to take it to. I bought a new drive, same model, and installed it into the computer. It turns on fine, but after the Apple logo and spinning coge wheel the screen flashes, shows the blue back ground like its going to load the desktop and then goes black.Â
I've tried connecting an external monitor to it and shows up like an extended display. I've tried connecting it to another Mac, a Mini, and the Mini can boot off the iMacs hard drive just fine. If it Target Disk mode the Mini and boot the iMac I get the same flash of blue desktop then it goes black. Â
This is where it gets weird though, I'm sure your thinking, ok the screen is going bad... BUT, I boot off an Ubuntu CD, or the AHT disk and it loads fine and has no turning black. Its only when booting into the Mac OS or the installation disk. Â
One last note is that when its at the black screen and I'm sure its loaded the desktop, if I hold the power button down for about 3-4 seconds, till I hear a click. I then press the button again right away and the screen flashes on showing me the desktop and everything, for about 2 seconds... Â
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May 13, 2012
My Mac froze. I tried rebooting and now it won't boot past the blue screen. I have a mouse pointer and there is a small black circle with three smaller blue dots inside of it in the upper right hand corner of the screen. Clicking on it does nothing. I tried booting in safe mode but it wouldn't boot past the galaxy screen. Again, I had a mouse pointer but nothing more. I've tried booting from the OS disc that came with the computer. It sounds like the disc is running but nothing ever happens.
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Mar 20, 2009
This morning I noticed a soft white spot on the lower left corner of my Macbook. It's not a dead pixel. I've seen those before and this is different. This spot only shows up as a light spot when the screen has a light background. On a darker screen it totally disappears. The spot is a few mm in size and. I've examined the top of the LCD case and it's smooth. The Macbook has not been dropped in anyway.
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Jan 18, 2010
i have the new unibody white macbook. And sometimes when i am viewing pictures, there is a spot on the pic that looks like the screen would be broken (sorry i dont know how to explain this). This happens alot on almost every site sometimes though. Here is an example If you guys could please help me on this it would be great. You can see in the bottom pic what is wrong and it can look much worse on other pics like a bunch of little squares too.
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Mar 29, 2012
I have iMac 27 and screen problem on start up i have blue vertical lines, when it start i have a lot of blue dots and nothing else. when I connect outside monitor its showing the same.
Just installed lion and still the same problem when it starts blue dots, when startup in safe mode loads of blue lines and dots on the screen.
iMovie (iOS), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Sep 17, 2010
while i am using my macbook the screen will suddenly go blue and flash between different blue colors like it is trying to work. sometimes it comes back on but most of the time it stays like that. I have to force shut down with the button and then restart...about half the time it is still flashing blue after the restart and if it does work, it goes blue eventually.
dont know if its a problem with the screen or what because the computer continues to work...if there is a movie on, you can here it in the background and the screen just flashes.
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Jan 1, 2010
I just got a new mid 09 macbook pro no matter how I calibrate the screen. the dark/deep blue will always look like purple colour.
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Mar 31, 2012
How do I get rid of hazy spot on my IMac screen?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Feb 9, 2012
i have a problem with my imac 21,5 medio 2010, since today i have a white spot/line of 3cm and i have warranty. will apple repair it ?Â
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2010)
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Feb 8, 2007
Let me first apologize for this being very similar to one other topic in this section. However this is exactly what is happening to my computer and no one has answered the other guys thread ( similar to my post - agentphish - posted 01-19-2007, 08:19 AM).
I have searched through 50 of 77pages in this particular forum and my eyes are bugging out. Could someone please give me advice on this matter.
First, about 1 month or so ago I started noticing that in the bottom left and right corners of my screen, about the size of a nickel, it is a lighter color than that of the rest of the screen. It is hard to notice, but I do.
Now, I have recently begun to experience a large round dark area, just slightly smaller than the diameter of a CD in the lower left hand side of my 2 year old powerbook.
It only manifests itself when the computer has either been asleep or turned off for a period of time (typically the longest for me is a few hours during the day that it may be off or at most a period of overnight while I am sleeping)
It seems as though after 5-10 minutes it goes away presumably as the pixels are "warming up" or whatever it is that pixels do.
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Dec 24, 2008
I just bought a 12" powerbook from craigslist. The guy I bought it from powered it up outside in the sunlight so I didn't notice until I drove an hour home and booted it up. The bottom of the screen towards the very center is extremely bright compared to the rest of the screen. I discovered that if I push on the bezel right below the LCD, the screen normalizes. However, I can't see anything that looks bent, dented, or cracked anywhere on the screen, bezel, or back of the LCD.
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Dec 30, 2009
My Macbook screen showed this (check out images)yesterday but it disappeared when I restarted should I go to the Genius bar to see what they can do
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May 4, 2010
i didn't spill the tea exactly on my macbook pro. I spilled it in a bag, where the macbook was in its case.The case got all wet on one side and so did the mac. Non of the liquid got anywhere near the keyboard, mostly it was on the cover and a bit on the side where the CD-rom is. I opened the mac - it worked (and still works) fine. However, somehow the liquid got into the screen - under the glass. I now see stains over my screen. About half of them dried really quickly, but the rest a still there (about two hours have passed). I wait for it to go away? Do I blow-dry it? Or am I forever stuck with a stained screen?I checked the "i-spilled-stuff-on-mac" guide, but it doesn't mention any screen problems.
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May 14, 2012
I have a 2007 MacBookPro. shortly after installing Lion 10.7.3 and VectorWorks 2011 I started getting vertical blue and black lines across my screen on startup. They remain with in the apple while the computer boots and the everything freezes. I tried all of the usual fixes, recovery, safe boot, reset PRAM, battery, etc.When I tried to boot of a system disc I get a message sating that I need to restart my computer. Upon restart same problem occurs. 2 months ago I took the whole thing apart and cleaned out the guts. Reconnecting all cables back together, I came across, what I think is the camera cable. Since my camera has been erratic, i decided to test the problem with it connected and then disconnected. Connected same problem. Once i unplugged the camera everything went back to normal, until now. The same problem returned. I cleaned out the guts again. This time I unplugged the hard drive to try and boot off the C drive, but still get the same problem. This morning It decided to boot up. I was able to copy my essential files onto an external drive.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Sep 11, 2009
I had a problem recently where my bezel was falling off and I had problems with keyboard itself. My Applecare more than covered everything and I suspect they may have even given me a refurb Rev. A as a replacement. I am updated to 10.6.1 but everytime the computer restarts I get this weird black screen instead of the standard grey,
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Sep 7, 2010
In the past month, my Macbook pro, which I have had since May 2009, has started to act very strange.
Sometimes when I watch videos online (collegehumor, youtube, etc.), or am just working on my laptop, the screen stops working. It goes mostly black, and a bunch of weird lines appear on the screen.
The system hasn't crashed or froze, since I can still see my mouse because one little line follows its movement, and the audio still works, and I can still Command + Q and exit out of programs.
I think the problem may have been that I slipped on the stairs one day holding my Macbook Pro and may have damaged the screen somehow, but I just want to know if this has happened to somebody else with their MBP, and what caused it?
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May 24, 2009
First of all I'm new here so just wanted to say 'Hi', its been great to see all the discussions on these forums and they help a lot with buying tips and troubleshooting so thanks.
Problem #1 I purchased a refurb 24" 2.8GHz imac early May and have been using it since then and so far other than the "normal" gradient issue and a brownish tinge around the edges of the screen it has been good.
Lately I've been using Aperture a lot and first started to notice that in some pictures especially ones with quite a bit of highlights like clouds that there are small hatch like patches in all the pics. I know it isn't the pictures but the imac screen itself as you can see it on the desktop as well. It only seems to be centralized in the upper left hand section of the screen and they seem to be lite purple/blue in color. And like I said its only in patches in certain spots on the screen. Don't know if I'm being over anal about this or is this a problem?
Problem #2 I switched to a solid blue background to check the above problem and notice that there is screen burn in of the top and bottom header in the outline of my firefox window on the blue screen. Between switching windows often and applications very frequently and not leaving the computer at all... what the heck? Not normal for imac screens is it? Heat issue causing burn in? Hasn't been an issue with any other LCD I've ever used.
By the way the imac came in a new white box and was wrapped like new in perfect condition but I popped it open without ever starting it once to make a hard drive swap and the thing was definitely a bit dusty inside so in now way was it just used for a couple weeks before being given back to apple.
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Apr 7, 2007
I have a 1.83 MBP, with 1.5 gigs of RAM (stock 512 + additional crucial 1gb) 80 gig HD. Pretty standard.My issue is that once in a while when I restart my machine, bootup is really slow and then I get a weird screen glitch. Often I won't get a full re-boot but will get a half appearing dock and no desktop icons. Sometimes it will have lots of grainy lines across it. Sometimes I will get the beach ball for extended times and it will just freeze there. Basically I keep restarting it, and eventually it goes away and boots up normal.
The thing is I can't really replicate the problem. It just happens at random. Sometimes it happens after I have a system crash, and I need to restart, and sometimes it happens just after a system update restart.Like I said, it doesn't happen that often, but when it does it kind of freaks me out. I've had the logic board replaced in the past to eliminate the "whinning" (which, thankfully is now gone) and I wonder if this is another logic board problem. Other than that the computer has been great. And upon the complementary Applecare expiring pretty soon, I wonder if I should take it in for a repair or just not worry about it. It's kind of hard to take it in if I can't really show them the problem.
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Aug 2, 2010
I have a problem with my MacBook screen. Everytime I try to turn on the MacBook, the blue screen appears for a second and then everything gets dark (but I can see that the computer turned on normally, it's just the screen that gets almost black, without light). Sometimes only the right side of the screen is blue and then gets dark just like the left one. I was looking for the problem and I perceived that the left side seems to be loose and I can't fix it. What should I do?
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Nov 30, 2014
grey screen no apple followed by blue screen with vertical lines. Graphics and logic board replaced <6 months ago. What to do? I held down shift, it gets HOT HOT and makes noises. (for safety mode) followed by a blank grey screen and blue screen. Then tried the other way (I think it's command alt delete? I don't remember) and it turned from grey (no apple symbol) to blue blank. Then third time, grey followed by blue with vertical lines, not blocky clear lines that you can see if you are close to it.Â
MacBook Pro, OS Lion
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Apr 29, 2010
Ok, I've noticed this week that my 2010 13" MBP hangs a lot when it plays any videos I've bought off of itunes (it's fine with other videos). I mean anytime a itunes video pops up on my itunes player, the whole computer hangs (beachball of death and can't do anything). And it hangs for quite a bit (haven't timed it but a minute maybe?)
At first I thought it was the graphics card as the first time I realized what was causing my computer to randomly freeze up (it's been starting to do that this week but at first wasn't sure what cause itunes was in the background) it gave the wierd color bars on the video screen for the video it was playing (I have itunes play the video in the small box on the left bottom corner). Like the whole video screen was random fubar color bars and not the video (it took a minute and then eventually played fine after me reclicking the video). It has not done that since.
I played around with it and noticed it seems fine when I play videos I have not bought off of itunes but it reliabley hangs the whole computer when I try to play a video bought off of itunes. It eventually plays but it is really annoying particularly cause it holds up my whole computer until it resolves whatever issue it is.
So, hardware or software and any suggestions if it is software on how to fix it?
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