MacBook Pro :: Why No Official Apple Docking Station
Oct 23, 2010
Its time for me to upgrade my macbook pro(2007 model). I really want to get another mac, as they are pretty, sturdy, run windows if needed and have good battery. Problem is theres no bloomin dock! At work I have a dell latitude that I can carry around, and just sits into a dock to connect to my peripherals when I am at my desk. Most folks say its just a few wires, and only takes 30 seconds, but not really. I would have:
3 External Disks.
Ergonomic keyboard(not mac wireless).
Ergonomic mouse(not mighty mouse).
USB interfacing guitar pedal.
Card reader.
That's a short list and could be longer if I add ipods etc. My point is, or rather, my question is why don't apple do docking stations? They used to do them? Loads of other companies do them.
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Apr 5, 2012
Does the Macbook air have a docking station so I can use my old wired monitor and wireless keyboard from my old windows xp machine?
MacBook Air
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Apr 16, 2012
I have a few MBPs, the 15 inch model. At my desk, there is a tangle of cords: Two scanners, keyboard, mouse, audio to speakers, and wired Ethernet. Today this is connected via a USB hub, plus audio and Ethernet. To make things worse, the Apple USB to Ethernet dongle doesn't like to work through my cheapo USB hub, nor do the scanners (HP flatbed and Fujitsu autofeed), so I can't use it to reduce the number of cables. By the way, that USB hub is able to handle scanners and keyboard just fine when on a Windows laptop. Ideally, I would like the reduce the number of cables needed at the desk to three: power (magsafe), video (thunderbolt), and all the rest via a single USB cable. Switching to the Apple Thunderbolt display is a non-option for various reasons.
So what I'm looking for is a USB hub with built-in Ethernet and built-in audio, and which works with a Mac. It has to have at least 4 ports (a few more spares would be better) and has to have USB 2.0 speed to make Ethernet sensible. On the web, there are lots of stories of USB hubs that DON'T work MBPs (the one on my desk is an example). To make matters even more interesting, I haven't found a USB hub with built-in Ethernet *and* audio yet, so I might have to use an inexpensive USB audio dongle. So are there any examples of USB hubs with > 4 ports, Ethernet and audio that someone has seen actually work with Macs? If those don't exist, are there any examples without audio?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.1), iTunes 10.5 (as of today)
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Jul 4, 2012
I would like to do some house keeping of icons on the docking station. There are some icons that I use them less often and I would like to pick it up from the Applications Folder on the right side. I want to remove icons that used for less often and add new icons for frequent use. Can someone point me to the place where has worked instructions doing the following.
1. I notice there are two parts of icons: one on the right and others on the left. What is the defination of these icons?
2.How can I create the new icon of application and add icons to the docking station for frequent use?
3. How can I restore the icons that I removed?
iPad 2, iOS 5.1.1
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Dec 30, 2009
I noticed Kennsington's wireless USB docking station on sale at Frys Site earlier this morning. The description mentions the docking station is Mac compatible. I've searched these forums and the net and haven't found any threads on people using this with a Mac in the past, it seems wayyy too good to be true. I was hoping somebody a little more tech savvy than myself might be able to weigh in on this. I attached the link to the USB docking station below and I also own a mid-late 2008 MBP. [URL].
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Feb 21, 2012
How can I get the download folder to remain on the docking station
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Mar 7, 2009
Is there any option for a unibody macbook docking station?
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Apr 6, 2012
Lost contacts, many hours spent trying to restore. A waste of tiem for everyone involved. What is the soulution?
Mac OS X (10.7.3), Icloud
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Mar 2, 2009
Can i download the apps listed on with a powerbook that has tiger? If not, where can i find the old official Apple app downloads for tiger?
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Mar 14, 2012
Are there any official Apple templates for presentations to be provided for educational purposes?
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May 18, 2009
It was drawn to my attention recently by a friend that I may not be getting the speeds I should from Transmission due to my lack of port forwarding. I just want to make it clear that I know nearly nothing about setting up/configuring routers, ports, upnp, static ip, or whatever other jargon is associated with this stuff. Quite frankly, most things to do with routers terrify me.
In the preferences for Transmission it says that my port is closed. In case any of this is relevant I'm using a 2008 model 20" iMac connected wirelessly to an Apple Extreme Base Station, which in turn is connected to a D-Link 502T modem.
I've already gone to [URL] but everything I try seems to not work and confuse me. Every other forum post I've read about this topic has lots of jargon I don't understand, so if it is at all possible I would like somebody to explain how to do this to me as if they were teaching their grandfather how to use a computer for the first time!
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Mar 31, 2010
New Sase Station update. Fixes bugs with MAC address filtering in extended networks, settings not importing bug.
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Jul 2, 2012
I'd like one that I can plug external speakers into as well as the printer and other devices so I don't have to unplug them from the actual Macbook each time I take it with me.I have a mid-2012 MacBook Pro 13"
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Nov 27, 2009
if they made a version of this for the MBA with a DVD drive (and cheaper), MBA life would be that much sweeter
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May 2, 2010
i wonder if there has ever been an official statement why the smallest MBP isn't available with a matte screen option?
thx for looking!
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Jul 19, 2007
I hate this floating thing. Excel's too. Every time I resize a document window I have to move that stupid little palette around.
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Jun 14, 2009
Given the vagaries of Apple's support documentation I would like to know exactly what GPUs are supported by Snow Leopard for use in Grand Central and Open CL.The list does not contain my NVIDIA Ge Force 8800 GS!After much searching it is absolutely unclear weather Apple will support the GPU or not. It is a re-branded NVIDIA chip and so is it included or excluded?
I for one will be greatly disappointed in Apple does not support it. It is one thing that my ageing powerbook will not be supported, but a computer that was top of the line iMac just in April of this year!
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Mar 13, 2012
I have been using Mackeeper for several months and recently that product and its' maaketing company have been in the middle of a firestorm of public comment sand reviews. Being a csual user of computers and not having a strong background in programming or software, it is very hard to try and make sense of the extremely strong and conflicting reviews and comments on sites such as Mac Update. Does Apple have an official position on this product? Or, where can I go to get some reviews or opinions on this product without all of the vitriolic commentary?
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Apr 18, 2010
very new to SSDs here so need your confirmation -- are the updated second generation Intel SSDs officially called Postville ?
I ask because I'm finding this Intel SSD on Amazon Germany but it doesn't say "G2" anywhere. Just wanna make sure its the right thing.
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Jan 26, 2010
No matter what Apple releases tomorrow morning, there will be a sizable contingent that consider it a complete and utter failure. Most bitter of these will be the folks that perceive it as being "oh so close" to exactly what they wanted, but for some number of baffling Apple decisions to "cripple" it.
So I reckon I'd get a thread started now, just to save time.By my figuring, the possible points of dismay will be:-- Doesn't run "full OS X" and is therefore "just a big iPod Touch"-- No OLED screen (we'll just call those first two "The Troubles" in honor of Ireland)-- Lack of this or that port, or any at all outside of a headphone jack and a dock connector-- Fails to deliver on various rumored subscription services-- Can't run Final Cut Pro, Aperture, Pro Tools, or various processor intensive Big Apps-- Exclusive cell service via AT&T, aka "Oh God I hate them so much my head just exploded"-- Doesn't do "video chat" out of the box
-- And, of course, the perennial: the pricing is insane and relegates the thing to niche statusI'd put money on the first two, wouldn't be at all surprised to see the next three, have no idea about the rest.However, none of that distresses me, particularly, because I expect the all-over experience of the thing to be pretty compelling, and for it to be really, really good at what it's designed to do. I'll be pleasantly surprised if its priced aggressively with an eye towards really shaking up the industry.
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Jun 11, 2008
Documentation included with copies of Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard distributed during Apple's developer conference this week confirm that the next-generation operating system does not presently support Macs with PowerPC processors. has published a screen capture of the PDF-based requirements document included on the Snow Leopard disc that provides a rundown of the system's requirements.
The documentation states that in order to install Snow Leopard, developers must have a Mac computer with "an Intel processor" and at least 512MB of RAM, though additional memory is recommended for development purposes. The findings confirm an AppleInsider report from last September, which cited people familiar with the ongoing development of Leopard as saying that Mac OS X 10.6 would in all likelihood exclude support for PowerPC processors. According to the Snow Leopard documentation, the new system will also require an Apple-supplied video card, 9GB of hard disk space, and either an internal, external or shared DVD drive. [ View this article at ]
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Nov 13, 2009
I recently ordered a copy of Windows 7 Professional Full Retail (for around $30 before tax and shipping through a Microsoft phone order as a student ) and it should get here tomorrow. My Mac that I use is a mid-2009 13" 2.26GHz MacBook Pro that I upgraded to Snow Leopard. Now, my question is should I wait to install Windows 7 with Boot Camp? I heard that Apple currently doesn't officially support Windows 7 on Boot Camp, but will by the end of the year. If this is the case, is the "official" support involve a complete update of the Boot Camp program or just the drivers? The reason I am asking this, is the way I got about installing operating systems is by method of complete clean installs that way everything is functioning correctly and I can perform clean, initial backups to restore from. If the update is to the Boot Camp program as a whole, I don't want to go ahead and install Windows 7, as I can see myself just re-installing it when the "official support" comes out. So should I install it or wait based on the support from Apple?
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Feb 10, 2012
My mac just told me to install a security update and restart and I did it because its a security update, but when I logged back in and checked the official list for updates [URL], there are no official security updates for around the 10th of February. What should I do, is this bad? Is it a virus or hack?
iMac (27-inch Late 2009), Mac OS 8.6 or Earlier
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Jan 17, 2010
Have a quick question. I'm considering buying an Imac from a reputable Apple imac reseller on Ebay that manually upgrade the hd's to either 2tb or an ssd drive on the imac 27. Will apple not honor the warranty and void it if they see the hd were not upgraded by them should the warranty ever have to be used?
Also, if the imac ever needs to be replaced by apple, do I .lose the hd for a stock imac model with only ,1tb hd? Hope that makes sense.
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Apr 12, 2012
I can do it on apple tv but I want to do it in my iTunes on my macbook.
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Mar 25, 2012
all other machines have no problems.It worked earlier in the day-put to sleep-came back- now it can't something is wrong with network settings but nothing changed. Two PC's are connected to same cable/Airport base station wirelessly with no issues it's just my machine. I've rebooted a few times-that didn't help. i can get my macbook's airport to work with my wireless aircard so it's not my the internal wireless modem, it's got to be my wireless settings for the airport basestation itself-but nothing chagned in those few hours it was asleep? I have been having issues for a few weeks requiring that I run diagnosis on this home wireless network connection, but it usually gets resolved and coems back on-now it seems gone.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 28, 2012
I want to know why do you need an airport base for wifi networking if you have an existing router? What's the deal?
MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Dec 25, 2009
I have just acquired a second-hand iBook G3 (Mac OS X 10.3.9) and I can't connect to my BT HomeHub using the AirPort. I can connect using a cable and the previous owner had no problems with the AirPort. My PC is connected to the BT HomeHub fine.
The AirPort is on and I can see the correct BTHH network in the list. When I try to connect I get the error message "There was an error joining the AirPort network 'BTHomeHub etc." I know this is a common error message but I've been through lots of forums and haven't found any advice that has worked. I tried stuff like cleaning up the keychains and adding '$' to my password.
It could be a problem with my password, because I've tried the Admin password on the back of the hub, the Wireless key BT gave me on the 'Wireless Settings' card, and the password I use for wireless internet on my PC. Does anyone know which one ought to work?
When I go into the AirPort menu and click on Internet Connect, 'AirPort Power' is 'on', there is no signal, and it says 'Base Station ID: Not available'. Do I need to reset my Base Station?
If anyone can help I will be soooo grateful. Thanks.
**I'm a Mac newbie and I'm not a techie, so if you can help me, please be prepared to explain in detail**
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Mar 1, 2010
For wireless: [URL]. Click wireless basics. "For a WiFi network you need an apple Airport base station connected to your cable/dsl modem". Can't I just hook up a wireless router to my cable modem, and ta-da, WiFi.
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Jun 14, 2012
I am unable to add aan HP Laserjet 1212nf printer connected to an Airport Base station. When I click add it takes me directly to the I.P. window. My MacBook pro running 10.6 does not see the printer, Bonjour does not search for it.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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