MacBook Pro :: What Portable External Hard Drives Using With Your MBP

May 10, 2010

I've had a LaCie Porsche Design for the last 6 years with no problems but with the upgrade to a MBP I'm looking to get a new portable hard drive (LaCie or another brand). My old LaCie was FW400 so I'd be looking at FW800 now. Which make and model do you use and are you happy with it's performance?

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MacBook :: Best External Portable Hard Drive - Any Recommendations?

Sep 29, 2009

I have a late 2007 150 GB Macbook Black. I'd like to finally backup my data and also use it for games or other storage to play directly from, cause I'm almost out of room on my my Macbook. What kind of portable hard drive do you use, or recommend?

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MacBook Pro :: Best Portable External Hard Drive Interface?

Mar 29, 2012

I have a MacBook Pro (just got it this year) and I need a portable external hard drive. I also want to use it on my PC. Which interface would you suggest? I am not sure which connections my PC has but I know it has USB 3.0. Is there an interface on my MacBook that's faster than USB 3.0? If so, I might forget about connecting it to my PC, assuming it's significantly faster.

MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Store Photos On A Portable External Hard Drive?

Jun 20, 2012

I want to move my photos from my laptop to an external hard drive.  I already own a Seagate which is formatted for a PC, with photos already on it.  I do not want to lose those photos and have been told by Apple tech that the seagate can be reformatted for mac.  How do I do this without losing the PC photos already on it.  Is there any difference between photos transferred from a PC or a MAC ?

MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Hardware :: Working On IMovie Project From Portable External Hard Drive

Jun 3, 2010

I need to work on iMovie projects from that external portable drive. Would you have any recommendations?

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Hardware :: Desktop / Portable External Hard Drive And Time Machine With AEX

Aug 7, 2010

Would a USB bus-powered portable external hard drive (Like the WD Passport) be slower at backing up than an AC powered desktop external hard drive? I've got a desktop external hard drive that I'm using for Time Machine backups over WiFi connected to an airport extreme, but it's dieing and I'd like to replace it. Preferably I'd like to get a 1gb portable drive so I can use it for both backing up and travelling - however if it will result in slower speeds in transferring data then I'll just get a desktop drive.

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MacBook Air :: Will All Portable USB Optical Drives Work

Mar 19, 2012

Will any external, portable USB optical drive work well with by Macbook Air?

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7)

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Software :: Hard Drive Space - Putting Music On Portable External Disk?

Apr 20, 2009

I have a 15' macbook pro 250 gb HD 2 gb mem. And in the activity monitor it is showing space utilized 228.53 gb and free space at 4.04 gb? And I have only had the laptop for less than 2 years now, Is this normal? Is there a way to erase items so I have alot more free space? I also have an portable external hard 320 gb I use to back up my hard drive. Will this save my music and important items so I can erase items (music, etc.) off of hard drive? then when i need those items just plug the portable hard drive in? I really need my music for I am a DJ.

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OS X Mavericks :: Can't Find Toshiba Portable External Hard Drive In Finder After Upgrade

Jun 23, 2014

how I can be able to see my external hard drive? I've been using it before and was able to see it until I upgraded my OS to Mavericks....Now, I cannot find it in the finder but I can see it in the disk utility however, my mac does not allow me to do anything on it...I don't want to reformat coz I have important files in my hard drive...

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MacBook :: Looking For Compatible External Hard Drives?

Feb 26, 2009

What is the best external hard drive with 1TB for the new Macbooks? I heard a rumor the new Macbooks don't have firewire... is that true?

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MacBook Pro :: Get External Hard Drives To Work?

Jul 25, 2009

I have an external hard drive that I have been using for my Pcs, and when I hook it up to my mac I cannot write to it (although I can read from it). Is it possible to write to this external hard drive?

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MacBook Pro :: HP External Hard Drives Work With It?

Aug 2, 2010

I just got a brand new Mac Book Pro. I wanted to get an external harddrive for it. I have a gift card to HP and wanted to buy one from them? Does anyone know if they are compatable? If not, anyone have any suggestions for a HD that is good, but not terribly expensive? I want one that is at least 250 GB.

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OS X :: Hard Drive For Macbook Pro And External Drives

Aug 14, 2010

So I just installed a larger hard drive in my macbook pro. As OSX was installing I decided to read reviews online (bought it in the store when I got the MBP). They're all really bad about using the drive in a MBP - [URL]. I'm installing the application software now and the hd is spining a lot and vibrating the case and making a lot more noise. I've read a few Seagate reviews and they're not much better for that size.

I want to install a huge hard drive because this is going to be my main computer for at least 8 months while I'm working away from home. Normally I have a desktop w/ a huge hard drive so I don't care what's on my laptop. Anyway, based on these reviews and how the drive has been feeling in the case, I think I might re-evaluate putting a larger drive in, and instead go with an external. I can fit all my photos and music on a 250, but I couldn't fit everything I store on my desktop on a 250.

So my first question is, is there a good, reliable 500gb or larger 5400rpm replacement hard drive for the mbp, that a lot of people like? And then the main question: I have a lot of large video files on my Windows box that are over 4gb, which is the FAT32 limit. When I transferred them from my old computer I had to rar them to smaller files and then un-rar them. This is quite annoying. If I'm gonna have an external drive, I'd like one that can be used on both windows and mac and support 4gb+ files..................

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Restore Itunes Music Folder From Time Machine To An External Portable Hard Drive?

Feb 18, 2012

How do you restore your itunes music folder from time machine back-up to an external portable hard drive?

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Lacie Rugged XL 2TB External Hard Drives.

May 14, 2012

I recently purchased two Lacie Rugged hard drives, a 500GB for client use (meaning, it is given to clients to review raw footage and then given back to me where I then make edits.) The 500GB is calibrated at 50% Mac usage and 50% other and it has been worked out fine thus far. The other hard drrive is a 2TB Rugged XL Hard Drive  has not been used due to the pop up I get when clicking the LaCie Setup Assistant which reads "You can't open the application LaCie Setup Assisstant because PowerPC applications are no longer supported."

1.) What does "You can't open the application LaCie Setup Assisstant because PowerPC applications are no longer supported." mean? 

2.) How do I fix it?

3.) Will fixing it effect my 500GB drive?

LaCie Rugged External Hard Drives, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook :: Formatting External Hard Drives / Format Main Or Sub-drive?

Apr 8, 2010

got a real basic question to ask and you're gonna think im an idiot for asking...I just bought a 320gb western digital elements hard drive and want to reformat it so that its compatible for both mac and pc's. i intend to format it as NTFS-3G as it would allow me to use it on the 2 platforms without having the 4GB file size restriction that fat32 has, anyway.....

when I go to reformat my external hard drive in disk utility, I see my external hard drive to the left, and there's a "sub" hard drive as a child of the external hd listed uppermost. just wandering which one of the two do i select before going to Erase>Windows NT filesystem (NTFS-3G)>erase? Do I select the uppermost drive and erase that or the lower one? or both

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MacBook Air :: Setting External Hard Drives As Primary Over A Wifi Network?

Apr 12, 2012

I have a macbook air, I'm trying to use my airport extreme with a 1 tb hard drive plugged in over my network to store my iTunes etc i change the preferences but it always seems to forget it when the laptop is turned of..

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3), using 3rd gen airport extreme

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MacBook Pro :: Deleted Startup And Recovery Drives - How To Get Back All Info From External Hard Drive

Jun 2, 2014

I deleted my startup and recovery drives.  I still have every thing on external hard drive but cannot get my drives back on internal drive.  Is there anyway to get those drives back and get all my info from my external drive back on my computer?

MacBook Pro

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MacBook Pro :: Difference In Using A Portable External Hdd And A Regular External Hdd?

Sep 10, 2010

Besides the obvious fact that one is portable and the other is not. Does the portable one have an increased chance of failing due to it being moved around a lot more?If not, then why don't everyone just get a portable external hdd to back up their data?Just curious as I look into getting a hdd soon to back up my data using time machine.

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OS X :: Best External Hard Drives For Macs?

Jan 11, 2011

i am very interested in buying a Mac. But I need an external hard drive for my stuff. What are the best 1TB or higher external hard drives for a Mac Book Pro?

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Mac Pro :: RAID 1 For External Hard Drives?

Feb 2, 2009

I currently have a 2TB WD mirror edition that is setup in RAID 1 so it will mirror all my data. Now I also have a bunch of other drives laying around which I also feel the need to back up and currently I am doing this by doing a whole bunch of dragging and dropping and copying and pasting etc etc etc and this is making me very tired. I know that a setup is possible in disk utility but I am not at all sure about how to configure it so I wont lose any of my data.

Some details about my setup:
Mac OS X 10.5.6
PowerPc G5
Harddrives: two 1TB WD MyBooks, and two 500gig WD Mybooks --> these pairs need to mirror each other and make my life less of a hassle.

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OS X :: New External Hard Drives Crashing

Feb 25, 2009

I often use external hard drives to back up my work. Recently I purchased a 1TB Lacie drive. I took a week to build a lovely new file structure for my work. At the end of this week, I began deleting the old files on other hard drives so as to transfer my new neatly structured work back on. In the midst of this, the brand new hard drive crashed, illiciting only the clicking sound of death.

That hard drive, some of my work (a very small amount but still) and a week's worth of sweat and blood was gone in an instant. The person I took it to to look at it mentioned a power surge as being a possible cause for the crash. Anyway, I returned the lacie and bought a 1T Western Digital Mybook (silver). I then began dumping the old back ups onto this.

A week in and this one is crashed too. No clicking sound of death. It calmly sits on my desk with it's unceasing unblinking blue light and refuses to show up in utilities no matter what I do. So I assume it's a goner also. I'll return it also of course. Is something causing these drives to fail...that exists in my walls? Are there power surges causing my drives to die...? OR is it simply a case of bad luck with my choices of new drives?

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OS X :: External Hard Drives Not Seen By IMac?

Apr 19, 2010

I was done doing various tasks on the iMac and when I decided to plug in the external hard drive for a Time Machine backup, the drive spun, but was never shown on the desktop.I also tried another external drive and had the same thing happen.

After rebooting (hey, this sounds like Windows!), the drive again showed up on the desktop and Time Machine worked fine.Is an external hard drive not showing up on the desktop a somewhat common issue?

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OS X :: Cloning - Hard Drives (mac Hd And External Hd) Don't Match

Apr 20, 2010

i'm cloning my mac hd (mac book pro, snow leopard) and though i've made successful clones, the sum of the hard drives (mac hd and external hd) don't match. for instance, my mac hd reads at: 233.71 GB, however the cloned external hd reads at: 216.54 GB. can anyone explain this discrepancy? are there certain things that don't go into the clone that are on the mac hd?

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OS X :: Surely All External Hard Drives Work?

Oct 26, 2010

Having chosen a useful large external hard drive I find it says 'Windows only'. Surely, though the software will not work, all I need to do is format the HD and it will work. The machine is: Seagate FreeAgent 500GB External Hard Drive USB2.0 16MB.

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OS X :: Sharing External Hard Drives Between 2 Macs

Oct 29, 2006

I am relatively new to Macs, have been using it for 5-6 months. I already know how to do everything but share folders and drives using my network connection. I have an iMac and a Macbook Pro. I have a 120GB Hard Drive hooked up to the iMac via Firewire. How can I share that Firewire External Hard Drive with my Macbook Pro? What are the steps I have to follow to connect both macs? Is there a way that I could also share my iMac's desktop files with my Macbook Pro? I already have a wi-fi connection between both computers, I just don't know how to share that hard drive between both simultaneously..

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Hardware :: External Hard Drives And USB Vs FW800

Dec 11, 2008

I have been using a MBP for a few months now and I am making a total conversion from PC user to Mac user in January when I buy a nice new 24" iMac but to go with it, I want to buy a couple of new external hard drives. I have currently got a Seagate FreeAgent 500GB USB Drive which is Windows Formatted and I will be keeping that to use with my work laptop (a Dell), and I have been really pleased with its reliability. Anyway, I have been looking around and there are some fab drives on the market but I have a couple of questions. If I get an iMac with a 500GB Internal Hard Drive, how big an External hard drive will I need to use Time Machine without having to delete backups all the time?

Also, I have been primarily looking at the new Seagate FreeAgent drives and the do a PC version (USB) and a Mac version (USB/FW400/FW800), but the 640GB USB version costs �76 whereas the 500GB FW version costs �100. Would you go for the bigger size or the added benefits of FW800? Will I notice much speed difference between USB and FW800?

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Hardware :: What's Difference Between Two External Hard Drives?

Oct 4, 2009

I can't figure out the difference between these two hard drives, they look identical but Amazon says the latter one is the "newer" version, are they the same thing?

Which is the better buy?Also, Is it recommended I get a Mac formatted external drive? Does it do it automatically when I plug it in or is it easier to get a mac formatted drive?

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IMac :: External Hard Drives Keep Failing?

Mar 3, 2010

I have a fairly new iMac that I upgraded to Snow Leopard a few months ago. It seemed to me that prior to that my external HD worked fine with Time Machine. Since then it is recognized for a short period of time when I connect it, then it disappears. I replaced it with a WD My Book. It worked perfectly for a month and now it has shut down. Has anybody had run into this before? I can't believe that every hard drive fails within a month in the same mysterious way!

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OS X :: External Hard Drives And Disk Utility

May 25, 2010

My external hard drive has been corrupted and the error message is telling me to reformat it. However, through all the research I have done to find out how, everything I've found has told me to use Disk Utility to just erase everything on the disk to do this. When I try to do this, it tells me that I can't erase anything because the disk cannot be unnmounted. What should I do?

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