MacBook Pro :: USB Ports Will Only Recognise USB2 Devices?
Apr 26, 2012
This is a weird one.. My USB ports will only recognise USB2 devices now and only if they are powered (my back up drive for instance). I've talked to Apple who believe it's the motherboard but shouldn't the ports have failed completely if that's so? Machine is a Macbook Pro 15" Intel Core i5Â 2.4 GHz running Snow Leopard (tried Lion but lost too many good apps under that system). Also if I unmount my external back up drive, it's not recognised again unless I restart or interrupt power to the external USB 2 drive. Almost like the old serial devices!
Did a total erase and reinstall of Snow Leopard 10.6.8, tried a powered hub and Apple had me do all the usual key combo resets all to no avail so it looks like I'm going to need a muthaboard. It just nags me that it still sees USB 2 only. How can it fail just a bit and then stay that way??
MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Mar 24, 2012
i have a new mac air 11 inches and i tried to download my pictures using my usb mass storage device. how come my mac is not reading it?
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Apr 13, 2012
why my Macbook Air will not recognise my wifi router when my MAcBook Pro and Iphone do immediately. I have switched airport on and off on my Macbook air repeatedly and it will not pick up the wifi that my Pro and Iphone immediately recognise and connect to. After 20 minutes or so of switching airport on and off, it found the router and I successfully connected. After use, I powered down the MAcbook air and crossed fingers that having connected once it would recognise the router again unfortunately not another frustrating 20 minutes of trying despite my other apple devices remaining connected.
MacBook Air, iOS 5.1
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Jul 3, 2012
Can USB2 peripherals (hard drives, USB microphones, et al) be used with a MacBook Air that only has USB3 jacks?
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May 3, 2010
I just jailbroke my iPhone 3GS and installed MyWi to work with my iPad. I also tried it on my MacBook Pro using Bluetooth. After I paired my iPhone and MacbBook Pro together everything worked fine. Now under the Airport Menu I see a separate category labeled "Devices" which is just below where my Home Network is.
My questions is how do I go about deleting this? I've tried everything. I deleted my device under Bluetooth Preferences, quit MyWi, messed around with the Network Preferences and it still appears under the Airport Menu. I even clicked connect but of course that doesn't work since I quit everything and deleted the device in Bluetooth settings. It's not even listed under "Preferred Networks" when you click on the advanced tab. It appears as "(my last name) Hotspot" and is under a tab labeled "Devices"
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May 22, 2009
When i start my macbook air, its suddenly came out a question mark with a folder ( seems that it doesn't recognise the hardisk). I try many time to restart and its the same. Then i try to restart using macbook air install disk and press C button to reinstall the leopard but when installation , it cant recognise my hardisk.
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Oct 2, 2009
If so, do you use them and what sound system do you have?
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Jun 6, 2012
My MacBook was working fine until in the last few days it stopped recognising some clicks with the mouse, and sometimes the clicks got stuck so that whenever I tried to move the cursor, it recognised as if I was dragging things when I was no longer clicking. This gradually got worse until it completely stopped working..The mousepad works fine at moving the cursor but I can't click on anything. I've tried to use an external mouse and the same problem occurs.I've tried all the restarting, removing battery, starting on safemode, etc. tricks, and nothing seems to work.
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Dec 25, 2009
I have just acquired a second-hand iBook G3 (Mac OS X 10.3.9) and I can't connect to my BT HomeHub using the AirPort. I can connect using a cable and the previous owner had no problems with the AirPort. My PC is connected to the BT HomeHub fine.
The AirPort is on and I can see the correct BTHH network in the list. When I try to connect I get the error message "There was an error joining the AirPort network 'BTHomeHub etc." I know this is a common error message but I've been through lots of forums and haven't found any advice that has worked. I tried stuff like cleaning up the keychains and adding '$' to my password.
It could be a problem with my password, because I've tried the Admin password on the back of the hub, the Wireless key BT gave me on the 'Wireless Settings' card, and the password I use for wireless internet on my PC. Does anyone know which one ought to work?
When I go into the AirPort menu and click on Internet Connect, 'AirPort Power' is 'on', there is no signal, and it says 'Base Station ID: Not available'. Do I need to reset my Base Station?
If anyone can help I will be soooo grateful. Thanks.
**I'm a Mac newbie and I'm not a techie, so if you can help me, please be prepared to explain in detail**
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Sep 21, 2010
Problem is that all my back up is on a Iomega miniMax Ext HD that I backed up and cloned my old HD. Via FireWire. I've noticed that the new Macbook ONLY has USB 2. Will my EXT HHD still work.( It does have a USB2 connection). Obviously I wont want to be using my old OS ( Panther) But I do have quite a few app.s that I'd like to transfer to the new OS
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Feb 18, 2010
I have a mac osx 10.4.6 and want to watch tv on it Iam having trouble finding tv for usb 1.Iwill be increasing my mem to 512 if i can find something also can i convert it to usb2 as there seem to be more options?
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Sep 13, 2010
have recently acquired a Power Mac G4 using OSX which has a SCSI card installed in one of the PCI slots.
I have a very reliable Agfa scanner(Snapscan 310) which is over 10 years old but has always given me excellent quality and I'm reluctant to replace it. Even though I've re-installed the software from the original Agfa installation disk, every time I try to use the scanner through Adobe Photoshop in Classic mode, a message pops up asking me to turn on the scanner which of course it already is!!
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Nov 28, 2007
I have a USB2 PCI card in my G4, and any devices plugged into it (mainly my iPod Shuffle) become unresponsive after a few minutes. For instance, I will be copying songs to my iPod, and halfway through, the copying process will drag to a halt. Burning CDs to a USB2 CD-RW often fail because the burn cannot complete. I have tried two different brands of USB2 cards with the same result.
PowerMac G4 350 MHz AGP
Mac OS X (10.3.9)
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Jun 6, 2009
I am looking for a SELF-Powered USB2.0/FW 400 external hard drive, does such a beautiful piece of hardware exist?
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Apr 24, 2012
I have just bought a new iMac. I also have an Ipad 3. I have an itunes account. I downloaded itunes on the iMac. Then I plugged in the Ipad and clicked authorise purchases. I stopped it from synching from this library which would have wiped out iPad. Now how do I sign in to my existing itunes account on my new iMac? it doesnt accept my Apple ID or password or even my birthday if I try verify?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.4.1)
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May 6, 2012
Has anyone had trouble with a Samsung ML1660 printer and OS Lion? Mine was working perfectly before the upgrade to Lion. i have downloaded new software but the MAc won't recognise it's there.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Aug 12, 2007
Anyone have suggestions? I have a single 1.8ghz g5, 1gb ram, 10.4.10. I have a maxtor OneTouch III USB 2.0 200gb drive attached to it.
I can not seem to eject/unmount this drive. Every time i hook it up I just have to end up pulling the USB plug or turning the drive off suddenly to get it to "eject" but then i get the improper device removal error/warning message.
I have tried dragging to trash, I have tried apple E (which is what I usually do to any device) and I have tried going into disk utility and ejecting/unmounting from there as well. no dice.
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Feb 5, 2010
I recently bought a VANTEC NexStar 3 NST-360FBSU-BK. In the exclosure, I have a SATA drive capable of 3.0Gb/second. It's attached to my Late 2009 Mac Mini via FireWire 800. Based upon my understanding and in this situation, the FireWire should be the bottleneck. Therefore, I should be enjoying bandwidth somewhere shy of 800Mb/second. nfortunately, I'm not getting any where near that speed. I can transfer a 726MB file in 18.6 seconds. According to my math, that's ~5808Mb/18.6 seconds = ~312 Mb/second. This is not even FireWire 400 or USB 2.0 speed.For completeness sake, I also just upgraded from 2GB of ram to 4GB (both PC8500) but nothing seems negatively affected (in fact the computer is much, much more snappy!).
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May 2, 2010
I have a 24 inch iMac which was virtually silent. Last week the hard drive started failing so Apple replaced it under my AppleCare warranty. The trouble is now I constantly hear the new hard drive reading data, even when I?m listening to music I can hear the hard drive in the background which is very annoying. I never heard any noise from the original hard drive. I did notice that the replacement drive is a Seagate unit where the original drive was a WD. I called Apple again and they want me to bring it into the Apple Store again. I just don?t want to be going back and forth with this thing and not have anything improve. Shouldn?t I get it back from repair exactly the same as it originally was? I wonder if I they can specify what brand hard drive Apple sends to the store.
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Jun 25, 2010
i've upgraded my system to snow leopard last night.
I have been editing .mov files in Adobe Premiere.. and since i have upgraded to snow leopard it doesn't recognise the .mov files in premiere or quick time.. how can i solve this problem as my work meets its dead line in 3 hours!
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Jun 5, 2014
I had to restore my data from time machine by doing a full migration of all data from my back up drive.Â
Now that I have recovered my existing system (which did involve a full wipe of HD, internet recovery and an update again from ML to mavericks).Â
My restored system does not recognise the back up drive as a time machine and it would appear I cannot append any future backups to this TM.Â
I would have to wipe the disk and start again which I did not particularly want to do.Â
MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.2)
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Jun 5, 2009
I have the 2007 intel mini and I am looking for hard drive options. Was thinking of installing a 320 gig 7200 drive in it but they are about the same price point as an external 1 TB 7200 3.5 drive. Is it possible to just run the mini off the external drive via firewire or USB2? Would that be slower than using the internal drive?
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Jul 23, 2008
i have been trying to install filemaker server connector which needs root access. i enabled root user and logged into it for the install but the installer still asks to login as root.
is there anyway of forcing the installer? is there something else i can do to give the installer "root" access?
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May 13, 2012
I've been having problems with my iMac recently, more precisely with my DVD drive. I think it's a software problem, and no mechanical problem. Let me explain:Â
When I insert a DVD:
- it will sometimes work perfectly. I can read, burn or whatever I feel like…
- it will sometimes not work. I don't know why, but the drive gives a few try (mechanical noises), and than ejects the DVD. If I try a few more times to reinsert it, it will sometimes just keep the DVD and not eject it, without recognizing it. When I try to open the Disk Utility program, it will simply froze. Or it will open after 5 minutes, but the DVD player will not exist and not appear.Â
I need to restart the computer. Sometimes it will work after the restart. Sometimes not. It's really random, and I haven't found out on what it depends… Sometimes, when I reboot it because of a trapped-unrecognized DVD, the DVD player will not open. "Initialization error [-70012]"…Â
I've tried Option-Cmd-P-R at the Start, but it didn't help… I feel like there's something wrong with the software.Â
It's a 2 years old iMac, using Snow Leopard (Mac OS X 10.6.8).Â
I've tried looking on the net, but a lot of people are experiencing mechanical problems (it simply never works), which I think is not the case here (it does randomly work perfectly).
iMac (24-inch Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 6, 2012
I have an external Lacie 1 TB hard disk which used to operate at USB2 speeds, but ever since I upgraded to my my Intel Mac Pro (from a G5) it only operates at USB1 speeds regardless of which USB port I plug it into. When I open up System Profiler, it reports "speed up to 12 Mb/sec" which of course is only USB1.1. It used to show "speed up to 480 Mb/sec". Do I need to reformat it something? Can I force it to connect at USB2 speeds?Â
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2 x 2.66 Dual Core
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Mar 11, 2012
Just wondering if a USB3 cable CF card reader will work on on my USB2 port on my old Intel 24" white iMac?
24" iMAC
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Jul 5, 2012
I am having difficulties burning 88.x MB DMG files to CDs (new CD-Rs and an old CD-RW) onto two different external USB2 disc burner drives (both have power AC connected: HP and LG Super brands). The new Mac Mini (no disc slot drive)'s updated 64-bit Mac OS X 10.7.4's Disk Utilities tries to burn and then fail right away or after a few seconds. The error says "Unable to burn 'whatever.dmg' (The disc drive did not respond properly and can't recover or retry." Nothing interesting in dmesg, but Disk Utility's logs had details:[URL].Â
I do see my drives' lights on during the burn. I can quick erase the old CD-RW fine. I can burn 538 MB from an 64-bit Windows 8 on my Acer AM3800 PC with the same discs and external burner drives without any problems. Also, I thought it was my USB cable extension, but it wasn't it. I don't use any USB hubs either. DMG files are fine too. I did notice copying from a CD to Mac Mini's local HDD was slow, but no failures.Â
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Jul 5, 2012
I am having difficulties burning 88.x MB DMG files to CDs (new CD-Rs and an old CD-RW) onto two different external USB2 disc burner drives (both have power AC connected: HP and LG Super brands). The new Mac Mini (no disc slot drive)'s updated 64-bit Mac OS X 10.7.4's Disk Utilities tries to burn and then fail right away or after a few seconds. The error says "Unable to burn 'whatever.dmg' (The disc drive did not respond properly and can't recover or retry." Nothing interesting in dmesg, but Disk Utility's logs had details: url...I do see my drives' lights on during the burn. I can quick erase the old CD-RW fine. I can burn 538 MB from an 64-bit Windows 8 on my Acer AM3800 PC with the same discs and external burner drives without any problems. Also, I thought it was my USB cable extension, but it wasn't it. I don't use any USB hubs either. DMG files are fine too. I did notice copying from a CD to Mac Mini's local HDD was slow, but no failures.
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Apr 10, 2009
However Ive just bought a LG M2794D 1080p tv/monitor and now have a problem. The TV is showing it recognises when the HDMI cable is connected to the macbook (on the screen the input menu shows live connections) or not through HDMI cable and mini-DVI to HDMI connector but the macbook does not recognise any external monitor. In display preferences there is no arrangement tab either and no resolution greater than 1280 x 800. Of course the TV has full 1080p resolution.
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Dec 5, 2007
Anyone have suggestions? I have a single 1.8ghz g5, 1gb ram, 10.4.10. I have a maxtor OneTouch III USB 2.0 200gb drive attached to it.
I can not seem to eject/unmount this drive. Every time i hook it up I just have to end up pulling the USB plug or turning the drive off suddenly to get it to "eject" but then i get the improper device removal error/warning message.
I have tried dragging to trash, I have tried apple E (which is what I usually do to any device) and I have tried going into disk utility and ejecting/unmounting from there as well. no dice.
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