MacBook Pro :: Some Apps Won't Open After Hard Drive Partitioned
Mar 25, 2012
I think my problem started after partitioned my MacBook's hard drive. The thing is that when i click some apps (Skype, VLC etc.) they show up in the dock, but they just keep on bouncing, and when they stop bouncing after a minute it says "Application is not responding".
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Aug 28, 2009
So I just partitioned my drive to install Windows and noticed that my hard drive is now making that "crunching" sound that some hard drives make. It started during my Windows installation, and it happens regularly in Windows.
I also briefly hear it while OSX is starting up, but it doesn't seem to happen much in OSX. I've launched a bunch of applications and it is still pretty much silent. Any ideas what could cause this? Could it be NTFS? I have several hard drives in my PC that don't make that sound. I am using a 17" MacBook Pro unibody with the regular 320gb 5400rpm drive that it comes with.
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Feb 1, 2010
I partitioned my harddrive to put Windows XP on it. Then I decided I didn't want to put Windows XP on it. So I unpartitioned the harddrive using Disk Utility and my Mac shows that the hard drive is not partitioned, however, when I turn on my computer I have to hold down the "Option" button in order for me to choose to boot from the Macintosh HD. If I don't hold down the "Option" button a black screen shows up that says "Please enter a bootable disk" or something of that nature.
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Mar 9, 2008
My son was given a G4 that had a dead HDD. I put in a partitioned via windows xp HDD and tried to load the osx, all i get is the grey screen with a face/? flashing.
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Feb 10, 2009
After a couple of years of lurking around, searching for myself, I finally come out and ask for some help. My questions are intertwined, and I am unsure how to break up what into what. I am lost; forgive me my ignorance.The Scenario: I just got a Mac Box Set, and want to install Leopard.1. A new 400GB Passport. Existing 350GB--relatively new, getting a little glitchy. Only has copies of pix/video data on it.2. One MacMini, one Macbook Pro.3. Would like to backup bootable volumes for both macs.
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May 13, 2009
1. Can I setup the external hard drive to be partitioned so I can keep photos on one partition and the backup on another? How?
2. Can I hook an external hard drive up to a wireless router and have wireless backups done. It is a Linksys router and has a USB port on the back. Can I? How?
3. If I were to hook up the external hard drive to the router (if possible), can Windows and Mac both view it and access and write files on there.
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Jun 10, 2010
I just got a 500 gb external hard drive to back up my 500 gb hdd on my mbp. I know i can back up everything in osx by using time machine. but 70 gb of my hard drive is for windows xp. How would i back this up on the same external drive?
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Apr 10, 2012
Can someone remind of the keys to press when turning on my computer to access the partitioned hard drive?
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Apr 11, 2012
I am having trouble installing Lion on a partitioned hard drive I have three internal HD's The first I am running the system on 10.6.8 (which is up to date) , the second I do most of my work on and the third I have partitioned into two and I am trying to install Lion on one of the patitions. But Lion has decided it will only go on the first HD. Above is the one I want to put it on, but it's not available and I can't change the partition scheme. None of the things the directions state are usable?
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Jul 19, 2009
I partitioned my hard drive to in order to have an option of running tiger or leopard and thought that the partition would wipe my hard drive clean and was acceptant of this; however, I recently noticed that my disk space is running dangerously low and have discovered that all the crap I had on my hard drive before is still lingering in the depths of my hard drive. Anyways, is there any way I could just completely wipe my hard drive because I have a complete mess of duplicate files and songs that I don't want to even bother sorting through.
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Aug 24, 2009
I am trying to create a bootable copy of my mac and would like to include the windows XP partition as well. I am planning to install this copy onto multiple CPU's after I have created it on the external HD. Is there a way to copy both partitions onto the external and what should the formatting look like.
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Sep 13, 2010
I partitioned my HD and ran a boot from that disk. When I go and run a geekbench score I am getting 2400+ range as opposed to my 5800+ range I get on my normal boot up section?
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Jun 21, 2014
I replaced a 1 TB external drive partiotioned in 2 with a 3 TB extrnal drive run/store my corbon copy cloner back up and time machine.
The 3 TB drive was successfully partitioned through the disk utility and both back ups are installed and the initial back up is complete.
My question is about the 1 TB drive. I want to completely erase all data from the drive in order to use it for a different use.
Using disk utility one of the partitions deleted without incident when following the same protocol the second partition produced error messages.
Volume erase failed
Volume Erase failed with the error:
Couldn’t unmount disk.
If I try to eject the disk
It says it will not eject becaus e a program may be using it...
The only program that utilized this partition is Carbon Copy Cloner which is not being utilized on the new 3TB drive.
I do not see where there is a option to have more than on disk chosen for this purpose so am unsure why the disk utility is seeing the old partion as still in use.
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Jun 10, 2012
I did have a back up of my computer, I have restored my music but no apps. They are still on my phone and my ipad but not on my computer.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Feb 19, 2010
I have a Dual 1.8 G5 and my hard drive has started to make a clicking sound every now and then. I believe it may be on the verge of dying anyday. Since i have space to put in another internal hard drive i am planning to get a WD Black Caviar 1TB and put it in.
Now my question is how do i move all my application from the old internal drive to the new internal drive.From what i have researched it seems that using a enclosure is the way to go but all the info i have seen is referring to replacing the drive rather adding a new one.I would like to move everything to the new drive and make that a master.What is the best way to perform this task?
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Mar 23, 2012
I have a program that I must run on Windows as it is not supported on Mac. I have a MacBook Pro running OS X Lion 10.7.3 with a partioned drive Running Windows 7. Currently, I am rebooting to access the Windows side, but will eventually use the parallel software that is available, but baby steps first. (I am a new Mac user by the way, trying to get rid of the PC, but have found our accounting software is not supported for mac - inconceiveable I know!). So, I have an executable file that I need to launch and cant quite figure it out. I also have Boot Camp, but honestly don't have a clue what it does.
MacBook Pro, iOS 5.0.1
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Jun 6, 2012
i am using macbook air lion ox 10.7.4 and uploading my pictures in hard drive lacie last time i did this was today morning and iPhoto was up and going fine. this evening i cannot access iPhotos at all. i cannot copy it it says error 38?there is another iphoto library in the same hard drive and its functioning fine.did i lost all my pictures???
Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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May 5, 2012
I am going to install a new hard drive as well as expand the RAM to 8GB in my early 2009 Mac Mini 3.1 with 10.6.8. I'd like to retain Snow Leopard and all of my applications, their plug-ins and settings. What is the best way to assure that everything ends up on the new drive?
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Jul 28, 2009
I was just wondering if it was possible to install Linux on a partitioned part of my internal drive just to test it. I've never used Linux, so I wouldn't know.
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Feb 21, 2009
I have no idea what happened. it was working fine last week, and then the other day I tried to open up iMovie and i get "The operation could not be completed / An unexpected error occurred (error code -10810)" This happens every time i try to open anything in my applications folder. the programs on my dock open up fine.
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Apr 7, 2009
i have partitioned my macbook hard drive to run windows as well (using bootcamp) i have come to realize that i did not put enough space for my windows hard drive.
Is it possible to add space to it now or is it to late?
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Mar 5, 2009
I am trying to replace the hard drive on an old 450 MHz PowerMac G4 (AGP Graphics) which I bought years ago off eBay for my young child to play with. Now I'd like to use this Mac again as a sandbox for learning how to integrate OSX into Windows dominated corporate networks.
The original internal drive is a 27 GB IDE Seagate Barracuda, and I'd like to install an available 80 GB Seagate drive, which at some point had been partitioned on an Intel PC (running Windows or Linux). At first I wasn't aware that an incompatible partitioning scheme on PPC Macs might prevent this. I became suspicious only after numerous seemingly successful installs of OSX Tiger (on any 80 GB drive) the Mac would not recognize the drive (not even acknowledge its presence) after the subsequent reboot.
This was the case when attaching the drive internally. At one point I managed to execute a boot command (forgot which one) that took me to a prompt where I could select the external drive as the boot drive. However, this only worked when the drive was in an externall Firewire enclosure, AND only with the original drive still attached internally, AND I had to perform this manually at each reboot.
Finally my original drive died. Now I need to find a way to boot from the replacement drive installed internally. (Having a dozen barely used older drives available I'm too cheap to go out and buy a brand new one, especially since there's no guarantee that a new drive isn't already partitioned - and these days it's hard to find anything smaller than 160 GB anyway - the G4 only supports up to 128 GB.)
After much research I learned that the need for the proprietary Apple Partitioning Scheme (APS) on the PPC platform must be the issue. While the newer Intel-based Macs appear to come with an updated Disk Utility which provides the option to choose the partitioning method (between APS, GUID, and MBR) my original Tiger DVD does not have that option. Since this is my only Mac, and I paid dearly for the OSX Tiger upgrade a few years ago (and this Mac is only supposed to be a test environment) I am not inclined to buy another OSX disk/license at this time.
Despite scouring all the Mac forums I have not identified a practical way to get a bootable APM partition onto a hard drive once it's been spoiled with another partitioning scheme. Multiple seemingly successful OSX installs (during which I created brand new volumes with Disk Utility's Partitioning feature) end up with failure to recognize the drive upon reboot. I tried this with multiple drives from different manufacturers, although all of those drives at some point had Windows or Linux on them. ny ideas on how to wipe a MBR-partitioned drive totally clean and force APM upon
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Nov 22, 2009
have partitioned my drive and it restarts my machine once I've inserted my windows 7 disc. It then reboots but stalls on black screen saying no bootable data???
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Jun 17, 2010
So the hard drive in my MBP is partitioned into two separate partitions. One for OS X and the other for all my data. I want to install XP for some games and so I would like to use bootcamp to do so. My question is, is the drive that bootcamp will partition limited to the one with OS X already on it? Or can I use it on my other partition that has all my data.
And second, should I want to revert back and delete the windows partition, will everything go back to the way it was? Or will I have to format and re-partition anything.
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Apr 18, 2009
I have a G4 Powermac dual 1.25 with a 160Gig drive which is partitioned into two. I'd like to reformat the drive as a single partition. I have booted from an OS X CD but can't find a way with Disk utilities to 'UN-partition' the drive(s).
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Apr 28, 2012
A whole folder full of mixed video files disappeared.
I have three internal drives in my Mac Pro. I partitioned one into 2 volumes. On one of those volumes, I keep an older OS (10.4) along with some folders for holding video files I'm either working on or downloaded and keep for viewing. I don't know what happened but suddenly, all the files in those folders disappeared. Other folders on that volume are ok. This is not my boot drive. The missing files amount to 20 or 30 GBs. They are not in the trash. They seem to have simply disappeared. I ran disk utility to repair permissions; I booted from my install disk and repaired all; I tried making invisible files visible; I shut down and switched drive bays for the three internal drives. Still, the one drive in question, shows no signs of all the files I had on it.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 11, 2010
If I run iPartition on a half-full 1 or 2TB drive to make a second smaller partition on that drive, would it be significantly faster than using disk utility and restoring the files from a backup?
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May 15, 2008
New iMac (3.06Ghz Nvidia card, 4Gb RAM).I also got 2 Western Digital My Book Studio Edition external HD (1TB & 500GB).Now here's what happened.I installed my new Mac with the software I wanted and partitioned my internal HD to use SuperDuper Sandbox feature for the first time. After all that setup my system was running fine.Now I plug in my external HD's (via FIrewire 800, side Chained together), Leopard asks me if I want to use my 1TB for Time Machine (I say Yes), no to 500GB). My system backed up everything just fine, and I even tested Time Machine for the first time wich was kinda Fun.
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Dec 28, 2010
I have a PPC iBook G4 with 1.3 Ghz and 1 GB SDRAM that I bought new in 2006. I've never had a single problem with the machine, but it doesn't have a superdrive and the OS Tiger capabilities are limiting.
Last year I upgraded to Leopard with a .dmg via FW external drive and loved the interface, but with only a 40GB HD I deleted any app I didn't need. Over the summer I bought a new iMac, but I still need the laptop whenever I'm away from my desk. I tried erasing and reinstalling now that I don't have to keep much data on the drive...interested in getting back those non-essential apps. I've done it before with the exact same resources, but this time it's not working. I'm hoping someone out there can tell me what step I'm forgetting.
Here's what I've done:
1. Connected iBook to iMac in target mode via FW and erased/partitioned HD in Apple Partition Format.
2. Reinstalled Tiger on iBook from original disc.
3. Connected iBook to external drive via FW and restored .dmg to smaller partition on iBook.
4. Opened .cdr on smaller partition, saw the Leopard disc image, set the Leopard install disc as the startup disc in System Preferences. Hit restart button in System Preferences and got the little "not happeneing" noise.
5. Went to desktop and opened the Leopard installer disk image and pressed the install/restart button there. Reboot was slow and dark at first, but ultimately booted Tiger.
6. Went back to System Preferences, selected Leopard install disc as the startup disc again, locked the selection and restarted...booted Tiger again.
7. Tried these tactics again while holding option key and then S key at restart, but the second partition with the installer was never recognized. Tried from Safe Mode, only booted Tiger.
8. Then I tried connecting the external drive again and opened the .dmg, then .cdr from there. Again System Preferences recognized the installer, but it would not boot with the same variables as before.
9. I connected the iBook to the iMac in target disc mode again and ran disc utility, all good. Then I did same with external drive, all good. I made sure both drives and the install disc image were bootable. Tried the boot again from both, all bad.
10. I did a lot of reading on troubleshooting this process and thought it might be a permissions problem, that the installer was not executable. I did a terminal tutorial and managed to make the partitioned drive and disc image both owner enabled. Still the exact same results as when I started.
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May 7, 2012
I have copied a home made dvd onto my hard drive ,through system utilities etc, but when I go to my hard drive I can see it there but cannot seem to open the file to play it.
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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