MacBook Pro :: Shut Down - How To Remove Plug

May 2, 2010

I tried looking for an answer on this but search returned nothing about this specifically. Anyway, when I shut down my MBP at night and it's fully charged to 100%, should I remove the power cord or leave it plug in?

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MacBook Pro :: How To Remove Safari Plug-in

Jun 4, 2012

I installed a skype plug-in which is a pain in the ***. How do I remove it from my Sarari browser?

Mac OS X (10.7.4), Safari

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Intel Mac :: Remove Plug-ins And Cookies?

Apr 16, 2012

How can I remove plug-ins and cookies from my computer?

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MacBook :: Can't Remove "Label X" Plug In

Mar 28, 2012

System went haywire after downloading this plug in and It won't let me unistall the software. (The uninstall button wont light up on the menu screen) Now it's completely blocking me from changing labeling color.

Info:MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Won't Use The Iphone's Audio Plug As External Plug

Jun 12, 2010

I was wondering if there was a way to use the iPhone's audio jack as an external jack for the macbook pro via USB or so, as i own the 13 inch model, that only offers one jack.

I want to use garage band just trying out a bit and i'd need an extra jack for the headphones, otherwise the microphone will record what's played over the internal speakers.

EDIT: I forgot to say that I already tried things like AirPhones, meaning wireless stream to iphone. But there's unfortunately few moments of latency, so i hardly can use it for recording.

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Software :: Won't Work With Internet Plug In / Safari Can't Find Plug Ins

Feb 11, 2006

My work site requires me to download an internet plug-in (Safari comes up with the message - "Safari cannot find internet plug-in"). After following companies directions and installing the plug-in I still get the same message when I try to visit the site.

This is a brand new intel mac...10.4.4

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Intel Mac :: Safari Keeps Crashing Due To .MasterofDefense.tmp Plug-in - Can't Find Plug-in

Apr 12, 2012

Yesterday, Safari began crashing every 45 minutes.  I get a message that says Safari quit unexpectedly because of a plug-in called .MasterofDefense.tmp.  I used finder to search my computer, and I cannot find this file.  PlugIn Path: /Users/<myname>/Library/Application Support/.MasterofDefense.tmpPlugIn Identifier: .MasterofDefense.tmpPlugIn Version:    ??? (???) The file is NOT in that location mentioned in the crash log. According to web searches, MasterofDefense is some game, but I have never installed any games on my machine. 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Software :: Shut Down Pop-up - Are You Sure You Want To Shut Down Your Computer Now

Apr 7, 2009

I am getting a pop up "Are you sure you want to shut down your computer now?".

The one we get, if pressed the power button to switch it off?. The problem is not consistent and mostly I get if left inactive for some time(random). I have run the hardware test(installer DVD and pressing D) without any issue found.

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MacBook Air :: Plug It Into A Powered USB Hub?

Jun 19, 2009

Is there no way around this? is the USB simply for power? IE can i just plug it into a powered USB hub (thats not actually plugged into the air?

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MacBook Air :: Plug In Directly USB Drive?

Oct 15, 2008

I have a USB disc drive for my mac book air as well as an external hard drive. I'd like to plug the USB disc drive in, insert the music CD and upload my music to my iTunes folder on the hard drive. Unfortunately, the Disc Drive (the MacBook Air Superdrive) only work when I plug it in direct to the MacBook - not through a USB splitter. As the Air only has one USB port, I can't also plug the external hard drive in. How can I get over this?

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MacBook Pro :: Can I Buy Another Plug For My MagSafe Charger?

Mar 18, 2010

My MacBook Pros charger has the European two pin plug on the end of it. Does Apple sell UK plugs that I can plug into my charger?

It would seem a waste to have to buy a brand new adapter just for a plug, especially considering I've had to buy 4 of these already due to faults.

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MacBook Pro :: Sound When Plug In Headphones

Jun 3, 2010

I just bought a 15" MBP last week and got a few apps installed on this machine. And now it looks like I have a problem with the sound. When I use the built-in loud speakers, it is totally fine. But when I plug in the headphones. The left one is bigger than the right one. I check the sound configuration, the balance is put right in the middle (for both built-in loudspeakers and headphones). Therefore, I have to put it 3/4 on the right for the headphones. But I just don't know what is happening with my MBP. I believe probably there are some conflicts between the installed software with the drivers or something, but since it happens for both Mac OS and Windows 7 (Boot Camp), I guess I was wrong then.

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MacBook Pro :: Plug In Failure Youtube

Mar 6, 2012

I click on a video it simply says plug in failure, if im lucky 5 seconds of advert!? im currently runnin Lion 10.7.3 and have tried uninstalling adobe flash and reinstalling but still no joy!?

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MacBook Air :: Why Is There A Red Light On Where Plug In Headphones

Mar 18, 2012

why is there a red light on where i plug in my headphones

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.4.11)

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MacBook Pro :: Its Overheating At Power Plug

May 4, 2012

I'm getting overheating at the point where power enters the computer (the little cylindrical device that plugs into the magnetized power port.) The transformer feels fine, as does the cable, but that cylindrical plug gets way two hot to touch. Other answers relating to this subject indicate that charging an almost exhausted battery while also using the computer will cause overheating in the transformer, but the transformer feels fine. It's that little cylindrical plug that collects an amazing and worrisome amount of heat.

Info:MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Keep Getting A Message Saying Plug In Missing

Jun 10, 2012

I keep getting a message saying plug in missing - can anyone explain what I need to do to vercome this problem.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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MacBook Pro :: IPhoto Blocked Plug-in

Sep 7, 2014

Every time I connect my iPhone 5s and download photos/videos from it via iPhoto, a "Blocked Plug-in" black window pops up that I'm not able to get rid of until I shut down my computer.  I have installed the latest version of Adobe Flash but that hasn't solved the problem. I'm on a MacBook Pro using OS X version 10.9.4. 

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MacBook :: When I Plug My Digital Camera Into The Usb Port Nothing Happens?

Mar 16, 2009

I am a new mac user about one week now.

When I plug my digital camera into the usb port nothing happens for some reason. On my windows pc it automatically knows when its plugged in. it is a canon powershot a570is

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MacBook :: Weirdest - Crashes When Plug In Battery

Apr 7, 2009

My second generation black macbook has always been working perfectly until last night... I was watching a movie on my external monitor, when the computer kinda a froze, became irresponsive etc... Rare but ok. I reboot the machine (it was plugged in with the power source and battery inside). The machine won't start... so I remove the battery, reset the PVRAM, etc. The usual things. The computer restart just fine with only the power cord plugged in but not the battery. I tried to plugged the battery when the computer was running and it crashed it immidiately: this weird black screen that appears really really rarely saying that I need to reboot.

I reboot with the battery in, I hear the optical drive makes it's bzzz bzzz sound as usual, but the screen won't turn on, no chime, nothing. I remove the battery again still plugged in, but it won't start... I finally reallized that I need to do the reset thingy apple + command + power button with everything unplugged (battery and power cord) to have the computer restart after I placed the battery inside. I don't understand.. what could be wrong ? My battery ? It's fully charged... it was showing pretty good health last time I check (99%).

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MacBook Pro :: How To Plug Magsafe With Extension Cord

Mar 18, 2010

Just wondering about the differences whether using the extension cord or connecting the transformer directly to the AC. I mean, which one of this two options:

- macbook ------------[TRANSFORMER]>A/C
- macbook ------------[TRANSFORMER]------------------>A/C

Do you understand what I mean? just would like to see if its safier using the second option, or what's the difference.

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MacBook Pro :: Won't Work With Flash Safari Plug In

Apr 23, 2010

I go on all the time to watch the Office and when I do I don't notice any lag but recently I have occasionally. I checked activity monitor and it says the Flash Plug in is at around ~45% CPU. Why does it hog so much CPU? How can I change this? Is this normal for flash?? I thought my MBP would be able to handle this..

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MacBook Pro :: External Speakers Have Gone Muffled When Plug Them Into It?

Jun 16, 2012

I bought the Logitech z313 external speakers and they have been working perfectly with my mac-book up until recently they have done completely muffled! my internal speakers work fine, when I plug in head phones they work just fine and the external speakers work perfectly with my home PC. It's just when I try to use them with my mac now the sound is so terrible?

MacBook Pro

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MacBook Pro :: One Headphone Doesn't Work When Plug Into It

Jun 21, 2012

One headphone doesn't work when I plug into my Mac-book pro. Ive tried 4 sets of headphones and am certain that the headphone is not the issue. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Does Not Power Up After Plug In Phone To USB Port

Sep 2, 2014

Macbook pro does not  power up after plugging in phone into USB Port

MacBook Pro

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MacBook Pro :: Continuous Plug In Lose Overall Battery Capacity?

Nov 11, 2007

For the past month I think I've kept my macbook plugged into the wall. And the battery meter now says 95% but it says fully charged and the green light is on? Is keeping it plugged in hurting my overall charge?

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MacBook :: Plug In Headphones Or External Speakers Won't Get Sound

Jul 12, 2008

I have a problem with the headphone jack of my macbook. When i plug in some headphones or external speakers, it wont get sound to them, just like the headphone jack isn't there and the sound come out from the macbook speakers. The only ones that seem to work are the ipod original ones, but not if insert them completely, they need to be strategically plug in, like half in and half out, and if i move it a bit more the sound goes back to the speakers again. Does anyone knows what this might be and how to fix it? I can't use the warranty, because the warranty time already passed.

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MacBook Pro :: Use WiFi Or Plug In Ethernet Cable On The Desk?

Jul 24, 2009

When you get home at your desk, put your MBP on the table plugging it to an external monitor or not, do you keep it running on WiFi or do you plug in an ethernet cable for your notebook? I am on a 25mbps line in my home and i find that when i plug in the cable my internet connection is more stable, faster and doesn't drop out sometimes. Because, sometimes on Wifi, websites take a little longer to load or it seems to not load at all. While on the ethernet cable everything is just speed of light instant.

I have also noticed that using vmware when i go away from the computer and puts windows to sleep, when i get back, it takes a while for windows to recognize the airport vmware driver and connect back to internet, while with the ethernet cable it is just instant (again). Noticed this while running windows live messenger and the time it takes to connect back. I also noticed that transferring files from my windows vista desktop computer to my macbook was alot faster on ethernet cable than on the wifi connection, even though my router supports 54mbps wifi. So are you guys satisfied with your wifi? Or do you use an ethernet cable for stability? Or am i the only one with minor wifi problems?

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MacBook Pro :: Plug Is Constantly Blinking And Computer Does Not Start?

Apr 8, 2012

Plug is constantly blinking and Computer does Not start.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Safari Quits Unexpectedly While Using AntennaWebDesgn.tmt Plug In

Apr 12, 2012

Every so often safari is unexpectedly quitting because of a plugin called .AntennaWebDesgn.tmt plug in. I don't know where this plugin came from and how to remove it. [code]

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MacBook Pro :: Safari Quitting Unexpectedly While Using The .WindowsWallpaperChanger.tmp Plug-in

Apr 12, 2012

Recently, my Safari began shutting down and displaying the following error message: "Safari quit unexpectedly while using the .WindowsWallpaperChanger.tmp plug-in."  It seems to happen when I'm streaming Pandora or Netflix. It happens after about 15 minutes. The "change picture" setting in the system preferences is unchecked. The tmp file is not found on my computer (MacBook Pro).

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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