MacBook Pro :: Screen Quality - Compare To Desktop Screens And Full HD TV's?
Dec 21, 2010
I converted a Blu Ray movie and played it on my Mac. I'm actually super impressed how amazing it looks. Full HD movies is the way to go for certain. How does the screen of the MBP compare to the desktop screens and Full HD TV's?
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Aug 29, 2014
how do you play mine craft on a mac with 2 screens fullscreen  i play mine craft and i have a mac pro with 2 screens and i want to know how to play mine craft with both screens
Mac Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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May 3, 2012
My 11" MacBook Air recently just started randomly switching from full screen apps back to the desktop by itself without me using the 4-fingered swipe to change desktops/apps. I've tried quitting (almost) every app and no matter what app is left open, it keeps sliding from the full screen app back to the desktop. I've rebooted the laptop a good three times and it's also been fully shut down and turned back on twice and it still keeps switching.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Aug 31, 2008
Okay, I am running OS 10.5, and one of my kids did something to the desktop that makes it look "jumpy". When moving the mouse, the screen moves also, since not everything fits on the screen any longer. To see the dock, you move the mouse down, but then the menu bar at the top disappears. It's almost like they did something to make the screen larger than the display, so not everything on the desktop can fit the display (iMac). Luckily, it is not my user account, but still, it is driving me nuts!!
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Mar 4, 2007
I just purchased a Mac Mini and am using a DVI to HDMI cable to connect it to my 42" Sony KDF-E42A10. I am unable to achieve full-screen resolution and downloaded SwitchResX to manually adjust the display. Does anyone know the timing parameters for the Sony or how to achieve full-screen resoltuion?
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Apr 16, 2009
My dual screens are flashing, sometimes fading in and out of blue. Sometimes when they flash back to my normal desktop from the blue, everything is frozen, I can't move the mouse or do anything. What is going on with this? I have a Mac Pro Tower, OS X 10.5.4, 2 x 2.8 GHz Quad-Core intel Xeon processing, 6 GB 800MHz DDR2 FB-DIMM RAM. I use this machine to run a recording studio. It is used primarily with a Pro Tools HD3 rig.
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May 19, 2010
I have a late 2009 MBP and love it and now my wife is looking into notebooks as well and I was considering the new MB for her. She doesnt need a backlit keyboard or SD slot as its mainly for web browsing and average use. My question is does the new MacBook have glass over the entire screen/front bezel like my MBP does? I really like that as it makes cleaning the screen a LOT easier and seems to make the colors pop.
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Apr 14, 2009
I owned the 15" mbp and I know its not as good in quality as the 15" in the screen department but what are the two screens that the new unibody macbooks ship with?
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Aug 9, 2010
I am running 2 (early 08) Mac Pros in my studio but try as I might I can't get the two Eizo screens to look the same.
1st MP is 2 x3.2GHz Quad Core with 32 GB Ram and ATI Radeon HD4870 connected via DVI to an Eizo CG211 (Coloredge display).
2nd MP is 2 x 2.8 GHz Quad Core with14 GB Ram and NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT connect via DVI to an Eizo S2231W (Flexscan display).
The CG211 runs ColorNavigator, Eizo's in built calibration system, (described as hardware calibration) using a Datacolor Spyder 3 sensor.
The S2231W does not have hardware calibration and uses the same sensor Datacolor Spyder 3 and Datacolor's owner software Spyder3Elite 4.0.2.
I am pretty confident that I am running through the calibrations correctly. The ColorNavigator is idiot proof and I have created a similar target on the other machine Temp 6500K, Gamma 2.2, Brightness 90.
The Spyder3Elite is bringing back consistent results, consistent with previous calibrations, but just not the same as the other screen.
In general I would say that the FlexScan Spyder3Elite screen looks warmer (less blue) than the ColorEdge Screen.
They are next to each other on a long workbench so are under fairly similar lighting conditions.
I have spoken with Native Digital who sold me both screens, with Eizo and ColorData, but everyone is fairly unhelpful blaming each other's products and sometimes the graphics cards.
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Apr 15, 2008
I've had my Macbook Air for 10 days now and I find its an incredible machine. However there is one thing that really bothers me: the quality of the screen. First, like many Macbooks (LED or not), it is unevenly backlit. It starts bright from the top, then darkens, and when you get close to the hinge it gets really bright again (is this the bleeding effect that people talk about?) Also I find the vertical viewing angle appaling. You really have to get your eyes aligned in a certain precise way in order to have a correct display of colors. As soon as you move your head up and down slightly you get major shifts i nuances and tint. This might just be the deal breaker for me. I have the 9C73 display, which is supposed to be quite good too. Yeah its bright, but who cares about bright when a yellow page looks green in the middle and white on top?
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Jan 17, 2009
Why does everyone complain about the screen quality of the new Alu MacBooks? I don't own one yet (its on its way =]), but I have seen them in various shops and the quality seems amazing! Far better than the white MacBooks! And I didn't notice any annoying glare problems (maybe I will when mine arrives...).
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Nov 4, 2010
How would you compare the mba screen quality to the mbp? Appleinsider seems to way in its review that the mbp was a higher quality screen (but mbp has lower res) [URL].
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Mar 11, 2008
At the moment I have 2 MBAs at home and the displays are different. My first MBA had some build issues. So I called apple and they just sent me a second MBA. The second MBA's display lighting is much brighter especially at the edge of the screen. So the colours are worse and the black is not black any more. So I'm not sure what to do: I want the screen of my first MBA and the build quality of the second one
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May 31, 2009
I have owned a new white macbook for a month or so now and I am a little concerned about the quality of the screen. Basically the viewing angles are very bad. The slightest movement off center, the image completely changes, especially the blacks. Also on a pure black background, the bottom left/right corners are nowhere near black and are sort of shining greyish and it takes a bit of adjustment to get an even black from top to bottom, if at all. I was just wondering if this just a normal circumstance with theses lower-end white macbooks or should there be a better quality screen experience?
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Jun 22, 2009
I just got a mbp 2.26Ghz 13inch
with screen model 9C9E
I've read some got screen model 9C9F and more.
But I find my screen is not very impressive at all
infact, I think it's not much different form the UMB.
is there any difference between the 2.26 & 2.53's screen?
and some with the same 2.26Ghz model yet having different model of screen of different screen quality.
Yet mine have a bad color saturation as well as a very low brightness.
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Jul 12, 2009
Just got the 2.53 model coming from the unibody 2.4 MBP. This new screen is not very good IMHO. I have panel LP154WP4-TLA1. The colors look fake and I swear the text is blurry. I am having major eyestrain when reading in the dark. That never happened with my old MBP.
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Nov 20, 2009
Is the MBP Unibody iSight quality the same as the iMac 27" quality.
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Mar 23, 2009
For those of you that consistently read the Macbook Pro forum, you may have already heard of the Techrestore Matte Service. For those of you that don't: Techrestore essentially removes the glass from your Macbook, puts in a HQ matte screen. Then they make a matte black bezel to go around it. The pictures look great. And it's like on youtube and MacWorld and stuff. It was even ZDNET's best in show. [URL] (sideline3's techrestored macbook pro)
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Apr 8, 2012
Ive been having some issues with my monitors going black during working, it happens on the mac side but more often on through bootcamp running windows 7.
It also has been getting a frozen start up screen at the apple logo. All the times it does start up i do hear the start up chime. I have tried to reset pram and smc but that does not seem to solve the problem, Ive also run a check using techtool pro v6 and it has come up with no issues.Â
Ive recently upgraded my graphics card to the nvidia quadro 4000, ive read the issues with card in the past but since the lion release its become better supported i thought not sure if thats the problem or something with the mac pro itself, i have updates the cards drivers for both windows and mac. Im currently running 3 OS, OSX 10.6.8, Lion and windows 7 (bootcamp)Â
My system specs areÂ
2.66 GHz 6 Core
nvidia quadro 4000
20-inch cinema display / 23 LGÂ
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May 28, 2009
there are claims that a uMB with screen 9CA5 is as good as the MBA, Anyone have both to do a side by side.
The screen was the one reason I went with the MBA.
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Jan 20, 2010
When I have my brightness at a certain setting and then start playing a game, the brightness jumps to full. When I then press the button for less brightness, it jumps immediately to the setting it was originally.
This also happens whenever I do alt+tab to return to the desktop. So it appears it happens when I do something that requires to switch to full screen mode cause it also happens with other programs.
At normal use, surfing, office,... this problem does not occur. And also it doesn't happen under OS X
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Sep 16, 2009
So I have a DYNEX 21 inch HD TV conected up to my MBP via the VGA connection route. My problem is that when I want a program (or more specifically in this case a game) to go into fullscreen mode it automatically goes to my primary monitor and turns the other screen black. I know I can switch the primary monitor from my actual laptop screen to the TV however I just want the game to be full screen on the TV while still having access to my dock and everything on my laptop.
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Oct 23, 2009
I have a 15" MacBook Pro with a 20" ACD. Whenever I full screen view something, like say with VLC or even a web browser video, I lose functionality on the other screen. It never really bothered me until I realized I needed the multi-tasking. Is there anyway to keep functionality on either screen when the other is in fullscreen mode?
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Jan 2, 2011
I recently upgraded to a Macbook Pro 15" with a mini displayport, and I decided I would share my LCD monitor with my windows box. The desktop box is connected with DVI and I have connected my Macbook through an HDMI adaptor from Moshi. Everything works very well, and I'm pleased with the quality of the output, but I'm having trouble with a screen flicker in full screen games.
When I select full 1080p (1900x1080) in any full screen game, the screen "shudders." It does not occur on the OS X desktop, and I can only explain it as a shudder. Lines and text shift perceptively left and right, and the game is unplayable. I have experienced this problem in Starcraft 2, World of Warcraft, and Half Life: Episode 2 so far.
Could the problem be with my monitor and the way it handles an HDMI signal? The Macbook is flawless otherwise, with no other issues of any kind. The "shudder" only occurs during full screen games set to 1900x1080. Lower resolutions are not effected and work fine...
I'm stumped.
Edit: I should add that I have no other 1080p capable devices to test the output with.
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Jan 14, 2009
I recently had to erase and install Leopard. I then restored everything from my time-machine backup. The weird thing is, before, when watching streaming videos from the internet, the screen stayed at the same brightness, regardless of whether there was any mouse movement, or touching the keyboard, or anything. Now, if I don't do anything, the computer dims the screen, as if i wasn't watching a video.
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Jun 8, 2012
I just purchased a 24" dell monitor to use with my macbook Pro. My Mac does not give me the option of selecting the screen resolution that the Dell monitor says it has (1920x1080). It only allows for 1600x900 at max. This has the effect of the screen not stretching to the full size of the screen.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.4.7)
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Sep 10, 2009
If you connect say a 13inch macbook to a 19inch monitor using the closed clamshell mode, will the picture quality on the monitor be like a stretched out version of the 13inch screen? I.e. poor, or does the macbook just act like a desktop computer and allow high quality viewing.
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Aug 27, 2014
I'm trying to watch a video streamed on google chrome on my second display, which is a Samsung TV connected by HDMI to my macbook pro.Â
However, I can't use my laptop when doing this, if I press full screen on the video no a separate window on the TV then click back onto my macbook screen the video exits full screen.Â
MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Late 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Oct 13, 2010
How can I change the quality of screen sharing in Snow Leopard? I've tried adjusting defaults write controlObserveQuality but I'm having no luck. It always streams at full quality which leads to painfully slow screen refreshes.
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Jan 11, 2009
I have a first generation Macbook that's starting to get long in the tooth. I keep hearing how the MBA sometimes feels sluggish... and I can understand how it would compared to the new aluminum MBs and MBPs. However, I would imagine it would be a fair bit faster than my old white MB. Am I right in assuming that... or am I way off?
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