I just bough a 13in MBP yesterday at bestbuy because they let me get my student discount and they gave me an ipod touch for free without the rebate. So When I got home and opened it I noticed a pretty deep scratch in it right above the power button about a half an inch long that wont come out if i try to clean it. My question is do you think that would be enough of a reason to exchange it? I know its only cosmetic but I really dont think that should be there when you buy a brand new computer. What do you think?
just came home from Apple Store today with new computer and superdrive, which is not showing up when plugged in. When I put a CD in it reads it for a few seconds then spits it out. I am on the road so getting to an Apple Store will not be easy for the next week.
Info: MacBook Air (11-inch, Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
My sister has given me her computer and i would like to re create it just like you do as soon as you get it, reset all settings so i can change them to mine... How can i do this??
I recently purchased a Macbook Pro 15" Unibody and my titanium steel watch is resting against the wrist rest. Which is the most reliable and affordable option to protect it from scratches on the wrist rest and the top and bottom of it's body.
My friend has the MacBook Pro 13" and may be I'll buy that MacBook. But there is one little Problem.He has a scracht on the display. It is about 2cm long and circa 0,5mm deep.Is it possible to remove that scratch?Or do I have to change the complete display-glass?
Since I got my new MBA, I am afraid of closing the lid without using the factory keyboard layer fearing the keys may scratch the monitor. Am I being paranoid? I am sure the keyboard has been designed as to not touch the screen when its folded right?
I just had the laptop on one hand, and was carrying my dog on the other hand and as soon as I turned around it hit a door. Now that's how that scratch got there. I'm so sad because I was so taking care of it! It's under the mini monitor port as you can see. Does anybody know how I can get that scratch off? [URL]
I am sure this has probably been asked a million times but is there anyway to touch up a black mark thats on my macbookpro. It doesn't look like a scratch, more the aluminum finish has rubbed off or been scratched slightly.
Now for those of you who used mbp for a while, how easily do the aluminum unibody dent/scratch? it seems every single used mbp on ebay i see had some sort of dent on it. All of the mbp casings look bad, including the see thru one, they defeat the purpose of having a slick unibody mbp. The only option is those invisible films that stick onto the mbp, but they need water to install. None of them seems like good options. Anyway I am thinking of just getting a sleeve and leave the mbp naked. Is that a good idea?
I was thinking about possibly selling my MacBook Pro and purchasing the 11.6-inch Air because I'm a college student who doesn't need much more than word processing, web browsing, iTunes, and portability. But I hear that the Airs don't have the glass covering of the Pro... Is the screen itself plastic or glass and does it scratch easily?
today I received my new MBP15, unpacked, opened the screen..and I found this: [URL:...] it's not in relief, seems some defect in the aluminum, like metal fatigue. Is it common? No way to fix it?
Can it be real, that on my new MacBook Pro Retina display I have a little scratch/crack in the glass out of the box?You can only see it if you have light (e.g withe) background on the display.Â
I bought a Mac Book Pro last night. I follwed the set up, completed a migration from my Dell, finished the set up this morning. Now I cannot login to the Mac Book Pro and the log in page has both an apple, and a Dell icon on it. I've tried every password associated with both the Dell PC and my Itunes account.
i got a screen scratch on my Computer about 4 months ago and it is now bothering me. I want to remove it because well... i have some OCD and i would love to see a clear screen. Its just a small 3mm hair line scratch but i would like it gone. Because on white it makes a Kind of Rainbow effect. Now i've seen 2 methods i think that could work. One is using a Combination of Tooth paste a Petroleum Jelly... while another is using Nail Polish Remover to buff it out. Link: [URL]
So I got a MacBook on Tuesday and am already noticing something screwy with my battery. On Tuesday I replaced the RAM and HD before even plugging the MAcBook in. I then hooked up the AC adapter and reloaded Leopard. Once Leopard was loaded (hour or so later) I noticed my battery was just sitting at 99%. Finally about 30-45 minutes later it git 100%, so I was happy and brushed it off as an initial charge. So last night when I plugged the MacBook in to use it I was back at 99%! I used the laptop for about 2 hours and never went back to 100% on the battery. So what gives? Did I do something wrong with the initial use/charge? Should I try draining my battery and recharging it?
Now that they have cheaper refurbished Macbooks up, I think I'm going to buy one today.
I have bought many refurbished products before, but never one this expensive. I just wanted to make sure that there is NO difference in warranty, quality or anything when buying refurbished. Simply just a computer that has been refurbished but includes everything as if it were being bought brand new.
Also I am definitely going to buy a new Hard drive for it immediately. I was reading around about the western digital 5400 rpm and 7200 rpm. Is it worth waiting for the 7200rpm or just go for the 5400? And is 500GB the biggest hard drive that I can put in my macbook? I want the biggest possible.
What is the exact drive that is compatible with the macbook?
Just discovered a scratch (I think) on my 15" MBP; it's hi-res anti-glare. Now every time I use the laptop my eyes instantly land on this tiny scratch. This is my first screen to get scratched.
i just had the unfortunate incident of someone touching my screen with an object. i dont think it scratched but it led me to researching if the glass is scratch resistant and trying to learn more about the glass itself. ive read that it is gorilla glass which i think is very scratch resistant but that i believe is not confirmed. Â Â
can anyone shed light on the LCD glass they use and if it is able to withstand minor bumps/nicks/taps/ from objects like pen-caps, or a paper clip hitting it etc etc??im looking for specific info like its actual properties, makeup and scratch threshold. Â
I just bought a brand new charger and it stopped working after about the third charging cycle. The light just simply doesn't go on and the computer doesn't read anything.
Weird thing though is that my old charger did the same thing at the end (although if you jiggled the connection it worked)? Could it be my computer? Although I tested the charger on another computer and it didn't work either. and a different charger on my computer worked.
Is this common for the new chargers that there are lemons once in a while?
Could it be because I left the plastic over the charger to prevent scratches?
Will apple exchange it for a new one or are they gonna give me a problem cause I really don't think this should have happened.
So I'm interested in building my arsenal of Macbook servicing tools and I'm interested in finding out what is the best brand. I would imagine that tools are rather generic and brand not being an area of consideration. I just want to make sure I buy high quality tools for a high quality machine.
I was looking at the "al a carte" tools from ifixit and powerbookmedic. Seem inexpensive, but I probably wouldn't ever imagine spending more than five dollars for a screw driver anyway... Oh and with a coupon code, I can place 4 or 5 consecutive orders and get each tool for free and only pay shipping/handling
My macbook battery broke 500 cycles, and the battery life was at about half what it used to be so I ordered what was described as a brand new battery from Westronics, through Amazon. I put the new battery in the machine and checked System Profiler, and it is telling me that the battery has 15 cycles on it already. iStat Nano says the same thing. Is this normal for a new battery to have cycles on it already? Or did I not get a new battery? I just want to make sure I got what I paid for.