MacBook Pro :: Certain Keys Will Randomly Not Working
Jun 23, 2014
My macbook pro I got last summer is having issues with it's keyboard. certain keys will randomly not work. If I keep pressing them repetitively they will spew out random letters.Â
I'm using the thin aluminum USB external keyboard and suddenly my 8ik, diagonal of keys stopped working (now I'm using my laptop keyboard). Anyone know if this is typically a sign of a broken keyboard, or a user issue?
F3 and my right shift key have suddenly become play/pause keys in addition to their original functions. My F8 doesn't really do anything anymore and does not even light up in Keyboard View. I've tried to use Sizzling Keys, and reset Keyboard Shortcuts but the problem still persists. It seems to affect most music playing programs (iTunes and Vox. I have a Macbook Model 5,2 and Mac OS X 10.5.8
I recently spilled a protein shake over my mb pro. It spilled on the right side, but I quickly cleaned it with a wet tissue and dried it up. The problem, now, is that the illuminated keyboard isn't working..only a few random keys are working and the rest aren't..
What should I do? I have a 1 year warranty left, but I'm not sure it'll be covered.
I reinstalled OS X from a Leopard dvd earlier (took it to an apple store and borrowed their superdrive), then transferred my info from my black macbook (latest revision, so has the volume keys as F10,F11,F12, play at F8 etc) via time machine. Once that had finished, I logged in on the air and tried to lower the brightness. It wouldn't work, so i tried the other F keys and they don't perform their functions.
Yesterday, without spilling anything on it, the left click on my trackpad (and on my wireless mouse) stopped functioning(MacBook Air/OSX 10.6.4/1.6 GhZ) After one hour it started working again. At first, I thought it must be related to settings that i had messed up in the meantime (Universal access, mouse keys etc).However it turned out not to be the case. I tried virus scan, PRAM reset, but it didn't help. Today i took it to the Apple store, they proposed to replace the keyboard. Since I am out of warranty I don't want to pay 200 euros if the problem can be solved without the replacement of the keyboard.
Searched and kind of found an answer, but it doesn't seem to be 100% correct for me. Right now, MOST of the FKEYS do what is printed on them, controlling sound, brightness, F9 and F10 only work when you hold the fn key (lower left). How can I get those to work without that? I know there is an option in the Keyboard control panel, but that only makes it so I have to use the fn key for ALL of them.
The LEFT and DOWN directional arrows on my Mother's MBP just stopped working. All other keys work fine. Does this generally mean I will need to replace the top case? Has anyone out there experienced keys not working, then working again? Could it possibly be the connection to the logic board? Or some dust in an undesired location?
My cat slept on my MacBook last night and now the keyboard isn't working properly ... Some keys don't do anything at all and some keys do things they shouldn't... Any clues on how to fix this? I called the apple support line and we don't think it was anything to do with the settings in 'universal settings'. I'm not sure what else to do and this is one time I do wish I had a man in the house?! Or at least someone else who has half a clue! I rely haven't had many problems with my MacBook 'till now. I'm operating on Mac os x 10.6.8Â Also, 2 cats free to good home. Or anyhome, it doesn't even need to be 'good'! Â
Info: MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Late 2008 macbook
I have a Macbook Air and I just recently realized that some of my keys do not work or they will work when I press the letter or number next to the key that I need. I do not know what is wrong or why this is doing this since I got the computer on March 26, 2012.
I am trying to use all my F Keys, volume up/down, turning up the light on screen as well as the keys, and nothing is working. I just bought this Mac 2 days ago. Is there something I need to do? Or is a malfunction?
Yesterday i was using my Mac Book, it was working fine, but today as i turned on my Mac Book, i tried to enter my password there, it was not accepting my password. the 5 keys which are not working on my machine are "QWERU" , what could be the reason that they keys are not working?
One of the keys on my keyboard are not working. The letter "b" isn't working for me.(I had to copy+paste the letter.) Is there any solution? I restarted my computer and even followed to apple instructions in hopes that it would work. However, the key still doesn't work.
This is the most obnoxious computer problem I've ever encountered. I'm yet to figure out a pattern, but my Macbook Pro's keyboard will just stop working for several minutes at a time at random points in time. Even if I hit caps or num lock, they don't turn green. Sometimes it'll just happen once every few hours, but I was in class the other day and it would work for a minute, then not work for a few, than work for another minute, etc.
So I went to church earlier tonight, and was gone about 4 hours. When I came home and opened up my Macbook, the right click had stopped working. I have tried unchecking and rechecking the option for right click, restarted the computer. I don't know what to do!
I am not sure what happened but it seems my two year old child might have spilled something on my macbook. The keyboard stopped working and when I pressed a key the letter "Z" got stuck. I purchased a used "topcase" from ebay, installed it and I am still experiencing the same phenomonon, although other letters can type normally. My gut instinct is that there is something else wrong ""deeper to the keyboard".
The 'Return' and 'Backspace' keys on my mac have recently stopped working. Nothing was spilled on them and nothing seems to be wrong with them when pressed down. I also removed the keys and checked that there was nothing in the way, but there wasn't. I have rung apple and they said it would need to be taken into a store, but there isn't one near by and it will be a few weeks until i can take it in. In the meantime, is there any way that I could remap the keys in question to another couple of keys. For instance right command and right option?
Today I received a bluetooth Razr mouse in the mail today and went to connect the device as I would any other. Well when I was playing music in iTunes, the function keys to skip, pause, and every other function key does not work. The volume keys move my windows and pull up widgets. I dont know if the mouse has anything to do with it, but I imagine it doesn't because I disconnected it and the problem remains.
I have a MBP with an apple wireless keyboard. The keyboard has brightness keys on it but they have recently stopped working. It is strange as the keys on the MBP still work but the ones on the bluetooth keyboard, placed exactly in the same spot (the wireless KB and the Macbook pro's KB are exactly the same), don't.
My volume keys on my MacBook have stopped working. All otherkeys work fine. Tried re-setting the PRAM and nothing. Made sure the voiceovers and such were disabled as well.
My trusty four year old (2.33 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo) macbook pro has, all of a sudden, decided it doesn't want to let me use the left and right cursor keys any more. All the other keys work (including up and down) but the left and right ones don't, even when combined with modifier keys (e.g. Ctrl+<right> should but doesn't navigate across to a second pane in lion). Is it hardware or software problem. Seems odd from a hardware point of view that exactly 2 keys would fail simultaneously.
From a software point of view: I haven't installed anything new lately and I've closed down all the applications running on osx with no luck. Is there some way I can diagnose whether this is hardware or software? Can I boot to a command prompt and test it there? does osx lion include an on-screen keyboard that shows each key being hit? I suppose I could install a keylogger but that might not be conclusive.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
The volume and other function keys aren't working as they used to. The brightness key doesn't do anything and the volume key isn't working either. I've tried to fix it on system preferences but it didn't work. They're not set to be used like normal function keys. I don't know what is happening they were working fine.
I was listening to music one day and went to pause the music using the Play/Pause (F8) key. I pressed the key and nothing happened. The forward skip and back skip keys also do not work with iTunes or any other program. I've tried resetting the key settings and restoring my Macbook Pro to a time when i remembered them working.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.1)
The top row of keys on my keyboard are not working i.e. sound buttons do not adjust sound, same with brightness etc. They make a sound when pushed but the functions arent working. I have booted in safe mode and reset sound cache, I have check all settings in the keyboard section of system preferences.
I have a macbook pro late 2011. Yesterday, I was using as usual my macbook the whole day. So I went to bed and shut the system down usually. Today I've started the OSX up and the number keys on the keyboard were not working anymore... The weird thing is that the whole keyboard is currently working except the keys from 1-9 (even the Zero key is working as usual) and I have to use the virtual keyboard to type them...Â
Info: MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), late 2011
I was listening to music on my macbook with headphones one night and once I unplugged them my sound stopped working. There is no red light coming out of the headphone jack and when I go to the sound settings it says there are no output controls. I don't know what to do because everyone says theirs has a red light but mine doesn't.