MacBook Pro :: Partition On SSD Broken After Falling Into Sleep When Battery Dies?

Apr 4, 2012

I have a mid2009 MacBook Pro 15" 2.8 Ghz with an 1TB in the main bay and a Verbatim 128GB SSD in my optibay. I also upgraded my RAM to 2x 4GB. It runs the latest Lion version.

Here is my problem: 

When I work on my battery and there's no power left, it automatically shuts down. Right? The sleep/wake light lights until the battery is out of power. If I then try to reboot, the Apple and a loading-bar appear which shows that it is recovering the previous session so that I can continue where I left (right?).

The problem is that it fails at 1/3rd of the bar and the screen goes black. After resetting PRAM and the other resettable things, it still won't boot on that partition.

I tried to repair from an external Lion installation drive, my second partition (which also runs lion) and from the Recovery HD (of both partitions). I always get the same problem (see picture). 

This is happening to me all the time. After several reboots i can acces my files again, but I still can't boot from my partition because it fails loading my last session. It certainly isn't the disks fault because I can boot from the other partition on that very same disk w/o any problems. Right now I'm trying to make an identical copy with Disk Utility (as described by Apple).  

My question now is: Can I repair the partition by any means without reformating it (as I did the last times)?

Furthermore: Can I just disable the function that tries to backup/restore my last session so that my MBP just shuts down or does a hard shutdown when the battery dies?  

PS: My Time Machine drive is at the moment not available, so I couldn't backup in a while, I need the files.

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MacBook Pro :: Computer Dies - Goes Into Safe Sleep

Aug 20, 2009

I posted something up a little while ago.. Just got this Refurb MBP 15.4" 2.66Ghz 320GB HD 9600 512MB And when my computer dies (0%) it doesn't go into regular sleep, so when I plug it back in I can't just hit the spacebar. I don't like this and want to be able to turn this off?

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Dies Around 50 Percent?

Oct 10, 2010

The battery on my MBP (2007 2.33 Core 2 Duo) has started to die, just like the three others that came before it. It seems like it's only been a year or so since I got a new battery. Yesterday, I was using it unplugged and the computer shut off when the battery was around 58%. I have never seen a battery shut off that early. The worst I had seen before that was a previous battery that would die around 35%.

A couple questions:

1. Is there something I am doing that is causing my batteries to keep dying so quickly? An Apple Genius told me that keeping the computer plugged in all the time can burn out the battery. I don't really want to bother putting the computer through unnecessary charge cycles to keep up the battery life.

2. Is there any way to recoup some of the lost battery life of my current battery, or is it just dead?

3. In replacing the battery, should I buy another Apple battery from the website, or are there better quality 3rd party MBP batteries?

4. On a side bar, I am thinking about purchasing a new MBP, but I am worried that the battery will have the same problem, and it will be much more of a hassle to fix because everything is internal now. I hate having to hand my computer over to Apple Care for a whole day and be without it.

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MacBook :: Use Of AC Power If Battery Dies?

Jun 23, 2012

My MacBook is still going strong, but in the event that the battery dies, will it still run on AC power?

MacBook, iOS 5

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MacBook Pro :: I7 Taking Forever To Wake Up When Battery Dies - C2d Didnt?

Jul 26, 2010

So when my mbp shuts off after the batter dies and I plug it in and press the power button it takes awhile for the screen to come back on, and then for the little white bar at the bottom, and then when everything is back, I cant use any apps for a minute or two because they won't open. My c2d mbp would just wake right back up and be ready to go.

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Software :: G5 Falling Into Sleep Randomly?

Feb 19, 2006

i have an imac g5 that has been falling into sleep randomly at times. the first time this happened was when i tried playing the Nanosaurs game that came with the computer. i played for 10 or 15 minutes before it went into sleep mode, and then when i woke it up and tried playing again it would fall back into sleep right away. i havent used that game recently, but it has also fell into sleep while using the dvd rippng program handbrake. it has also fallen into sleep while running other programs, though i do not specifically remember which. after it falls asleep, and after i wake it back up, it often falls right back into sleep mode and i need to close most programs to get it to stay awake. it came with 256 mem and i added another 512 months ago. i dont know if that has anything to do with it but thats the only mod ive made so the rest is just stock.

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OS X :: Battery Dies - The Mac Restarts In The Exact Way You Left It?

Jun 5, 2009

You know how when the battery dies the mac restarts in the exact way you left it? well, i was wondering if there was any way that i could put in that mode on my own (without pulling out the battery or hurting the mac).

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MacBook Air :: Battery Drains Extremely Fast In Sleep Mode / Battery Down To 16% From 29%

Jan 6, 2009

I get the whole part about that I set my laptop to go to sleep in 5 minutes, and if I close the lid it'll go to sleep, and the little light at the bottom starts to pulse, etc. But in sleep mode, my battery seems to drain extremely fast!

For my old Gateway M275 laptop while in sleep mode, it would probably lose about 5-7% of it's battery in a day's duration. With my MacBook Air, I just came back to it tonight after a day's worth of sleeping, and my battery was down to 16% from 29%. And to check, it was indeed sleeping!

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MacBook Air :: Battery Broken During SSD Install?

Feb 17, 2010

Installation was easy, I used the ifixit guide. But - and I am still slapping myself for it - I broke the battery during installation.

Following the ifixit guide I removed the battery to have more room for the installation of the SSD. The battery came off very easily, but unfortunately with the socket from the motherboard still attached.

I have tried to reinstall it, but apparently the contact is to loose. It does not stick to the motherboard and I am wondering how Apple attached it in the first place.

My Macbook Air still works on AC - and the Runcore is a breeze - but it will not recognize the battery. That means my svelte MBA is no chained to my desk.

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Gets Empty In Sleep Mode / Battery Having Less Capacity?

Nov 14, 2009

I have a MacbookPro mid 2009 and have some problems with my battery. This morning I noticed that the battery was empty through it was supposed to be in sleep mode during the night. My battery has 97 cycles and has 99% of its original capacity. What could be the cause of this problem ?

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MacBook Pro :: Broken Battery Lock On Laptop - Dumb Little Piece Of Plastic Can Be Replaced?

Oct 2, 2006

The little white plastic doohickey that opens the battery compartment on my laptop (powerbook g4, I thinks) has broken off and now I can't open the battery compartment.I'm trying to find out if my battery has the appropriate serial number for the recall, but I can't open the battery compartment. Plus, the battery no longer works at all, so I have to use the AC adapter if I want to use the laptop at all--NOT GOOD!Does anyone know if this dumb little piece of plastic can be replaced, and if so how? (I'm sure it costs something like .000000003 cents to manufacture......)

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OS X :: Snow Leopard - DNS Broken After Sleep?

Aug 31, 2009

Late 2008 MacBook, online via WiFi. Since upgrading to 10.6, about 50% of the time I wake the lappy, apps cannot resolve hostnames. Ping by IP and dig to resolve names works on the command line. However, no apps can get DNS. Safari and Firefox report "offline" mode. Anyone else see this? A reboot is the only fix I've found, and that's a pain.

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OS X :: Powerbook Battery Latch Broken - What To Do

Nov 17, 2010

I just purchased a 2005 Powerbook G4 12" and ordered a new battery. Unfortunately, when I stick a coin into the battery release latch on the underside of the computer, it just keeps turning around without ever releasing the battery. Therefore I'm guessing it's broken, and the battery is stuck in there. What do I do now? Can I take it to a Genius bar?

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Mac Pro :: Broken Battery Holder - Key Chain Starts Fuzzing

Jan 7, 2011

Edit: Clumsy me, of course I managed to break the battery holder (the little metal thing connecting to the + of the battery) Any chances of fixing it without replacing the motherboard or such? Every time I disconnect the power cord from my 2008 Mac Pro the system time is reset and my key-chain starts fuzzing (I have to re-enter my e-mail password). What could be the problem and what solutions are there? I'm thinking maybe it's the battery but I would like to hear from someone who knows a bit better, that is you lot , before I try to correct the problem.

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MacBook :: Goes To Sleep When Battery Is Inserted?

Sep 3, 2010

basically my macbook works but only when the battery is out and it is plugged into an outlet. The laptop starts up fine with the battery in but will go into sleep mode about 20 seconds into startup. I'm currently using it without the battery in there and plugged into the outlet. When the battery is inserted, the mac immediately goes to sleep. and when removed it instantly turns back on. The battery is not defective because I have tried using a new battery.

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Loss During Sleep

Dec 26, 2010

how much battery loss are i7 users seeing during sleep? anyone have comparisons stand by time for i7, i5, c2d mbp and mba?

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MacBook Air :: MB Air Losing Battery During Sleep?

Jan 9, 2011

just been noticing something weird happening with the battery on my 13" Ultimate Air I got just under a week ago,It seems that when I put it to sleep it still loses battery power? I had it 100% charged last night before going to work, went to work today and turned it on for about 10 mins just to go on Safari over wifi, this seemed to drop the battery to about 97% when I was done, so that's fine.

I put it to sleep again, have just come home from work and I wake it up, it now shows 93% battery? Am I missing something here? I know for a fact the machine definitely went to sleep.

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MacBook Pro :: Shuts Down Instead Of Sleep When Out Of Battery

Sep 20, 2007

Is it strange that my MacBook now just shuts down when it runs out of battery instead of just going into sleep mode? It's about two weeks old now. It used to go into sleep mode, but now it just shuts down once the battery is down. Also, I had the most wonderful experience with Apple. My first macbook (three weeks ago) had a small chip on the screen. When I finally noticed it, I thought it was a large piece of dust so it wasn't too terrible. I tried to exchange it at the local store where I purchased it, but it had already been four days and I had cut out the UPC for the printer and ipod rebate the day before and sent it out. So they recommended that I go see a mac genius and see if I can get the screen replaced because I could no longer exchange it or return it (risk losing my rebates).

So, a bit upset that I was too prompt about getting the rebates in, I scheduled an appointment with a genius. When I spoke to him, he just went to the back and got the manager. The manager said instead fixing the screen, he'd liked to give me a new macbook and instant reimbursement for the ipod and printer! (the rebates I sent in will be rejected since the mac has been returned). The new macbook I noticed has a much louder superdrive seems to be working hard every time the computer wakes up and when I open it, but that definitely beats a chip on the screen. But now it doesn't go to sleep after the battery gets low, but instead shuts off.

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MacBook Air :: How Long Will Battery Last When At 0% And Sleep

Dec 23, 2008

When you MBA reaches 0% charge - it auto sleeps the machine in hopes that you will soon charge it.

how long you have to actually get it plugged in?

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MacBook Pro :: How To Sleep During The Battery Calibration

Apr 24, 2010

I just got my first Macbook pro 15" and trying to calibrate the battery. Can my MBP sleep on battery during calibration? Can i finish the process after sleep? It takes a lot of time to calibrate this device.

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MacBook Pro :: Glass Display Falling Off?

May 2, 2010

I have a refurb. MacBook Pro 15" Unibody (2009 model) and the glass display appears to be 'falling off.' A space can be seen between the glass and the rubber strip near the camera at the top of the display. This computer has spent most of the time I've had it on my desk. I take good care of this expensive baby, and I can ensure I caused no damage to it. I got it in January.

The nearest Apple store for me is 80 miles away. I can't be without the computer for much time at all, but I want this fixed. It's unlikely Apple will be eager to send me an entire new computer (I always have everything backed up), but that's what I want to do. I've read somewhere that Apple will email a shipping label and send out a replacement as soon as the package is shipped.

Maybe I can psychologically manipulate them? Does anyone have any ideas on convincing them?

I don't know what to do. I hope Apple doesn't have me send it in and just shoot some adhesive under the glass and tell me it's good. I guess replacing the lid would be sufficient too. I just need this computer for work and I simply can't go without it.

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MacBook Pro :: MBP Charger Falling Out Of Wall?

May 12, 2010

Is just bought a Macbook Pro on Craigslist; it came with the square, white wall charger. The problem is, when I plug the charger into an outlet, it falls out. I've had to literally tape the charger to the wall to keep it in the outlet.

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MacBook Pro :: During Battery Calibration - Turned Off Instead Of Sleep?

Sep 11, 2010

Ok, so I just did a battery calibration and once the battery got really low, it shut off, but didn't go to sleep like it has done before. It completely turned off; the battery light indicator is not indicating it is asleep. I've never seen it do this, has anyone else had this happen? I have a 2006 MacBook Pro, 2.33 C2D, non-unibody.

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MacBook Pro :: The Battery Turn Off While In Sleep Mode?

Jan 7, 2011

I'm going to purchase a macbook pro at some point, probably when the new announcement happens, but my question is: while the laptop is in sleep mode, does the battery turn off? Like, does it still consume energy while in sleep mode?

Probably a dumb question, but I know nothing about laptops.Never had a laptop before (currently using a imac g5 from 2006).

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MacBook Pro :: No Sleep Mode When Runs Out Of Battery?

Jun 2, 2010

So my Macbook Pro has been working wonderfully, until recently when it runs out of battery it goes into sleep mode but when I plug in the power cord it does not do the restoring from how it was before (i don't know what its called, but its when the screen goes grey and the white bars go across until i can get back in) it does not show me anything so I have to press the power button and even then it does not show me that screen it just reboots (i don't hold it in but just press it normally like when booting it up) Then when it is booted the date and time are reset and the Wi-fi does not work. I have to reset the clock and it then works fine.

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MacBook Pro :: 17 I5 - Battery Calibration - Shut Off Rather Than Going Into Sleep?

Jun 23, 2010

I just bought MBP 17 i5 model a couple days ago from a local apple store(Keystone Mall). and I calibrated my battery yesterday. The thing is I know MBP should sleep when the battery is really low(running off reserve) then when the battery drains out, MBP should do the "safesleep" thing where it stores the current state of the machine so that upon turning the machine back on by supplying the power to it or after charging, MBP returns to the stored state.

But, when i was calibrating my battery, I did get the low battery warning(reserve battery blah blah) but then it drained down to 0 then the screen flickered(literally made a flicking sound) and went dead. When I got up in the morning I plug the adapter on and turned the MBP on and MBP just freshly boots.. rather than restoring the previous state..................

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Drains While In Sleep Mode?

Apr 23, 2012

The past few days whenever I select sleep mode on my MAC the next morning my battery is dead. The frist time this happened my battery was at 100% - last night it was at about 75% when I selected sleep mode. This morning the battery was completely dead?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Drains In Sleep Mode?

Jun 1, 2012

I got a new battery(15 days before) in my mac book pro . But the battery drained from 30% to 0% while it was in sleep mode for 14 hrs.

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MacBook Pro :: Why Doesn't It Go To Sleep When The Battery Is Empty

Jun 15, 2012

I was calibrating my MacBook Pro's battery and when I was running the battery down, after the point where the "Low Battery" warning popped up, it ran for 9-10 minutes and the computer just shut down. Let me mention that my battery has no problem lasting for 7 hours. What could be the issue? Is this normal behaviour?

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MacBook Air :: Mid 2013 - Battery Drains Entirely During Sleep

Sep 7, 2014

Mid-2013 MBA.  Computer does not seem to sleep when the lid is closed.  Battery drains completely.  SMC update has been run.  OSX 10.9.4.    No peripherals attached, Bluetooth is off, network sharing is off.  In Console I see at least three "Sleep failure" messages...they all begin with 0x00000000 but then have different codes.  They are 0x21006c00, 0x1f006fc00, and 0x1f006500. 

MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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