MacBook Pro :: During Battery Calibration - Turned Off Instead Of Sleep?
Sep 11, 2010
Ok, so I just did a battery calibration and once the battery got really low, it shut off, but didn't go to sleep like it has done before. It completely turned off; the battery light indicator is not indicating it is asleep. I've never seen it do this, has anyone else had this happen? I have a 2006 MacBook Pro, 2.33 C2D, non-unibody.
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Apr 24, 2010
I just got my first Macbook pro 15" and trying to calibrate the battery. Can my MBP sleep on battery during calibration? Can i finish the process after sleep? It takes a lot of time to calibrate this device.
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Jun 23, 2010
I just bought MBP 17 i5 model a couple days ago from a local apple store(Keystone Mall). and I calibrated my battery yesterday. The thing is I know MBP should sleep when the battery is really low(running off reserve) then when the battery drains out, MBP should do the "safesleep" thing where it stores the current state of the machine so that upon turning the machine back on by supplying the power to it or after charging, MBP returns to the stored state.
But, when i was calibrating my battery, I did get the low battery warning(reserve battery blah blah) but then it drained down to 0 then the screen flickered(literally made a flicking sound) and went dead. When I got up in the morning I plug the adapter on and turned the MBP on and MBP just freshly boots.. rather than restoring the previous state..................
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Dec 2, 2009
I have a 30 month old MacBook Pro (the SantaRosa line from June 2007)... And was still using the original battery up until 3 days ago. Its capacity suddenly dropped from 83% down to 45%, so I took it to an Apple store, they did a diagnostic, and without question told me the battery was defective, and just gave me a brand new battery with only 1 loadcycle on it. So today I decided to calibrate it, had it charged up, unpulgged it and let it run until it was 'supposed' to go to sleep... It had 0% left on it, the screen shut off, and the sleep light was just starting to dim, when I heard the hard drive go . (As if one pushed and held the power button, aka hard shutdown).
It seems it didn't have enough reserve capacity to let it go to sleep, so instead of waiting the 5 hours (as it wasn't sleeping, and pressing the button on the battery showed no lights at all), I decided to plug it in right away. Would it be a good idea to calibrate again, or simply wait a month or so and do it again then?
When I turned the computer back on, it didn't even resume at my desktop, so not only did it not get to sleep properly, it didn't even have a chance to write the memory to the hard drive, and now the actual battery capacity in Coconut battery is showing up 95%, 5253mAh
Just curious, as 30 months ago when I first got my original one, it calibrated properly and didn't completely die when it got to reserve capacity...
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Aug 10, 2009
When calibrating the battery, is it better to do a quick drain with a dvd or cd burning or a slow drain with the brightness all the way down or does it not matter?
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Oct 2, 2010
I've got my SSD in an optibay and am using it as my boot drive. As such, I've disabled hibernation on my MBP.I am wondering about battery calibration, as you need to drain the battery down fully and have the MBP enter the hibernation state to properly calibrate the battery.
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Nov 18, 2010
got my 13" MBA and am very happy about it. I plan to baby this thing, and I am always very conscious of battery life for all of my devices, so do any of you have any advice for how to best handle the first charge/discharge cycle?The machine almost fully charged out of the box. Should I run it down to zero and then fully charge it? Should I fully charge it first and then run it down?
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Mar 21, 2010
So I just got my macbook pro yesterday 2.8ghz. quick question. I just read up on the battery calibration process on apples website. seems straight forward. just one question. after i let the battery drain and let it go into sleep mode, then wait 5+ hours, then charge it to full. can i use the computer when i start charging it to full? or does it have to be off while im charging it to 100%? t
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Aug 5, 2010
When you see the low battery warning, save your work and close all applications. Keep your computer turned on until it goes to sleep.
After your computer goes to sleep, turn it off or allow it to sleep for five hours or longer.
Connect the power adapter and leave it connected until the battery is fully charged.
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Sep 4, 2010
I just got my first Mac yesterday, 13" MacBook Pro. I LOVE IT! I've been trying to find out some info on the battery calibration that I can't find anywhere. I have tried Apple's website, Google and MRoogle before I made a new thread about it
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Oct 12, 2010
Well I just scored a 15 inch 2.4 from Bestbuy for 10% off. SOmebody just returned it having never even used it, but they had to discount it because it was opened. I love it love this thing!We did migration from our imac and everything came over. AmazingOne question about calibration. I charged it fully and let the power cord be in it for an extra 2 or so hours. I then used it unplugged until it basically shut off due to no power. Cant I just plug it in and let it charge all the way without letting it sit for 5 hours. Its not sleeping I dont think. It actually shut off suddenly as it was at zero percent. There is no power to it at all that I can tell. Will charging it now without leaving it unplugged for 5 hours ruin the calibration??
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Oct 30, 2010
I got mine yesterday, and am calibrating the battery. When you run it down to sleep, and recharge, can you use it during the full recharge period?
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Nov 11, 2010
I've just calibrated my battery on my 2.4GHz MBP (let it run out until it slept, then woke it up, then used it till it shut down, then charged it) and it's stuck on "finishing charge". Additionally, the battery health has gone down to 23% from 37% since I have done this.
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Jul 19, 2009
I was sick of the battery life I was getting on my 15" Macbook Pro 3,1 (early 2008 model), so I went to the apple store yesterday to get a new one. I was over 400 cycles, so I had to just buy it, they wouldn't replace it for me. I expected that, so no big deal. But I wanted to treat this battery right. I got home, charged it up to 100%, let it sit at that for a few hours, and then let it drain overnight and rest at empty for a few hours. This afternoon, I plugged it back in with the intention of letting it fully charge and thus complete my battery calibration, but at around 40% charged, the cat yanked the charger cable out from my laptop. And then a little bit later, my girlfriend did it again. So, has my time been wasted here? Battery calibration is such a pain in my rear. i hate it. I use my laptop often and expect it to be available to me whenever I need it, regardless of how many other computers i own. I really don't want to deal with it again in the near future. And I may not.
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Apr 22, 2010
So I just got my first MBP, and I have calibrated my battery. Both iStat and Coconut Battery report my battery health is 98%. Do you think this is reason for concern, considering the MBP is supposed to be new? What is your new MBPs battery health?
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Jun 21, 2010
Last night I calibrated my battery. Let it fully charge for 2hrs, took it off the charger, turned up the screen brightness and keyboard backlight all the way, then proceeded to run the battery down watching videos and whatnot. It went to sleep and I went to bed to let it sit for 5 or more hours. Woke up, charged it up, turned it on and noticed that I went from 97% to 87% (coconut battery says 86%) and I only have 54 cycles. Should I go to the genius bar or something? Or try re-calibrating the battery? Did I do something wrong when I did it? Does it matter how long it takes to run down the battery after it's fully charged?
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Aug 17, 2010
calibrating my battery for the first time this morning. i just opened my macbook pro to see that the time left icon jumps every minute. it goes from 8:50 to 12:38 to 6:54 to 11:37 to 7:40! and now it went from 8:45 to 9:19! the percentage remaining is consistent and correct but the time left is way out of whack! sorry for the slang! now it went from 9:19 to 9:11 then 8:47. i have the screen at the lowest brightness, no backlit keyboard, nothing else running except firefox. i wasnt aware that i was supposed to calibrate my battery and its been about 3 months since i bought this. now its at 8:37 now 8:18. this is quite
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Dec 25, 2009
My MacBook Pro is only 3 months old with 37 battery loadcycles. I calibrate my notebook monthly and the battery capacity stays the same. I have also tried resetting the SMC and nothing happened I do not have my laptop continuously charging, the most would probably 4 or 5 days straight. My current battery capacity is 91%. What should I do?
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Mar 1, 2012
I have a Macbook (late 2011) 15" 2.2 i7 pro. I noticed this after upgrading my RAM with 2 x 4gb Corsair DDR3 1333MHZ Ram (stock 2 x 2gb)Upon closing the macbook lid, the computer would goto sleep (the pulsing heartbeat light would be on). The problem is, if the macbook was in sleep mode for an extended period of time (I've tested and something over 15 minuites) the computer would shutdown. I have tried searching for similar problems and unable to find something exactly the same. I have reset the SMC and PRAM but this problem is still there.Obviously it would sound like the RAM but I am having no problems doing anything with the mbp, the only thing is this sleep turned into shutdown problem.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Oct 15, 2009
your battery drain in your laptop to 0, and then charge it to full? I am under this assumption. Please let me know if this is wrong.Anywho, so today I decided to let my battery drain to 0, and then normally it would sleep and I'd wake it up after plugging it in.. but this time I had to actually press the power button, and a gray screen appeared with a meter-like thing to illustrate it "waking up" I guess?
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Oct 28, 2010
I've been a member here for a few years but mainly kept in the background reading about news and other interesting things like mods and discussions.
A few months back I bought a 15 inch 2.4 MBP, the most recent model as far as I'm aware, from the refurb store in the UK and after a few troublesome experiences ( they delivered an iPad to me the first time) I finally got my computer. Ever since, there have been a few problems.
First my Logic board died, handed it in and got it fixed.
Second the Keyboard backlighting wouldn't work, same thing, handed it in and got it fixed.
Now it seems that my MBP can't hold the battery charge when the computer is turned off, which to me seems very strange as it holds the charge perfectly well, 5+ hours although I've never timed it, during normal use.
I recently installed and mce optibay for extra storage since I don't really need the superdrive and it works great. Could this by any chance have anything to do with the drain?
So to summarize my MBp can't hold the charge when computer is turned off but works fine when its on. I have an extra HDD installed where the superdrive used to be via mce optibay and everything else works fine.
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Jan 6, 2009
I get the whole part about that I set my laptop to go to sleep in 5 minutes, and if I close the lid it'll go to sleep, and the little light at the bottom starts to pulse, etc. But in sleep mode, my battery seems to drain extremely fast!
For my old Gateway M275 laptop while in sleep mode, it would probably lose about 5-7% of it's battery in a day's duration. With my MacBook Air, I just came back to it tonight after a day's worth of sleeping, and my battery was down to 16% from 29%. And to check, it was indeed sleeping!
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Nov 14, 2009
I have a MacbookPro mid 2009 and have some problems with my battery. This morning I noticed that the battery was empty through it was supposed to be in sleep mode during the night. My battery has 97 cycles and has 99% of its original capacity. What could be the cause of this problem ?
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Nov 6, 2009
I used to have a wireless Logitech mouse that drained batteries if you didn't turn it off manually every time you finished using it. So I'm wondering about the Magic Mouse...
1. Does the Magic Mouse automatically shut off when the iMac goes to sleep or is turned off?
2. If I leave the Magic Mouse on (while the computer is off) will it drain the batteries?
3. What do you recommend is best for the batteries and mouse? Should I turn it off every time I go out for the day?
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May 4, 2010
When the computer is sleeping or if I turn it off but the plug remains in the electrical socket, when I get very close to the machine I hear a slight crackling noise, as if the internal adaptor is making a slight noise. I don't hear it from any normal distance, and other than the buzzing phenomenon when brightness is below 50%, no other symptom. Is this normal for this model. I believe that the external adaptor for the 30" ACD made a louder but similar noise as well unless unpluged.
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Sep 3, 2010
basically my macbook works but only when the battery is out and it is plugged into an outlet. The laptop starts up fine with the battery in but will go into sleep mode about 20 seconds into startup. I'm currently using it without the battery in there and plugged into the outlet. When the battery is inserted, the mac immediately goes to sleep. and when removed it instantly turns back on. The battery is not defective because I have tried using a new battery.
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Dec 26, 2010
how much battery loss are i7 users seeing during sleep? anyone have comparisons stand by time for i7, i5, c2d mbp and mba?
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Jan 9, 2011
just been noticing something weird happening with the battery on my 13" Ultimate Air I got just under a week ago,It seems that when I put it to sleep it still loses battery power? I had it 100% charged last night before going to work, went to work today and turned it on for about 10 mins just to go on Safari over wifi, this seemed to drop the battery to about 97% when I was done, so that's fine.
I put it to sleep again, have just come home from work and I wake it up, it now shows 93% battery? Am I missing something here? I know for a fact the machine definitely went to sleep.
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Sep 20, 2007
Is it strange that my MacBook now just shuts down when it runs out of battery instead of just going into sleep mode? It's about two weeks old now. It used to go into sleep mode, but now it just shuts down once the battery is down. Also, I had the most wonderful experience with Apple. My first macbook (three weeks ago) had a small chip on the screen. When I finally noticed it, I thought it was a large piece of dust so it wasn't too terrible. I tried to exchange it at the local store where I purchased it, but it had already been four days and I had cut out the UPC for the printer and ipod rebate the day before and sent it out. So they recommended that I go see a mac genius and see if I can get the screen replaced because I could no longer exchange it or return it (risk losing my rebates).
So, a bit upset that I was too prompt about getting the rebates in, I scheduled an appointment with a genius. When I spoke to him, he just went to the back and got the manager. The manager said instead fixing the screen, he'd liked to give me a new macbook and instant reimbursement for the ipod and printer! (the rebates I sent in will be rejected since the mac has been returned). The new macbook I noticed has a much louder superdrive seems to be working hard every time the computer wakes up and when I open it, but that definitely beats a chip on the screen. But now it doesn't go to sleep after the battery gets low, but instead shuts off.
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Dec 23, 2008
When you MBA reaches 0% charge - it auto sleeps the machine in hopes that you will soon charge it.
how long you have to actually get it plugged in?
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