MacBook Pro :: Parallels 7 Or BootCamp On Snow Leopard

Apr 30, 2012

I own a MacBook Pro 13 [mid 2009]. I've upgraded it to 8gb ram. My problem is I'm not able to decide if I should install windows 7 using parallels 7 or bootcamp. Also will it slow down the machine.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X :: Parallels 4 Or VMware Fusion 2 On Snow Leopard?

Oct 17, 2009

Was just looking for some advice on which virtual machine you guys are finding works better on Snow Leopard.
I have Parallels 4, which I had on Leopard as well, with windows XP. Pn leopard it ran beautifully, however since upgrading I find its unbearably slow, and causes my whole system to slow down. I dont know if this is with parallels or with my system in general, as I have had a bit of trouble with Snow Leopard, though I believe I have sorted that out.

How have people found VMware to run in comparison to parallels? Is it worth switching?

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Windows On Mac :: Installing Snow Leopard Upgrade To Parallels 5

Dec 28, 2009

I have a MacBook, 2Gig memory, 2.18 mhz, running leopard. My best Bible software has to be windows (Logos) Mac version is no where near its potential here, everything PC has crashed in last 8 months. I pulled out o;d Parallels 3 and a whole bunch of old software, getting ready to get to migrate to Win 7.

I have ordered Snow Leopard.
I have ordered Parallels for Mac ver 4 (OLD VER ?)
Getting free upgrade to Parallels 5
Will probably get an OEM version of Win 7 Ultimate.

1- Can I just install the upgrade to parallels 5
2- if I have to install parallels 4, all I have is XP.
3- My Logos Bible software will 'Sing' on Win 7 need to get there
4- Do not want to reinstall XP as Win 7 has to gut it.

I would rather just not do any of this and wait for my first SS check! But I have to and do not know what to do first. It would seem Snow Leopard but I do not want to do Parallels 4 then parallels 5 if I do not have to. I am canning all my PC stuff and love the intuitiveness of all Apple stuff including software.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Upgrading From 10.6.8 To 10.7 Affect Parallels/Windows?

Jun 5, 2012

I have a Macbk pro w/10.6.8  & I want to upgrade to 10.7.  However, I avoided this because I do not know how it will affect my Parallels (Build 6.0.12106  Revision 692267)?  I have many screen prints filed in files on my desktop (lots of genealogy) & I have read that nothing much transfers to Lion. 

One of the reasons I am ready to make the jump is because iphoto does NOT work.  After an automatic upgrade, every time you open it, you get the most basic framework (no words or data)of iphoto but the circle (the gray slats one not the color spinning wheel) just sits there & spins forever & never loads. We took it in under hardware warranty & they replaced the SD card & USB slots & whatever they are attached to, but that did not solve the problem [it just solved the problem of the slots not being recognized].  Even the guy @ apple support couldn't help & we tried to rebuild it, but NOTHING!  It just spins!!!  I have seen so many people w/that same problem--if it was their update that screwed up iphoto, they should have a patch to fix it! 

But, I digress:  I have Quicken on the Windows side & it get's backed up often, but over the years it is a nightmare each time I have to restore it from external hd or the cloud...much time & tears trying to get it back to the way it should be. Can anyone tell me what to do in order to protect my parallels before I upgrade?

Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Windows On Mac :: How To Remove Parallels 3.0 And Disk Partition From Snow Leopard

Dec 17, 2009

I had parallels 3.0 - never used it.

Got 10.6.2 - snow leopard

Found uninstall desktop and wouldn't open "show package" contents - executed uninstall command

still have partition on which (what I guess is called) the Virtual Machine was with all the windows data
and everything on that "computer"

I want to remove partition.

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MacBook Pro :: Reinstall Snow Leopard Without Removing Bootcamp?

Dec 4, 2009

The title says it all but is there a way to do this? is it as simple as just reinstalling on the partition?

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MacBook Pro :: Set Up Parallels And Bootcamp?

Apr 21, 2010

I am merely hours away from making my first mac purchase! I have settled on the 15" 2.4 i5. This should be more than enough computing power for my needs in the next 3-4 years. However I was wondering if I will be able set up parallels 5 AND bootcamp and just choose when to use one or the other? If I am able to do this, would anyone recommend it?

My thinking is that, many of my windows programs are not very demanding(rosetta stone, ms office, etc...) and it would be more convenient to switch back and forth using parallels. Boot camp, from what I've read on a few previous threads, would be more suited for some casual gaming or more demanding tasks(engineering program/reservoir modeling program) on windows. So what do you recommend? Bootcamp, parallels, or both(if this works)? On a side note: is purchasing from Ebay with 8% cashback from bing the best deal going for the base 15"?

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Applications :: Installing Win Via Parallels - Installing Bootcamp Then Parallels Or Just Parallels?

Dec 22, 2008

I was planning on installing Win7 on it and using Parallels for the times I have no Mac option (specific games or apps).

Should I install it as a boot camp partition and then link it in Parallels or just do a clean VM install in Parallels? I'm curious as to what the experiences are and what is my best course of action when my machine shows up.

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MacBook Pro :: Running Both Parallels And BootCamp?

Jul 11, 2009

Do I have to install a Windows 7/RC build on Bootcamp before I can use it with Parallels? Or if I already have it on bootcamp, I have to install it all over again with Parallels? And I was thinking of only having RC as my secondary OS until my Windows 7 disc comes. When that happens, do I just delete all my RC stuff from bootcamp to make room for Windows 7? I'd also lose all my documents and whatnot right since I can't upgrade to Windows 7 from an RC.

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Applications :: Parallels 5 Adds / Removes Windows Folders From Dock Or Snow Leopard Bug?

Nov 7, 2009

Every time Parallels 5 adds/removes Windows application folders from the Dock, my JAR files that are docked also get removed. This is obviously a bug, but I'm not sure which is to blame.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Where Can Download BootCamp In Order To Install Windows 7 On MacBook PRO

Apr 13, 2012

Where can i download BootCamp in order to install windows 7 on my MacBook PRO? 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Bootcamp And Parallels - Recommended Partitions?

Oct 19, 2010

Im thinking of buying a mac, i've always used a windows pc though. Im gonna see what happends tommorow at the mac event but I want a Mac Book Pro. i want to dualboot mac os and windows 7 using bootcamp, parrallels, and refit. I've been doing some research on it and I would like some expert opinions on recommended settings to partition the disk. should I do 50/50 split or what? I'll either get a 320 or 500gb hard drive. I also see that some people split it three ways and have a 3rd partition for shared files, such as music, documents, ect. is this recommended or is this not really needed to share files between the 2 OS's? I'll probably be using windows OS more often or atleast use parallels alot until i get the hang of mac os. I also want to be able to sync itunes on both the windows and mac os, so it doesnt madder which operating system im on if i want to listen, download or sync my ipod, is there a way to do this? And lastly, I use outlook to download my comcast email via pop3. Is there a way to sync outlook in windows and outlook for mac between the partitions? I can not find any answers to this question online. Any opinions, recommendations, or thoughts about these subjects or buying my first mac in general is welcome.

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MacBook Pro :: Bootcamp/parallels - Automatically Use Higher End GPU?

Jul 20, 2009

So apparently in OSX, you have to manually tell the MBP when you want to use the higher end GPU (for graphics-intensive activities). I think this is pretty dumb - the system should do this for you. But anyway, if you're running Windows under BootCamp or Parallels, does Windows automatically use the higher end GPU, or how does that work exactly?

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MacBook Pro :: BootCamp Or Parallels Desktop / Which One Is Best Options

Mar 19, 2012

Can you advice BootCamp or Parallels Desktop, which one is best options.

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Finding Link Windows Bootcamp Partition To Parallels 5

Jul 2, 2010

I need install windows 7 on my mac (for some windows only programs). I would like to create a partition via bootcamp to run Windows 7 on my mac. I would also like to use that same partition on Parallels 5.

I am looking for a way to LINK the bootcamp partition to Parallels 5 so I can use Windows 7 on parallels when I am need of "light" programs and just boot to Windows 7 when I need more intensive programs. I have NOT installed windows 7 via Bootcamp or Parallels yet.

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MacBook Pro :: Run A PC Creative Memories Software: Using Parallels Program Or Bootcamp/Windows 7?

May 31, 2012

I want to run a PC Creative Memories software on my macbook pro. Is it better to use Parallel program or use boot camp and Windows 7?

MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: No Bootcamp Utility On Snow Leopard?

Dec 13, 2008

In your opinion, will apple continue to support bootcamp on mac os x snow leopard? I've been waiting your precious comments

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Windows On Mac :: What's New For Snow Leopard / Bootcamp 3.0

Jul 5, 2009

Will they improve battery management/heat management?

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Windows On Mac :: Bootcamp Without Snow Leopard CD?

Apr 7, 2010

just started using Mac OS recently

AFAIK, I will be needing the snowleopard installation cd for the drivers in windows after I finish installing windows(xp). However, I bought this MBP from ebay so it came with leopard cd only but with snowleopard installed on the macchine.

So I am wondering if leopard cd works as well to obtain drivers for the windows?

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Unable To Get The Bootcamp?

Jun 10, 2012

If I do not currently own a copy of bootcamp, how would I go about aqcuiring this piece of software?  You see, I reently got my iMac back from an Apple Store, and after reinstalling the Operating system, and installing bootcamp, it simply wasn't there anymore, it appeared that the application simply got rid of itself, but it doesn't matter why I don't hve it, back to the point.  Could I download it from an official site?  Or would I have to go to the apple store and ask for a disk of it, or for them to install it.  Or am I simply out of luck and would have to purchase an entirely new apple computer to acquire bootcamp? 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), My lack of boot-camp is disturbing.

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OS X :: Installing Snow Leopard/Windows 7 On Mac With Bootcamp

Oct 30, 2009

I have a unibody 13" MacBook running Leopard with Bootcamp running Windows Vista. I want to try and make the move this weekend to both Snow Leopard AND Windows 7.

First, what is my best plan of attack here? Will Snow Leopard install just fine and ignore my current 25gb partition of Vista currently set up? (i.e. not effect it at all). I would assume so but I'm not totally sure.

Second, what is the best way to go about installing Windows 7? I am a university student and I will be getting the $30 upgrade version of Windows 7. I've heard that doing a clean install is the best way to go instead of going over vista, so I hear I need to make an iso out of the upgrade version and use that?

I'm planning on doing Snow Leopard first, then Windows 7 second as this seems like the most logical order for me.

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OS X :: Will Installing Snow Leopard Screw Bootcamp?

Aug 29, 2009

I have a copy of Snow Leopard on the way and am wondering what I will have to do? Does you need to back up everything, or does it "dynamically" install? Either way, will I need to do anything to keep my bootcamp partition working?

On another note, I currently have Vista Ultimate in bootcamp and want to change to Windows 7. Is there a way to "upgrade"? Or will I have to clean install and rebootcamp?

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Windows On Mac :: Snow Leopard Not Working After Bootcamp

Sep 2, 2009

I installed a beta version if windows 7 into my computer last night. Now everytime I want to use snow leopard I have to use press the option button. Windows boots automatically. I took windows off and now snow leopard wont work at all. The screen just goes black and it says a few words like install. How do i get snow leopard to start when I turn my computer on?

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OS X :: BootCamp 3.0 Support (Snow Leopard) And 64-bit Win7?

Sep 4, 2009

Quick question: Does Boot Camp 3.0 (Snow Leopard) support 64-bit Windows 7? (on a 2009 MacPro to be specific).

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Windows On Mac :: Need Snow Leopard To Install Bootcamp 3.0?

Sep 20, 2009

I find myself using Mac OS X Leopard less and less and windows almost all the time these days and on the occasion that I need leopard i find it suits me fine. I want to be as up to date with boot camp as possible but don't want to upgrade to snow leopard (I need the current version of Quicktime for my video editing software so cant risk going to QT-X) so can i install Bootcamp 3.0 without installing SL? I really want to be able to read my Mac drives (I need my itunes!!) from Windows.

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Windows On Mac :: Installing With Snow Leopard Bootcamp

Oct 16, 2009

I can install snow leopard clean on a fresh drive on my MBP with my upgrade disk. It is the disk that came as a drop-in dvd with the MBP, along with its original install disks. If I install windows using bootcamp assistant, do I use that disk when it asks for the drivers, etc. during installation? Or do I use my leopard install disks that came with my computer? Is the snow leopard bootcamp process any different from the process in leopard? I had windows Vista on there fine before upgrading my hard drive and going to snow leopard. Do I need to print out those 25 pages again?

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Windows On Mac :: XP Compatible With OS X Snow Leopard BootCamp?

Jan 13, 2010

I'm by no means very tech savvy. When I tried to install Windows XP (Home Edition) on my Macbook Pro via bootcamp, I experienced a bit of trouble. I partitioned the hard drive as instructed, then inserted the Windows XP installation disk and hit continue. This is when the computer more or less took over and started doing it's own thing. After a while the screen went blue and the windows install prompts were flashing across the screen. At this point I'm still thinking all is good; I accepted the terms of use etc.

However, once the install was complete, it kept asking me to insert the Windows XP Home edition CD. Even though it was already in the disk drive. I tried to hit continue but it kept taking me back to the screen asking for the disk to be inserted. Eventually I quit out of the install (upon doing so the screen prompted me the install did not work), ejected the windows install cd, and restarted my computer back into osx. Is the newest version of osx, snow leopard, not compatible with microsoft xp? Do I need to purchase vista or windows 7 if I am to run boot camp successfully?

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OS X :: Restoring Snow Leopard And Bootcamp Setup

Jan 25, 2010

I'm not completely sure how time machine works, can I use it to backup everything on my computer, including applications, bookmarks, system configurations. The reason I ask is I need to re install snow leopard because of something that went wrong during a bootcamp setup, and I'm thinking that re-installing the OS might work.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Bootcamp With Upgrade From Snow Leopard?

Apr 23, 2012

I have Windows 7 running in a bootcamp partitiion with Snow Leopard on my iMac.  If I upgrade to Lion, will the partition be left alone and function as before?  I cannot lose appliations and  data stored in Windows in the bootcamp partition.

MacBook Pro and iMac 27", Mac OS X (10.6.4), MBP: 2.66 GHz, Core 2 Duo, 8 GB RAM, 500 GB HD. iMac i7, 2tb HD

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Unable To Install Bootcamp?

May 27, 2012

I have a mid-2007 MacBook Pro, model A1226, with 4GB RAM.  The optical drive has always been a little off, in that CD's written using the MacBook Pro sometimes can't be read on other systems, but it's never had problems reading CDs/DVDs.  When I had Fusion installed on this machine I was able to install Windows XP and Windows 7 using the optical drive. 

I want to do a Bootcamp install of Windows, either XP or 7.  I have two original WinXP Pro SP2 installation disks (retail, not OEM) and one set of original Win7 Ultimate installation disks, again retail. 

I did a clean install of Snow Leopard after reformatting (erasing) the hard disk, and ran software update.  Then I ran Boot Camp Assistant and created a bootcamp partition.  When I insert an installation disk and click on Start..., after a moment it ejects the disk.  Over and over.  I repeated this many times, with all of the install disks, and the results were the same.   

Except once, and only once, it actually started installing WinXP.  Per the instructions I had WinXP format the bootcamp partition, but the install hung near the end where it was trying to save settings.  Apparently this is a common scenario that some people think is related to having a USB keyboard and mouse connected, but it still hung for me even if I connected a wired keyboard and mouse.  

Lots of reports of similar problems on the web, and I tried a number of suggestions I found here and elsewhere, including:Attached an external DVD drive.  The install DVD doesn't get ejected, but I still get the folder/question mark and failure to reboot for all the installation DVDs.  I suspect that my model MBP doesn't handle booting from external optical drives very well, if at all.  Make copies of the install DVDs.  Although the copies seem to work the same as the originals on my iMac, they produce the same results using both internal and external optical drives.Made a number of different bootable USB sticks, but never found a way to have the required guid partition table at the same time as the Windows boot image, so they weren't bootable on my MacBook Pro.Installed rEFIt and tried using that to boot from USB (still not recognized as a bootable device) and from internal and external drives containing the original or copied installation DVDs. Still get the folder/question mark icon. 

Generally after clicking on Start Installation the system won't boot from the internal drive, but sometimes holding Option works; other times it just refuses to boot until I've tried it multiple times or booted from the Snow Leopard install disk and adjusted the boot record. 

Supposedly listening to the drive and tapping on the case works, but not for me.  I haven't yet tried loosening the mounting brackets because I'm still looking for a T6 driver, but that's another common suggestion. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Model A1226 4 GB Ram

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