MacBook Pro :: Is It Bad To Keep Charging
Oct 1, 2009
I use my laptop in my office and i like to just have it plugged in until i need to go somewhere...
Question: Is it bad for the battery life to keep it charged for 7-8 hours a day or just charge when the batt life is very low...
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May 13, 2012
My Macbook pro is not charging. If I move the cord (specially at the Macbook charging port) it charges. But again if the cord is slightly disturbed then it doesn't charge. The problem got worse as my Mac randomly shuts down (especially when I remove the mag at the Macbook charging port). I dono what to do. Apple care (Genius) is far from my place.There is no visible physical damage on my mag charger. Could anyone suggest what I should do? I checked the battery status in system profiler and it says NORMAL. The details are as follows:
Battery Information:
Model Information:Serial Number: 9G022045SD3NBManufacturer: DPDevice name: bq20z451Pack Lot Code: 0000PCB Lot Code: 0000Firmware Version: 0201Hardware Revision: 0002Cell Revision: 0164Charge Information:Charge remaining (mAh): 1909Fully charged: NoCharging: NoFull charge capacity (mAh): 4790Health Information:Cycle count: 636Condition: NormalBattery Installed: YesAmperage (mA): -762Voltage (mV): 11308
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 19, 2012
I have a mid-2009 13" Macbook Pro with 8GB RAM. I have the odd situation of the power indicator on top right of screen showing that the power adapter is plugged in, but the percentage indicator stating that the laptop is "not charging." I have been working on the computer for several hours and the laptop has only charged to about 27 percent according to the battery health application that is runningI have. It says the battery has gone through 281 cycles and is 2.4 years old. It suggests the battery should still charge to 92 percent of its potential. The battery is warm as is the power adapter cube, so something is happening. The little light on the end of the power cord is green but only two of the little green dots light up on the left edge of the computer.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Nov 16, 2010
I got my computer yesterday, it's a iBook G4 OS X 10.5.8. The charger worked fine until around six o' clock. Then it wouldn't charge. We switched the power pack and it worked for an hour or so, and then the same thing. What can I do? I CANNOT take it to be fixed.
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Mar 19, 2009
recently got hold of a Macbook Pro, Core Duo 2Ghz , all is working fine no issues except the battery does not Charge what so ever it was Supplied with a 60W Power Brick , but i have since found out thats not sufficiant for a Macbook Pro .. but also came Across A Problem in System Profiler ,
Specificly the Part that deals with Power,now the battery charges fine in another Macbook Pro, so i know its not that battery as the person told me ,Here's what it says in AC Charger Information
Wattage (W):0
Serial Number:0x00000000
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Oct 15, 2009
recently got hold of a Macbook Pro, Core Duo 2Ghz , all is working fine no issues except the battery does not Charge what so ever .... now it was Supplied with a 60W Power Brick , but i have since found out thats not sufficiant for a Macbook Pro .
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Apr 24, 2010
Got this new mbp a couple months ago, and these it's getting very hot when plugged in charging.Is this normal, or should i worry about it? BTW, i have it connected to an LED display 24' and the charger is actually the wire of the display. I dunno if this is the reason.
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Apr 2, 2012
my macbook pro gets very hot when charging, and idea's?
Info:MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 10, 2012
i've recently noticed my mac getting hot when being used and hotter when charging, the contact for the charger has not been as reliable as it once was and the gray molding aroung the copper contacts on the mac charger port is darkening on one end.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 12, 2012
I connected my laptop to it's magsafe charger but it just says "Not Charging". The little light also isnt turning on to show any kind of signs that it is charging or not. My laptop does get brighter when on the chager, but thats about it. I tried plugging my laptop into my sister's Macbook Pro charger, and it works perfectly fine. Why isn't my Macbook air charging on its original charger?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Sep 12, 2010
Most of the time I charge when I get to 99%, it stays that way even if I leave it charging at 99% for a good amount of time. Anyone have this problem? Should I just take out my charger at 99% or what do you think I should do?
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Sep 12, 2010
I have had my 13 in macbook pro for about three months and suddenly it does not charge when it is plugged in. In the last week this has started to happen but upon fussing with the connection like unplugging and replugging in the magnet charger it would start for a while and stop randomly. Now I can not get the computer to charge at all no matter how much I fuss. Do I need a new adapter or is there some other problem?
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Oct 31, 2010
I have a macbook bought early 08 that just stopped charging. I've tried two chargers and neither work. This happened once before but reseting the smc worked, now neither reseting the smc or reseting the pram worked.
Here's what system profile says under power:
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Jan 11, 2011
I have been told by my local apple store that I might have a bad charging receptical, the port where the charger connects to the computer, so my question would be, does anybody know how much this might cost me.
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Jan 11, 2011
I have a problem with my macbook.
I plugged the charger to my macbook but it appears battery is not charging and i can see the green light at the charger but the green light is not as usual light, i mean its a little bit light.
Now i can't start my macbook, i tried to plug the charger to my macbook air and it worked fine.
Do i need a replacement battery?
Sigh =.= i have used it only for 5 months.
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Feb 21, 2009
i just bought a new polycarb macbook (my first mac, besides dillidadiling on my gfs mb), when i check coconut battery it says charge is 5066, original charge is 5020.
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Oct 18, 2009
I also had an issue with my MagSafe where the cable was coming out of the housing and there are wires exposed. Had to replace it myself as they said the issue on that was not covered. It also had a very dim green light (only notice it in a dark room), and the not charging message by the battery icon after the repair but I figured this was due to the MagSafe, however was only able to buy a new one yesterday.
So got the new charger home, plugged it in and same thing, so definitely not the MagSafe at fault. Took the MBP and new MagSafe back to the shop and same there. They then plugged the charger into one of their MacBooks, red light came on the charger fine. The weird bit was they then plugged it back into mine and the red light came on again.
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Oct 21, 2009
This is about a month old. I plug it into the wall, it turns green, then orange and says it is not charging.
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Oct 30, 2009
My white MacBook Intel Core 2 Duo is not charging the battery anymore. It says "No Batteries Available" and it works only with the cable plugged in. I already tried the following:
- buy new battery - FAIL
- reset SMC (30 seconds procedure) - FAIL
- reset SMC (5 seconds procedure) - FAIL
I brought the Mac at the Apple Genius. They say there has been a liquid leak and asked me $780.00 for the repair (it does not make sense to pay this amount for this computer). I am not aware of any liquid leak. Yes, I had my MacBook in my backpack during rainy days but I had an umbrella. Anyway, I would like to have any advice about (i) where I could bring my Mac to repair (I live in the Bay Area) or (ii) what I could try to replace, following tutorials (like the very good ones on ifixit site).
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Dec 11, 2009
My white MacBook is not charging when plugged in. And if I take out the cord, the computer dies. I noticed this right after I had made a flight on an airplane so I'm assuming something happened while on the flight, even though I had my computer with me the whole time, and inside the case. I tried using compressed air to try and blow out any debris that might have got into the little charger port, but no luck.
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Jul 13, 2010
my Macbook Pro Core i5 2.40 GHZ doesn't want to charge. When I plug the magsafe, the screen becomes brighter and the battery icon show that it is plugged, but is also says "not charging". I've read on the internet multiple users are having this issue. But it seems to want to charge when I put it on sleep mode.
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Jul 24, 2010
is it ok? do i have to charge it to full then use it? will that use power from ac or battery? the laptops im talking about are from dell and apple since some from dell n all frm apple are non removable
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Aug 19, 2010
Went to Apple Store, they confirmed the battery needed to be replaced, told me it was $130 for a new one. I opted against it (figured I'd grab a cheap one online somewhere for now).Then, she informed me that the cracked casing on the edge where my right hand rests is a defect and that I could have the whole housing replaced. I said sure, and left my MacBook there for repairs.
Just picked it up about an hour ago, new housing, new keyboard, new trackpad/click button....and a brand-spanking new battery on the house.Call me whatever you'd like, but that would make anyone love Apple.Left my MacBook at home during a vacation and forgot to completely power down. It was closed and when i got back it was dead. Didn't think it was a big deal, it has happened before.
I plugged in my MacBook, turned it on, and begin doing what i needed to do. I noticed after about a half hour my battery symbol was still showing 0% with the full charge symbol. I unplugged the power cord and it immediately turned off again--completely dead.Plugged it back in, turned it on and it was fine, but still not charging. The light on my connector is green as well (signaling a full charge).Left it plugged in for about an hour after that with the top closed and still no charge.
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Mar 12, 2012
My laptop is about 6 months old and I have noticed that the battery charges is showing an orange light and the icon on the screen is saying battery is not charging.
This laptop has never left my bedroom so I'm unsure why this is happening.
MacBook Air, iOS 5
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Mar 26, 2012
My power plug still works to power my Macbook but my battery will not charge. Would I have to change my battery or power plug?
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Mar 28, 2012
my power source is working but my battery is saying 0%
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Apr 30, 2012
I have a 2010 mbp which doesnt charge its a new magsafe and battery are fine.when the magsafe is connected all i get is the green light no orange anymore, im down to 45% battery and dare not let it get to zero just in case it wont charge.tried resetting pram,smc but still nothing.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2.4 GHz Intel core 2 Duo
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May 7, 2012
My macbook is plugged into the charger, and the green light on the charger is on, but my computer says "not charging" in the top right. i've checked the charger with another computer, and it works, as well as turn off my computer, and turning it back on.
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May 9, 2012
I'm using Macbook model A1342 late 2009
For the past 4 months or so, it's been hard for the charger connect to properly connect and charge. However, it has always worked when I wiggle the connect a bit. Last week, no matter how hard I try, it won't charge. I tried to use my friend's charger but still, it wont charging. I can still turn on and off my laptop while the battery is about 40% left. I even install the Macbook application install DVD for apple hardware test and it said that my laptop is working properly. Untill the battery turns 0% and it shuts down on its own. I first thought it was the battery failure. Then, I sent it to a local apple service centre in Russia to make sure whether I can change a new battery. They run some diagnostic and said it wasnt the battery, it was the logic board! I never spill any liquid on it. And how is it possible that the logic board is broken but I can turn it on?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6)
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May 14, 2012
I bought a second hand Macbook Pro from an aquaintance. It's a 2008 and he tells me he bought the battery in February 2012 and that it was working fine before he shipped it to me. He had to take the battery out of the computer at the post office so it sat with no battery installed for 2 weeks.The icon at the top shows 0% and not charging. In the system info it says 0% and sometimes says it is charging but sometimes not. It says the battery is normal. The light on the magport goes between green and amber and the light on the battery only shows one LED lit up.
I've read that it can be a glitch with the new Lion OS but he swears it was working perfectly when he shipped it.I've tried the SMC reset (a couple of times)...what else can I do???
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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