MacBook Pro :: MBP Doesn't Turn On Without Battery?

Jul 18, 2010

I removed my battery and plugged the power cord, the small green light doesn't come and the mac book pro doesn't turn on.

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MacBook Pro :: Laptop Doesn't Turn On Because The Battery Doesn't Work

Apr 2, 2012

my laptop (macbook pro) doesn't turn on, because the battery doesn't work (may be because of moisture), and the 7 battery lights on the left side are off, and when I plug the charger in, the light on the magnetic socket turns on so dim ..

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), MC 700

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Indicator Lights Show Full Battery But Won't Turn On?

Apr 2, 2012

I have an early 2008 non-unibody MacBook Pro. For about a year now, the status of the battery has been "replace soon." I was still getting a pretty good amount of time off of one charge so I wasn't too worried. This past Saturday morning, I woke up, checked the battery indicator lights on my computer (it had been sleeping since the day before) and it said it had about 60% percent so I opened it. I was on the Internet for about 10 minutes before it shut off without warning.

It wouldn't turn back on when I pressed the power button, so I plugged it in and it turned back on. When I checked, the battery status was "replace now." After using it, I turned it back off and left for NYC for the weekend and didn't bring it with me. When I got home last night, I plugged it in and tried turning it on with no luck. The battery indicator light was flashing one light, so I just assumed it would need to charge for a bit before it would turn back on. After about two hours, when I went to bed, it still was flashing just one light. I kept it plugged in over night, and this morning when I checked it, the battery indicator lights showed that it was fully charged, but it still wouldn't turn on. I still kept it plugged in throughout the day just in case, but it still won't turn on even though all the lights are lit. Is the battery just showing me false information, or should I be worried about more than just the battery?

2008 MacBook pro

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MacBook Pro :: It Doesn't Turn On

Mar 18, 2012

My MacBook pro 15 doesn't turn on, I pressed the power buttom but nothing, no sounds, no lights, no signals of life. Only the battery bottom is responding and the battery is totally full. I bought it in April 2010 and the battery is not removable.

Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Air :: It Doesn't Turn On

Jun 7, 2012

My MacBook Air was purchased in September 2011 and I've really enjoyed this computer.  The complaint I have is that it wouldn't turn on about two weeks ago. I had to bring it to an Apple Store and the logic board was replaced. The service was good and it was a one day turn around time. Now the computer is down again with the same symptoms and I've tried the recommended procedures to try to turn it on without any luck. 

Info:MacBook Air, iOS 5

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MacBook Pro :: Doesn't Turn On At All

Jun 17, 2014

My laptop was fully charged and it went to sleep. About an hour later, it's as if it is dead. The screen is black. I can't even turn it on. None of the lights are on. I plugged in my 2 old! charger and it won't been light up. I have had no problems with this charger and have tried different outlets. My laptop was fully charged so I don't understand why it's not turning on. I can't reset anything because it doesn't even boot up. I near how beeps and chimes. I let it charge for a while and still the charger isn't lighting il and the laptop won't turn on.

MacBook Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2)

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MacBook Pro :: Turn Off Due To Low Battery

Sep 12, 2010

Is there a way to turn off my macbook pro when it goes to sleep because of the low battery? Second question: is there some sort of problems if I carry my MBP (or tip it over, ie to clean it) while sleeping? I'm afraid that something might go wrong with the HDD or sth else.

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MacBook Pro :: It Won't Turn On With Battery

Jun 8, 2012

I have a 2007 Macbook Pro that's still been running great. My battery starting going a few years ago and then completely crapped out about a year ago. I never replaced it and just kept it in there. I finally went to replacae it today by buying a Rayovac battery from a local Batteries Plus store. We popped it into my Macbook Pro and it wouldn't turn on. We plugged it into a charger and it turned on but the battery icon had an "X" through it. We tried another battery and same thing. But when we unplugged the charger, the computer stayed on with the battery power. However, it acted as though it did not detect the battery in there and would not show a precentage charge or estimated time left.  

MacBook Pro

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MacBook Pro :: MBP Doesn't Turn On Or Chime?

Jun 24, 2009

I am really upset because my trusty MacBook pro running the latest version of leopard decided not to turn on today. I already tried resetting the pram but I don't even hear the chime. I can hear my HD stRt but it downtown access anything. It just spins. Do you thnk I need a new logic board? I really hope not because They are like 400 on eBay. I tried taking the battery out And holding pwr button.

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MacBook Pro :: It Doesn't Really Turn On Anymore?

Jun 22, 2012

When I switch on my MacBookPro OX S Lion it stays on a grey page with the apple logo but that's all ,what do I have to do ?

MacBook Pro

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OS X :: MacBook Pro Won't Turn On - Replaced Battery

Dec 27, 2009

I just got my MacBook pro returned 4 days ago after the hard drive was replaced because the brightness was on minimum and had to be reboot 15 times so it could be changed. I asked apple to replace my battery because it had 1 minute battery life and it had 47 cycles but they didn't. My mac didn't have enough power to start speakers so I rebooted but my mac went into sleep mode and wouldn't come out. I had to force shut down. I tried turning it on but it wouldn't turn on, I tried taking out battery etc and pressed power button 5 secs but nothing changed.

I live 100 miles away from apple repair. I wrote this on my iPod touch. I took it to apple repair and it turned on. I had been using a 65 watt charging cable for a MacBook, I need a 85 watt charging cable. It was 100 miles away and has been posted to me today. apple told me that a MacBook pro requires 80 watt charging cable, and 65 watt can be bad for the mac and will only work if the battery isn't dead. my battery was dead when I tried to turn it on.

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Full Battery And MacBook Pro Won't Turn On

May 28, 2012

So I was working on my MacBook Pro making a slide show and my other computer needed some power so I unplugged my Pro and plugged it into my other computer. After about five minutes my MacBook Pro just shut down. I don't know what happened, but the power is full and when I press the power button it doesn't do anything. It's almost like the power button doesn't even work.


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MacBook Pro :: It Doesn't Turn On BLUE Screen

Mar 27, 2012

macbook pro doesn´t turn on BLUE screen,

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Screen Doesn't Turn On When Open Lid

Jun 25, 2014

So I bought my 13inch MacBook Pro Retina two weeks ago. 70% of the time when opening the lid the screen will not turn on but my keyboard backlight will. I then have to either close the lid and open again or press the power to put the system to sleep and wake again. It seems the system is working fine just not the screen. 

I have tried the SMC and PRAM reset which seemed to work for half of the day, now the problem is back.

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MacBook Pro :: The Battery Turn Off While In Sleep Mode?

Jan 7, 2011

I'm going to purchase a macbook pro at some point, probably when the new announcement happens, but my question is: while the laptop is in sleep mode, does the battery turn off? Like, does it still consume energy while in sleep mode?

Probably a dumb question, but I know nothing about laptops.Never had a laptop before (currently using a imac g5 from 2006).

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MacBook Pro :: Laptop Won't Turn On Either Plugged Into Battery Or Not?

May 13, 2010

About a month ago I bought one of the new Macbook Pros, a 15 inch i7 version with highres matte screen.This morning I went to turn on my computer and I thought I had turned it off last night, but it turns out that I hadn't, so when I hit the start button it woke up and then promptly shut off. I haven't been able to get it to turn on since. Absolutely nothing happens when I push the start button, whether I have it plugged into battery power or not.

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MacBook :: Won't Turn On - Battery Wouldn't Charge

Jul 22, 2010

I don't have a warranty anymore. I got my Mac three and a half years ago. At first two days ago, I had a hard time turning it on. The charger didn't have a glowing green light. Then, once I got it on, the battery sign said it wasn't charging, had an X or something. But I got by by just leaving the charger on and it must have been charging some because I could use it for more hours than my usual 100% charged. My battery have always been damn awful because of the edition. But last night, I couldn't get it to turn on at all. The fan makes noises and so does the computer and sometimes, I can see very faintly that it goes to the sign-in. It could just be out of batteries and doesn't turn all the way on, just shuts down after a minute.

But since I don't have warranty, I am wondering how much it'd be to visit the Apple Store. And also, if anyone know of any way to fix it...could it be some other issue aside from the battery? This happened right after a storm that we had while I was at work and left it plugged on. But there was no lightning.

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MacBook :: Turn On Computer After Taking Out Battery?

Feb 2, 2012

When I turn on my Macbook it does not go past the initial screen with an apple and spinning wheel. I took out the battery but am wondering if I need to do something special when turning it on again?

Info:MacBook (13-inch Aluminum Late 2008)

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MacBook Pro :: Cannot Turn On Despite SMC And PRAM Resets And New Battery

Dec 10, 2014

I have a macbook pro that is simply dead. I have tried an SMC reset, a PRAM reset, and I bought a new battery. I see the green lights on the back of my battery and the power cord is an apple cord that appears to be just fine. I have also tried to power on the computer with the power cord plugged in but the battery out.

Worth noting that I do not hear any fans, any clicks, or *any* indication that the computer is trying to power up. The only signs of electricity are the green lights on the battery and the small charging light one sees on the cord when plugged in to the computer. 

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MacBook :: Won't Turn On No White IR Light And The Fan Doesn't Respond?

Mar 6, 2010

So this morning I woke up and went to press the power button of my Macbook, but nothing happened. I noticed that there is no white IR light and the fan doesn't respond. I checked the battery, it was at full. The power cable was also green when i plugged it into the Macbook. However, it still wouldn't turn on.

Just a general comment, I use the Macbook as a printer server and to browse the internet, so nothing intensive is forced onto the Macbook.So then I tried resetting the SMU, didn't work. I tried turning it on with only battery , and then with only power source, both didn't work either.I have never spilled anything on this macbook, never dropped it, smashed it, or abused it in any way. However, it is 2 years old and I never bought Applecare (Usually, if something is defective, it will show within the first 30 days). I assume it's a logic board failure, and it's going to cost around 700 to fix (which i'd rather just get a new macbook).

I was wondering if anybody know of a reason why the logic board broke, or if there is any remedies that i haven't tried yet?Also, I'm thinking of pawning it off on ebay and then save up and wait for the Macbook Pro refresh. Does anyone have an estimate on how much I can get for a broken Macbook (screen is fine, 4gb of ram (i might replace it w/ 2gb instead) 250 gb HD (might replace with 80gb HD instead), 2.0 ghz c2d (prbly useless cuz the logic board is fried)

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MacBook Pro :: Retina Doesn't Turn On But Charger Led Works?

Jun 19, 2014

I haven't used my mac for a month but it use to work perfectly fine. I tried to use it but it wouldn't turn on. When i plug the magsafe connecter the led goes orange. But when i press the power button it doesn't turn on. i tried smc reset using left shift, control and option (and power button) while charging and not charging but it doesn't work.

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MacBook Air :: Doesn't Turn On And Keeps Beeping - OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2)

Jun 1, 2014

macbook air dosen´t turn on and keeps beeping

MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2)

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MacBook Pro :: Can't Turn On It Doesn't Response To Power Button

Jun 1, 2014

A few hours ago i tried to turn it on  but it only showed the apple screen for a few seconds and turn off automatically.. i can't turn it back on anymore..

It doesn't response to the power button  nothing happen after pressing the button. I am sure it is charged... what should i do..?

MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012)

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MacBook Pro :: Doesn't Turn On Immediately - Will Only Starts After Few Attempts

Dec 9, 2014

Macbook doesn't start immediately, only after a few attempts... Like the board doesn't get power immediately.... 

What I've done: 

1. Replaced SSD

2. Replaced battery

3. Upgraded from Mountain Lion to Yosomite

4. Reset PRAM & SMC 


MacBook Pro (17-inch, Mid 2009)
3,06 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
8 GB 1067 MHz DDR3
NVIDIA GeForce 9400M 256 MB

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MacBook Pro :: Recently Device Doesn't Turn On When Shut It Down?

Jun 5, 2014

Recently I have a big problem with my macbook Pro, I don't know why but my device doesn't turn on when I shut it down. and I should wait for hours or sometimes for a whole day!!! what should I do?

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MacBook :: Turn Off Apps And Software To Get More Battery Life On It?

Apr 18, 2012

How do I turn off apps and software to get more battery life on my MacBook?

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Finished - Plugged The Charger But It Won't Turn On?

Jun 15, 2012

I let my new mbp(mid 2012) battery run down. It was on, I walked away for one minute and came back and the mbp was shut down. I plugged in charger and the mbp won't turn on at all. I got it on Tuesday so it is brand new.

Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Doesn't Last Very Much?

Mar 21, 2012

I bought a Macbook pro less than a month ago and notice that the battery doesn't last very much, only 3 hours. Is there something I could do to improve this?

MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Will Not Turn On - Green Lights Blinking On Battery Indicator?

Jun 5, 2012

My macbook pro 13" Mid 2010 model will simply not turn on! I tried does SMC and PRAM but still no results. The Macbook gives me 3 green blinking lights on the battery indicator and nothing else. I already tried switching the ram for a dead or faulty ram but still nothing. Also the power adapter doesn't seem to want to work. When I plug it to the macbook, I can hear small sparks each time, looking at it, there are some black marks on both the charger and the mac. [URL]s

MacBook Pro

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Is Fully Charged But Wont Turn On Without Charger

Jun 12, 2012

My battery is fully charged but wont turn on without the charger.It also shuts down after the charger is unplugged.Does anyone have this issue?

MacBook Pro, iOS 5.1.1

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