MacBook Pro :: How To Open Zipped Folder - Duplicate Created When Click To Unzip
Jun 27, 2014
I downloaded a bunch of pictures from my wedding which were saved into a .zip folder. Every time I click on the folder to "unzip" it a duplicate folder is created. I've tried searching for the unzipped folder that people have said would be created after double clicking/unzipping the folder, but it's nowhere to be found.
How can I configure OS X to not automatically unzip archive files when I double click on them, but instead simply open them in the default archive handler tool?
I know archives can be opened via the context menu, but I would prefer to just double click without causing the archive to unpack.
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
I recently installed snow leopard to a new hard drive. Before I formatted the hard drive with leopard on it, there was duplicate everything when I right clicked and used open with, but after I formatted the old drive, most of them disappeared... except for one. Right now, I'm seeing two VLC players and I don't know why. I tried opening a file with each of them and they both point to the same VLC so I was wondering how I can remove the duplicate.
I just got a new Mac today and I have a problem. When I click on applications and then for example click on my music folder, it all opens up in a preview and then if i select another folder in my music folder that opens up like a preview as well. Its pretty cool but is there a way for the folder just to open when I click on it like with Leopard?
Gosh I hope this makes sense...we just converted to leopard at work, and I am wondering why I cannot get a follder that I double click to open in the same the list view.
I can't open a personal folder on my desktop without using my keyboard or right clicking then open. Is there a way I can change settings to just double click top open a folder or file?
I want to duplicate my iTunes media folder onto my new MacBook from my desktop Mac. Can I hook computers together and move it or is there more to it than that?
When you click on any folder on the desktop and you click the gear icon and go to the "Arrange by" option and select "Date created", it puts the newest items toward the beginning of the folder. Is there any way to change that so the older items are at the top and the newer are at the bottom?
Upon adding new songs to my library, iTunes creates a new folder, gives it the same name as the folder "above" and adds the songs I want to add in this new folder. I deleted the whole library. I have a folder "Greatest hits" with about 20 subfolders for each artist. I added the folder "Greatest hits" to the iTunes library, Itunes creates a new folder for every individual artists in the root directory, copies the songs as well but the cover jpg remains in the "old" folder... What to do?
Folders I created in mail just went south on me. That is I finally got the ability to get all mail again but seem to have lost the folders I created. I had stored some messages in them too. It just makes one curious as to where they went, Anyone know anything about this?
So I accidentally removed the downloads folder from the dock and now I can't put it back in stacks without it appearing in order by name. I've tried organizing the folder by date created and then adding it but as soon as I exit the folder it goes back to organizing by name.
I'm pretty new to mac and a pro windows user. It's not been a month since I bought my first mac and now I'm feeling so comfortable with it.
I have a basic question on how to select a few files, drag and drop it into a new folder in the same folder level
For example, In windows I do this 1. Select few files in C:Temp 2. Cut those 3. Create a new folder and rename it C:TempNewTemp 4. Right click the folder and Paste it.
This is what I do in Mac now 1. Choose the files to be moved into a new folder (When I'm about to drag it, I remember that I've not created the new folder! Grr..) 2. Create a new folder and all my selection is gone 3. Now reselect all the files again and drop it to the new folder (Phew!)
Am I missing the cut feature in finder??? I know that 'Cut' is not much required in mac since everything works on DragNDrop.
I'm not sure whether there is any workaround for people like me who are used to selecting the files before creating a target folder. I'm sure that there should be something which can help me create a folder onthefly while dragging the files and keeping the selection intact.
I am transitioning from Windows Vista to a desktop Mac with OS X Snow Leopard my husband bought. I can't find any information as to how he got folders created and named to hold various related files. I have created two files I want to put into a new folder. How can I create a new folder to move them into? I have a manual and still can't find the information.
Is there any way to rename files in a RAR/ZIP while it is still zipped? It can be a pain to uncompress, rename and then re-zip. Not sure if there is a way or program that can do this.
I have dropbox, and want my "permanent folders" folder (which I have on my desktop) to be permanently mirrored to my dropbox folder. I know how to make a folder alias, but that's not quite the same thing. How can I do this?
I recently purchased a macbook pro after using PC for many years. All my pictures are on the iphoto application.
What I've noticed is that if I go to the All Images folder in Finder, I can see that I have duplicate pictures and all have different sizes. What I want to know if I delete them, would I delete the ones that are in iphoto?
I just purchased my first IMac 21.5". I am having problems with opening some emails that were created in outlook express. When I try to open them it asks what program to use to open it. When I check the properties of the attachment it says the file type is .email.
I am trying to set up a folder action to do the following... When a file is added to the "images" folder a new dated subfolder would automatically be created, and the file would be moved to this new dated subfolder.
Here's what I have so far (which I'm sure is way off base)
1) Folder action receives files and folders added to "Images"
2) Filter finder items - Find files where ALL of the following is true: Kind is ANY
3) New Folder - Name is "_" Where: "Images"
4) Add Date or Time to Finder Item Names: Add Date to folder name
5) Move Finder Items: This is the step that I'm stuck on. I don't know how indicate the newly created folder in step 3
Another question I have is how to make automator check to see if there's already a subfolder with the current date and put the file in that subfolder instead of creating a new subfolder with a duplicate name.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I just noticed that instead of the normal iTunes folder structure in my home dir of Music/iTunes/iTunes Music now the iTunes Music folder as well as the Mobile Applications folder have been copied into a new folder called iTunes Media. Is this something to do with iTunes 9 or Snow Leopard. Also what folders are safe for me to delete? Because everything has been duplicated I am wasting about 30gb of my hard drive and I'd like the space back.
i'm using mac os x 10.7.4 and have Office 2011. i can no longer open older documents (.doc) created with Microsoft Word 97... What can i do to get access to these files?
I have several .doc files created on my old PC using MS Word 97 - 2004. My Mac (Snow Leopard) can't open them. What software can I get to enable me to open these documents?
I know I should know how to do this and probably have done it in the past; however, I can't recall how. I want to duplicate an open window, not just a new one.
I have a MacBook Air and when go to double click a folder on my desktop nothing hsappens.I can select it but double clicking does not open it. This also happens in some of my applications as well.
Info: MacBook Air, IMac Intel, G4,G3, iPod5G, iPodTouch4., Mac OS X (10.6.7)
I can't choose a custom photo for my Desktop wallpaper on Leopard. When I choose a Photo in my Wallpaper a popup tells me: Duplicate Folder The folder you selected is already present in the picture source list. This is wrong. And in the past it worked.
I have been having problems with my MacBook (Aluminum late 2008, I think, OS 10.5). It runs slowly; files on the desktop and in my "Macintosh HD" often won't open with double-click but have to be opened with File-->Open; there are Word Work Files that won't go away; the trackpad is often stiff and not very responsive; clicking on the mouse is very stiff, despite very easy settings. In short, a lot of things are sluggish. Sometimes, also, I get the spinning beach ball, but not all the time.
I have run disk permissons repair from Disk Utility many times (both from the desktop and from the MacBook install disk); I have replaced the directory with Disk Warrior at least twice; I have verified that the disk is OK; I have zapped the PRAM; and done other things of that kind.
I took the MacBook to an Apple Store yesterday. It had been unplugged and much to my surprise, most everything seemed to be working all right. When I opened it today, however, I found everything as it was before I took it to Apple. Including the Word Work files, which I thought were gone.
If I recall correctly, this started when I was working on a long editing project in Word, but I don't know whether that has anything to do with what has happened. I've done similarly long projects before, and this never happened.
I could try trashing the Word Work files (there seem also to be quite a lot of folders with "recovered" files), but I don't want to do that unless I can be assured that nothing bad will come from doing that.
I know this seems quite comprehensive, and may involve several issues, but I'm really unhappy about this and would love to think there is something more I can do, apart from returning to the Apple Store. Besides everything else, how can I khow that I won't find, again, that the MacBook will work fine there but goes back to its troubled state when I return?