I was wondering if there is such a thing as a sticker to make the white glowing Apple, black. I want the Apple to match my iMac's. I don't want it to be completely black without the glowing light though.
I ordered something from RadTech for my MB and when it came, there was a free trial for Stuff Bak included with the documentation. It has a sticker that I'm supposed to place on my MB (or any device I want protected), register at their website for free [URL], and when my MB goes missing the sticker will provide whoever finds it a way to return it to me (plus $20 reward and any additional reward I might offer). Two questions: Has anybody tried this and does this service actually work? I'm kind of curious, but I'm also thinking that the reward might not be enough to deter them from just scraping the sticker off and keeping the MB...
I got a hand me down ibook from a relative but the default language is in German, I cant understand German. Is it possible to change the language display for commands , instructions and icons to English?
I am thinking about buying a macbook pro and since my boyfriend is spanish and I'm danish, I would like to know if it`s possible to have danish as the language in the admin account, and then english or spanish in another account for him?
I have added a language under the first tab, Language, only to find that there is no correspondingly supported input option under the fourth tab, Input Sources.
I would now like to remove the entry I added under the first tab, Langauge, but cannot figure out how to do this. I have tried highlighting and pressing delete, dragging it out of the window, etc., but so far nothing works.
I am completely new to the Mac universe but am planning on getting one whenever the next refresh comes out. My question is, is this an indicator that the new ones are coming soon or is this just something apple does after x months of a product being available.
How do you print a sheet of mini labels (65 per A4 page) using 1 contact from AppleMacbook/iphone contacts? I can only print 1 label. It was quite easy with Microsoft Word but difficult with Apple contacts and not possible in pages.
I have encountered a problem when printing labels. On my PC it is possible to use all the labels on an A4 sheet, because you can select which labels are still available from a part used sheet. On the iMac it always wants to start from the top of the page even when there are no labels there. I find it very wasteful to throw away part used sheets of labels. Maybe I am missing some vital information, because I don't believe a mac can't do what a PC does, in all other aspects a Mac wins hands down. I would appreciate any solutions to this problem as I have only had the iMac eight months and still learning, and I would prefer not to have to use my PC if avoidable
As a new Mac user, I'm not quite sure what these do, or effectively how to use them. I've noticed them in Ubuntu 9.04 too. What benefit do they offer to organization?
I'm trying to switch from english to greek pressing alt-cmd (which worked so far), but for some reason it doesn't work. What has gone wrong? Have I pressed something on the keyboard that has probably locked that change? I'm desperate to have an answer as I need it as soon as possible.
Im writing a spanish paper and I need all the accents on the paper. I know you can use the codes to add accents, but I was using a different Word program were I could change it to Spanish (Costa Rica)!
One thing I miss from Windows is the ability to glance at the task bar on the bottom and read truncated title descriptors on the task bar buttons of each open window. It's a way of knowing and locating what (and where) each window is by just looking, without having to do anything -- like mouse over an icon, or clicking, or using Expose.
Is there anything I can do to make all open windows have titles or descriptors -- whether it's a file name, or Safari window name, etc. -- in Mac OS? Is there any third party utility app?
I find Snow Leopard to be more application centric, rather than window centric.
I was writing an email in Russian when I had to leave my computer - so I locked it. When i came back, I tried to log back in. A shocking surprise: Mac was using a Russian layout and I have found no way to switch back to English to type my username and password (which are in English). I tried:
- resetting the PRAM (booting while holding option+Command+R+P)
- booting in single user mode and adding an admin user with empty username/password
- booting in single user mode and messing around with /var/log/CDIS/.custom (turned out it was set to "English" anyway)
I booted in a normal mode and started trying all random key combinations in hopes to switch to English. I frustration, I typed my password in the password box -- while using the Russian layout -- and voila - I was logged in. What happened was: when I added another layout, I had no idea that I needed to check a box to "Show input method on login screen" in a menu that is completely different from "Languages and Input" menu (in the Accounts-> Login Options). So when computer got locked, it wanted me to use the language I used last to login without providing an option of switching. I argue this is not user-friendly.
When I did select that box to show languages at login, I discovered something else: the username box wants you to use the language you used last by default (i.e. Russian), but the password box wants you to use English (that's why I was abke to login at all). Also: when focus is on the password field (and the language box show an American flag), when I go to switch the language, it shows a list of three Russian layouts of which only one is enabled -- and no English at all!
My MacBook Pro is in Chinese as the default language. And I've changed it into English. Then everything has changed except the log in window. The buttons are still in Chinese. And how can I change this window into English?
Just bought my first mac (macbook air 11") and i bought it second hand.The guy that sold it to me, had the language set to Chinese. I cant read Chinese so i asked him to change it to English, which he did.He also left a lot of his personal information on here, which is not wise, but i am a nice guy and attempted to do a system restore. The whole restore menues were in Chinese but i managed to guess my way through it and now it seems to be doing a restore. I know the language can be changed once in the OS, however how do i do this for the restore partition?