MacBook Pro :: Flash Gala Not Working With GPU Acceleration
May 3, 2010
Now this is odd. It doesn't work with gpu acceleration on HD videos (no white square on left corner) in Safari and Firefox, and as expected, the Nvidia 330M doen't even kick in. However, it does work in Opera 10.5 on the Macbook pro, and in all browsers in my '09 20" iMac (9400M)! I already repaired permissions, uninstalled and reinstalled flash, and I can't get hardware acceleration in flash on the macbook pro! It reports version 10,1,81,3 in both Macbook and iMac. What gives? This is a proper video to try it: [URL]. If anyone with a 330M iMac has Flash 10.1 preview (gala) installed, please try it - select 720p and see if it gets a small white square on the left upper corner.
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Aug 16, 2010
Has anyone tried the new version of adobe flash with the hardware acceleration? Does it seem to present a lot of improvements? Also if I install it, how do I uninstall the current version? How do I remove this version when a new version comes out? Will Software Update automatically remove this version if a newer version comes out through apple's update?
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Apr 29, 2010
Adobe this week issued a preview release of an update to its Flash Player, code-named "Gala," which allows for H.264 video hardware decoding in Mac OS X 10.6.3, placing less emphasis on a computer's CPU. The capability for Flash to use GPU hardware acceleration just became available with the Mac OS X 10.6.3 update for Apple's Snow Leopard operating system. A new technical note revealed a new framework that allows developers low-level access to H.264 decoding capabilities in Macs with compatible GPUs, including the GeForce 9400M, GeForce 320M and GeForce GT 330M. Previously, hardware acceleration for Flash was only available through Windows PCs and X86-based notebooks. Gala marks the first time Mac users will be able to benefit from hardware decoding of Flash.
"The combination of NVIDIA GPUs (GeForce 9400M, GeForce 320M or GeForce GT 330M) with the Gala version of Flash Player enables supported Macs running the current version of OS X to deliver smooth, flicker-free HD video with substantially decreased power consumption," Adobe wrote on its website, where the software can be downloaded. "Users will be able to enjoy a much smoother viewing experience when accessing rich, H.264 video content built with the Flash Platform from popular sites like [URL] or YouTube." The preview release of Gala is a sign of things to come, but does not yet provide consistent results. In a quick test, Engadget found that CPU use Apple's latest Core i7 MacBook Pros dropped a third to a half, but the Core i5 machine actually increased the CPU load by as much as 20 percent.
The Gala preview is intended for developers to test the new functionality and test compatibility. The feature is expected to find its way into the Flash Player after the release of version 10.1, expected to arrive in the first half of 2010. To test it, download the 7.4MB installer from Adobe. The preview release notifies users when hardware decoding is in use by displaying a small white square in the upper left corner of a video. Adobe has sought input from developers on the preview release as it prepares a final product for the general public. Gala is evidence of a rare positive between Apple and Adobe, two companies that have been engaged in a bitter rivalry of late. Most recently in their ongoing feud, Adobe abandoned development of Flash-to-iPhone porting software. After Apple's iPhone OS 4 developer agreement specifically prohibited the use of an intermediary tool, such as the one Adobe plans to release.
After Adobe employees criticized the iPhone for being a closed system, Apple fired back in a rare public comment, stating that Adobe "has it backwards," as Flash is "closed and proprietary." Apple has backed the open source standard HTML5 video streaming format while blocking the use of Flash on its portable devices, including the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. At a company meeting in January, the Apple co-founder Steve Jobs was rumored to have called Adobe "lazy," and said most Mac crashes are due to Flash. "The world is moving to HTML5," Jobs was quoted as saying. Jobs also allegedly called Flash a "CPU hog" in a meeting with officials from The Wall Street Journal. The Apple co-founder was said to have called the Web format "full of security holes" and "old technology." For more on why Apple is unlikely to ever allow Flash onto its iPhone OS-powered mobile devices, see AppleInsider's three-part Flash Wars series.[View this article at URL]
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Aug 11, 2010
Adobe has released a new version of its Flash Player for Mac that officially supports hardware acceleration for H.264 video content.
The update was announced Tuesday by Adobe product manager Thibault Imbert on his blog. The feature, code-named "Gala," had been announced several months prior, but was unavailable with the official release of Flash Player 10.1 for Mac in June. In a break from usual protocol, Adobe enabled the new feature in a security release.
Hardware acceleration in Flash Player 10.1 for Mac is available only for Mac OS X Snow Leopard and the following graphics cards: NVIDIA GeForce 9400M, GeForce 320M or GeForce GT 330M.
According to Adobe, a CPU utilization reduction of up to two-thirds is possible when GPU hardware acceleration is active.
Flash Player for Mac has recently been the subject of controversy. In April, Apple CEO Steve Jobs published an open letter criticizing Adobe's Flash offerings. In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, Adobe CEO Shantanu Narayen subsequently dismissed Jobs' letter as a "smokescreen."
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Aug 29, 2010
I recently purchased a MBP and am really enjoying using it. However I have a few issues that I have to get taken care of or I will prolly end up going back to windows.
First major issue is that I have to click twice on mostly everything. If im in a different window and want to click on a link in the browser I have to click twice.
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Sep 19, 2009
I have a new Macbook Pro and I also have a sandisk cruzer flash drive. I use a PC at work and when I brought the drive home to do some work on the Mac absolutely nothing happens. Be easy on me. This is my first mac and I am new at this.
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Feb 15, 2012
i have a macbook pro. the problem recently has been the flash player.i have installed it several times, but whenever i click a link on a website it says you need to update your flash player and keeps taking me to adobe website.
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Mar 30, 2012
flash is not working with safari?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 24, 2012
After a recent update, many video players have not been working. This goes for live streaming flash players and others such as on
Some other video players give me error code VE_FMS_CONNECT_FAILED...Â
I've updated all adobe flash players, and mac software..
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 4, 2012
My specs are as follows:Â Mac OS X 10.7.313" MacBook Air (2nd Gen)Graphics Card: Nvidia GeForce 320M 256MBFlash version: 11.1.102Â
A few months ago I noticed that Flash would not load videos on some websites (youtube works fine, but others sometimes show just a circle spinning). Normally I'd simply go to Firefox from Safari if I really wanted to watch a video. I did realize that the file that tends to not load usually encounters an error with the xml file. It usually says it could not find the host server by that name, but this happens accross multiple websites.Â
Now even Firefox has stopped working. I've tried unisntalling and re-installing flash, including older versions to no avail. I also attempted to clear the cache, delete flash folders in the library folder, etc. None of this has worked.The only other solution I've yet to try is that with the Lion update, you have to update your graphics card driver. I went to the nvidia website however, and for my graphics card they do not have a driver out yet.Â
MacBook Air (13-inch Late 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 5, 2012
I have a Macbook, 2Ghz Intel Core 2, 2 GB Ram, running OS 10.7.3. Safari 5.1.3, Firefox 12.0, Flash 11.2. Flash based videos etc. aren't working. I'll get a spinning beach ball, then "plug in failure". This happens on everything from the Yahoo homepage, to YouTube videos. I've tried logging in as a different Admin user, reinstalled Flash / OS. No change.
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Oct 17, 2008
I just purchased an Aluminum MacBook 2.4GHz today, and I tried playing some H.264 Trailers and I am shocked by the performance. My other MacBook Pro 2.4GHz playing a 1080p trailer is using about 100% CPU (out of 200%) but my new MacBook played the same trailer at only 28% CPU usage (out of 200%). I'm wondering if anyone knows if there is some GPU decode acceleration happening with the 9400M GPU because the difference here is quite huge.
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Oct 21, 2009
i have been a long time macbook pro user and I finally got around to installing bootcamp to run some windows software for school. I'm sure that many of you have noticed how the acceleration path for the mouse tracking on OSX feel "different" than Windows and my problem is that I prefer the OSX method of tracking and can't stand the fidgety nature of windows tracking (especially while using the new buttonless trackpads which work great on OSX but fail miserably on windows). I did a search on google and found that there are many ways to get the OSX tracking to "feel" like windows using software like USBOverdrive but I couldn't find any solutions for my problem which involves the opposite, getting windows tracking to feel like OSX.
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Jul 6, 2012
I want ask abut Supported NVIDIA graphics cards for GPU acceleration
- GeForce GTX 285
- Quadro FX 4800
- Quadro 4000Â Â
which model of MacBook Pro have it ?
I need it for video editing by adobe premiere pro.Â
iPhone 3GS, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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Nov 15, 2007
This started happening before today's update to 10.4.11. I was running Safari 2.0.4 and am still having the same problem with 3.0.4. No flash will work in Safari, it was working fine and then just stopped for no apparent reason. Flash based websites won't load, YouTube video won't load, basically nothing that involves flash will work in Safari. Firefox works perfectly fine. I've tried uninstalling flash with Adobe's uninstaller and reinstalling it and then repairing permissions. I've tried deleting the plugins myself and reinstalling, that didn't work either. I have no idea what's going on, things worked fine and all of the sudden it won't work at all.
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Jan 3, 2009
Flash macromedia player isn't working on my browsers. I go to adobe's website and I download the player and it says successfully installed but when I go to some websites that need macromedia flash player it doesn't work.
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Oct 1, 2009
I just got a new mbp. (old one's logic board and cpu died)
With my old mbp(leopard) everything flash related was working perfectly fine.
The new mbp, Flash works with every other browsers such as Safari and Opera.
However, when using Firefox to watch videos or browse websites, Flash thinks my left mouse click is my right click. So whenever I try to pause a video or play it, flash opens up "About Flash Player 10"
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Nov 21, 2009
I recently updated Flash, and it's no longer working properly. On many sites it works just fine (YouTube, for instance). On some sites, however, it loads but doesn't work, if that makes sense. For instance, on [URL] where Flash is used, it shows a loading symbol stuck at 51%. When I right click and select settings, the settings panel for Flash pops up but everything is grayed out and it won't even close when 'close' is clicked.
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Sep 5, 2010
So I have a 128GB flash drive that I bought on eBay a while ago that is no longer working. It had been working fine in both Mac OS and Windows, however it will no longer show up in Finder or Disk Utility. It does, however show up in USB Prober and System Profiler. In Windows, it won't show up but sounds are emitted when I pull it out or plug it in. Of interest, it is a Kingston drive but System Profiler lists the manufacturer as Alcor Micro.
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Nov 13, 2010
I have had my macbook pro 10.6.5 for over 2 years and have never had this problem. But this morning I tried to use my webcam with flash player online and it wouldn't work. I have spent about 2 hours reinstalling browsers, flash player and repairing permissions in disk utility but still no video.
The iSight does work in Photobooth and iMovie but for some reason when I select it in the Adobe Flash Player Settings nothing happens. The green light doesn't even go on.
Does anyone have any ideas of what I can try next?
I am studying abroad in France this semester so do not have my OS installation disks with me. I do have a time machine backup though
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Mar 14, 2012
I have flashed based videos on my website and an uploader that requires flash to be installed. Does anyone know how to turn it back on in the new Safari? Everything works fine in Chrome. Would prefer to stick with Safari if its possible to fix it.
itunes, Mac OS X (10.7.1)
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May 26, 2012
I followed all the instructions in the previous threads and unstalled my older version on flash. Then installed PPC Mac Flash version and it says installation complete but when I go to test it nothing works. I tried restarting and uninstalling and starting over. I keep getting installation complete but still no go. I checked all my soft updates and everything looks good.
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Jun 3, 2007
I've been having an issue with my flash player for a long time now. Basically, whenever I go to a site such as [URL] the box where the movie should be just says: Click Here to Download Plugin, and whenever I click to download it, the automatic download fails and I have to go to the manual download. Well, that all works fine (I've tried both the .dmg and the .zip files) until it opens the Adobe Flash Page after the download and installation are complete, and I still get that message that I need to download the plugin that I definitely JUST downloaded and installed.
This has been going on for a very annoying two weeks now, and I've even gone through my desktop and deleted a bunch of my stuff in order to free up my memory and get my computer running a tad bit faster, but that didn't do anything. Frankly, I'm annoyed, and just one step from taking my computer to the store and getting them to look at it.
I have an Imac G5
Model: PowerMac8.2
CPU Type: Power PC G5 (3.0)
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Aug 13, 2010
Last few days my flash no longer works.
YouTube videos play (can hear sound) but just a black box, unless I full screen I can see it. All other flash (e.g. Dailymotion, Vimeo) don't play at all.
Works fine on Safari, but not on Firefox and Chrome.
I have uninstalled Flash, no luck.
Is this something to do with the hardware acceleration?
I have a silver unibody MacBook.
EDIT: I'm on 10.6.3 Snow Leopard
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May 6, 2012
I am running Safari 5.1.5 on Lion 10.7.3. For about a year now, I have been having trouble running Adobe Flash Player to view videos. I can verify that I have Flash Player installed, but on some (not all) website, most notably [URL] I just get a button to "Get Adobe Flash Player" even though I already have it. Flash-based ads work fine, it's really just for videos. I end up having to watch the non-working videos on Chrome where they work fine.
iMac (27-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 19, 2014
why doesn't adobe flash player work in my mac? as i've installed it quite a few times but the problem is still same. i have OS X 10.9.3. i even tried uninstalling all the old files related to the flash player and restarted the machine. i have been getting this problem for a few days only.
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May 29, 2008
I'm having an issue where certain flash sites don't work properly, they just sit there loading and never actually do anything.
The vast majority of sites work just fine, youtube, google video,, the escapist, etc..
But some sites such as [URL] simply will not play the videos.
In addition to that, [URL] will not work either, but there I at least get an error message stating that "flash local storage is not turned on". In this case I've tried to load the flash manager and turn it on, but after changing it and going back in, it seems that my changes were not saved and my local storage is stuck at 10k max.
The exact same sites work fine on my friends PC using my wireless connection.
I have tried to uninstall and reinstall flash with no success.
I've tried both firefox and safari, neither work, but the flash stuff seems to be global on the machine, so I suspect it's more of a problem with the flash than with a specific browser.
I've even tried to run firefox as root, install flash as root, etc thinking that it was something to do with not having permission to write to wherever flash was trying to store stuff.
I've got Firefox, OSX 10.4.11, and Flash installed.
I suppose I'm most concerned about, but I think the video issues may be related to the "local storage" error I'm getting aswell.
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Feb 23, 2012
Loading Adobe Flash on my PowerBook G4, isn't working.
PowerBook G4, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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Jun 22, 2014
My flash player becomes black after the advertisement has played. I have this problem for all kind of internet sites like on official TV websites. No problem with youtube. The player always used to work but all of a sudden it stopped. This problem persists on safari and firefox. I have Mac OS X Mavernick version 10.9.3.
I have tried the followingÂ
- install newest version of flash player
-Empty chache: library> cache> adobe> flashplayer
- Open Safari with 32bit
- Reset safari
- internet plug-ins are allowed (safari> preferences> allow plug ins
- Java skript in safari preferences is enabled
- cookies are removed
- the flash player does not work for the guest user neither
- Safari Extensions are off
- My installed plug-ins are: Quick time player /Â Shockwave Flash / Silverlight Plug-In /
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Aug 26, 2014
I have an iMac and a Mac Book Pro. On the iMac, Flash Player works fine on Youtube, etc. EXCEPT within Facebook. When I click on a video within Facebook it appears to load the viewing pane but the video never starts. No error messages. I have reinstalled Maverick OS/X, done a clean uninstall/reinstall of Adobe Flash Player, checked all settings, still have the problem. It works fine on the Mac Book Pro, both computers are using the same version of MAC OS/X and Flash Player with the same settings. Obviously there is something different on the iMac but I'm unable to
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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