MacBook Pro :: Firefox 12.0 Will Not Load Pogo Game

Jun 3, 2012

Firefox 12.0 will not load Pogo game...

MacBook Pro

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MacBook :: Unable To Launch Pogo Game Rooms?

Jun 2, 2012

I have been unable over the past week to Launch any game from I have updated JAVA to no avail. I am able to log-on but cannot launch. 

Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Pogo Game Not Loading

Jun 3, 2012

why does pogo game not load?


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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Installed Security Update Now Pogo Scrabble Won't Load?

Jun 3, 2012

Installed security update now my pogo scrabble won't load

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MacBook Pro :: Certain Websites In Firefox Don't Load Properly Or It Takes Ages To Load

May 21, 2012

Certain webistes like [URL], take ages to load after i login. I have cleaned my cache , deleted cookies,etc.... In the apple store everything works fine , but not at home. When using other PC's / notebooks  it all works fine, except my own Macbook. Other browsers on my Mc , have the same problem.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook :: Can't Figure Out How To Load A Game

Apr 30, 2012

I'm trying to load a game but I get this window that says "Can't open application installer Because PowerPC applications are no longer supported" what do I do?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), New computer

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OS X :: Game Won't Start / Make It Load?

Jan 13, 2010

I have the macbook running on 10.6.2. And when i went to go play the game fill it, it would not start when i hit space, like it is supossed to. It is not the website because I tried many different ones, and i works fiine on my pc. What can do to make it load?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Getting Errors When Playing A Game Or Opening Firefox

Feb 5, 2012

Im just getting all these errors when I play a game, or when I open Firefox is there any way I can fix them? The game ends up crashing and firefox just slows down alot.I can list the errors as well, they keep spamming my console. [code] And it just covers my console window.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Firefox Takes Eight Bounces For Fresh Load Up

Jun 26, 2009

How long does it take to load your guys' firefox on the unibody? For some reason mine takes around EIGHT bounces. I think somethings wrong. This is after doing a clean up w/ onyx too. But even before cleanup, its been around 8 bounces... on my white imac, safari takes only 2 bounces from a fresh load up. Why, could this have to do with anything with the graphics drivers? My HD is half full and I have 2 gb of ram.

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MacBook :: WiFi Says Connected But Safari And Firefox Don't Load Pages

Apr 25, 2012

Recently our laptops at home won't connect to wireless internet. I have a Mac and my mother has a PC I believe, either way neither will allow us to load internet pages, both, however, say we are connected. I'm assuming since both computers are doing this it has something to do with the modem or router. Is there anything we can do to fix it right away or do we have to get ahold of our internet provider for them to fix it?


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OS X :: Not Being Able To Load From Either Firefox 3 Or Safari?

Jan 15, 2009

For the last month I have not being able to load from either Firefox 3 or Safari. It used to work perfectly from my Macbook, but out of the blue it stopped loading.I tried updating flash player and still it does not open. I also tried deleting all cookies, and cache.This is the error message it appears on firefox:Network TimeoutThe server at is taking too long to respond.

The requested site did not respond to a connection request and the browser has stopped waiting for a reply. * Could the server be experiencing high demand or a temporary outage? Try again later. * Are you unable to browse other sites? Check the computer's network connection. * Is your computer or network protected by a firewall or proxy? Incorrect settings can interfere with Web browsing. * Still having trouble? Consult your network administrator or Internet provider for assistance.

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Software :: Firefox Won't Run Or Load

Dec 25, 2008

I uninstalled a program called "Bounceback" (a computer backup program that links to an external drive) by dragging its icon on the dock and in my applications folder into the trash, and then emptying the trash. Since then, my Firefox program won't load. Safari works fine. I reinstalled Firefox but it still wouldn't load, nor would it load directly off the install drive.

I notice that part of the Bounceback program, Bounceback Launcher, continues to try to load when I start up my system. My system is not connected to the external drive, and I have combed my applications folder to remove any remaining Bounceback software. I have also repaired my disk permissions, with no success.

I haven't made any other changes, so I'm assuming the Firefox problem is somehow linked to the Bounceback uninstallation.

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OS X :: Apple Store Does Not Load In Firefox

Sep 8, 2007

Whenever I try to load the Apple web store in Firefox, none of the images show up. I have Adblock, but it is disabled for all of Apple Site. Attached is a screenshot of what I see at the Apple Store. It loads fine in Safari.

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Windows On Mac :: Connection Errors "out Of Reach" - Won't Load Game

Feb 18, 2010

I've recently upgraded to Snow Leopard and decided to use boot camp to reinstall XP on a secondary partition. The problem I'm having is with getting some programs notably Trillian and Steam to keep their connection. Sometimes they work and sometimes they don't. I am in university halls of residence so I have had to set up some port forwarding to get Steam to connect at all but it's always tantalisingly out of reach.

Steam for example sometimes loads fine but then won't load a game it brings up the 'Game is unavailable' error. Sometimes I can get into team fortress 2 but can't locate any servers, sometimes I can get a server list to populate but cant load the game. Sometimes it doesn't even load Steam at all and fails on the updating step. Trillian has similar problems, sometimes dropping the connection and sometimes running perfectly fine. At first I though this was a firewall issue due to the ports but after I managed to get each step to work at different times, just never together, I began to doubt that.

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OS X :: Unable To Load Images On Firefox/Safari?

Feb 25, 2008

I've avoided asking this question for over a year but I just can't take it anymore.

Ever since I got my first macbook pro(Tiger) in 2006, I've had a pretty poor web-surfing experience when it comes to pages with a large quantity of images.

Whether it's in Firefox or Safari, it seems it takes forever to load jpegs, gifs, pngs, etc., much slower than in Windows.

And more often than not, it'll often just stop trying to load some of the images and leave empty frames instead. An annoying side effect of these situations is that I won't be able to load other websites in separate tabs until I wait 2 or 3 minutes at least.

It almost mimics what happens when you just plain lose your internet connection. My best example is

Sometimes posters will post large quantities of images, 100+. Heck, what am I saying, sometimes it's not even that much but Firefox and Safari will still choke trying to retrieve the pictures.

I set aside the macbook for this very reason because I often open multiple tabs at once when I surf..and if one of those tabs just happen to be image-intensive, my whole surfing experience will grind to a halt until whatever process is happening times itself out.

I THOUGHT the problem would be fixed with Leopard..but it hasn't. I've searched the forums but I haven't found anything useful, although I've caught small stories here and there of people having the same issue, but nothing widespread.

The whole problem starts with image files...and sometimes it doesn't necessarily need large quantities to choke. Just a modest amount will do sometimes.

Any ideas?? Is it my router? (WRT54G) My DSL connection? (Yahoo SBC) It happens on either wireless or with cable. My windows boxes don't have this problem.

Not having images load is bad enough, but having your browser stall is just insufferable! (I'm also using a brand new Macbook Pro so this problem stems across two revisions)

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Applications :: Firefox Refuses To Load SWF On Websites

Jan 26, 2009

Firefox refuses to load swf on any website. I can view youtube just fine. This is what it looks like. The first pic is a article on gizmodo (I am sure most of you read it). The video is supposed to be where the white box is but it doesn't load. The second pic is supposed to be a music player on myspace. Before you ask, yes I did install flash correctly. I am computer savy. I don't have any problems on safari

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Applications :: Unable To Load Images On Firefox 3?

Mar 8, 2009

Firefox (3.0.7, latest version) for OSX has been a nightmare lately. I prefer it to Safari because of the extensions, but I'm thinking of ditching it. Some web pages seem to be fine, but most will only load about half of the images.

For example, on Facebook I'll get about half of the profile pictures to load on my friends list, and the others will just display a broken image link icon.

The same occurs with forums (people's avatars), and even with some major websites, where there will just be huge gaps in a page where the images are supposed to be.

I've checked the auto load settings and I don't have any exceptions, so every site should be allowed to load images immediately without permissions.

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OS X :: Unable To Load Webpage In Safari And Firefox

Dec 5, 2009

I have uninstalled and reinstalled flash player and i have installed the latest java and still every time i try to load the hulu website i get this: an extremely simplified version of the web page. All that it shows are the thumbnails of the episodes and the text with some links and all of it is to the left of the web page, the background and other features such as their moving preview thing are not there.

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Intel Mac :: Cannot Load Firefox Or Google Chrome?

Jun 25, 2012

Is anyone else having this issue?

iMac (24-inch Mid 2007), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X :: Youtube And Godaddy Pages Not Load In Firefox Or Safari?

Apr 16, 2009

I'm having major problems with certain pages loading in Firefox and the same pages will not load in safari.

In fact they load some days and then not the next. I'm fine on my other mac and on my PC but when on my MacBook Pro I have problems.

The main site tends to be [URL] and [URL]

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OS X :: Website Won't Load In Firefox And Safari, But Other Sites Work

Jun 9, 2009

I formatted a G4 powerbook for an intern at the company with Tiger installed, with all the latest updates. But somehow, our company website won't load in Safari or Firefox. There is internet connection, all other websites on that laptop I've tried works. We have 15 other PCs / OSX and our website works on all of them, except for the powerbook.

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OS X :: Regular Apps Load Okay, But Safari, Firefox And Finder Will Not Show Up

Mar 5, 2009

OS loads very slowly...then once it does load, regular apps load okay, but safari and firefox and finder will not show up. it goes to sleep much faster than it usually does. i get spinning beachballs all the time. strangely, if i click a link in adium, it will come up in safari just fine.

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Applications :: Website Doesn't Load On Firefox, Chrome, Safari?

Jan 7, 2010

Sometimes it does load the main page, but very slowly and any link I click starts loading forever but without any success.

Does anyone know what the problem could possibly be? I have already called the site and they told me they are not experiencing problems. In addition, it does load on Windows...

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Applications :: Way To Make Safari Load Pages More Efficiently Like Firefox

Jul 29, 2010

Firefox' site rendering is much more fluid than Safari's. Safari loads the BACKGROUND again and again with each click completely upsetting the eye. Firefox has the background steadily black as it is and loads the randomized image properly without any kind of irritation.Is there a way to make Safari load pages more efficiently like Firefox?Or is it just a rendering of all WebKit browsers that behaves like that?

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Mac Mini :: Safari Won't Load Any Websites, Firefox Works Fine

Mar 31, 2012

After restarting, Safari suddenly doesn't load any webpages.  It shows all the top sites in the favorites area and actually updates some to the most recent versions, but when you try to get to the site it shows the loading bar to about an 1/8th of the way and then just pin wheels.  Firefox works fine.  I have used the reset to no avail.  Have the current version and have been running it for a while with no problems.  

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Safari :: Unable To Load Pages That Firefox & Chrome Do Easily?

Apr 30, 2012

I'm running Safari 5.02 on a 15" Macbook Pro running 10.6.6.  ALL TOO OFTEN I will attempt to access a page [URL] and it will not load. All I get is an eternal spinning wheel.  I have to launch Chrome or Firefox to achieve success and they load the page without any difficulty.   I've suspected flash content conflict but have installed all the latest updates, but still no success.

Macbook Pro 2.3 ghz, Mac OS X (10.6.6)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Upgraded To 10.7.4 Pages Won't Load In Safari ,Chrome And Firefox?

May 15, 2012

Ever since upgrading to Lion 10.7.4 we are having issues with images loading in Safari ,Chrome and Firefox and the App store.  Sometimes not even the page will load. Our internet speed is up to par so we are pretty sure it's not a

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Also use a macbook, iPad, iPhone

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Suddenly Safari Won't Load Page While Chrome And Firefox Can

May 22, 2012

I’ll try to be as specific as I can. I’m running Safari 5.1.7 

From time to time, Safari seems to encounter a problem with opening https (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure). Either the page won’t open or the page will take deveral minutes to load (like four minutes to load Twitter home page). 

When it happens, it seems to cause Safari the misbehave with any other page: Safari becomes in effect broken. Meanwhile, pages load normally in Chrome or Firefox.  

Sometimes, restarting the computer will fix the problem (for a while), but sometime it doesn’t. I’ve also tried to empty Safari’s cache and flush its DNS. It doesn’t always work. I coming here because I restarted by computer half an hour ago and pages are still loading in Safari. 

Other valuable information: 

1) The problem with https existed prior to me upgrading to 5.1.7

2) I can be using Safari for days before I encounter the problem

3) I usually work with thre or four windows open, each loaded with about ten tabs. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X Mavericks :: Safari And Firefox Can't Connect To Most Websites And If It Does Pages Don't Fully Load

Sep 10, 2014

I have a mid 2011 iMac, OS X 10.9.4 and i recently installed maverick.  

For some reason,using both Safari and Firefox, it can't connect to most websites and if it does the pages don't fully load( pictures and videos won't load) but my network works fine with other device like my phone and I'm still able to download updates. Ive tried restarting in safe mode, clearing caches, Safari without extensions.  

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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Intel Mac :: Open A Game That I Purchased From Game Stop With An Activation Code?

May 6, 2012

How can I open a game that I purchased from Game Stop with an Activation Code?

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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