MacBook Pro :: Documents Icon In Dock Stays Generic
Mar 14, 2008
I've changed the icon for my "documents" folder, but the change did not take effect on my "documents" icon in my dock. I removed it from the dock, and dragged the "documents" folder with the new icon into the dock, but it just shows a generic blue folder. I logged off, and logged back in, but I still only see a generic blue folder.
I don't really know how to describe this or even search for it. (I tried the best I know how) The only thing I can do is show a picture. I don't have any idea how this happened or how to fix it. The real Finder icon in the left of the dock does not have the light underneath indiciating that it is running, but there is a generic app icon that is actually the finder and has the normal Finder context menu when I right click it. This icon behaves just like any regular app and I can even right click and quit it. Anyone have any ideas what caused this and how to fix it short of reinstalling Mac OS X? BTW I'm using a 13" Alu MacBook running 10.5.7.
how to restore original Documents icon in Dock? I accidently deleted it from the Dock. When I restored it back, the icon lost its original image and I can not find it back, it's different now.
I used to see them, but now they are the generic iTunes icon. I'm not sure if it's because I moved them to a different folder or what, but it lost that option.
I'm planning on making myself some icons (in particular, a volume icon with the windows flag and one with the leopard X, to differentiate between them on my desktop) and with a bit of googling, found that *most* of the system icons were in System/Library/CoreServices/CoreTypes.bundle although one particular icon that wasn't there was the hard disk icon that is on the desktop.
Does anybody know where this icon would be? (And any other common system ones that are not in CoreTypes.bundle)
Whenever I put a DVD+RW in and eject it, the icon stays on the desktop and in the finder. I have to manually delete it. Why is it doing this? I tried repairing permissions and repairing disk, but it didn't help. It happens both on my new Aluminum macbook and my older whitebook.
I just got a MBA and I was removing a pdf doc that was in the the Documents stack on the Dock when it went "poof" and disappeared. I was had downloaded the pdf and moving it from the desktop to the Documents stack and then decided to put it back on the desktop. Other than moving the icon for it I did not do anything.
I have this icon behind the Application icon on the dock and I cannot figure out what it is. It is not something on the desktop as I have moved the dock and can't see it, so it is definitely connected with the Application icon. I have deleted all downloads which could have been half done and I have removed an Alias I had in the Application folder. Now all the Applications appears as "Applications" in the "Kind" column when viewing in Finder.
Is it possible to restore it to it's original position on the right hand side of the dock? I've tried dragging & dropping from finder, but that doesn't seem to work for me. Making an alias doesn't seem to work either.
I recently replaced my white MacBook (OS X 10.5) with a new MacBook.
In the old dock: I had created a folder within the HD called "launcher"--so it would appear at the top of the list. I created a custom icon for the folder, created an alias on the desktop. I then put the alias in the dock. When I would click on the folder it would open like stacks.
New dock: If I do the above process, the folder opens as a finder window--no more stacks. If I pull the folder directly to the dock, without creating the alias, the folder opens as a stack, but the icon is gone and replaced with the generic folder icon.
Is there a way to have a custom icon and have the stack/folder open as stacks? I don't like the option of putting a image file as the first item in the folder because then the "icon" that appears is smaller and in front of the folder I hate.
I just bought a new MacBook with SL installed. I have tried to search these forums for the past 10 minutes to find an answer. How do I remove the safari icon on the dock. It wont lemme trash it or put elsewhere but dock. I use firefox. Don't want the safari icon!
Is there any way to get the "mail" icon above the dotted line in the dock so it is available every time I start up ala iTunes/Finder/Safari/Preview?. As it is I have to launch it from the applications folder every time I restart the computer. This would be on my new MacBook Pro with Snow Leopard.
In Old Leopard, when I opened the Applications folder from the dock, my app icons were small enough that all of them were displayed at once. In Snow Leopard, the icons are much larger, and there's a scroll bar at the side. I liked the old way better. Any way to get it back, other than going back to 10.5?
In Old Leopard, when I opened the Documents folder from the dock, and then opened a subfolder, the subfolder opened in a Finder window. In Snow Leopard, it opens in the dock. I liked the old way better. Any way to get it back, other than going back to 10.5?