MacBook Pro :: Display & Keyboard Brightness Keep Changing
Jul 28, 2010
I just got a new MBP this week and curious as to how/why my display brightness, along with the brightness of the backlit keyboard keep changing without me doing anything.
I use my MBP hooked up to an NEC display with an Apple wired keyboard. Is there any way to have the F1/F2 keys still control the brightness on the MBP display? They currently don't do anything.
Other than opening Displays System Preferences panel, is there a way to change resolution settings on a MacBook Pro? I have a new MBP with a Retina screen and I'd like to be able to more quickly switch display settings.
Purchased my iMac 27" back in October 2011. It was fine up until around February this year until my screen brightness started flickering automatically. I have the ambient/auto brightness setting switched off and after many discussions with apple care on the phone I have been advised to bring my iMac back in to the store.
1) is this a common problem a lot of people have experienced with iMacs?
2) Do you think it will be repaired or replaced?
3) Does this happen with the macbook airs as I was planning to purchase one for university in September, however if this problem occurs with their laptop range then I will opt for windows.
Are the led's under the keys auto controlled due to the amount of light in the room? I use my MacBook pro on battery most of the time and every time I go to turn up the keyboard brightness its in a different place. I want to set it to be at a specific brightness when its plugged in and when its running on battery, at a lower brightness but the same every time. I want to be able to have settings for the led brightness.
I found the setting under Displays to automatically adjust brightness, but is there a way to set this different for Battery or Power Adapter? I would like to keep this option on for using the Battery, but would like the display at a constant level when using the Power Adapter.
Recently, after about 5 minutes of use (not sitting idle), my MacBook's screen will go very dim. I hit the buttons on the keyboard to take the brightness all the way up, but it doesn't get much brighter and there's only one thing that I can do to make the screen go brighter: I go into System Preferences and click Display. The second I click that, the brightness returns without me doing anything in the Display section, so after Display comes up, I just close it out and the screen brightness is fine for a while. It seems to do this after the lid has been closed for a while and then starts dimming again after opening the lid and using it for about 5 minutes. Is there a way to fix the auto-dim mode without disabling it? MacBook (white) is running Leopard 10.5.8 with all the latest updates.
So Apple wanted to charge me $900 to change my broken LCD screen. I did the change myself for $86, a feat I am very proud of. Everything works great (the bezel's a bit loose and I did a little aesthetic damage to the hinge cover) but apart from that, the screen is 10x brighter than my old Rev B screen. The problem is this: I can't regulate brightness. Neither from in system preferences or from my keyboard. The monitor does, however, dim, and sleep. Is this a firmware issue? If so, how do I fix it? I would kinda' like to have control over screen brightness. After some use, this screen is really SUPER bright. I'd really like to get the brightness down to humane levels (it's shining out the back of the case where you normally don't see light).
When I connect my 13" MBP to an external display to watch a movie etc. the external display seems to be darker than it would appear if I was watching on my MBP. Is there anything I can do to make things brighter (other than turning the brightness up on my TV)?
A few minutes ago I noticed that my MBA's keyboard was not lighting up as it's supposed to. A little experimenting and I found the solution (you may kick yourself, this is so simple): The F5 key decreases keyboard brightness. The F6 key increases keyboard brightness. The icons on these two keys are the clue.
So I've recently purchased the new 13" MBP, and to my understanding, there is a light sensor that turns up the brightness of the backlit keyboard and screen when in dark environments.
However, the problem with my MBP is that when I turn on the lights in my room, the screen brightness and backlit keyboard both turn brighter, and when I turn off the lights, the screen and keyboard grow dimmer, which is exactly the opposite of what is supposed to happen.
Basically what I want to do is sync my Apple Cinema Display's brightness with my MacBook ambient light brightness control. So when the brightness of my MacBook changes because of ambient lighting, my secondary monitor changes with it. Is this possible? Is there a software that does this?
Just had apple replacing the display on my rev b air due lose hinges, I think this new display much brighter then the old display. It is just a psychological thing? or does the screen actually losses brightness over time/usgae?
When my laptop is connected to my Apple Keyboard, I can control the brightness with the F1 and F2 keys on my external Apple Keyboard. However, when I connect an external monitor to my MacBook Pro, the F1 and F2 keys no longer work.
Is there a way to control the brightness of my laptop's screen (NOT the external monitor) with my external Apple Keyboard even when an external monitor is plugged into my MacBook Pro?
I have a MacBook2,1 - the white one with the 'old style keyboard' i.e. with the expose and spaces keys on f8,f9 keys etc. I am wondering as my work machine has the the expose keys on f3, and f4 keys and the new white macbook has the same keyboard layout with the expose key etc on the early f keys is it possible to purchase a new Macbook keyboard and put it in the older macbook.
I recently dropped my MBP retina, luckily it still runs smoothly. The only drawback is; about a centimetre of the display on the right of the screen is out of commission. Is there a way to adjust the display so that the broken part of the screen is ignored? Or in simpler words, reduce or shrink the width of my screen by a centimetre.
I have a 15 inch aluminum macbook pro, Snow Leopard and recent updates all installed, but i noticed something on my friends 13 inch macbook pro that mine doesn't do.
On my friends, when you press the screen dim/bright button (F1, F2), its a gradual transistion, but on mine it just jumps down a notch.
For example, when you hold down the dim button on my friends MBP, it the screen dims in a similar way as to when you put your finger over the iSight camera, it fades to a dimmer screen.
I just purchased a new wired keyboard for imac and brightness and volume control keys not working . i have tried adjusting keyboard settings. I have software version 10.5.8. Do I need to upgrade software.
I spilled alcohol on macbook keyboard, so I bought and just received a wireless keyboard which I paired with my computer, but the shortcuts at the top of my keyboard aren't doing what they should be doing. I went into system preferences and was able to change it so I can change the brightness, but from F7 to F12, where you are suppose to be able to change the song, play/pause, mute and turn the volume up and down, it does other things. I've tried adding an application to my keyboard shortcuts, added iTunes and then wrote "Volume Up" and set it to F12, and "Volume Down" and set it to F11, but it didn't work. Is there certain words I have to put for it to work?
The brightness goes up when you plug in your MBA, but then over time it just goes up and up. I honestly like my brightness pretty low (rarely more than half, typically at 3-5 notches), but it just keeps on going up and up. I almost never set it above half, but multiple times a day, I notice that it looks pretty high and it's at like 3/4 so I put it it down to about 1/3, but after a while, it's just up again.
Anyone else notice this? What is it, why does it do this? How can I fix it? I don't mind not having auto-brightness (even though I loved it), as long as my screen doesn't keep going up.
I have setup the 23i cinema display with mac pro. I have connected the USB and firewire cable to mac pro.. and keyboard is attached to back of the display. For some reason I cannot seem to adjust the brightness of the display from the keyboard (though I can do it from the side of the monitor). Neither can I see the brightness slider bar in the display settings. Also while the display is the the power led in the front blinks 3 times, then there is a little pause, and blinks 3 times again. How to fix this brightness control issue with the display. I have reseted PRAM and NVRAM... still nothing has changed. Also note I do not have and options tab for some reason.... (I have tried to plug the display's usb into the back 3 usb of the Macpro... still nothing)
I have a 24" LED Cinema Display and can no longer control the brightness settings in OSX I believe when I applied the recent java/bluetooth updates the slider disappeared upon reboot. I did some searching and can't come up with a way to get it back. I'm using a 15" Unibody MBP, and the brightness slider for that screen is available and does work. I also tried setting the keyboard shortcuts on my main keyboard (external) to turn up/down the brightness but they won't function at all.
I have tried zapping the PRAM, repairing permissions, and disconnecting/reconnecting the display, as well as booting with no external display and nothing has made the slider reappear. I also logged-in as a different user and the slider is not there for the Cinema on that profile either. I really, really hope I don't have to reinstall OSX to get rid of this but I'm out of ideas. The worst of it is that I turned down the brightness to less than half (when it worked) becuase I had a headache and now it's stuck there!
I have an iMac, the screen has gone quite dark (as if in sleep mode) I have to sit in a darkened room to see it properly. Have I hit the wrong key or key combination of keys? How do I adjust the brightness?