Hardware :: How To Control Brightness On Cinema Display
Jul 12, 2008
I have setup the 23i cinema display with mac pro. I have connected the USB and firewire cable to mac pro.. and keyboard is attached to back of the display. For some reason I cannot seem to adjust the brightness of the display from the keyboard (though I can do it from the side of the monitor). Neither can I see the brightness slider bar in the display settings. Also while the display is the the power led in the front blinks 3 times, then there is a little pause, and blinks 3 times again. How to fix this brightness control issue with the display. I have reseted PRAM and NVRAM... still nothing has changed. Also note I do not have and options tab for some reason.... (I have tried to plug the display's usb into the back 3 usb of the Macpro... still nothing)
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Nov 20, 2010
Basically what I want to do is sync my Apple Cinema Display's brightness with my MacBook ambient light brightness control. So when the brightness of my MacBook changes because of ambient lighting, my secondary monitor changes with it. Is this possible? Is there a software that does this?
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Sep 30, 2009
The reason I am asking is that I am using a Spyder colorimeter to calibrate my monitor and it is asking me which controls exist on the display:
My thinking is that F1 and F2 control the backlight level and not the "brightness" level, if you get what I mean.
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Dec 29, 2009
I have a 24inch LCD ACD display connected to my Mac Pro. This display all used to work OK, but now, read on. I had to send this 24inch LCD ACD display away to have the panel replaced. Since it has returned when I look in About This Mac/Displays it shows that I have an iMac connected as the display and now the brightness cannot be controlled. If the 24inch LED ACD is connected to my Macbook it all works as it should
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Sep 30, 2010
The Anandtech review seemed to indicate that brightness settings on the new ACD27" are tied to BootCamp.Is anyone using the new ACD27" on a PC and is the brightness being locked an issue?
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Nov 30, 2010
I recently got a Kanex 15' Mini DisplayPort/USB extension cable. I was a little nervous about the length but as I really needed about 11' I went with that over the 10' one. Well I do like the length but I might end up making do with the 10' one due to some "interesting" issues. The video that I was actually worried about has no issues at all, but the USB is quite a bit flakey at 15'. I've had to very carefully separate it so it is not running next to any power cables. I've also learned that the LED Cinema sends it's Brightness controls over the USB port and this is the first to flake out. Brightness control over USB also tends to flake out more if there is other traffic over USB such as using playing Music on the LED Cinema. Not sure if there are some better cables coming to market that support audio over DisplayPort and might also fix this issue. I quite like my setup even if I have to jiggle cables every now and then to get my brightness control on my monitor to work.
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May 19, 2009
so I'm planning on buying and LED Cinema Display to go with my Mac Pro. I have a few issues before I pull the trigger...
Currently, I'm using a 23 inch Acrylic Cinema Display and have found that there is no way to adjust overall monitor brightness. Even using the ATi control panel (my Mac Pro has an Apple branded ATi 4870), there are no true brightness controls either on the software side in Windows (I haven't found a way to change brightness in Windows like I do in System Preferences in OSX) or on the hardware side (no buttons on the monitor itself).
Basically, as soon as I use bootcamp to reset into Windows, I notice that the screen immediately goes to the lowest brightness (even though I was running the max in OSX before switching) settings as soon as I go into the desktop. Playing games like this is irritating.
I know the LED Cinema Display also has no brightness buttons on it, so will I still be SOL?
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Nov 11, 2009
I am using a Samsung monitor so therefore cannot control th screen brightness with the F1 F2 keys.
I tried Shades but it messes with the colour making it look a little washed out and not good.
Are there any others I could try ?
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Apr 9, 2007
It seems that the control keys for brightness (default F1 & F2 keys) and volume (default F3, F4 and F5 keys) have moved to another key combination. Don't ask me what I've done . I already tried Fn, but that did not help.
Does any know how to rearrange the keys to the default keys?
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Apr 26, 2009
I've got a 2009 Mac Pro with both a 4870 and a GT120, and I'm experiencing a strange bug with the brightness controls. The keyboard buttons only control one panel, and *both* of the sliders in the displays system preferences panels only control that same display. There is way to control the brightness of the other panel.
Here's a short clip of the problem:
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Jun 24, 2009
I don't know if anyone posted this issue before. I can not control screen Brightness on my MBP 13'. I tried my F1 and F2 key and the Nvidia Control Panel, either of them is working. I installed all the drivers from the CD and it can actually show the icon in the center(bottom) of the screen when I hit the F1 or F2 Key. However, the brightness adjust does not work,the screen stay the same.
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Aug 1, 2009
When my laptop is connected to my Apple Keyboard, I can control the brightness with the F1 and F2 keys on my external Apple Keyboard. However, when I connect an external monitor to my MacBook Pro, the F1 and F2 keys no longer work.
Is there a way to control the brightness of my laptop's screen (NOT the external monitor) with my external Apple Keyboard even when an external monitor is plugged into my MacBook Pro?
I have the late 2008 uMBP.
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Jul 23, 2010
The Apple BT keyboard doesn't seem to support adjusting the MBP's keyboard brightness with F5 and F6.
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Mar 28, 2012
My screen is frequently dim. The brightness control buttons display that they are working, but the brightness doesn't actually change.
MacBook Pro (17-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 13, 2009
I bought this c2d macbook pro 15'' in early 2007. Today I installed windows 7 on it (bootcamp 2.1). Everything worked perfect except the screen brightness control. The strongest level is very bright (same as the one in Mac), but the second level is very dim. I remember having this problem back in 2007 when I installed winxp on my mac. Looks like the problem still exists. Anyone here knows how to fix it?
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Sep 27, 2010
I am actually trying to decide if to get the old 30" cinema display or not.I'm a graphic designer and my fear is that apple will never make a matte display...Here in Italy it's still sold in the apple store. I have the unibody macbook pro, and so I've been reading through reviews now for a week ... my biggest concern is the dual-link dvi adapter... I still see posts (August or September 2010) with people experiencing issues, even with the firmware 1.3!I wanted to ask you people if I should go for it or dig the 27 inch even though it's glossy... I have a few people in the office (also graphic designers) working on iMacs and got used to the glossy.
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Mar 12, 2008
I cannot control my screen brightness using the F5 and F8 keys. The only way I can adjust it is through System Preferences. I tried just F5 fn F5, Control F5, Option F5 and Command F5 and non work.
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Dec 24, 2009
The title says it all really... Quite a simple problem that I can't find any answer to!
I've hooked up my 30" Apple Cinema Display to the new iMac 27" and the highest resolution I'm getting as an option is 1280x800... The iMac correctly detects the ACD as a Cinema HD display but limits my resolution. Why oh why?!
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Aug 14, 2009
I own 23 and 30" Cinema Displays. I like the 23 because everything is larger and easier to read than in the 30". I mostly work in Logic and love that I see lots of things on the 30" but the 23" is much easier on my eyes.Is there such a thing as a display with 2560x1600 (like the 30" Apple) but that is LARGER than a 30 inch so I can see everything bigger in Logic??? Maybe a 34 or 37"? Did a search but haven't come up with anything other than other 30" displays.
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Oct 8, 2009
As the title says, I need a new monitor for my old G5 as the old monitor for it went bust. Apple does not make the old displays that came with the unit anymore and the only available monitor is the new LED ones ? but they all come with mini display ports
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Jun 15, 2012
if i Connect my Macbook air to the apple Cinema Display through thunderbolt is the air getting power supply through the Display?
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Mar 10, 2008
I am looking for a display to use with my Powerbook G4 12". I am in love with the 30" cinema display, but according to technical support today, my setup is not compatible (supposedly, but the person on the phone didn't sound to sure). I have a mini DVI, but the 30" requires a dual DVI. I think the 23" display requires DVI, which I can attain with an adapter. Does anyone have suggestions for what I can use with my computer? The bigger the better for me. Also what do you think of the older (plastic case) apple displays?
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Jul 12, 2010
Purchased a brand new 27" i7 imac a few weeks ago, display is awesome!!! I was using my old 28" LCD monitor from my PC and running dual displays on the iMac. The 28" LCD monitor annoyed me a bit because i could not get the same color/crispness/brightness that i got from the iMac. ( also it has a Matt screen and i am more into the glossy screens ) So i found a used 24" cinema display locally. Paid 600.00 and it came with 2 yrs of AppleCare. It is only 7 months old ( still have 5 months under orignal warranty ) Got home, hooked it up and it had a "hint" of yellowness to it, It wasn't a exact image of my iMacs display...I tried to calibrate it also, but it still had just a HINT of yellowness....Nothing at all major, but enough for me to be annoyed with it.
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Jun 26, 2012
I have a 2008 Mac Pro with ATI Radeon 2600XT and a 30" Cinema Display. I am considering buying a Wacom Contiq 24 HD screen/tablet and would like to know if the Radeon 2600 will drive both or will I need a second graphics card? If so, do I buy another 2600 or can someone suggest something suitable?
Mac Pro (Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.4), 30" Cinema Display, 10Gb RAM, 2 Tb
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Nov 19, 2009
I am thinking of updating my home studio setup which is currently running a Macbook pro 13" 2.26 with 4gb of ram. I was first thinking of upgrading to an iMac with a 3.06Ghz processor and 27" display. However, I now think I might be ok staying with my MacBook and upgrading to one of the two displays;- The 30" Cinema display- Or the 24" Cinema LED displayAt nearly half the price I am leaning towards the 24" display. I am using logic and ableton. What does everyone think and anyone had any experiences running logic and or ableton with a MacBook and display.
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Sep 15, 2009
As you can tell by the thread title I've got one of the latest model iMacs and I'm running an LED Cinema Display as a second monitor. When it gets to the late hours I like to watch some movies on the Mac so I figured the Cinema Display would be a nice addition to do the job.
Now here's my issue: if it's late and I'm watching movies I tend to not have any lights on, but having one of the displays on means having both of them on, what I'm wondering is if it's possible to sleep one display while allowing the other to stay active so I can watch the movie without the light from the other one distracting
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Mar 9, 2010
Recently, my newer (last year) iMac probably running 10.5 started speaking and wont shut up... there is no obvious way to turn it off. I usually figure problems out myself but there are no system preferences that effect it. I even changed the voice in preferences as a test and it is still the same guy reading everything clicked in all applications except when I am in system preferences so far. Usually when I run into a dead end like this there is some mystery key command that works... anyone know?I also noticed that some of the top line (f) keys are not doing what they are supposed to any longer as well... volume up opens the window for expose & spaces it looks like and does not control the volume monitor brightness controls are not working either... I went to the key and mouse preferences and set the key strokes to default and still the same.
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Feb 28, 2009
I found the setting under Displays to automatically adjust brightness, but is there a way to set this different for Battery or Power Adapter? I would like to keep this option on for using the Battery, but would like the display at a constant level when using the Power Adapter.
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Oct 10, 2009
Recently, after about 5 minutes of use (not sitting idle), my MacBook's screen will go very dim. I hit the buttons on the keyboard to take the brightness all the way up, but it doesn't get much brighter and there's only one thing that I can do to make the screen go brighter: I go into System Preferences and click Display. The second I click that, the brightness returns without me doing anything in the Display section, so after Display comes up, I just close it out and the screen brightness is fine for a while. It seems to do this after the lid has been closed for a while and then starts dimming again after opening the lid and using it for about 5 minutes. Is there a way to fix the auto-dim mode without disabling it? MacBook (white) is running Leopard 10.5.8 with all the latest updates.
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Dec 17, 2010
Right now i'm using Apple Cinema Display 20" that i bought at the end of 2005. You know, the aluminum one. But i've taken interest in one of those LED Displays, especially the 24"...
Now, i've read that the LED Display uses glossy display compared to the Cinema Display? Also, it's completely my own opinion, but the older Cinema Display seems to be looking more nice also having one-coloured.
The technical specifications are in favour of LED Display of course, but taking into account the glossy display, less attractive design and so on... Which one would you get?
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