MacBook Pro :: Difference Between 2.26ghz And 2.53ghz?
Jul 23, 2009
my macbook just crapped out on me so I am looking to buy one of the unibody macbook pro's and I want to know which one to get. I want one of the 13" screens.
Both models look the same besides the processor speed which is only about a .27 difference and some memory and hard drive differences which I can upgrade for cheaper on my own. Is this something that is worth paying the $300 difference or should the 2.26 save me some money and just upgrade the memory and hard drive and suffice just the same?
I want to get opinions because I'd like to save a couple bucks if I could if it's not that much of a deal breaker.
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Mar 9, 2009
tell me the main difference between 2.0GHz and 2.26GHz. I'm buying the base model and upgrading to 4GB, just wondering if I should fork out the $180 to upgrade to 2.26GHz and will I see a huge difference?
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Jun 11, 2009
Apple has some pretty weird pricing with these two MBP. I looked through the specs of both MBPs, I didn't find much different, besides some audio in/out port, a/c adapter wattage. Only main difference that I found obviously is the screen size. 13" vs 15.4". Usually, in PC scenario, all things remain the same, if the screen size is small, the price usually is more (a lot). But here in these two MBPs the 15.4" is $200 more than a 13". I find it, sorta weird. Is it just me finding it?
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Jun 16, 2009
i need to replace my 6 yrs old Powerbook G4 and need to decide between the new entry level 2.53ghz advertised at $1578 after rebate at Club Mac or the refurbished 2,8ghz from at $1699 plus tax and shipping ($1780) total
I usually do lots of photoshop and now I got a high def Canon camcorder and want to get into Final Cut Pro.
Whats my best option? the new one with lower price and less features or the refurbished one with more power and 2 video chips.
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Oct 16, 2010
I know this might seem like a stupid question, but it really has me wondering. What is the difference between the i5 processor on the MacBook Pro and the iMac? Are they exactly the same except for the clock speed of .13? If I were to upgrade my MacBook Pro with a 7200RPM HD, would it be the exact same computer?
The reason why I ask is because I read online that the i5 on the iMac has 4 cores and the i5 on the MacBook Pro only has 2 and that got me confused, why would two different processors be called the same?
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Feb 2, 2010
Could someone with the 15 inch 2.53ghz model weigh your machine? I just want to know the weight without the 2nd fan and the 9600gt.
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Feb 17, 2010
Long story short my Uni is buying me a mac. I've got to order it asap so can't wait any more for an update. They are putting �1150 towards it. I intend to use it for various things including running final cut pro.
What I want to know is will the 2.5Ghz model with only the 9400m graphics card and a 7200rpm hard drive run final cut pro well, or will I notice a hell of a lot of difference from the higher spec machines with the 9600m card and bigger processors?
I worked out that I would have to put in an extra �241 for the 2.8 or �136 for the 2.66, so it's not a great deal of difference, but I am not rich and I don't want to waste my money.
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Jun 11, 2012
my mbp is over 70c I installed SMcFanControl and the fan is ruynning about 3,500rpm
which the normal temp on MBP 2.53ghz intel core 2 duo?? the status on Istat about the fan say: Fan Exhaust?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Oct 6, 2010
I know there's been plenty of discussion about how hot the new MBP's are running or not (I've been through all the threads, and really appreciated Scott666's posts abt his i7 MBP) but I still havent seen any exact head to head temperature comparison between the 15" i5 2.4/2.53ghz and the 15" i7 2.66ghz, with both running the same programs/being stressed equally while the readings are taken.
I know it's a hassle, but it's a huge investment for me and i'd ideally like the i7 as I edit video but can't always have access to a desk to prevent crispy fried legs I keep hearing sweeping statements like 'the i5 should run cooler' but no real comparison has been done...
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Nov 21, 2009
Im thinking of buying a 2.53Ghz 13 Inch Macbook Pro. Im going to be switching from a E7300 2.66ghz Core 2 Duo PC with 2gb of Ram and Windows Xp. I need something a bit faster then my current configuration and was wondering if the 2.53Ghz Macbook Pro with 4gb of Ram would do me justice. I will be using it mostly for music production, using Propellerhead Reason software, and of course internet use, and HD video. Would I get better performance Switching to the 2.53ghz Macbook Pro?
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Mar 16, 2010
Microcenter just put up the 2.26ghz macbook pro 13 for a straight up 999 new no rebates. I just got the email and thought I'd pass it on for anyone looking who wasn't waiting for arrandale. It's the same price as a refurbished, but for a new one.
They also still have the unibody white mackbook 2.26ghz 13 inch for 799 new also without rebates or anything now.
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Jun 13, 2009
I'm new to Photoshop and planning on purchasing the education discount version with a new MacBook Pro 2.26GHz. I plan on upgrading the memory to 4GB and the hardrive to 360GB @ 7200rpm. Is the 2.56GHz processor worth the extra $300? I know the memory and hardrive will be about $140 if I get the 2.26GHz version. Will I notice a big difference between the 2.56GHz and the 2.26GHz?
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Jun 27, 2009
So a lot of people are recommending that I upgrade to 4GB of memory on the 13" MBP 2.26ghz, but does it really make much of a difference? I do a lot of photo editing work and occasionally play games like The Sims 3.
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Feb 6, 2012
My 2009 2.26Ghz MacBook Pro won't start up. I know it's not the HDD because I replaced it with the old one I had in it and it did the same thing. I also know it isn't the HDD because I can boot of of it when I attatch it via an external HDD enclosure. It sometimes turns on if I let it sit for 30 minutes and if it does turn on it works perfectly and has no symptoms until I close it then it freezes up when I wake it up and I have to hard restart it but it doesn't restart then. It seems to do this more so if I close it then move it (put it in my bag and go to school). It's getting me really upset cause if it's my motherboard it's $600 to replace (almost not worth replacing except I don't have $1400 for a new MBP) please give any advice. I thought about buying the data doubler by OWC but that would be a last resort. I upgraded the ram to 8gb, 1333mhz (I know it uses 1066Mhz but I couldn't find any where I live so I put in 1333mhz ram expecting it to underclock to 1066 which it seems to have done that with no issue to my knowledge just thought I'd add that in case though.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Its in mint condition always babied
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Apr 16, 2010
I have a 15" MacBook Pro 5,1 2.53GHz Intel Core 2 DuoI believe this model would be called "unibody", but I have the early version with a removable battery. Can I fit a 12.5mm drive in there? I'm reading conflicting information in the forums.
I'm look at this drive. [URL]I'm assuming this is compatible with my laptop correct?
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Dec 20, 2010
for those of you who have tried to run games on this, what have you successfully run, with what settings, in bootcamp, overclocked gpu, etc etc?I'd be curious to know what people can run with this specced MBP.
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May 7, 2012
Basically when I start my computer, just like the title says, I hear the harddrive and fan power up, but I get no apple start up chime nor any kind of display (the screen remains black while the hard drive and fans continue to run). I've tried both a pram reset (option-command-r-p with power up) and tried booting it in safe mode (hold shift button down with power up).
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 22, 2009
Just curious whether p7550 cpu supports vt-x.
Can you run sysctl machdep.cpu.featuresfrom terminal to see whether vt is supported.
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Jun 24, 2009
13" 2.26ghz MBP w/ 64GB Intel X25-E w/ Firmware Update Xbench score
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Dec 24, 2009
i have a stuck light blue pixel in my 13" 2.26GHz MBP. Any ideas to remove it? Do you think Apple would replace the display for me?
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Mar 1, 2010
I'm holding out for a supposed 13" i3 mbp.
I've got a Windows machine with a Pentium D 2.3ghz and 3g ram.
Using Photoshop or video editing software, what type of performance gains, if any, should I see with a .26ghz core 2 duo and 4g ram? What about with the i3 and 4g ram?
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Apr 12, 2012
I have a mid 2009 Macbook Pro Core 2 Duo with 2.26 GHz and will be upgrading both the RAM and hard drive. I've done a fair bit of research regarding which brand and have decided to go with the Hitachi Travelstar.
1) Is my Macbook Pro compatible with the Hitachi Travelstar? By this, I know the physical dimensions fit, but I'm actually wondering if there are any known problems in practice such as the dreaded EFI firmware issue or dropping the 3Gbps SATA to 1.5 speed issue, etc. I'm not sure if my specific Macbook Pro model is the same mid 2009 model that has all these problems so I just wanted to make sure.
2) Assuming the Hitachi Travelstar is compatible, which model is better and why: the 7K500 or the 7K750. I'm especially interested in those who have personal experience of either of these (or both!)
3) Should I buy the 5400 rpm or 7200 rpm version? Why? As of now, I'm trying to decide between 500 Gb, 640 Gb or 750 Gb (is there any difference to performance in regards of which size)?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Core 2 Duo 2.26 GHz
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Aug 20, 2010
im planing to upgrade my MBP 13" 2.53GHz with a second HD (optibay), so HD 1 - system (SSD), HD 2- home folder (500GB 7200rpm).
at the moment im using SuperDuper as my backup app, and what i would like to know is when i backup,do i need to backup each HD separately, or i can just backup the system HD, since the home folder is part if it ?
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Feb 6, 2010
iPad keynote in HD - my Mini can't handle it, CPU at 100%.
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Aug 27, 2009
Can someone tell me the differences please. Besides the processor speed all i can think of is the lack of firewire on the Macbook.
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Jun 10, 2010
How�s the performance of the 2.53ghz mac mini vs the 2008 macbook aluminium? My macbook has 4GB RAM, and is mostly decent but performance drops when running some photoshop plugins (which I use frequently). I�m looking for a desktop upgrade, and since I�m already using an external monitor and keyboard the mac mini seems more suitable than the imac.
But is 2.53ghz a significant upgrade from 2.0ghz on the macbook?
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May 28, 2010
I'm about to make a career change and move into 3D visualization / CGI while continuing with a certain amount of 2D artwork for print. I use Cinema 4D, Photoshop, Illustrator, some Final Cut and Motion and I can see After Effects being added to that list at some point.
My eye has been on the "Two 2.26GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon" Mac Pro, I'd bump the RAM to 8Gb to start with. But like many others I've been reluctant to pay what seems like over the odds especially when we want to believe that a new machine is round the corner.
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Jul 6, 2010
I have read reports on here about the 2.26GHz 8-core Mac Pro being reportedly slow...but is it really THAT slow?? I mean, I am in the market for a Mac Pro right now and I don't really know if I will wait until the 6-core machines come out. How slow does the 2.26GHz feel in the Mac OS when navigating, opening apps? Is there a big difference between the 2.66GHz and the 2.93GHz? Also comparably how is the single core 3.33GHz vs the 8-core 2.26GHz?
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Mar 13, 2009
For the CPU of the new minis, I can choose between 2.0GHz (intel Core 2 Duo P7350) and 2.26GHz (P8400). I wonder if I can replace the CPU myself (now or later) e.g. by the P8700 which runs at 2.53 GHz. I heard that this is impossible. Even upgrading from 2.0GHz to 2.26GHz is said to be impossible. I was told that if I want the 2.26 GHz CPU, I have to decide so before I buy, as it is not possible to upgrade later.
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Jul 15, 2010
Dilemma, which is really the better machine.
I know there isn't a great deal in the benchmarks for the two.
But for the price difference I don't know which to go with is the newer one worth the extra $$ ?
The main thing I am trying to get my head around is the Graphics and Memory difference. Basically the 2009 has the 9400M and 2GB of Ram vs. the 2010 which has the 320m and 4GB of Ram.
Is the difference that great?
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