MacBook Pro :: My 2009 2.26Ghz Won't Start Up
Feb 6, 2012
My 2009 2.26Ghz MacBook Pro won't start up. I know it's not the HDD because I replaced it with the old one I had in it and it did the same thing. I also know it isn't the HDD because I can boot of of it when I attatch it via an external HDD enclosure. It sometimes turns on if I let it sit for 30 minutes and if it does turn on it works perfectly and has no symptoms until I close it then it freezes up when I wake it up and I have to hard restart it but it doesn't restart then. It seems to do this more so if I close it then move it (put it in my bag and go to school). It's getting me really upset cause if it's my motherboard it's $600 to replace (almost not worth replacing except I don't have $1400 for a new MBP) please give any advice. I thought about buying the data doubler by OWC but that would be a last resort. I upgraded the ram to 8gb, 1333mhz (I know it uses 1066Mhz but I couldn't find any where I live so I put in 1333mhz ram expecting it to underclock to 1066 which it seems to have done that with no issue to my knowledge just thought I'd add that in case though.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Its in mint condition always babied
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Jul 15, 2010
Dilemma, which is really the better machine.
I know there isn't a great deal in the benchmarks for the two.
But for the price difference I don't know which to go with is the newer one worth the extra $$ ?
The main thing I am trying to get my head around is the Graphics and Memory difference. Basically the 2009 has the 9400M and 2GB of Ram vs. the 2010 which has the 320m and 4GB of Ram.
Is the difference that great?
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Aug 3, 2009
Just curious as to how much of an improvement in performance I would see upgrading my system as it states above, since my 2006 machine is 3 years old and getting close to the end of my apple care, figured I would trade it in and upgrade.
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Aug 21, 2014
I recently purchased my mac and I had this problem once already, but it fixed it quickly with a safe reboot. When I turn it on the chimes go and the grey screen appears with the apple logo and loading bar. The loading bar disappears before showing any progress and goes straight to the apple logo with the gray spinning wheel. I've tried doing a safe boot, along with resetting the PRAM and SMC, but nothing works.
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Apr 16, 2012
I am having a problem with my 2009 Mac Pro. It fails to boot. There is no chime and the screen wont turn on;stays black. It wont boot off of the system dvd and I even tried installing an HD that has a good version of the the OS on it. I also tried booting from the DVD with no installed drives to rule out one of the internal drives doing someothing funky. Nothing happens at all, the HD or DVD will spin for a moment and then all is dead.
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Mar 16, 2010
Microcenter just put up the 2.26ghz macbook pro 13 for a straight up 999 new no rebates. I just got the email and thought I'd pass it on for anyone looking who wasn't waiting for arrandale. It's the same price as a refurbished, but for a new one.
They also still have the unibody white mackbook 2.26ghz 13 inch for 799 new also without rebates or anything now.
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Jun 13, 2009
I'm new to Photoshop and planning on purchasing the education discount version with a new MacBook Pro 2.26GHz. I plan on upgrading the memory to 4GB and the hardrive to 360GB @ 7200rpm. Is the 2.56GHz processor worth the extra $300? I know the memory and hardrive will be about $140 if I get the 2.26GHz version. Will I notice a big difference between the 2.56GHz and the 2.26GHz?
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Jun 27, 2009
So a lot of people are recommending that I upgrade to 4GB of memory on the 13" MBP 2.26ghz, but does it really make much of a difference? I do a lot of photo editing work and occasionally play games like The Sims 3.
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Jul 23, 2009
my macbook just crapped out on me so I am looking to buy one of the unibody macbook pro's and I want to know which one to get. I want one of the 13" screens.
Both models look the same besides the processor speed which is only about a .27 difference and some memory and hard drive differences which I can upgrade for cheaper on my own. Is this something that is worth paying the $300 difference or should the 2.26 save me some money and just upgrade the memory and hard drive and suffice just the same?
I want to get opinions because I'd like to save a couple bucks if I could if it's not that much of a deal breaker.
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Dec 20, 2010
for those of you who have tried to run games on this, what have you successfully run, with what settings, in bootcamp, overclocked gpu, etc etc?I'd be curious to know what people can run with this specced MBP.
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May 7, 2012
Basically when I start my computer, just like the title says, I hear the harddrive and fan power up, but I get no apple start up chime nor any kind of display (the screen remains black while the hard drive and fans continue to run). I've tried both a pram reset (option-command-r-p with power up) and tried booting it in safe mode (hold shift button down with power up).
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 22, 2009
Just curious whether p7550 cpu supports vt-x.
Can you run sysctl machdep.cpu.featuresfrom terminal to see whether vt is supported.
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Jun 24, 2009
13" 2.26ghz MBP w/ 64GB Intel X25-E w/ Firmware Update Xbench score
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Dec 24, 2009
i have a stuck light blue pixel in my 13" 2.26GHz MBP. Any ideas to remove it? Do you think Apple would replace the display for me?
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Mar 1, 2010
I'm holding out for a supposed 13" i3 mbp.
I've got a Windows machine with a Pentium D 2.3ghz and 3g ram.
Using Photoshop or video editing software, what type of performance gains, if any, should I see with a .26ghz core 2 duo and 4g ram? What about with the i3 and 4g ram?
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Apr 12, 2012
I have a mid 2009 Macbook Pro Core 2 Duo with 2.26 GHz and will be upgrading both the RAM and hard drive. I've done a fair bit of research regarding which brand and have decided to go with the Hitachi Travelstar.
1) Is my Macbook Pro compatible with the Hitachi Travelstar? By this, I know the physical dimensions fit, but I'm actually wondering if there are any known problems in practice such as the dreaded EFI firmware issue or dropping the 3Gbps SATA to 1.5 speed issue, etc. I'm not sure if my specific Macbook Pro model is the same mid 2009 model that has all these problems so I just wanted to make sure.
2) Assuming the Hitachi Travelstar is compatible, which model is better and why: the 7K500 or the 7K750. I'm especially interested in those who have personal experience of either of these (or both!)
3) Should I buy the 5400 rpm or 7200 rpm version? Why? As of now, I'm trying to decide between 500 Gb, 640 Gb or 750 Gb (is there any difference to performance in regards of which size)?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Core 2 Duo 2.26 GHz
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Aug 27, 2009
Can someone tell me the differences please. Besides the processor speed all i can think of is the lack of firewire on the Macbook.
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May 28, 2010
I'm about to make a career change and move into 3D visualization / CGI while continuing with a certain amount of 2D artwork for print. I use Cinema 4D, Photoshop, Illustrator, some Final Cut and Motion and I can see After Effects being added to that list at some point.
My eye has been on the "Two 2.26GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon" Mac Pro, I'd bump the RAM to 8Gb to start with. But like many others I've been reluctant to pay what seems like over the odds especially when we want to believe that a new machine is round the corner.
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Jul 6, 2010
I have read reports on here about the 2.26GHz 8-core Mac Pro being reportedly slow...but is it really THAT slow?? I mean, I am in the market for a Mac Pro right now and I don't really know if I will wait until the 6-core machines come out. How slow does the 2.26GHz feel in the Mac OS when navigating, opening apps? Is there a big difference between the 2.66GHz and the 2.93GHz? Also comparably how is the single core 3.33GHz vs the 8-core 2.26GHz?
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Mar 9, 2009
tell me the main difference between 2.0GHz and 2.26GHz. I'm buying the base model and upgrading to 4GB, just wondering if I should fork out the $180 to upgrade to 2.26GHz and will I see a huge difference?
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Mar 13, 2009
For the CPU of the new minis, I can choose between 2.0GHz (intel Core 2 Duo P7350) and 2.26GHz (P8400). I wonder if I can replace the CPU myself (now or later) e.g. by the P8700 which runs at 2.53 GHz. I heard that this is impossible. Even upgrading from 2.0GHz to 2.26GHz is said to be impossible. I was told that if I want the 2.26 GHz CPU, I have to decide so before I buy, as it is not possible to upgrade later.
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Apr 14, 2012
My computer won't turn on. Earlier today while playin music it just paused itself. I minute later it resumed. Then tonight it just shut off instead of sleeping and now it won't start. All I can get if I'm lucky is the start up chime and a super quick flash of a white screen.
MacBook Pro
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Apr 8, 2012
My macbook takes ages to start not sure why
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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May 6, 2012
My computer is a MacBook Pro running Mac OS X Version 10.7.3, 2.2 GHz Intel Core i7 with 4GB memory. Start-up has become somewhat erratic. Consistently, if I close the lid on the computer it won't restart when I reopen it. I'll have to hold the power button down for about 15 seconds, let up and then press it again. Sometimes restarting after a shutdown the computer will go through the long start-up I associate with a crash shutdown. Sometimes login start-up items don't start up. Sometimes I have to click somewhere on the screen to make the menu bar at the top of the screen visible. Overall, unexpected things keep happening. Although I don't think it probably relates, Chrome is my primary browser.
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Sep 5, 2014
My start up disk is my hard drive.
Whenever I take the hard drive out my laptop just stops working and it's back to normal when I put the hard drive in, is there a way for me to use my laptop without having to physically have my start up disk (hard drive) plugged into my laptop?
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Aug 23, 2014
Macbook Pro can't start up beyond the grey start up screen. There's a spinning wheel and bar that moves to 1/4 before Macbook Pro shuts down automatically.
MacBook Pro
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Mar 19, 2009
Can the Mac mini with 4GB of RAM run VMFusion 2.02 with Windows XP Home properly without any problems? Is 2.0GHz fast enough, or even 2.26GHz fast enough for VMFusion? Does the Mac mini have enough horse power to run Windows XP?
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Jun 29, 2009
I currently have the 2.0GHz Mac Mini. I am just wondering if you either got the 2.0GHz or 2.26GHz Mac Mini and why.
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Dec 14, 2010
I am not 100% sure what the offical name of the start up noise is when you turn on your Macbook, however that is all I am geeting when I turn it on. I push the power button, it makes that start up noise of the disc drive... sits... and makes the noise again... sits... makes the noise again and so on and so on. The screen doesnt change at all, just blackness. I was able to start it up once with the start up disc and I thought that was the fix, so before going to sleep I powered down. Woke up the next morning same old bs AND it will not start up off the disc again. Another time after letting it sit and try to boot up for awhile (30mins) it finally did! However after 20-30 mins the screen kind of flickered and then everything froze. Can't get it to turn on at all now. Just that noise over and over and over and over again.
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Aug 17, 2009
No matter how many times I compare and spec out which model to buy, I keep coming back to the 2.66GHz 8 core model (I only want the 8 cores not the quads). Anyway, just looking at various benches the 2.66GHz looks very close in the results to the 2.93GHz 8 core and turbo boost pushes the 2.66GHz up to 2.93GHz. I know its $1400 more than the 2.26GHz model but anyone here make the jump from a 2.26GHz to the 2.66GHz (8 cores) and noticed the huge jump in performance? I just can never shake off the low clock speed of the 2.26GHz even when its turbo boosted up to 2.53GHz with 1 core working.
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