MacBook Pro :: Deleted OS X Partition When Installing Windows
Mar 7, 2010
I accidentally deleted my husband's mac osx partition when I was installing windows 7 via bootcamp on his macbook pro. When I was installing windows it showed all these partitions (disk 0 partition, disk 1 BOOTCAMP, etc.) so I deleted all of them, thinking I would save space. When I restarted the macbook pressed "option," only the windows drive appeared. I had no idea I could delete the primary OS when I was in windows. I now have fully functioning windows 7 but no osx.
I just purchased a new iMac (2.66 c2d & 4gb of ram), Parallels 4, and Windows XP. I would like to get great performance whenever I use Windows XP and would like to know which installation procedure would help accomplish that.
Would Parallels provide me with a better user experience by installing Windows directly via Parallels OR by having Parallels utilizing a Boot Camp Partition? Which is better and why? Also, how much memory should I allocate to Parallels/Windows XP?
Does anyone know how can i install Vista home premium on my imac? ive been using boot camp to do all the steps but im stuck at where i should choose NTFS format partition had disk. Seems like mine is FAT32.
This is what ive done; 1.Open up bootcamp assistant 2.Partition, divide equally(116GB each) 3.Insert Vista disk and start installation 4.Install Vista and insert CD key 5.custom installation 6.Now this is where i stuck
I have 4 options, and i should choose the last one which says bootcamp 116gb, but i cant click it since it says the disk need to have NTFS format. How can i set so that i partiton it to NTFS?
I have the latest 17" i7 macbook pro and installed windows 7 64 bit on 100 gb partition. Long story short, I decided to delete the partition for now and install another time. It deleted fine, but every time I turn the computer on, it will load and say " no bootable device" but if I turn on holding option, the mac partition shows up fine and loads normally when I click on it. I just need help completely getting rid of the partition. My Mac hd says 500gb capacity. So its not partitioned any more.
So I tried to install XP on my MacBook Pro via Boot Camp and it didn't go so well. To make a long story short, my OSX partition and Windows partition were both deleted so I re-installed OSX. When I went to re-intall OSX I could not choose a HDD to install it on, so thinking it was the right idea I created a new partition and continued the installation. After installation everything seemed fine so I went to restore from time machine, which I did. The only problem is I now have 100 GB of data on my computer, but it apparently doesn't exist as I can't see, or access any of it.
perhaps I am doing something wrong? I wanted to install Windows XP on my iMac. I previously had partitioned my Mac drives. I backed everything on these drives to my external and blew the partitions away creating my one Mac drive again.
I then ran Bootcamp, created a partition and installed XP. Everything was fine. I then partitioned my main drive and got the warning message about Bootcamp maybe not working afterwards. So I finished partitioning my Mac drive as I wanted and now I don't have the option of booting into XP through Bootcamp. When I try it just shows the Mac drive as my only boot option. I see the XP Bootcamp drive in the System Preferences startup disk area, but I assume I did something to the partition once I partitioned my Mac drives
My husband set up a partition on his MBP for Windows to run a program called TaskMaster for work. Well for some reason he was trying to use Time Machine last night and ended up deleting everything. He's at work, screwed and stressed out so I'm trying to be the helpful and supportive wife. Is there any way to recover Windows, the partition, and/or the TaskMaster stuff?
I opened up a partition a few weeks ago b/c I needed to use a windows program that I no longer need. I was getting tired of having to hold alt-option to choose my HD everytime I started, so I deleted the partition. Now, I still have to go through the same process everytime I power up, even though I only have the Mac HD - I have to hold down alt/option when I start up and then click on the Mac HD button. What do I do to make it go straight to Mac?
I have Windows XP on my Recovery disc that came with my Toshiba laptop (which of course I bought). Since I won't be using that old laptop anymore, can I install that XP onto my Bootcamp partition?
I just bought a 4GB macbook pro and need to install Windows Vista Business for school because I am an engineering Student starting this fall and my school requires it. how much space to partition for windows. I will be using Windows for school related purposes including Microsoft office and engineering programs such as Matlab but everything else i.e. my photos, music, etc. will be be on the Mac OS. How much space would you recommend I partition for Windows?
I'm currently running BootCamp with Vista, but I'm getting tired of rebooting. If I install Parallel would I have to reinstall Vista again, or can I use my current partition?
i put the mac osx leopard cd to install the drivers, but it says i need a windows update because it was missing something.
so i downloaded a windows update on my ipod on my mac side and tried installing it .
then it told me in order to install the update i need the service pack 2 at least. so i down loaded service pack 2 and tried installing that. then it told me that i need 4 more megabytes to install service pack. and i deleted 50mega bytes and have 7.5 gigs of free space. and it just keeps telling me i need 4 more megabytes of free space.
i dont know what to do. why is it so trouble some to install these drivers? does anyone know what i am supposed to do?
I know with Boot Camp, you need to create a partition and install Windows on it. Is the same true with Fusion? Or during the install process, Fusion will create the space needed?
I setup a Bootcamp Partition to run Windows. I set it to only 10gb to save all of my space on my Mac OS. I wanted to delete it completely because it was doing some funny things on the Windows side but I accidentally deleted the Mac OSX Partition!!!! Now when I start up my computer it only starts up on Windows with the 10gb partition. I want to restore my Mac OsX partition with all of my important importation on it!
Anyone install Windows 7 via bootcamp on the 2010 Air? [URL]. Be interested in hearing your comments, on disc space used, boot times into windows, memory usage, and any other things worth mentioning, does bootcamp allow you to choose the partition size?
I had a smallish (20 GB) windows XP partition created using boot camp beta on OS X Tiger. The I updated to Leopard, no issues, still could access and use my old partition. Now I am at school, and wanted to upgrade to Vista. Partition was too small. I opened Bootcamp and used it to "delete" my old partition and turned around to create a new one immediately. Got the "Disk could not be partitioned because some files could not be moved.
Use DIskUtility to repair/restore volume to a Mac OSX Journaled Volume" (I paraphrased a bit). So I thought that I needed to erase my drive and reinstall Leopard. I did, angering my wife (forgot to backup the address book and our bookmarks, and hadn't used Time Machine yet, stupid, I know). Now when I try to create a partition I get the exact same message! What did I not do? I used the OSX install disk and selected "erase harddrive and install OSX" option. I don't know what else to do!
I recently made a clone of my Windows XP Pro SP3 installation (its roughly about 14GB according to Finder/WinClone) so i made a 80GB partition on my 320GB drive and it gives me this error message:
the WinClone came from a 500GB internal drive and ive gotten winclone images to restore to a MBP before but not sure why its giving me this error code, anyway to restore the image to the new partition (which was created with Bootcamp) as i no longer have access to the old machine it was running on.
First some background info. I recently purchased a 1TB hard drive for my 13" MBP, and I am about to do a clean install of OSX 10.6 and Win7 64bit on separate partitions.
And I want to setup the partitions before I install using Disk Utility. The reason for this is because I'm under the assumption that when creating a NTFS partition its better for the disk to be blank so it can put the MFT(Master file table) and MFT Mirror wherever it wants instead of some random spot on the disk (that way disk writes will be faster). The MFT thing was true when converting a FAT32 disk to NTFS. Nativity formatted NTFS disks were always faster then ones converted from FAT32, because the MFT was spread out instead of at the start of the disk.
I'm worried that installing OSX and then using the bootcamp utility will cause the MFT on my NTFS partition to end up in a un-optimal place and disk Reads/Writes will be slower.
Ok, so here's my questions.
1.) Should I be using a GUID Partition Table or Master Boot Record(Remember OSX 10.6 and Win7)?
2.) Should I use Disk Utility to Create a the OSX partition and then leave the second partition as Free Space? / Or should I use a third party utility and make the OSX partition and the NTFS partition at the same time?
3.) If I do create the partitions Manualy, will bootcamp still work correctly?
4.) Should I Use Journaled or Case-Sensitive Journaled on my OSX partition?
I know all of the questions were stupid, but there isn't any info on the web about it.
As I was trying to install Arch Linux on my Mac (dual-booting), I accidentally deleted my Mac partition! To add insult to injury, the version of linux I downloaded was the wrong one, so I couldn't even have that. I reintalled Mac 10.5 (I have the 10.6 cd, just haven't reinstalled that one yet), and now I want desperately to recover from the old partition.
I was trying out to test if I might want to use OSX since I was always using Windows XP, but apparently I did some stupid things while I was on OSX. I wanted to expand my OSX partition but I couldn't do the typical dragging to adjust the size, so I pressed on the + button on disk utility and my windows partition became 2 equal partitions. But that wasn't what I wanted so what I did was to click - and not sure that that was an actual confirmation for deletion, I clicked the button to Doom! So now, I'm left with a single Mac partition with the rest of HDD in free space condition. I didn't create a new partition or read or write to the sector. The question is, thus, if there is anyway to restore or undelete that partition that was so unfortunate?
How do I revover an accidentaly deleted partiton from an external drive? Actually how do I do it without thirty party software, just using free or testdisk?
I am just not shure what I did, but I replaced my external HDD partition with a blank one. I didn't do/copy/erase/modify anything from the drive after that, so I think it would be easy to restore the partition.
Another problem is that the Quick Search of test disk is taking an eternity to finish. I'm imagining what would happen if I use the Deepr Search.
I saw videos of people doing it with other type of filesystems and it seamed so fast.
I have a 13 inch Aluminum Late 2008 MacBook. Processor 2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, Memory 4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3, Software Mac OS X Lion 10.7.4 (11E53). Currently I have a 160 GB SATA disk as my hard drive a d 4 GB of memory. (Is it time to upgrade or what?) I recently bought a Western Digital 1 TB internal hard drive to replace my exisiting internal hard drive. I spent a lot of time last night trying to first- connect this new hard drive to my computer so that I can then clone the existing hard drive and then hoping that I would get that done so I could install the new hard drive. No such luck.
My current hard drive is partitioned as follows:
Name: Macintosh HD Format: Mac OS Extended (journaled) Size: 132.5 GB Name: BOOTCAMP Format: Windows NT File System (NTFS) Size: 26.69 GB
When I was partitioning the new drive I did so as follows:
Name: Macintosh HD Format: Mac OS Extended (Journaled) Size: 973.51 GB Name: BOOTCAMP
Format: MS-DOS (FAT) --- This was the only option that I was given that I thought would work. I did not have the option of "Windows NT File System (NTFS) to choose from. Question # 1: is that going to be a problem? I only run 1 program on Windows and that is the only reason I have BOOTCAMP on there at all. However, I do HAVE to have that program. Like I said it didn't give me the option to choose Windows so I didn't know where to go with this. Any help with that would be awesome.
Size: 26.34 GB (I just used the same size that was current, or close to it.) I connected the Western Digital 1 TB through an external device, partitioned it as stated above, and then used Carbon Copy Cloner to clone the drives. The first one went through fine. (It took 2 hours and I went to bed before it finished.) This morning I woke to see that it had gone through well. I then started the process with the BOOTCAMP drives. However, before I started it gave me errors stating that I wouldn't be able to run Windows off of the Cloned BOOTCAMP drive. Question #2: Is it because of the Format type I chose when partitioning?
Info: MacBook (13-inch Aluminum Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
So my iMac came with a 1TB hard drive and I installed Windows 7 x64 but only gave it some 93GB. I have a two-prong question:
Can I add a third partition to my drive after I partition for BootCamp? My main partition ("Macintosh HD" by default) is over 900GB large and I'd really like to cut that up into 2x450GB, for example, in addition to the 93GB BootCamp partition.
Second, once partitioned, is it possible to resize the BootCamp partition to make it bigger after it has been set up?
Got my first MacBook Pro about 2 months ago and I have been enjoying it to full effect, installing programs such as logic studio and photoshop cs5 on it. Recently, however, I decided that I would like to access some of my windows based programs when I am on the road and don't have my desktop pc with me. So I bought a fresh copy of 32-bit Windows 7 Ultimate and sat at my macbook, put the disc in and then loaded up Boot Camp. I went through the menu options, decided that I wanted a 50GB partition, leaving my Mac OS drive at 182 GB with 83GB to spare. However, when I started partitioning, after about a minute it stopped and this error message appeared: "The startup disk cannot be partitioned or restored to a single partition. The startup disk must be formatted as a single Mac OS Extended (Journaled) volume or already partitioned by Boot Camp Assistant for installing Windows.".
I tried cleaning all my temporary files and deleting some files in my downloads that were quite large and I restarted my machine. The problem persisted. Is there a solution to this problem that does not involve doing all this rubbish with a fresh install of Mac OS? I don't have any method of backup apart from a couple of 4GB flash drives..
I recently installed MacDrive on my Windows Vista X64 partition so that I could access my iTunes Library on my Mac partition. After installing iTunes on my Windows partition and pressing shift while it opened, iTunes asked me for an iTunes library file ending with the extension ".itl". Now, I do not have any files ending with this extension in my iTunes folder on my Mac partition. Is there anything I can do to make iTunes on Windows to read my music library on my Mac partition?
I am dual booting XP Pro and OS X on my NC10. I have XP Pro installed on the main partition with a FAT32 partition for files that can be read by both OSes (see attached image for two views of the partitions). I then installed OS X on an extended partition. Unfortunately, I had another 5GB partition also on that extended partition. I now want to delete the spare 5GB partition and non-destructively reallocate the space for the OS X partition - I want to expand it to be one big partition with my bootable OS X install still on it. Unfortunately, I can't find any way to do this in Partition Magic. Is it possible with GParted/BootItNG/iPartition or any similar software? If so, which and how? The NC10 has no CD drive so solutions that work from OS X or XP or a bootable USB stick would be preferred.
I just finished up a fresh install of Windows 7 and downloaded and installed the NVidia driver from their site directly since the one in the Boot Camp files is pretty old and technically the Vista driver anyway.
But I still need the Brightness, Sound, etc key functionality. Is there a way to selectively install Boot Camp drivers? That's the only one I need. The wireless, chipset, video and everything else works just fine (and in some cases better) than the ones included in Apple's setup.
I partitioned my hard drive to install windows. I rebooted, loaded up the windows disc. And then realized my disc only had one partition. I quit the windows installer without installing windows, went into boot mode and I can only see my bootcamp partition. Is there any way to get my osx partition back?
I have a 13" MBP with a 250 gb hd, I partitioned the HD 25gb for Windows XP shortly after I bought it. I was unable to install my copy of windows, contacted apple after exhaustive search as to why... Long story short, I now have Vista to install... When I went back to Boot Camp Assistant; partition was gone. Researched... ran disk utility, repaired and erased partition. Bootcamp HD now shows up in desktop, still not in bootcamp assistant. Since I am unable to locate in assistant; would there be any problems with just installing Vista off the install disk by restarting? Any ideas what to do if this is not a good idea (short of restoring)?