MacBook Pro :: Completly Lost My Files After Cleaning Rubbish
May 13, 2012I lost all my files and my music when I clean the rubbish and I want to bring back.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I lost all my files and my music when I clean the rubbish and I want to bring back.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
a few minutes ago i was cleaning up my dock, i pulled garageband off and then noticed i still needed it there, so i went into my applications folder to try and find it, but it's not there? ive used spotlight search and looked in a fair few folders - including the recycling bin, and cannot find it. Ive also tried opening some of the files ive made with it and they open in quicktime and says the document cannot be opened. dont say reinstall iLife 09, i bought it from a guy on ebay with it preinstalled; but he never sent the disks.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have the dreaded " unexpected error occured. (Error code 0x8002006E)" problem.
Basically it doesn't want to burn DVDs ( fine on CDs though ).
I've read various ways to fix this such as zapping pram, SMC reset etc. and none worked. I also read that a cleaning disc might do the job.
So my question is, are these discs safe in a MacbookPro machine? And as I recall these discs have little bristles on one side - which way up should they go ( facing up or down )?
When I turn on my macbook the screen starts completly white then slowly it fills up with vertical lines of color and it just stays like that.
View 11 Replies View RelatedA good application for cleaning remaining files after uninstall programs?
View 3 Replies View RelatedAfter restarting my computer, all my files have disappeared. The applications are still there but any personal files. It looks like the computer has been reseted by itself. I tried some recovery tools but nothing has been found,k what can I do?
View 1 Replies View RelatedThe drive is 2TB and is 95% full. It's full of duplicate files - photos and music. There are thousands of duplicates of both photos and music (but mainly photos). There are also loads of files from old apps and older former FAT hard drives from his PC days before moving to Mac just over 12 months ago! I've started going through it but at this rate it's going to take years to do. To make things worse there are copies of the same photos but different file sizes (say 44kb (maybe from iphoto library) and others say 2.8MB) which are the original files - but on the screen in their numerous files & folders they all look the same initially.
He is happy to pay for software for me to to do this. Is there any good software that will do most of the work for me, so I can return the hard drive with only single copies of the original photo files (full size) and music, no debris from old apps and older smaller hard drives which have been backed up on to this one. Also, is there anything I can do myself within OS X (using 10.6.6 now).
Ok so I realized that I only have 15 GB left so I went through and moved all the files I want to keep onto a external hard drive then was going to format my HDD, reinstall snow leopard then put the files back, 'cause I thought that formatting it would befaster than deleting over 120GB of stuff in the trash. But I can't find my snow leopard disk so I was thinking of creating a new account then deleting the one I use now. So I guess my question is would this work and will I gain back all of the space on my hard drive.
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to recover lost files on Mac OS for free without having to purchase software or an app?
MacBook (13-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I record my activity for my job in an excel file on my MacBook Pro, and for some reason, the last few files that I have saved have somehow disappeared. They are simply not there when I go to open them. Is there any way I can track them down in my computer?
MacBook Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)
Some days ago I lost all of my 15 GB folders and files that stored in my Macbook Pro hard drive called DATA. I brought my Macbook pro to an experienced computer tecnicians who providing data recovery services. To his and my suprise, after checking, scanning it a few hours, he said their is no way to recover because he did not find any trails at all. The computer still seems working properly - I have no problem with any applications. There are few other folders in the DATA hard disk containing pictures, computer programs still remain. These lost folders and files contain mainly documents (word, excel, power point, pdf etc) which I accumulated in my many years working !!!!. I did not make a back up since last September partly because I think Mac is very safe.
The computer with me all the time on that day and only my son used Power Point to make a simple presentation on that evening - he can not save it on the folders the he normally use - All the folders and files are gone.Macbook Pro 2.4 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo 4 GB 1067 MhZ DDR3
Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I have entered sudo rm ~/Desktop/* and lost files from desktop can I get them back?
View 1 Replies View RelatedLost access to "All My Files" in my MacBook Pro Portable.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I saved my files and some movies in the data encryptor under data control menu in the Mackeeper using password.
Then my mac was crashed and i had to upgrade to newer version and did the partition on the hard disk as well,Before it was only one drive now its 2
Now is there any way to recover those files.
i install Mackeeper and tried using data recovery ,but its not those files which I actually saved on Mackeeper.
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
If my hard drive was "scrubbed" by techs at the genius bar who thought that my computer had a software issue (it didn't) does that mean that a data recovery tool wouldn't be able to find the deleted files?
MacBook Pro
I must have deleted the folder or some other stupid mistake. When googling I came across this site. Before I even open it I was in hopes someone could tell me if it is legit or if I'm opening myself up to hackers. It is called Mcintosh Data Recover Software and is free.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI use VMware Fusion for Windows applications. I have lost all my files. I reverted to a snapshot after my screen froze and everything is now, documents, programmes, emails....EVERYTHING
View 2 Replies View Relatediphoto for some reason does not have any of my photo's, it is blank like I just initiated using the application. I have hundreds of photos that I cannot now find. How can I recover the files?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
got my MBP about a month back. It's getting a little grimey now though and I want to know what the best way to clean it is. I was recommended to buy this [URL] when I visited my nearest Apple retailer, but was wondering if there was anything better out there?
View 13 Replies View RelatedI have a rev A MBA and I have noticed that the keys on my keyboard are getting shiny from normal use and wear but I was wondering if whether Apple or a third party company had many cleaning solutions that would clean the keyboard?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI would just like to ask whether it is worth the effort to take apart my MBA rev B myself to try and clean under the keyboard (I have a number of keys that are loosing clickyness and it's starting to affect the typing) or sending the whole thing straight to Apple and let them sort it out (I can't really afford to send it in a week like last time (for hinge issue) which is why I was considering doing it myself. I was thinking of cleaning the top as well. My MBA has a hard life. Since I was digging around in there do you all think its worth replacing the CPU gel as well? My MBA JUST about runs youtube, it stutters with 480p sometimes (won't run 720p without lagging horrifically and certainly not 1080p). Temps are about 60-65 C just web browsing, msn, skype and iTunes, and run into the high 70s mid 80s while watching flash. Everything else works great : ) (except 1 screw fell out the bottom).
View 6 Replies View RelatedShould i get cleaning software for my 4 yr old MacBook Pro?
Macbook Pro
The fan was rattling so loud forever so I cleaned it. Unfortunately I broke 3 blades.
then the noise completely stopped, so I was happy, but soon found out its probably not working because newly downloaded Istat shows exhaust: 0rpm.
i opened mac again to check wiring, connection etc.
still 0 rpm...does this happen often?
Macbook mid 2007, 10.6
I recently backed up some DVD's via Toast using Toast own file format.They were backed up straight to the external HD itself.
I checked that they were all working after the process finished, they were working.
But I think my MBP went into standby whilst the External HD was still connected, and so it was never ejected properly.
Now that I've come to view the files again, they aren't there!!
There's just a Zero KB file, called 'photography', which was the name of the folder they were stored in.
I've tried viewing the folder under windows via VMware, but it says the folder is inaccessible due to being corrupt, or something.
Can anyone point me in the right direction for recovering those files?
The external HD is NTFS, I think I used a patch so that my MBP could read/write files to it.
I lost everything on my desktop, all my folders and files. When i go to the MAC OS X and click on desktop it says : The folder "Desktop" could not be opened because you do not have sufficient access privileges. I don't know where all my things have gone. I can't save anything onto the desktop.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a MacBook 2.2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4GB running OS X 10.5.6. Had it for over a year, no problems until tonight. I was having trouble connecting to a printer via Airport and rebooted the MacBook. When it loaded, my desktop photo was gone, my customized dock had reverted to the first-run configuration and my entire Documents folder was empty. The capacity info at the bottom of the Finder window reassured me that my files were still there. I restored them to an external HD with Data Rescue, then ran the repair utilities from Disk Utility using my Leopard disk. Rebooted with no change.
Then, attempted to reinstall Leopard with my original disk and after I selected the language, it told me that Leopard can't be installed on this computer. About this Mac still shows version 10.5.6. All apps are intact and boot up but they all boot in first-run mode. Entourage has lost my mail database and my multiple email accounts/passwords/instructions. I've been on Macs for 20 years and never run into anything like this. How do I straighten this out? I'm willing to put in the hours to reinstate passwords, preferences, etc., but I really want to know what's behind this in case it happens again.
when I pluged iphone into my computer, it tells me that I need to format the ipod.
If i did so, then all of my data will go. I can't do that.
How can I recover that?
I didn't make a backup. Sucks.
I checked many data recovery software, they can't fix this problem, like recuva, diskgetor, etc. they can't run in Mac
A few days ago, I opened iTunes and a notification appeared saying my Library was "damaged," and then proceeded to reopen with about 500 songs missing. I went through my iPod to find a few of the songs that were on it that were erased from my Library (I haven't synced my iPod since it happened for fear of losing the songs for good), intending to simply re-import them into my Library - but the files were nowhere to be found. I opened Finder and searched for quite a while, but I couldn't find a trace. I've tried opening iTunes while holding down the Option key and choosing a Previous Library, but the most recent of the Previous Library .itl files is the same one - the one missing 500 songs.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI cannot see how to remove the subtle "smudges" that accumulate. It is like there are fingerprints on the screen, and even with a soft paper towell and gentle cleaning fluid, there is no real improvement.
I know this sounds silly, but the cool screen on the laptop is a part of its attraction, and it is natural to want to make it nice.
How do you make a mbp faster like cleaning it up?
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