MacBook Pro :: Cloning Stock Hard Drive?
Jan 1, 2010
sorry if this has been asked; I tried searching.Anyway, I just bought a larger capacity hard drive and am not sure how to copy the stock 160GB 5400RPM one.Do I need to have some sort of connection to the new hard drive?Is there any way to copy it without having to buy some kind of peripheral?I also have an external hard drive.Would my best bet be just backing everything up and just set up the hard drive as new and just restoring everything??
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Sep 19, 2009
On my new MBP I fired and set-up the system, and SL was already installed.
I followed the procedure of cloning my Leopard HD on to a local back-up drive, using CCC, plugged it in to the MBP and booted from the clone.It has booted up without any noticeable issues but when I go to open Disk Utility, or any other program on the cloned disk, I get the '...application X quit unexpectedly' dialogue box
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Mar 31, 2012
Recently I bought 2 identical WD Scorpio Blue 1TB hard drives for my macbook pro 13 inch 2010. My aim is to replace the internal hard drive with one of the two I just purchased and use it as my system drive with Lion, Windows and Data partitions. And for the other hard drive I want to use it as a full disk back up for the internal drive (now 1TB hard drive). After I was done with setting up both windows and mac and data transfer, when I booedt into the recovery partition from the internal drive to clone the drive to the external drive, the disk utility gave me this error (Could not validate source - error 254). I also tried using Carbon Copy Cloner but it only could clone partitions, not the entire drive. Yesterday I downloaded a copy of Clonezilla. It worked fine until it had to clone an exFAT partition (my data partition). The exFAT partition appeared as 'RAW' partition in clonezilla. As a result, the whole partition appeared to be full and clonezilla had to copy every single blocks of data in that partition and the estimated time remaining was about 30 hours. So clonezilla is out too. Just want to ask if there is any program/application (bootable or not) which allows can do a full disk clone to an external hard drive.
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Mar 28, 2012
So my hard drive just broke. Like a fool I accidently dropped it this morning and this means it cant be booted. I've tried everything I could find on reviving the thing but nothing has worked. However, after leaving it on the grey Apple booting screen for a good hour or so it finally managed to get to the desktop but was still going slowly. My macbook is able to boot of my external hard drive and I've checked the RAM and it's fine, which leaves me to believe that it's a problem with the hard drive itself.Â
Now the issue is that my external hard drive is only 160GB and my internal (now broken) one is 500GB with around 300GB of stuff on it (yes I do need it) and I don't want to have to lose it all. So is there any way of getting my currently broken hard drive and putting its data onto a new one? My idea is to take it out, install the new one and use the broken was as an external and do it like that.
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Jan 24, 2009
I am wondering what was the stock hard drive speed of my PowerBook G4 12" (specs in signature). I am asking for the speed of the 80 GB ATA/100 HDD this shipped with.
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Jul 18, 2010
I need the stock Mac HDD desktop icon. Its the icon at the top right of this screen shot. [URL] Could someone please post a link or the file for me png format. I need it b/c i have 2 of them on my desktop b/c i have windows 7 on my mac too. I am going to modify the icon to have a transparent windows logo on top of the drive for my windows HDD. I will post the final product for any of u running both os x and windows on ur mac.
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May 16, 2009
I have a Mac Book Pro core duo with a partition running windowsXP pro. The hard drive is almost completely full. I want to replace the drive with a larger drive and clone the current drive. Is there a way to completely clone the drive complete with the partition, boot camp, windows etc? I'm running mac os 10.4.11
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Dec 17, 2009
what's the best way of cloning the hard drive? Since I have Snow Leopard, Windows, and Ubuntu on here, I could use Time Machine for SL, WinClone for Windows, and something else for Ubuntu. Is there anything that could make an exact copy of the hard drive (including the partitions)?
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Jun 16, 2012
my old stock HD capacity is so small. and i want to upgrade/swtich to new 3TB ATA hard drive? it's possible?no issue with intel mac pro 2008? stock HD located in BAY#1 can i upgrade with new high capacity one? how to upgrade? step by step? do i have to move all content frm stock HD to new HD? and how? do i have to upgrade install new HD with disc utility ? how to change?Â
Mac Pro 8core, Mac OS X (10.6.2)
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Mar 25, 2009
My OS is 10.3.9 and I have my int. Hd cloned to a F/W ext. HD for back up. Normally I re-clone every month or two. Up until now when re cloning I've just thrown the old cloned Ext. HD into the trash, then empty, to make space for the new clone. This system "Seems" to work, as after a RAM crash, when looking for a solution I wiped the int. HD before I found it was a Ram problem. Finally I just replaced the RAM and rebooted from the Ext. HD then re-cloned back to the int HD. And everything is working fine. But now I'm wondering if just throwing the stuff into the trash is "politically correct?" If not, what is the correct procedure.
Pismo G3 10.3.9 // Iomega FireWire Ext. HD (partitioned)
Clone app/ CCC
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Mar 10, 2012
I have an IMac 20 inch 2007 model. I have filled my hard drive up. I would like to clone and replace the hard drive?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jan 31, 2009
I have an old white Macbook, the 512 Ram, 60 GB Hard drive model, 2.0 Ghz. I'm currently upgrading my Ram to 2 Gb, can anyone recommend a relatively inexpensive model replacement for the stock drive with good speed. I'm currently shopping on Newegg and I have no idea what I am looking for.
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Dec 23, 2010
I want to do some upgrade things with my macbook and need to know if all is correct.My current internal hd is 80gb. I'm on 10.4.11. I plan on going to Snow Leopard but I want to keep my 10.4.11 system too to use. Almost 2 year old intel macbook.
I have superduper. I just got a new 500gb drive for the macbook. I also got a usb external 2.5" enclosure. I haven't done anything yet.What I want to do.... I want to partition the new hd into two. Probably 120gb to clone my current system on (with some room for growth) and the remainder to do a whole new fresh install + various applications of Snow Leopard.
Firstly, is it OK for me to have two separate OS's to boot from?
Secondly, cloning procedure.... should I take out my current hd and put it into the external enclosure, then put in the new hd, then boot from my former drive via usb and clone it onto the newly installed drive?
OR...put the new drive first into the enclosure, clone my system onto it, then switch out the drives? Does it matter which way?
Thirdly, since I'm not going to be doing any upgrading of my 10.4 system to SL....I'm leaving it intact as is.....and then doing a completely new install of there anything weird I should look out for. I admin account...or not being able to have Logic installed more than once on the same machine...or anything else I should be aware of?
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Jul 15, 2009
I have today received my shiny new macbook pro - very excited!I currently have a macbook, and I previously upgraded the hard drive to 320 GB (same as the new Macbook Pro). What I wanted to do was just swap the hard drives - however when I put the macbook hard drive in the macbook pro it didnt boot. Pressing ALT on startup it sees the hard drive but just hangs (doesnt even show the apple sign).I dont have all the application disks so dont really want to start from a fresh install - I was thinking of cloning the disk with super duper, but that probably will have the same effect of swapping the disk!
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Mar 1, 2010
I have a 250 GB disk in my MacBook Pro, and I would like to buy a bigger one (500 GB, probably). In my previous experience from the Windows environment, there was an application called Norton Ghost, in which you could easily clone the disk, and when the cloned one was inserted into your PC, the OS could not tell the difference. Is there something similar for the Mac OS X, so that I can replicate my hard drive and thus install the new one in my Macbook without any hassle? I know that Time Machine is a possibility, but after restoring my system through TM once, I found out that after the restore there were some minor additional steps that had to be taken; however, the cloning technique means that you plug your disk and you are ready to go, so this is what I am looking for. I have one more additional question: I currently use a 500 GB external firewire disk for Time Machine. Will its size be sufficient for backing up the new 500 GB drive?
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Aug 27, 2010
I have an external hard drive with lots of media files, and now I backed this up to an identical external hard drive. I wanted to use Carbon Copy Cloner to mirror any changes made in the original hard drive, but I have now tried this for the first time, after having moved some files around. Now instead of moving those files on the other hard drive, CCC just copied these files from the original hard drive, something that takes much longer. Is there any program that could do this more intelligently? (moving files on the backup drive instead of copying them over from the original drive again?)
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Dec 12, 2009
I am wondering what kind of SSD is stock in the Rev A MBA and how much you could sell a used SSD for and also what are some good options to swap out that out for a 128GB SSD - I know the Runcore is out there - any other options?
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Nov 18, 2010
I have just bought a X25-M SSD drive for my MBP (mid-2010). Is it recommend to clone my existing stock drive to get OSX on the SSD or should I rebuild from scratch and perhaps use Time Machine to recover all my apps and settings?
Any advice appreciated.
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May 29, 2009
I have a white macbook which I purchased in 2007 ( it is the version that only goes to 2MB of Ram total). In anycase I have a Hard Drive that i want switch into it. The question I have is there any benefit to just reinstalling a fresh copy of Leopard vs using a cloning software (SuperDuper or Carbon Copy)? Here is why I ask:
I cant remember ever defragging the current drive ( if that possibility even exists in Leopard.
I dont remember running any system tool like utility.
I have basically kept computer on ( or on sleep) for the time Ive used it. It is the best computer i have ever had. It is VERY low maintainance.
So with that said....does cloning copy over every characteristic ( an fragmented drive...slowness {of which none really exists}....or the time to launch the OS when it is rebooted)?
With all of this said, I dont use this computer for much storage. I have a couple of MP3s on there which can be ported off of there with a USB flash drive....and a couple of documents. Everything else is pretty much expendable.
I dont know...something tells me that its just better to freshly install the OS.
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Sep 20, 2010
I just purchused a Hitachi 500GB Travelstar internal HD to replace the 250GB HD and I have a few questions about the directions on cloning. Do you need a FireWire or USB enclosure for the new drive? Do can you use disk utility or do you have to use a program like carbon copy cloner or super duper?
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Nov 16, 2010
I think it will work, but if it won't, it would be superb if someone more knowledgeable than I could tell me so
Step 1:
Buy 2.5" external Firewire 800 hard drive enclosure
Buy 2.5" SATA drive (probably 500gb WD Black or something)
Step 2:
Whack new drive into new enclosure and fire it up
Step 3:
Clone my existing 250GB internal MBP hard drive to the new one in the enclosure using Carbon Copy Cloner etc
Step 4:
Remove new hard drive from enclosure and use it to replace the internal hard drive in my Mac
Step 5:
All being well stick the old hard drive in the enclosure and use it as an external
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Apr 18, 2012
I've just bought a new 500GB HD to put into my MacBook Pro. I was wondering is it possible to use my Time Machine backup drive to clone my existing drive onto the new 500GB drive? Then everything should be exactly how it already is?
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Nov 20, 2010
WD 6.3cm (2.5) 500GB SATA WD5000BEVT 5400 8mb [WD5000BEVT]
I believe that is the one without WD's free fall sensor (or whatever it is called)?
I can get a very good deal on it (41€). I plan on copying my stock 250GB Toshiba drive 1:1 to it with Carbon Copy Cloner.
Would this drive be good?
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Apr 20, 2010
i'm cloning my mac hd (mac book pro, snow leopard) and though i've made successful clones, the sum of the hard drives (mac hd and external hd) don't match. for instance, my mac hd reads at: 233.71 GB, however the cloned external hd reads at: 216.54 GB. can anyone explain this discrepancy? are there certain things that don't go into the clone that are on the mac hd?
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Jun 16, 2008
I have the latest generation Mac Pro with the stock drive. That's the 300GB WDC drive. It seems a little slow in terms of response time and at times loud. I have been eyeing the Seagate Barracuda 7200.11 ST31000340AS 1TB 7200 RPM 32MB Cache SATA 3.0Gb/s Hard Drive. I could either replace the stock boot disk with the 7200.11 and use the stock disk as a scratch disk. If so, what it's the best way to move over my boot data from one disk to another? (if possible)
Or I could just use the 7200.11 to store my applications and run them from that disk. Is that as easy to just copy over the Applications to the other drive? PS: I use my Mac Pro for Final Cut for HD (audio/video) editing and Web development (Photoshop, Textmate) and run Windows under Parallels for IE6/7/8 testing.
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May 12, 2010
Have a new HDD coming, what's good software for drive cloning? Also (probably the wrong forum for this), how would I go about drive cloning on a MBP?
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Sep 2, 2008
I have a Mac Pro from 2006, and it has hard drives in all four bays. The first drive is the 250gb default drive from Apple. The rest are Seagate and Samsung. The setup is: 250 (Mac) / 320 (Empty) / 750 (Backup) / 1000 (Media) The 250gb is getting full every once in a while, and I might wish to replace it with another 1000 or even the new seagate 1.5TB one. Whatever .. but since it only has the OS + Program files and some stuff in /home, I want to use the bigger drives for the data. And use the 320gb as the boot drive.
Move (clone) the 250gb to the 320gb Reboot and boot from the 320gb, replacing the 250gb. Which I can then make empty and use until I replace it with a 1000gb drive. I can use CCC to clone the 250gb to the 320gb. But is that enough? How can I then reboot and have the 320gb as if it was the 250gb,. And how can I be certain it is booting from the cloned 320gb, or the original 250gb once I am back into OSX? And can I then repartition the 250gb and still reboot, or will this ruin the master boot record or boot menu setup, etc?
I have no experience with this (yet). And am afraid to end up with a non booting system and a long night of trying to restore using the retail disk for leopard. I hope I am making sense. I just want to move my boot to the 320, and get more space for my boot hd.
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Apr 25, 2010
when i clone my mac book pro (snow leopard os) hard drive using SUPER DUPER, the cloned external drive doesn't match the mac hd in gigabytes. my mac hd is max 250 gigabytes, my external drive clone is max 320. however the mac hd reads as 233.71 gb used, and the cloned ext. drive reads as 216.54 gb copied. shouldn't a cloned drive be exactly the same size as the original drive (mac hd) that's being cloned?
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Jun 3, 2010
I have a time Capsule that is nearly filled. It is giving me error messages each night it tries to backup saying that there is too much on my computer to backup. So, I went out and bought a 4TB Western Digital external drive. I want to copy all the data from the time capsule onto the new hard drive (so I don't loose any of my older backups) and then have the time capsule use that same WD drive as my new backup. I have seen there are ways to copy from time machine drives to new external USB drives, but I was under the impression time machine uses a different kind of backup method than a time capsule.
Is that true? Can someone point me to a place that explains how exactly I would copy the drive in the time capsule. (I understand I need to use Disk Utility, but I cant get the TC drive to show up in that program). Also, is there a way to instruct time capsule to stop using its own internal drive and use the drive connected to its USB for the backups? I think Apple's answer is no, but I dont know if thats really the case or not.
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Sep 1, 2009
Got a new MBP last month to replace my white MacBook - loving it as an upgrade but one gripe - if I'm sat using it on my knee I regularly hear the "click" type noise of what I imagine is the protection of the hard drive because it thinks it is being dropped.
I never heard this on my old Mac and while it's not a huge issue it is a bit disconcerting, as though I'm being told off for moving it in a fairly responsible way.
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