I'm using my Itunes on my OS X (Late 2008 Macbook pro 15 inch) and everything is fine and then I am done. I click restart. Everything happens normally it shuts down and so forth but doesn't restart and just stays off. I click the button to turn my mac on again and I hear that start up noise but 1 second later I hear the shut down noise that it makes. And the little button that u click to open your mac when its shut lights up barely and then turns off.
I have no idea what might have caused this and have tried a couple of things like taking out the battery and the adapter and clicking the turn off button for 5 seconds. But no dice. My battery is at full power so it can't be that it just needs to recharge. I really need to use my laptop for work Monday and its Saturday...
I restarted my computer, and when it booted back up the clock was reset to Dec 31 2000. I did not change the clock, and my control settings are password locked.
Should I be concerned about this, and has this happened to anybody else?
Whenever I close the lid to my MacBook it'll go to sleep by turning off the harddisk and the light is blinking. But when I go to pick it up or even move it the Superdrive makes a noise as if its searching for a disk and the apple on the lid/monitor blinks on and off. Basically the computer never really stays in sleep mode.
My MBA is 1.6/80. The fan does not work suddenly and stays at 0 rpm (istat pro, smcfancontrol), no matter how many times I've restarted it. I've been using coolbook to adjust voltage and smcfancontrol to adjust the max fan speed, but do not think it is really the culprit as there are other reported cases online. I've run the hardware test and there was an error shown: "4MOT/1/40000002:Exhaust-0". Also it shows in the activity monitor the UserEventAgent(117) is not responding.
The weather in the UK now is around 13 and the temp of my MBA is hovering between 62-70 C (istat-pro) in-door all the time, just surfing the net! I've been loving this machine up till the moment the fan stopped. It is really frustrating as this is my first intel mac, and the fact that i'm relying on it for preparing notes for the approaching exams makes it even worse. I really doubt its reliability at the moment.
Im really sorry if this is a silly question. I was playing football manager, then had to dash off somewhere for 15 mins, by the time i got back the screen was black, i just assumed it was on standby, i pressed space bar to carry on playing and NOTHING happened.. i pressed the on|off button and nothing happened.. i pressed and held the button to switch it off.. nothing happened..
It is still running now, but nothing is activating it, i pressed the caps lock button to see if the keyboard was operating and it didnt light up as normal.Im just letting the battery drain on it to see if it does anything on the reboot.. i dont know what else to do.. please advise!!!I only purchased it on Fri.. so its 2 days old i really hope it isnt broken already, there must be a simple answer for this? I look forward to reading any advice,
I've set my energy saver preferences to put the display to sleep after 10 mins and the computer to sleep after 15 minutes of inactivity. The display sleeps but the computer always stays on, whether on battery or A/C. What's the problem here?
I have an MBP about 2 yrs. old. This morning when booting up, the computer made the chime sound and appeared to turn on but the screen stayed completely dark. I tilted it around and tried to see if the backlight was just dead, but there appears to be absolutely nothing on the screen. Furthermore, the little light that normally pulses while the computer is sleeping is on, though not pulsing, anyone know what's going on?
Loaded pics up for the 1st time from my 7d into Aperture 1.5 and left my computer on, woke up and it wouldn't come out of sleep. I did a hard shutdown holding down the power button and the screen just stays black and I never hear the chime, light on power button is solid white. Since I'm on vacation with my wife and infant daughter I don't have time to mess around troubleshooting but see it may be a failed logic board? Do they just fail randomly or what? My aunt that I'm staying with turned off a surge protector a light was plugged into, I was using her power charger for her MacBook Pro and only this morning found out it was plugged directly into the outlet below the surge protector was on that she flipped off.
Could that have created a surge on the other plug or something? She does this all the time with her MacBook Pro plugged in and its never created a problem, I'm writing this post from her computer right now! (Only brought the Mac out because my iPad wouldn't load the photos for some reason, don't know if it has something to do with the HD video or because I also had photos from my Canon 50d on there or if that has something to do with my Mac's problem?) I've attempted an SMC restart and it does the same thing? I'm now extremely stressed thinking I may have lost all my pics that I haven't backed up in months of my infant daughter. When I start it up I hear an initial sound of a hardrive spin or fan but then its basically silent.
I can hear the chime going off, but the display turns on you cannot see through naked eye, you have flash light onto to the screen to see very little, can you tell me why this is happening and how to fix this issue. Secondly, can you tell me how to fix this issue, my keyboard and trackpad doesn't work. Is it the problem of flex cable of both the keyboard and trackpad or is the related to software
I've changed the icon for my "documents" folder, but the change did not take effect on my "documents" icon in my dock. I removed it from the dock, and dragged the "documents" folder with the new icon into the dock, but it just shows a generic blue folder. I logged off, and logged back in, but I still only see a generic blue folder.
I noticed after the Java update the other day that my Air no longer revs up to 6200RPM when using MLB Gameday. The temperature now stays cool and the fans at ~2500RPM.
My wife's macbook will turn on, it stays on the gray screen with the apple. After a while it will just shutoff. I have tried removing the battery and holding down the power button for 5secs but did not work. I also reset the pram and also did nothing.
My MacBook Pro is only 3 months old with 37 battery loadcycles. I calibrate my notebook monthly and the battery capacity stays the same. I have also tried resetting the SMC and nothing happened I do not have my laptop continuously charging, the most would probably 4 or 5 days straight. My current battery capacity is 91%. What should I do?
Macbook pro not charging, the light stays green on the charger. But sometimes it does charge (light turns orange) only when I shut down the macbook and then restart it.
My 2007 MacBook is starting up and making all the right noises but the screen stays black - looking on different forums it seems likely it is either the back light or the inverter that need fixing but in the meantime there is some things on there I need - I have an IMac as well and I have tried to connect the too so that I can view the macbook on the imac - I used a firewire cable and held down the t key on the macbook (but obviously couldn't see if it had worked) I then turned on the Imac and held the option key down but it only give me the IMac HD to start from and not the Macbook
I have been trying to upgrade to OS X Mavericks. I went to the AppStore searched it, it came up and I clicked download. Then it asked for my apple id which i put in as usual, then it says downloading and the mavericks icon goes down in my dock bar. The problem is I have waited five hours and the progress bar hasn't moved at all. I don't have anything open but the mavericks downloader on my computer and I have tried restarting and pausing the download. A total of 20 hours for waiting for it to download. I have also typed codes into terminal, but this did not work.
I have a 2008 Macbook and when the power is plugged in, the light is green, however my battery will not charge, and it even says at the top "battery is not charging" If I remove the power cord from the computer it will still run off the remaining % of the battery, but If I reconnect the cord it lights up green and I never see the amber charging color. I traded out my battery as well as a different cord and still the same results. My battery will charge up on a friends macbook, but not on my own. I want to take it to the apple store but I'm at school and there is no store near me.
I have a macbook air running OSX Lion 10.7.3. I have installed Messages beta and am using my Apple ID. I also use this apple ID (as well as my mobile number) for iMessages on my iPhone. The app just stays in offline mode, I cannot get it to change to available or any other status. I am therefore unable to send or receive any iMessages on my Mac. I have to uninstall and reinstall the app several times. The status shows as offline in both the menu bar status and the preferences status. All other online service are working.
When I press the power button on my macbook it goes to the loading screen and stays there. It don't freeze it just keeps loading. I dropped it on the floor today but it worked after that.