MacBook Pro :: Can A 500gb HDD From A New (unibody) Be Used In A 2006 Older Body Style
Mar 16, 2012
Can a 500gb HD from a new (unibody) be used in a 2006 older body style MBP? Want to replace my old 120GB HD with a new 500GB drive that came out of a new MBP. Both are SATA. Not sure is the physical drive size is compatible.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.33 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo 3GB ram
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Feb 23, 2009
(First of all.. i'm not from america so my english may not be the best but I thoght about posting here
I have a unibody MacBookPro 2,53 Ghz!
After having it a while I noticed that my unibody is bent a little.. I have a gap (on the left side it is more than on the right side) of 2mm!
But it seems, that not the display is warped but the unibody!
Is this "normal" ? Or should i replace it?
I have some pictures here for you to see how it looks like:
I would be very happy about some answers
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Sep 11, 2010
I use my macbook pro mostly for pro audio work so I think I'll probably need 7,200 speed (which I currently have)
I want quiet, extremely reliable and fast. I've seen the following:
Seagate Momentus - I've heard it's noisy and viberates and maybe not so reliable?
WD Scorpio Blue - I think only available in 5,400 speed
Hitachi spinpoint - again only in 5,400 speed
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Jul 29, 2009
I have a new 2.53 Macbook Pro coming in the mail this week and I want to swap my current 7200rpm drive from a Second Generation 2.16 Core Duo Macbook Pro into my new computer. My question is this:
Would it be a better idea to erase the drive before swapping it to the new Unibody MBP, or can I just throw it in and run off the current OS installed on it (10.5.7). The OS should be the same on the new computer since its the same most current version of Leopard. I dont really know if this is possible since its an entirely different computer.
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Apr 20, 2010
I ordered this drive then ended up reading something that is making me worry. can anyone tell me just straight up, if it is compatible with it or not?
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Nov 1, 2009
What's the difference between the two? Is the new one thinner than the old? Is the connections the same? Etc, etc, etc? What I would like to do is maybe take out the original keyboard and replace it with the newer model, along with the new trackpad. Is this possible, or no? I don't care if the material is different, but I'm just wondering if it'd actually work?
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May 27, 2009
I've heard that there have been some differences between the older and newer Macbook screens - I'm thinking about buying a reburb unibody macbook and want to know how significant the difference is. If it's big enough I'll use my student discount to get a new mac with an iPod and then sell the iPod for the price difference, but that is a lot more work and initial money spent vs just getting a refurb. Does anyone have any experience with both?
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Sep 1, 2009
so i am REALLY new to all this monitor stuff. I have always had "package deals" where I never really needed to worry about the connections on my monitors working.. or i've had imacs. Anyways.. i have a MBP that I would LIKE to have hooked up to an older Apple Studio Monitor. Now, I know that the MBP video card does NOT supply power to the monitor, and that this monitor NEEDS power to come from that cable (the monitor does not have a separate power plug) So i know i need some type of converter that will send power to my monitor.. WHAT IS THIS CABLE??
I have read about the AT-DP200 but the more i read, the more confused I get.. At first i thought it was right.. but then im starting to think this does the opposite.. that its for older computers and newer monitors. or is THIS what i need? I DONT KNOW!! Please point me in the right direction.. I just need to know what will work.. I REALLY want to get this set up..
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Oct 24, 2010
Will I notice much difference if I upgrade to the seagate m xt 500 gb with 32cache?
Baring in mind I havnt got my 17" i7 2.8 in the post yet..
I'm thinking I can install the new drive as soon as I get the Mbp and do a fresh install as I'm assuming I'll get the iLife disks with the laptop so I can install it? Aswell as the OS cd's too?
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Feb 27, 2012
I just got a Early 2011 Macbook Pro 15" i7 that has a broken scissor for the "x" key (I still have the black "x" key itself. Would the scissors from an late 2007 Macbook Pro 15" be compatible (I've got an old dead keyboard for it that had coffee spilled on it)?
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Jan 7, 2011
Is it normal to have a slight gap between the screen hinge and the body? On right side there is about 1mm and on left side there is 2mm.
You can see it when the screen is open and when its closed on the back.
Ill try to attach pictures later.
But what do you guys and girls think? Does yours have a gap?
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Sep 27, 2010
I just received my new MacBook Pro 13" and unfortunately I had to recognize that the gap on the left side between the display and lower body is larger than the gap on the right side when the Macbook is closed.
I just wanted to ask if anyone else has this issue with his book and if I should keep it or try to send it back? So, do you think this is normal?
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Jul 1, 2008
I am thinking of getting the mba (or rather the mba 2 hopefully because I wouldn't want any nast core shutdowns and from what I ve been reading apple's awful customer support) and I d like to know one specification that I can't seem to find online. I read somewhere of the "by design" limit of the maximum angle to which the screen can go back wrt the mba's body. I was looking at it in a store and it is rather limited, and as I a used to holding my lappie in a way that requires a somewhat large opening it would great if I could find out exactly what the degrees are. (I usually like to sit on a sofa with legs arched in an upside down V shape and laptop on my lap which requires that the screen be moved further back to get the right constrast - I am sure a lot of people must find this way very comfy).
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Mar 15, 2010
Basically I changed my dock to look like it was wood, not the usual grayish transparency one. It all worked. However, when I moved it from the bottom of the screen to the right of the screen, it goes back to the original dock. And even if I then try to change it to the wood-like one, or even any other dock, it just doesn't change. I know, trivial, but it's just bugging me. Why?
The above is solved. However, then I went to try and find some replacement docks for 2D? If that's what you call it - but I can't find anything. What I have done is put the dock on the right hand side, making it 2D, and all I have been able to find searching the net are 3D replacement docks. Does anyone know how I can possibly change the dock when it's on the right (or left) side? I want to make it transparent, or at least a little lighter.
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May 13, 2010
Is the trackpad supposed to be completely leveled with the rest of the body? The reason I ask is because I have noticed that on some MBPs the trackpad is "pushed" down into the body a little. It is not much but it is definitely visible, there is an indentation. Is this normal or is it a manufacturing defect?
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May 29, 2010
I recently dropped my Machine at an angle and it seemed to knock my screen off center. When closed, part of the machines body is exposed where it used to be covered by the screen. It's only off by a hairline or two. It sticks out the same distance on the back of the machine. When I open or close it, the machine catches on the body and makes a slight scratching sound. How can this be repaired ? How will the Apple store treat this ?The machine did power itself off as well. I'm hoping I wont have to pay an arm and a leg for a bent piece of plastic
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Jun 21, 2010
My Macbook pro's trackpad isn't parallel to the body of the laptop. that is, one end of the trackpad (left) is higher than the other (right). This creates the interesting effect of being able to slide ones finger off of the left side of the trackpad and onto the area below the keyboard with almost no resistence. while on the right side you feel a ledge if you try the same motion.
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Apr 2, 2012
How do I send a message with Mail that has a logo in it that I want to show in the body of the message, not as an attachment?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Mail program
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Jun 15, 2012
I am wondering if anyone knows what Apple charges to have the bottom plate of the MacBook Pro replaced. When I was at a store, an employee told me that it "might cost, like, uh, forty bucks," in a way that made me think he was just pulling that price out of his you-know-what. After searching eBay for that part and finding no auctions for less than $100, I assumed that Apple would charge something more like that.
It's really irritating that in order to replace two of my footpads, I must replace the whole bottom plate of the body. Apple is really trying to get people to buy the service plan, and then a new laptop when that runs out. Great for the environment. The whole unrepairable Retina Display MacBook debacle is just more proof of that.
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Oct 13, 2010
Can anyone recommend some pads like Wacom? And what are some good uses for them, I've never used one but ive been looking at one for maybe something like cad?
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Aug 31, 2009
I have a MacBook2,1 - the white one with the 'old style keyboard' i.e. with the expose and spaces keys on f8,f9 keys etc. I am wondering as my work machine has the the expose keys on f3, and f4 keys and the new white macbook has the same keyboard layout with the expose key etc on the early f keys is it possible to purchase a new Macbook keyboard and put it in the older macbook.
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Jul 5, 2012
- Is applecare cover battery or damage body on macbookpro 15"
- Is applecare for iPhone available for Thailand because i can't see applecare for iPhone on online store for Thailand.
applecare, I live in Thailand
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Aug 22, 2014
I bought a 13" MBPr starting February, yesterday (Thursday 21) it started making a "clicking" noise on the right side of the body it's periodic and constant it is only hearable when the lid is open and the computer is turned on, it seems to be emitted from below the right side of keyboard the noise is quite loud even with other sounds in the room.
I haven't tried any fixes as it seems to be hardware issue.
Here is a recording of the sound (Ignore the dog bark and bump noise at the end of the recording): [URL]
SpecsItemSpecProcessor2.8 Ghz i7Memory8 GbGraphicsIntel IrisSoftwareOS X 10.9.4 (13E28)Storage512 Gb SSD
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Aug 22, 2014
I'm not happy with the backdrop that appears on my display when my MBA starts up, before I log in to my user account. So I'm not referring to the wallpaper that you'd see on the desktop if all your applications were minimised or closed, but the background when you first switch the notebook on (visible when the theme tune is played, and the apple symbol shown). The MBA I purchased in September had a lovely background that was a subtle cross hatch of dark and medium grey. The newer model, purchased this June (after I destroyed the first one through water damage) has a boring, solid light grey background instead. I haven't been able to work out how to alter this in system preferences.
MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), Purchased June 2014
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Jun 16, 2012
Tools for MBP memory upgrades and uni-body backplate removal... Is it a #00 Phillips OR do I need more to remove the backplate of a mid-2009 MBP Uni-Body...??
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Migration to iCloud and IOS5
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Sep 16, 2010
I know it has been discussed previously in terms of desire to see it happen. But my question is how hard would it be for Apple to accomplish this?
The optical drive takes up a lot of space, and also connects through Sata, right?
OptiBay and others have hack solutions, do surely Apple could make an elegant one for us.
The mini has dual disks. The iMac also has dual disks.
Any reasons as to why we're still waiting to see this in a MBP?
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Nov 26, 2010
The Macrumors story from "Three Guys and a Podcast" shows these guys think the Macbook Pro will follow the air and get mini SSD chips. [URL] Thats all very subjective, but Steve did deafeningly hint that this is a sign of things to come. My questions are:
1) How likely is it the new (sandybridge) Macbook Pros will use the Macbook Air style mini SSD?
2) How likely is it Apple will use sandforce controllers?
3) How long before sandforce heavyweights like OWC and OCZ make this form factor?
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Aug 31, 2009
i've been watching some videos on youtube and saw that they had their dock on the bottom but with the side dock style. To be more clear i'll use pictures. This is how my dock looks right now: [URL] This is how I want it to look, just on the bottom not the side: [URL]
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Nov 2, 2008
Twisted body, slanted keys, loose keys, battery cover, and freese trackpad. Lets see how many members in this forum is suffering from Apple's poor Quality Control in these new Macbooks!
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Jul 31, 2010
I've searched the web for a couple of hours and found pretty conflicting answers. In short: I have a 2.53 GHz 15" Unibody late-2009 MBP and I need to upgrade my internal HD. What's the best one? It looks like the main choices are Seagate and Western Digital, but even within those, there are different model names (Momentus, Barracuda, etc...). Is one quieter than the others?
Also, what's the practical difference between 5400 and 7200 RPM? Does it depend on how heavy your usage is? I do run Parallels pretty frequently, so my computer does tend to get close to maximum CPU use.
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