IMac :: Mouse Pointer Moves By Itself?

Aug 26, 2008

I just got my iMac, and I have a problem with mighty mouse. Sometimes, when I move the mouse just a little, the pointer will "jump" to one side of the screen... it's very frustrating.

Is it due because my mousepad has different colours on it ?

That's my only explanation. Maybe the mousepad different colours cause reflection on the pointer that make it jump all over the screen...

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IMac :: Mouse Pointer Out Of Control - Not Allow Clicks

Apr 27, 2009

Today I was working with my iMac without any problem, suddenly the mouse pointer start behaving very odd, when I tried to click an icon, menu or whatever the mouse start moving not allowing me do the work, I changed the wireless mouse suspecting was a hardware problem but when I connected the USB mouse I got the same problem, then I shutdown the iMac but after starting I got the same problem. I suspect is a trojan virus but I heard that Leopard operating system is very robust and virus is not currently a problem.

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IMac PPC :: Desktop Is Large And Moves When Move Mouse

Apr 10, 2012

my iMac desktop is large and moves when i move my mouse,

iMac (17-inch 1 GHz), Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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IMac :: Mouse Pointer Tracking Speed Very Slow

Mar 17, 2009

I just opened my brand new 2009 24inch IMac! The Mouse pointer speed is very very slow. I adjusted the tracking speed to the fastest possible, but this is still under par. I typed my question in google and it directed me to download a program called "Mouse Zoom" which was downloaded onto my... "Desktop." I didn't click the icon to run it because I am afraid of a virus. Is "Mouse Zoom" safe to click on? Will it fix the problem, or is there an alternative to this issue? I cant imagine something so nice being crippled by something as simple as mouse speed.

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IMac PPC :: Screen Not Displaying Correctly - It Keeps Moving As The Mouse Moves

May 27, 2012

Screen not displaying correctly. It keeps moving as the mouse moves

iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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Hardware :: Mighty Mouse Pointer Stopped Responding / Green Light On Bottom Of Mouse Flashing

May 1, 2009

I know that the general consensus here is that the Mighty Mouse is a piece of shit. That notwithstanding, I'd appreciate posters refraining from engaging in further elaborations on that concept when replying to this topic (i.e., no comments like "Buy a new mouse," please).

At any rate, I purchased a wireless Mighty Mouse about a month ago and was very happy with it until the batteries apparently died. One day the pointer simply stopped responding and the green light on the bottom of the mouse was flashing. I replaced the batteries and the mouse resumed normal operation. Then, a few days later it happened again. I have yet to re-replace the batteries and have reverted to using my now eight-year-old Logitech dual-optical mouse (possibly the finest peripheral I have ever owned). Has anyone else encountered this issue?

Is this mouse having internal hardware or software issues or is it normal for it to devour batteries at this rate? System Preferences says that Bluetooth is maintaining the connection properly, so I am ruling that out as an issue. I would just say to hell with it, and use my Logitech mouse full-time, but my wife hates it and I payed seventy goddamn dollars for the Apple product.

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OS X :: OS X Freezes The Mouse Still Moves?

Apr 17, 2009

I've always wondered this, when my Mac gets the little beach-ball and everything freezes (I have to hard-restart), why does the mouse still move?

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OS X V10.4 :: Screen Moves With Mouse?

Mar 27, 2012

my hole screen moves with my mouse and is zoomed in to how do i fix it?

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MacBook Pro :: Mouse Moves Randomly By Itself?

May 24, 2012

Mouse moves randomly even when not touching the computer. Tried bluetooth, IR and even just using native mouse pad.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), any mouse any keypad, even native

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MacBook Pro :: How To Use Black Mouse Pointer

Jun 30, 2009

The story behind it - I used it a bit at home, connected to the AC adapter, then closed it and put it in a laptop bag (quite tight on both sides - like a sleeve [you have to slide the computer out - it doesn't open]).

Then it was in the bag for 10-15minutes, I took it out, opened it up and this came up! (while it was like this, I could see the black mouse pointer and move it about just fine)

I did a hard restart, and then everything was fine.

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OS X :: Icons Get Stuck To Mouse Pointer

Jul 18, 2010

Sometimes, if I click an icon (usually on my desktop) it'll just "stick" to the mouse pointer, it'll appear as if I am still clicking and holding the icon, and it drags around. I also can't trash, drop or do anything with it. Other programs on the computer can't be used either because it's still using that icon. I'm forced to use keyboard commands to restart Finder or press the "esc" key, which works until I click any other icon again. This happens with text and pictures also.

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Mac Mini :: How To Change Mouse Pointer

Apr 22, 2012

I would like enlarge or change the color of the mouse pointer.

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Scrolling Moves Display More Than Mouse?

Sep 5, 2010

My wife's cat walked over her Macbook keyboard. Thereafter, when she uses the trackpad to try to move the cursor, the display moves in response, and the cursor sometimes moves, stutters, delays. Usually, both move.

So my guess is the cat hit some odd combination of keys changing some preference.

We could not find anything in System Preferences/trackpad, or searching the forums here (not that i know which words to use).

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PowerPC :: Screen Locks Up But Mouse Still Moves?

Sep 10, 2010

This is sort of a double post, but since this problem is way down in the original thread and pretty much a different problem (with no replies) I figured it might be worth a new post.


On this 1.25ghz Tiger emac we picked up, the OS loads, and everything seems to work for a minute of so, but then the mouse stops working.

Actually the pointer still works, but I can't click anything, almost like the desktop is frozen. This does have a swollen capacitor, so I'm, not sure if that's the problem or if I just need to reload to OS.

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Hardware :: Magic Mouse - Finger Moves?

Nov 28, 2010

I've had the Magic Mouse for a few months and I'm not overly impressed with it, although I like the sideways swipe very much. But perhaps my preferences aren't ideal. I am using Magic Prefs.

I find the mouse very heavy, with 2 batteries (- it's a pity there wasn't a chorded version - it would be much lighter).

My question: Is there a way the movement of my forefinger can represent the movement of the cursor? i.e. is there a way I don't have to move the actual mouse (it is heavy), but just move my finger around the surface and have the mouse cursor follow?

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PowerPC :: IBook Screen Moves With Mouse - OS 5.2?

May 17, 2008

I have a G4 iBook with a 1.07 MHz CPU, 1GB RAM, 60GB HD running Leopard OS X 5.2.

It has been running like a charm, and suddenly, the screen image starts moveing with the mouse - the desktop, all open windows, websites, everything.

You can drag it to one side or the other, and still open and close applications, use them, use the web, send and received emails - everything, but the screen moves around with the mouse, and it is driving me crazy!

I have tried resetting all the settings - Power, Display, Appearance, etc.

I have reinstalled OS X 5.2

I have run Disk Warrior and got some errors:
"User differs on "Applications/, should be 0, user is 502", and then several similar error messages regarding "Resources", always with "should be 0, user is 502"

In Macintosh HD/Users/oBookg4/Library/Preferences/ , Disk Warrior detected that "the Property List data is damaged and cannot be repaired"
"XML parser error:
Unexpected character at line 1"

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Mouse Randomly Moves Around And Clicks

Mar 14, 2012

Ok, so ive had this problem for a few months now and it has led me to the point where my mac was in storage and i havent touched it in a month or two. What happens is no matter what i am doing my mouse will move around the screen clicking randomly and basically doing whatever it wants. i have looked into the problem and other people have similiar issues but not the same. i can be across the room from my mac with the screen on, and the mouse will still move around and click and open countless folders even though no one at all is even near the computer. today when i took the mac out to see if there was a software update available (which there was) the mouse was not moving around or jumping at all througout the entire update. After the update it is now yet again jumpin around and clicking wherever it wants. Also its not just once in a while it is 24/7 it has made my mac unable to be used because you cant really control the mouse for more than a second at a time. my whole screen is now full of untitled folders..


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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Computer Freezing Except Mouse Moves

Mar 27, 2012

Every now and again my Mac Mini will freeze except whatever audio is currently playing will continue to play until end of file is reached (ie, the next track comes on iTunes) and the mouse cursor moves but the rest of the GUI is frozen, not allowing anything to be clicked, no keyboard interaction, and nothing else on the screen gets updated (the clock stays at whatever minute mark the computer froze at). I can SSH into the machine with Terminal on a different computer and poke around but I can't figure out where to take it from there. I've tried looking at processes with top and performing 'kill -9 pid' but I'm never able to bring the machine back without a hard reset.

Through the kill command I've tried quitting the Dock, Finder, any "big" programs I'm running (eg Logic Pro), but none has ever recovered my system.

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Intel Mac : My Mouse Moves But No Response From My Keyboard

May 3, 2012

Frozen desktop,My mouse moves but no response from my keyboard


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OS X :: Icons Stick To Mouse Pointer But Won't Drop

Apr 23, 2010

Somehow I can't drag and drop files/programs/icons any more. Not on my desktop, not within my dock. When I click on an icon to drag, it will stick to my mouse pointer, but only as a ghost. When I try to release it, it won't drop to the designated area or folder. The icon just keeps sticking to my mouse pointer, where ever I take it. Only after using esc and clicking.

I using Mac OS X 10.6.2
Intel Core 2 Duo
3,06 GHz

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Hardware :: Mouse Pointer Freezing - Need To Unplug

Feb 7, 2010

I have a IMac G4 mod. Power mac4,2 operating system osx version 10.411 processor 800 MHz 768 MB SDRAM. Every now and then my mouse pointer freezers up and I have to unplug the mouse and it starts working again. If it does not unfreeze I have to restart. Then I am back in business. Some times the whole screen goes gray with a black square-telling me to shut down and restart.

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Windows On Mac :: Mouse Pointer Disappearing In Parallels

Jun 14, 2007

Something weird happens to my mouse sometimes and it seems to only happen (I think) when Parallels is running. The pointer just disappears. It turns invisible. It doesn't only happen when the pointer is inside the Parallels window, it also happens when I am using Mac apps. I am using Version 2.5 (and can see no real reason to upgrade to 3) and yes, I have installed Parallels tools!

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Mac Pro :: Won't Work / Mouse Pointer Screen Freeze

Jun 14, 2008

I have just installed a new Mac Pro. Everything works except I get occasional mouse pointer freezes. They last for about 1 second each time and seem to occur randomly, on average with 1-2 min intervals.

The only things I have installed on top of OS X so far driver wise is MouseWorks to power my Kensington trackball. I use my older large full-keyed white Pro keyboard and only use the smaller wireless one remotely. I have tried deactivating Bluetooth but the mouse freezes still persist.

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OS X Mavericks :: Mouse Pointer Not Always Changing On Mouseover

Sep 6, 2014

I have an issue with my mouse that started a few days ago. My cursor doesn't always change properly when I mouseover certain things. For example, when I hover it above a link, it turns into a pointing hand like it should, when I navigate to the URL bar, it will stay as the hand even after clicking for a short while before changing to what it's supposed to become (the thin bar.) Sometimes it will remain a thin bar when it's supposed to be a black arrow, and so forth. I've tried troubleshooting the issue, but I haven't found much of relevance. One user seemed to be experiencing the same thing albeit only in some pro software I don't use. Mine is system wide.  

I'm using the trackpad on a 2014 baseline 15" rMBP running Mavericks 10.9.4. 

MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Mouse Pointer Missing On The Screen?

Jun 29, 2014

I am using macbook pro 15" with latest Maverick OS.Lately, I find that after I log in, the pointer goes missing from the screen and as a result I am unable to click on any icon.I have tried plugging in a USB Mouse, mouse pointer again does not show on the screen.When I force switch off from the power switch,and switch on again I get the pointer.Some times I have to repeat the process.

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MacBook Pro :: Won't Work With Frozen Apps / Mouse Moves

Nov 17, 2010

I have a 2007 2.2Ghz "Santa Rosa" MBP, which I've had quite the problems with for the past 3 (soon to be 4) years. Just starting this week, if I'm on Safari or iChat for instance, Mac OS X freezes and everything stops... yet the mouse cursor can still move. Very soon, the screen starts flashing black and white over the frozen screen (with Safari, iChat, or whatever still open and visible behind the intense flickering). This flickering only goes on for a few seconds though; but the system remains frozen, requiring a manual shut-down and reboot.

Any ideas what's going on? It just started recently. Software has been completely up to date. Somehow I'm paranoid that the graphics card issue is coming back to haunt me again (I've had it replaced once already) but it doesn't seem like that's it.

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OS X :: Mouse Cursor Moves To Default Button In Dialogs?

Nov 29, 2009

I used Onyx to clear some caches, and after that my mouse cursor automatically jumps to the default button in dialog boxes.

I have been looking all over onyx and system settings to find a way to turn this off, but I have found nothing.

How do I turn this annoying feature off?

I'm running OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.2.

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Software :: Entire Moniter Display Moves With Mouse?

Jul 3, 2008

I have a Mac Mini and suddenly, with no action on my part that I can tell, when I move my mouse the entire display screen moves.

It is a rather nauseating experience and is making it impossible to work on the computer. I can't find any settings to make it stop.

Does anyone know how to make it stop? I'm using a Mighty Mouse - I've tried switching to a USB mouse - but it still has the same effect.

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Intel Mac :: Why Does Screen Show All Windows When Mouse Moves

Jun 7, 2012

When moving the mouse my display shifts to showing all open windows.  Why is this happening all of a sudden?

Have checked Disk Warrior and restarted, but it keeps doing this!

iMac Intel, iPad and iPod Touch

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OS X Yosemite :: Can't Access Any Profiles - Mouse Moves But Won't Click

Dec 2, 2014

I can't access any profiles. The mouse moves but won't click on anything. Not a mouse issue.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.5)

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