MacBook Pro :: Battery Power Drained Quickly And Unexpectedly

Feb 11, 2010

Earlier this morning, I was using battery power until the power drained quickly and unexpectedly. Once it shut down automatically, I could not turn it back on. It does not run on AC charge or battery. The mag-safe light is only a faint green, and I have reset my PMU. I'm hoping to not have to take it to Apple as it's warranty ran out about two months ago.

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Not Recognized After Being Fully Drained?

Mar 26, 2012

I was working late and let my battery drain while working. The computer shut down. I immediately plugged it in but the light on the power adapter didn't turn on (either orange or green) I tried other plugging it into other outlets. Nothing. I left it plugged in all night. Nothing. No light on the adapter and the computer isn't working.

Macbook Pro, Mac OS X (10.4.8), Processor Speed: 2 GHz

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Drained In A Matter Of Minutes

Apr 18, 2012

My MacBook Pro is just under a year old.I don't do a lot of strenuous stuff... just internet, iWork documents, Sims 3, etc.The battery has been fine up until now, but on two seperate occasions it has completely drained in a matter of minutes.On the first occasion I left the MacBook open on my desk.No applications were open, just the desktop. Battery was at 98% after a full night's charge.I come back an hour later to find the computer completely unresponsive until I plug in the charger chord.It had completely drained.On the second occasion I was at 52% battery.I loaded up The Sims 3 and went to take a shower, planning to play when I got out.When I get out of the shower TEN MINUTES later, the computer was dead... once again completely drained.I know the game is a total battery hog, but I can usually get about an hour of gameplay with 52% battery.

MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Retina Battery Drained In Less Than 3 Hours

Jun 30, 2012

rMBP charged overnight and I woke up at 7am and disconnected it, it is 9:30am and my battery is already at 34%. What ca I do? Only running Safari although a good portion of the morning was youtube videos. Still with some YT video playbacks here and there, should it drain this quickly?

Info:MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: New 15-inch (2008) Battery Drained To 84% In 15 Minutes?

May 24, 2012

I just popped in a brand new 15-inch MBP (square) battery into my 2008 MBP with Lion 10.7.4. It has drained to 84% in about 15 minutes. Is it a defective battery or a problem with calibration?

MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Charge When Battery Completely Drained Or At Any Time?

May 27, 2012

I have read about Macbook Pro batteries from I use to talk to many people and ask about batteries which brought me upto this confusion. Well, my question is, should i charge macbook pro when it's battery is completely drained or it's okay to charge at any time as long as it's not at 100%? For example, I wanna start charging it while its 60% and make it to 100% or Don't charge it until battery reaches to 5 or 10 percent.

MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Drained Completely / Unable To Start Without Charger

Sep 10, 2010

I got my first Mac last Sunday (woo!) but I was using it last night and a battery warning came up. I had been using the MBP, then turned it off and went out with battery still remaining. When I came back again a few hours later I used the Mac and after about 10 mins closed the lid for some reason. When I opened it back up it wouldn't start unless I plugged in the power outlet - the thing had completely drained. Then I checked the battery and it says to 'Service Battery'. It's now holding a charge as normal as far as I can see but the warning is still there.

A couple of other things I notice too:

- When I tilt the MBP to the right sometimes a scraping noise comes from the inside - maybe from a fan?

- When I pick it up from the bottom, the bottom of the Mac dips inwards slightly and there is a click as it makes contact with something on the inside of the case.

Are these things normal? I've made a Genius Bar reservation but I think I might just swap it for a new one.

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Is Draining Very Quickly

Jun 24, 2014

-Model Name: MacBook Pro
-Processor Speed: 2.8 GHz
-Memory: 4 GB
-OS X Version 10.9.3 

When starting up it must be connected to the charger and when i turn it on it makes the bing noise, goes to the apple screen with the wheel turning for a second and shuts off. I have to do this multiple times until it works. Another issue that I am having is that the battery is draining very quickly. I just had it replaced a couple months ago.

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Healthy But Draining Quickly

Oct 23, 2010

I bought my Macbook Pro 13 inch last year in August. The health is on 88% with 84 cycles. Original battery capacity 5450 maH, current battery capacity 4809 mAH (Coconut and Istat Nano). I just read in another thread that there are users who have higher health capacity with many more cycles! I took it to the Mac store in Bangkok two weeks ago since I believe that my battery drains quickly. They run a test and told me that my battery is healthy. Then they also downloaded some updates for my Mac and run disk repair under disk utility. The technician told me that these are heavy programs and if they battery drains very quickly there is something wrong.

But according to him this was not the case. I have a 500 gb hdd and the technician said that since this is a big hdd (he recommended 320 gb maximum for 13 inch macbookpro), it will use more battery usage. I don't use heavy programs, only internet (Facebook, gmail, very seldom watch movies, watch news papers), Itunes and sometimes Word. I do a lot of photo processing, but this I always do with my adaptor plugged in. I think I can only use around 3 hours. Sometimes 4 hours. Screen around 80% brightness. Keyboard lights, bluetooth turned off. Do you think that there is a problem with my battery? Oh and I do calibrate my laptop monthly.

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MacBook Pro :: Options To Quickly Discharge The Battery

Apr 22, 2010

I'm trying to calibrate the battery of my new MBP. I need to get the battery to fully discharge and sleep for five hours or more. What are some things I can do to get my battery to discharge more quickly? Do I need to tell the MBP to not go to sleep after 10 mins of non-use, or the battery might last through the night? Or is it just the display that sleeps? I'd like to be able to use my MBP in the morning, but I'd like to make sure I get at least the recommended 5 hours of dead battery.

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MacBook Pro :: Why Is Battery Dying So Quickly - It Has Only 94 Cycles

May 23, 2012

My MacBook Pro is 1 year old, almost to the day and my battery seems to be loosing all it's juice quite quickly these days. The battery cycle count is only 94. This morning I turned my computer on and I've only done emails. It's now about 4 hours since it's been on and I have 20% battery left. Bluetooth is turned off. Not doing anything any different than I used to. Seems to me the battery used to last 4 days for what I do with the computer. Now I charge it 2 or 3 times a day. I notice the underside of the laptop seems to get quite hot.

Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Loosing Charge Quickly After Unplugged

Feb 16, 2010

So I usually keep my UMBP plugged in at all times. It unplugged by accident and went to 99% so I left it unplugged but literally less then maybe 7 minutes my battery is already reading down to 92%. Brightness on screen is set all the way up, if that has anything to do with it.

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Draining Quickly And Fan Constantly Running?

Apr 18, 2012

The last couple of days my battery has been draining extremely quickly, at full charge it indicates that I will get about 2 hours battery life when previously I was getting 6 to 7 depending on what I was doing. Also, I have noticed that the fan is running almost constantly and at high. I'm running os x lion and this is a late 2011 model MBP 13". 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook :: Fan Constantly Running And Draining Battery Very Quickly?

Jun 1, 2012

my fan is constantly running draing battery very quikly.

MacBook, iOS 5.1.1

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Seems To Lose Charge Quickly With New Mid-2012?

Jun 17, 2012

I recently was able to upgrade from a MacBook Pro Mid-2010 to a new MacBook Pro Mid-2012.  I've only been using the laptop a few days, but it seems like the battery goes down from 100% very quickly.  For example, right now I've only been using the computer for half an hour and the battery has gone from 100% to 71%.  I haven't been watching movies, etc., just browsing the web.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Draining So Quickly - Haven't Changed Display Settings?

Feb 21, 2012

Recently my battery seems to be draining faster than ever before.  I'm not sure why.  I haven't changed any "display" settings & it's on default settings for brightness settings, etc.

Mac Pro, iOS 5.0.1

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Hardware :: Apple Wireless Keyboard Battery Drains Quickly

Jan 11, 2010

I have an Apple 3-battery Wireless Keyboard, and I noticed that the battery drains out every 1-2 days. I don't own a Magic Mouse, and I know that's been the source of many AWK battery problems of late, but just to state it again, I don't own a Magic Mouse. I use Duracell rechargeables.

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MacBook :: Doesn't Indicate Low Battery - Shuts Down Unexpectedly

Mar 25, 2010

I own the first 'remolded' revision of the Macbook released in '08 (5,1), and have had it for over a year now. Recently though, after 10 or so minutes running off just battery power (fully charged), it shuts down unexpectedly. It doesn't say the battery is low, or near low, it just shuts down. It's really annoying, I have to use the charger wherever I go. I really need my laptop so I don't really want to take it to an Apple Store and have to wait a week to get it fixed, unless it's really necessary. My software is up to date. Any ideas on what my problem is/how to fix it?

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OS X :: White Macbook Runs On AC Power (no Battery) But Not On Battery?

Apr 29, 2010

Just wondering if anyone has ever encountered this or if any experts out there know of the issue.I have a spare White Macbook (late 2008: Core 2 Duo 2.1GHz, 1GB, 120GB) that I'd like to set up for my brother to use to introduce him to the wonderful world of Macs. The problem it is having is that when I have a battery connected to it (I tried 2 different ones included a known-good one that is brand-new just purchased from Apple) it powers on and gives me the chime, but then immediately shuts off unexpectedly giving that little "whine" sound like if it just lost power all of a sudden. However, when i take out the battery, and just plug it into the Magsafe AC charger it works fine. Also when just trying to run on battery it does not turn on at all. Here's some cliffs:

1) Macbook with just battery does not turn on
2) Macbook with battery + Magsafe AC charger connects powers on, gives the chime, but then immediately shuts off making the "whine" sound as if the power was suddenly cut off
3) Macbook with no battery connected and just the Magsafe AC charger connected works fine.Do you guys think this is either:

A) battery connector issue (the little piece with the metal wires that the battery connects to. ~$50 part)
B) Logic Board issue

I already tried resetting the PRAM and SMU to no avail.

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Running On Reserve Battery Power

Jun 18, 2010

I just turned on my 13" MBP and got this message. Apparently, this is supposed to come up when there is only like 5% charge left. My battery indicator at the top of the screen said there was 22% charge left. Also, according to IStat, my battery's health has already dropped down to 97% after only about 2 weeks and 5 cycles. Is this normal? I'm going to try recallibrating my battery by fully charging it and then letting it fully drain. Is there a good chance that this solves this problem?

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MacBook :: New Unibody Shuts Down Unexpectedly When TOUCH The Power Cable

Mar 14, 2010

I got my macbook during November of 2009 but two weeks ago it started shutting down by itself once I touch the magsafe of the macbook or remove the magsafe. All it needs is a simple touch and it shuts down. When it does shut down, the light indicator doesn't come on anymore. I have to keep removing the magsafe, and plugging it back in like 20 times until it starts charging again. So now I just let it fully charge every time I use it since any sudden movement will cause it to shut down. I will be making an appointment next week at the apple store because I had no time to go these past 2 weeks. I never dropped it and take good care of it. I am just wondering what might be the cause of this? I hope they do not take weeks to fix the mac since I have a lot of homework to do

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MacBook Air :: "Proper" Battery Usage For New - Aka Power Supply Vs Battery?

Nov 29, 2010

As I just bought a 13" MBA, I am still in my "babying" phase of the machine and want its battery power/capacity to last as long as possible. I have already done the battery calibration recommended by Apple (not even sure if its 'necessary' but I did it anyways), with charging, resting, draining, resting, and re-charging. But now I am worried about the battery cycles. Should I only plug my MBA in when the battery is close to being drained (aka use it on battery power for most of my usage?) or is it okay to drain the battery to like 80% remaining, charge, and then drain to 70% remaining, then charge again? Im not sure if Im making sense, but basically I don't want to be wasting these valuable cycles, as they seem to determine battery health and longevity. So what is the proper battery usage for the MBA, or is it basically use off power when you want and use on power supply when its available?

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MacBook :: "Battery Not Charging, Power Source: Power Adapter"

May 22, 2012

I recently discovered my computer had died while it was sleeping. I tried charging it but am recieving the "Battery not charging, power source: power adapter" status.My power cord light is green, always. and the computer dies instantly when I remove the magsafe.

I've tried the "remove the battery, press the power button, plug in the magsafe" troubleshooting process, but it doesn't work.I've noticed that even with the battery out, the charger reads a green light.I've tried several outlets with the same results.Here are my battery stats 

Battery Information: 
Model Information:
Serial Number:    DP-ASMB016-384e-7636
Manufacturer:    DP


MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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PowerPC :: Powerbook G4 Won't Power Up - Battery Indicator Showed One Flickering Power Circle?

Mar 19, 2008

My girlfriend has a 12 inch Powerbook G4. She noticed that the battery life was starting to dwindle. Tonight, she tried using it. It wouldn't power up. The battery indicator showed one flickering power circle. The adaptor has the green circle on it, indicating the battery has a full charge. However, the computer won't charge up.I've read the 12 inchers don't have separate PMUs. Could that prevent the machine from starting? She was using it earlier this evening, as she e-mailed me pictures from our vacation.

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Power Mac :: G4 Doesn't Power On Internal Battery Replaced?

Apr 30, 2012

tried 2 boot up my G4, nothing, replaced internal battery, no status change, advice? would still like to be able to use it if possible and affordable

G4 dual os boot, Mac OS X (10.4.11), will also boot up in OS 9.2.2 when

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Power Mac G5 :: Western Digital Book Pro II Shuts Down Unexpectedly

Dec 16, 2007

I have Western Digital My Book Pro II 2TB hard drive connected through FireWire 800 or 400 cable. The problem is that it shuts itself off unexpectedly all the time. Sometimes right after I turn it on, sometimes after 30 minutes. After turning it back everything seems to be fine, no loss of data. Anyone else experienced the same problem and can suggest how to fix it?

Mac OS X (10.4.10)

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MacBook Pro :: 10 Min To Power Up When Battery Is Down?

Jul 29, 2010

I have a mid-2007 MBP. Here is my's been more than a year that when I totally discharge my battery (meaning the MBP shuts down), when I connect it back to the charge it is taking abotu 10 minutes to power up was not the case before and my wife's MB is working well....meaning when it is down, just connecting the charger the MB is back on within a sec.

I have changed my battery but it did not change anything, I called Apple and they recommended me to restore snow leopard...which I did...I still have the same issue.

Does anyone experience this? Any idea what is happening (HW or SW issue) and is there a potential fix?

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Battery Won't Power MacBook

Jun 21, 2012

I have just bought a second hand MacBook laptop and it has a wierd battery issue that can't seem to find mentioned anywhere.Initally all seemed fine, but then I noticed the battery wasn't charging and the battery menu reported no battery found, also the MagSafe plug had not light; some searching instructed me to reset the SMC which I did, and everything was fixed, I could runs the computer from the battery and the power lead charged the battery. But now (just a day later) the battery won't power the computer at all - the computer will only work if the power is connected - however the light is shown on the MagSafe plug and the battery is being changed, but if I disconnected the power lead, first I see the restar/sleep/shut down dialog that you see when pressing the power button, then shortly after the computer turns off, if the power if reconnected, it boots from scratch, so it wasn't asleep! 

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MacBook Pro :: No Second Screen On Battery Power?

Nov 16, 2010

Am I right in assuming that my MBP will switch off power to the Mini Displayport, when running on batteries ?Well mine does, but want to make sure that's right ?

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MacBook Pro :: 17 I5 Battery Power Not Charging?

May 29, 2010

I have a brand new MBP 17inch, the battery would not charge with the charger. It basically went close to empty and then I decided to shut down and restart to see if it will reset and start charging.. Now the MBP doesn't even turn on

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