MacBook Pro :: Battery Loosing Charge Quickly After Unplugged

Feb 16, 2010

So I usually keep my UMBP plugged in at all times. It unplugged by accident and went to 99% so I left it unplugged but literally less then maybe 7 minutes my battery is already reading down to 92%. Brightness on screen is set all the way up, if that has anything to do with it.

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MacBook Pro :: MBP Battery Loosing Charge When Turned Off?

Oct 28, 2010

I've been a member here for a few years but mainly kept in the background reading about news and other interesting things like mods and discussions.

A few months back I bought a 15 inch 2.4 MBP, the most recent model as far as I'm aware, from the refurb store in the UK and after a few troublesome experiences ( they delivered an iPad to me the first time) I finally got my computer. Ever since, there have been a few problems.

First my Logic board died, handed it in and got it fixed.
Second the Keyboard backlighting wouldn't work, same thing, handed it in and got it fixed.
Now it seems that my MBP can't hold the battery charge when the computer is turned off, which to me seems very strange as it holds the charge perfectly well, 5+ hours although I've never timed it, during normal use.

I recently installed and mce optibay for extra storage since I don't really need the superdrive and it works great. Could this by any chance have anything to do with the drain?

So to summarize my MBp can't hold the charge when computer is turned off but works fine when its on. I have an extra HDD installed where the superdrive used to be via mce optibay and everything else works fine.

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Sometimes Won't Charge After Being Unplugged For A Few Hours?

Mar 19, 2012

I've tried two brand new adapters and neither work after my MBP is unplugged for a few hours and then plugged back in. Eventually it'll work again, but occasionally it doesn't acknowledge the power source. Will AppleCare cover this?

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MacBook Air :: Battery Loosing 20 Percent Charge During Sleep

May 7, 2008

After all is said and done, and heavy Macbook Air use, there is only one thing still bugging me. Its not the slightly uneven lighting, not the 3 hours charge nor the 3:30 battery life I get constantly, nor the 6200 RPM fan. When I charge to 100% and let it sleep for 12 hours, I lose about 20% of the charge. Yesterday I was at around 25% and when I opened it this evening, 24hrs later, there was nothing left. If I leave the macbook air closed, I think that the battery would reach 0% after 3 days. This is not normal and some kind of leak.

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MacBook Air :: Loosing Battery - Woke Up To A Full Charge After An Hour Is Now At 53%

Mar 27, 2008

I have a Week 01 MacBook Air, and I just started to notice that my MBA has not been performing its best since I bought it.

This morning I at 0745am, but now its 0831 and my battery is now at 53%; is there something wrong? I took a stopwatch and averaged it at about 53-55 seconds where the battery will drop 1%.

According to coconut battery, current battery capacity is 4670 and original battery capacity is 5090, and the system profiler says that I'm at 31 charge cycles. And YES, i've reset the PRAM, PMU/SMC, and calibrated my battery

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Seems To Lose Charge Quickly With New Mid-2012?

Jun 17, 2012

I recently was able to upgrade from a MacBook Pro Mid-2010 to a new MacBook Pro Mid-2012.  I've only been using the laptop a few days, but it seems like the battery goes down from 100% very quickly.  For example, right now I've only been using the computer for half an hour and the battery has gone from 100% to 71%.  I haven't been watching movies, etc., just browsing the web.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Laptop Loses Charge Quickly With Cover Closed?

Nov 13, 2010

I just bought a new MacBook Pro with a solid state (flash memory) disk. The battery life is good while I'm using it, but if I leave it with the cover off for a few days (asleep, I assume), it'll be mostly discharged when I open it up. I assume this isn't normal - it shouldn't be losing that much charge when closed and hybernating. I don't have "wake for ethernet access" checked, if that makes a difference. What's going on - why won't it hybernate?

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MacBook Pro :: Immediately Charge Battery Or Let It Run To Zero First And Then Charge It?

Aug 20, 2014

Just bought a new 15 inch retina MBP. My question is...should I immediately charge the battery or let it run to zero first and then charge it? Does it even matter? 

MacBook Pro with Retina display, iOS 7.1.2, Retina, 15 Inch

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MacBook Pro :: Won't Work With Battery / After Being Unplugged From AC

Dec 20, 2010

I usually use my laptop at a desk plugged into an AC outlet. Well I was going to be away for a week, so I unplugged it, when I came back, the battery went from 97%, not charging to 12% when I booted the laptop up again.

Also, can one continue using a macbook laptop if the battery is dead, but run it through or plugged into an ac outlet all the time?

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Calibration / Unplugged While Recharging

Jul 19, 2009

I was sick of the battery life I was getting on my 15" Macbook Pro 3,1 (early 2008 model), so I went to the apple store yesterday to get a new one. I was over 400 cycles, so I had to just buy it, they wouldn't replace it for me. I expected that, so no big deal. But I wanted to treat this battery right. I got home, charged it up to 100%, let it sit at that for a few hours, and then let it drain overnight and rest at empty for a few hours. This afternoon, I plugged it back in with the intention of letting it fully charge and thus complete my battery calibration, but at around 40% charged, the cat yanked the charger cable out from my laptop. And then a little bit later, my girlfriend did it again. So, has my time been wasted here? Battery calibration is such a pain in my rear. i hate it. I use my laptop often and expect it to be available to me whenever I need it, regardless of how many other computers i own. I really don't want to deal with it again in the near future. And I may not.

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MacBook :: Shuts Down When Unplugged - Battery Is Good

Jan 10, 2010

I have a 3 1/2 year old Macbook, my Applecare has ran out. About six months ago my computer began shutting off immediately when unplugged. (Was letting my roomates use the computer, came home one day and it started doing this.) I believe that my battery is OK, it performs between 97% and 99% consistently. When I do the battery test, all of the lights light up.

I've read through the forums and it seems a lot of people are having this problem, but their batteries are bad. What are some options/solutions to this problem? I am willing to invest money wisely into the computer to keep it running smoothly for a while.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Macbook Pro Shutting Off When Unplugged And At 80% Battery?

Mar 22, 2012

I have an early 2011 MacBook Pro 15 in. that i got in May of 2011. When i unplug the power adapter it works fine, but at about 80% battery it shuts off. i go to turn it back on and it acts as if it is dead, i press the power button again and it turns on without problem (although the date and time at first is messed up). What is wrong? I recently had to get my hard drive replaced 2 months ago and it has been working fine until yesterday.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook :: Battery - MagSafe Adapter Was Lit Up Green Even When Unplugged From Mac

Mar 2, 2010

Firstly i have a MacBook 10.4.11 that is somewhere between 2 and 3 years old. I have had no problems with the Mac up until yesterday. Yesterday i was charging my Mac and everything was fine but i noticed that the MagSafe Adapter was lit up Green, even when unplugged from my Mac. I shrugged it off until this morning when i realised that when i unplug my adapter the Mac just turns off and won't turn back on until i plug the adapter back in. I have seen different threads about it being a battery problem or a charger problem but i am not sure where to start as most of the threads say that their Battery Icon on the Mac screen has a black "X" through it. Mine just has the Forks in the battery icon and where it would have a Time or % of what is left in the Battery, it just has a (Calculating...) and when i click to see how much it has charged, it says 0%

I also downloaded Coconut Battery and here is what it says:

Current Battery Charge: 0 mAh
Maximum Battery Charge : 5093 mAh


Current Battery Capacity: 5093 mAh
Original Battery Capacity: 5020 mAg


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MacBook :: Unplugged For 3 Weeks Now Battery Not Recognized / Charging

Apr 5, 2012

I left my mac unplugged for 3 weeks and now the battery isn't recognized and is not charging. I have tried removing it, but that hasn't worked.


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MacBook Air :: Battery Half Full But It Switches Off When Unplugged

May 1, 2012

My 10 month old Macbook Air 13" battery behaves weird every 4 weeks. When unplugged the MBA switches off suddenly without a warning even the battery is still more than half full. Plugging it in it tells it takes 20 hours for a full charge but never gets full. After unplugging it crashes after some minutes again and goes dark.

The battery' got 178 load cycles and 5675 mAh out of originally 6700 mAh (84%). Did several SMC resets and PRAM resets. I even reinstalled Lion from scratch without changing the battery's behavior. Calibrating the battery isn't possible because it does not discharge but crashes. I tried three different power adapters.

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Is Draining Very Quickly

Jun 24, 2014

-Model Name: MacBook Pro
-Processor Speed: 2.8 GHz
-Memory: 4 GB
-OS X Version 10.9.3 

When starting up it must be connected to the charger and when i turn it on it makes the bing noise, goes to the apple screen with the wheel turning for a second and shuts off. I have to do this multiple times until it works. Another issue that I am having is that the battery is draining very quickly. I just had it replaced a couple months ago.

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To Charge Battery / Charging Stucks At 99 Percent With Service Battery

Aug 20, 2010

I calibrated my battery for the first time since Dec. When I plugged it in this morning, it took 3 hours to charge all the way, and now it's stuck on 99% full, 0:00 till completely charged, and I'm getting an error when I click on the battery in the menu bar that says "Service Battery". When I click on the error, it tells me that it may not be functioning properly and to take it to an authorized apple service retailer. Before I waste 2 hours by going to the Apple store and back, has anyone else had this problem, and is there a way to fix it without having it looked at?

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MacBook Air :: Apple's Battery Is Removable - Battery Hold No Sufficient Charge

Mar 14, 2009

If you look at apple's battery life page it states the MBA battery is removable, I thought it wasn't supposed to be?Battery Lifespan For Apple notebooks with removable batteries ? such as the MacBook, MacBook Air, and 15-inch MacBook Pro ? a properly maintained battery is designed to retain up to 80% of its original capacity at 300 full charge and discharge cycles. You may choose to replace your battery when it no longer holds sufficient charge to meet your needs.

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MacBook :: Battery No Longer Holds Long Charge / Worth Pursuing A Replacement Battery?

Jun 2, 2009

purchased a macbook Unibody back in October 2008 when they were released and use it heavily. The battery no longer holds a nice long charge - I get about 2 to 2.5 hours out of a full charge.

The battery has 149 cycles on it, which is obviously high (and correct, I use the hell out of it). With it still being in warranty, is it worth pursuing a replacement battery? Will Apple tell me to go take a hike with the high cycle counts?

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Healthy But Draining Quickly

Oct 23, 2010

I bought my Macbook Pro 13 inch last year in August. The health is on 88% with 84 cycles. Original battery capacity 5450 maH, current battery capacity 4809 mAH (Coconut and Istat Nano). I just read in another thread that there are users who have higher health capacity with many more cycles! I took it to the Mac store in Bangkok two weeks ago since I believe that my battery drains quickly. They run a test and told me that my battery is healthy. Then they also downloaded some updates for my Mac and run disk repair under disk utility. The technician told me that these are heavy programs and if they battery drains very quickly there is something wrong.

But according to him this was not the case. I have a 500 gb hdd and the technician said that since this is a big hdd (he recommended 320 gb maximum for 13 inch macbookpro), it will use more battery usage. I don't use heavy programs, only internet (Facebook, gmail, very seldom watch movies, watch news papers), Itunes and sometimes Word. I do a lot of photo processing, but this I always do with my adaptor plugged in. I think I can only use around 3 hours. Sometimes 4 hours. Screen around 80% brightness. Keyboard lights, bluetooth turned off. Do you think that there is a problem with my battery? Oh and I do calibrate my laptop monthly.

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MacBook Pro :: Options To Quickly Discharge The Battery

Apr 22, 2010

I'm trying to calibrate the battery of my new MBP. I need to get the battery to fully discharge and sleep for five hours or more. What are some things I can do to get my battery to discharge more quickly? Do I need to tell the MBP to not go to sleep after 10 mins of non-use, or the battery might last through the night? Or is it just the display that sleeps? I'd like to be able to use my MBP in the morning, but I'd like to make sure I get at least the recommended 5 hours of dead battery.

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MacBook Pro :: Why Is Battery Dying So Quickly - It Has Only 94 Cycles

May 23, 2012

My MacBook Pro is 1 year old, almost to the day and my battery seems to be loosing all it's juice quite quickly these days. The battery cycle count is only 94. This morning I turned my computer on and I've only done emails. It's now about 4 hours since it's been on and I have 20% battery left. Bluetooth is turned off. Not doing anything any different than I used to. Seems to me the battery used to last 4 days for what I do with the computer. Now I charge it 2 or 3 times a day. I notice the underside of the laptop seems to get quite hot.

Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To Charge Complete Battery / Service The Battery?

Nov 15, 2010

been using my older MBP with windows 7 for a while and have never notice oddies with the battery until now. Then recently after replacing the failed HD and re-installing Snow Leopard on my 2007 MBP, the battery panel is telling me "Service Battery"; it's battery health according to coconutBattery is fair for it's age (50%).

the unit (battery) has been replaced previously due to being considered 'under performing'. Is Snow Leopard trying to encurate it's users to replace the battery more frequently? If not, does anyone know why this appears? I'm at lost, since it appears to work fine, if not charging completely.

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To Charge Battery / Battery Completely Dead?

May 20, 2010

I just want to make sure nothing else is wrong with my Macbook..have never replaced the battery in 3+ years...Always says not charging and once the magsafe is removed Pro shuts completely dead battery the only problem..?

Battery Information:

Model Information:
Serial Number:Sony-ASMB012-3856-4ebc
Device name:ASMB012
Pack Lot Code:0000
PCB Lot Code:0000
Firmware Version:0110
Hardware Revision:0500
Cell Revision:0303
Charge Information:
Charge remaining (mAh):0
Fully charged:Yes
Full charge capacity (mAh):0
Health Information:
Cycle count:218
Condition:Check Battery
Battery Installed:Yes
Amperage (mA):0
Voltage (mV):10209

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MacBook :: Unable To Charge Battery / Service Battery Message

Jul 20, 2010

So, I randomly clicked on my battery and noticed this "Service Battery" message. I had never seen it before. Obviously, this isn't a good thing. My Mac is 3 and a half years old so I'm not surprised this message poped up. So, I opened Coconut Battery and noticed my current battery capacity is at 65%. Even though charger says it's green, my battery isn't even charging. Should I make an appointment with Apple? My AppleCare expired so i'll have to buy a new battery when the time comes. I'm sure they're not cheap, either.

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Power Drained Quickly And Unexpectedly

Feb 11, 2010

Earlier this morning, I was using battery power until the power drained quickly and unexpectedly. Once it shut down automatically, I could not turn it back on. It does not run on AC charge or battery. The mag-safe light is only a faint green, and I have reset my PMU. I'm hoping to not have to take it to Apple as it's warranty ran out about two months ago.

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Draining Quickly And Fan Constantly Running?

Apr 18, 2012

The last couple of days my battery has been draining extremely quickly, at full charge it indicates that I will get about 2 hours battery life when previously I was getting 6 to 7 depending on what I was doing. Also, I have noticed that the fan is running almost constantly and at high. I'm running os x lion and this is a late 2011 model MBP 13". 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook :: Fan Constantly Running And Draining Battery Very Quickly?

Jun 1, 2012

my fan is constantly running draing battery very quikly.

MacBook, iOS 5.1.1

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MacBook :: Battery Died - New Battery Won't Take Charge?

Apr 22, 2012

My 2008 MacBook's battery finally died.  I have purchased 2 new batteries and neither of them will take a charge.

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Draining So Quickly - Haven't Changed Display Settings?

Feb 21, 2012

Recently my battery seems to be draining faster than ever before.  I'm not sure why.  I haven't changed any "display" settings & it's on default settings for brightness settings, etc.

Mac Pro, iOS 5.0.1

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