MacBook Pro :: Application Blocked From Opening Because It Is Not From Identified Developer
Dec 10, 2014
I'm using MacBook Pro 13 inch (middle 2012 release), Operating System: OSX Yosemite 10.10.1
Ok, let's come to my question. When I open Security & Privacy from Finder --> System Preferences.
Suddenly it appears like this (ie., Please Refer Figure 1), after within a few seconds its switch to my default Security & Privacy (ie., Please Refer Figure 2)
My Question : I'm in safe? i felt like someone hacked my Mac ? Or My MacBook affected by malware or virus?
Figure 1 :
After display like this (ie., Fig 1), within few seconds suddenly its switch to my original/default setting refer below screenshot (Figure 2)
Figure 2 :
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
using Office2011 cannot open .doc files and .xls files from the Windows2003 server. Could last week, not this week. copy file to desktop and open no problem. open the file from NAS, no problem.
error message received: ******.doc uses a file type that is blocked from opening in this version
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4), MS Office 2011
I am trying yo plug my NEC EA231WMi into my MBP via DVI and a DVI to mini display port Adaptor and the computer is not recognizing the monitor. It does nothing when I plug the monitor in.
this year I decided to go for a Mac, and almost decided where to start: Im considering to get the Air. But first I must be sure that it will fit my needs. I work as a web developer, for years I have been working with PHP, ASP and the .NET framework. but recently Im starting to get used to Rails, and I heard that Mac is the perfect platform for it. So, I want to know if there are other developers that use the Air too, And what the tools you are using.
Im not the kind of road warrior, but it would be nice if I can reduce the actual 6.6 pounds of my 15" compaq laptop (my spine will thank)
For me the MB Pro is still too big and heavy, and the Macbook have a poor display compared to the Air. So i think the Air is perfect for me. What you guys think about it?
Is there a way to password protect an application? I recently purchased Quicken Essentials 2010 for MAC but it has no password protection (duh!), is there a way to or a program that can be purchased that would protect this application from opening without a password?
I must have hit some funky combination of keys, for now my iMac, every time I open an application, opens the file I want PLUS the file that was last open in that same application. How do I get this to quit happening?
I think I erased some of the things in the developer folder on the new Macbook. can someone take a screen shot, or tell me what is in the developer folder so I can restore it.
I am a fairly new Mac user after using Windows PCs for many decades so please bear with me on this. I purchased a new unibody MacBook Pro a few months ago and everything works as advertised except for one thing. If I am looking at myself in photo booth the video is fine. However, if I open any other application---browser, iwork, iphoto, anything my picture on photo booth freezes. The picture unfreezes and returns to normal video as soon as I close the other application. I bought a MacBook Pro for my 14 year old last Summer and it has the same problem which leads me to believe there must be some tweak or some fairly obvious fix that I am overlooking. Because of this issue neither laptop can be used for video chat--just won't work.
I would appreciate any suggestions that anyone might be able to offer. Both MacBook Pros are fully updated and both are 15" screens. If I change user accounts the same problem occurs. I spoke with AppleCare and after trying a few things they said I would have to take the machine to an Apple Store but I am hoping to avoid this if possible. Spoke on the phone with one of the "geniuses" at the local Apple Store and he said he had never heard of this issue which seems strange since it occurs on both of our Macs---unlikely coincidence.
For the past few days, this message: "Your startup disk is almost full" has been popping up. I've burned some CDs of photos, deleted unwanted files, music, etc. After deleting these things and emptying the trash, it told me I had just over 2GB of free space. However, this free space is getting smaller and smaller (even when I didn't have any applications open..). It seems to be just disappearing. In the space of about 12 hours (most of which I spent sleeping with the laptop turned off..), I seem to have gone down to 1.18GB. When I restart the computer, it sometimes tells me that I have what seems to be a random small number of MB or GB, sometimes bigger, sometimes smaller than what it originally told me, or even 0 when I restart, even though I haven't actually made any new files or downloaded anything!
I am currently using osx lion, I have a behaviour to shut down my computer and let the application that currently running closed by itself during shut down (including massive finder windows). But when I turn on my computer again, those windows reappears. While it might be a nice feature, its really bothering for me. Is it possible to tell osx lion NOT to open the last windows opened during shut down? I am also curious if its possible to do this on safari. I have limited bandwidth, and opening the last windows is annoying.
How the heck to I stop Lion from launching old docs when I open a new doc in MS Word, Excel, Preview, etc? I HATE this feature. Twice now I've edited the wrong document because when I click on a new Word doc, one that I worked on last automatic pops up on top of it. This is a ridiculous feature! Also, I don't need photos that I looked at yesterday magically opening when I open a new photo in Preview. That can be embarrassing if is someone is looking over my shoulder, if you know what I mean. Do I need to make sure I close all old docs instead of just quitting. Is there a way to just turn this frustrating auto open feature off?
I am used to having graphic files on my desktop, when editing one I would simply right-click and pick "open with" > Photoshop (which is always open in its own desktop in my computer). Now out of the blue, if I do that, it loads another instance of Photoshop, which is certainly what I don't want. I can have 2, 3, 4 Photoshops running at the same time and editing the same image!
I searched but all I could find is people wanting the opposite i.e. opening multiple instances of the same app.
Info: Mac mini (Late 2012), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
After a lot of erratic behavior with my dual 2ghz g5, I ran the apple hardware test. When testing RAM it gives me the following error message each time I run the extended test:
I'm wondering how to interpret this exactly which RAM is bad (more specifically where is it?) I'm wondering if there is a diagram out there so I can relate this an exact location on my computer.
I bought my macbook air with lion os, I have formated my HD , and I want to install the lion os, but when I give my apple ID, the message says that the lion is not identified with this ID, I'm wondering if I shall buy the lion os, although I bought my macbook air with lion os, new from apple shop!!
Whenever I launch Pages, the application opens pretty much all the documents I've worked on. I take care to close all the windows, hoping that they won't launch again next time I start the application, yet they do. I can't find a setting in the preferences or Settings to disable this behavior.
Info: MacBook (13-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I was trying to open spottify and the rainbow wheel began to turn, then it stpped and every stood still, Finder open aswell and I can't turn it off. I don't want to leave it on all night, until I call Apple Care tomorrow, since here in Switzerland it's almost midnight. How to shortcut the system to turn it off?
im trying to get rid of my 3.1.2 dev tools because im upgrading to 3.1.3 and i try this "sudo perl /Developer/Tools/" but after i do that in terminal is says cant find the unistaller for devtools so can anyone help find a way to get rid of these devtools
Every time I connect my iPhone 5s and download photos/videos from it via iPhoto, a "Blocked Plug-in" black window pops up that I'm not able to get rid of until I shut down my computer. I have installed the latest version of Adobe Flash but that hasn't solved the problem. I'm on a MacBook Pro using OS X version 10.9.4.
1) from wwdc latest information, Mac pro user will have only 3 Apple official option OpenCL that is : GeForce 8800 GT, GeForce GT 120 and Radeon 4870
2) but I think GTX285 and FX4800 will support too. (At least final ver. of Snow leopard)
3) Assume you want many core the best selection from 1) & 2) is ATI Radeon 4870 because it has 800 stream processor. GTX 285 have 240
4) Assume you want memory speed the best selection from 1) & 2) is ATI Radeon 4870 again because it GDDR5 (but i can't confidentally confirm it when 4870 have lower memory speed and lower memory bandwidth)