MacBook :: Unable To Check CPU Temperature
Jun 12, 2009How do I check my gpu temp on my macbook?
View 2 RepliesHow do I check my gpu temp on my macbook?
View 2 RepliesNew to Macs but loving it so far. I see postings about checking fan speeds and cpu temp but cant find anywhere on the mac to check these issues. Is there software on the macbook air to check these or is this separate software?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI noticed that iStat and Temperature Monitor report different temperatures for the same readings on my G5 Powermac Dual Processor System. For example as I am writing this Temperature Monitor is saying My CPU A is 46.8C and CPU B is 46.7C. In iStat it says CPU A is 55C and CPU B is 54C. Which is right!?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI apologists straight away if this have been covered recently, but i need to ask.I have MacBook with Intel Core Due Processor, 2 GB ram.What is the average temperature CPU temperature for standard usage ( I know that standard usage is very arbitrary, and by this I assume safari, iTunes and let say Pages to be the only major apps running ).I use iStat pro widget and according to it my CPU temperature is 55*C. Is this too high? Lately the fan has been turning on more recently almost without any apps running so I think that there might be some hardware problem. I ran HardwareTest it found nothing.
The macbook is 2 yrs old. Do i need to get it cleaned or is there something else I should be worrying about?
As the Title of The Post says, i need to know if Apple Hardware check, Does check the hard drive. I'm getting a little bit more frequent hard drive clicks so i want to make sure my HD is not failing. So i need to know as so as possible if Apple hardware check looks for Hard drive Problems. And if it does not. Can someone point me into some Utilities i can use?
View 7 Replies View Relatedmy hard drive was wipped clean, and I lost everything. So, I wanted to get all of my TV, Movies and Music back that I bought from iTunes that was not on my iPod. They gave me all of it back. All 872 files. So, now I just had to go to Store-Check for Available Downloads. And I did. Then I entered my password and it said Checking for Downloads... After a while, it came up with an error message saying that it was unable to check for downloads. The network connection timed out. Make sure your network settings are correct and your network connection is active, then try again. I checked and both were good so I tried again. It didn't work. Then I tried again and again and still, nothing.
I rebooted my computer, uninstalled iTunes, restarted my router and still nothing. It won't work on my laptop and it also won't work on my Dad's desktop. So I called Apple and they had me do a DNS flush, still no luck. Then after a while, they said it wasn't iTunes so I should call my internet provider (Verizon Fios) They did all of this stuff, change the readings of my router to avoid 2.4 GhZ thing (I don't know what that means) and they also brought me to [URL] and had me optomize my speed and I did that and still no luck. The guy eventually said that it wasn't my router so I should contact Apple. So know I am here. If anyone could help that would be great. Especially if it's solved by Sunday night because I have a 10 hour bus ride on Monday and I would like to have something to watch on the way there.
"Find my phone" is grayed-out on my macbook air so I am not able to check it. Why?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've download a Seagate Diagnostics programme to check whether my external Seagate FreeAgent Desk is working properly or not. However, when I run the programme, it indicates that cannot find the disk.
View -1 Replies View RelatedToday, I changed the password of my Gmail account on a PC computer in a public library. Afterwards, I was/am unable to log into my Gmail account to check the messages via SL 10.6.4's Mail client. I have an April 2010 13" MBP. Similarly, I was/am unable to log into my Gmail account via the Mail client on my 16 GB, 3G iPad, or the 32 GB, 3rd Gen iPod Touch. I keep getting the error message that either the user name or the password is wrong! I checked and re-checked, but I did NOT see anything wrong? The funny thing is that I could log into my Gmail account via Safari on ALL three devices, but NOT via the Mail client on the three device!
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've been unable to download or update any applications or songs on any of my phones, ipads, or imacs. I just keep getting the messages, "Unable to download application." It's been this way for weeks. What can I do?
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1
I am using iStat Pro and notice the temperature really gets up there! The airport card reads 62 degrees this morning. I'm nervous about slowly cooking my laptop! This can't be good for the cpu's?
View 11 Replies View RelatedSo I recently bought myself a Macbook Pro 2006 Model 15". And the idea was, buy it second hand and get the fan fixed totally the price of 600$. Which is great, because it works and things are fine.
But why is it that when I'm on Facebook on either Opera or Safari? My temp hits 80c. I've called up the Mac Store here in Ireland. They asked me to use iStat Pro to find out my temperatures. So I have, and all my temperatures are fine (around 30-50c) but my CPU temperature is hitting 80c.Honestly, this is quite scary to see that a computer I've bought hits 80c when I browse the internet?
Mac Os X 10.5.8
Processor: 2GHz Intel Core Duo
Memory: 2GB 677MHz DDR2 SDRAM
Macbook Pro 15"
I'm getting fed up with dealing with the Mac Store, if you guys know what I need to do to fix this problem? I'll open it myself, and fix it.
I'm running Folding@Home and my CPU is at a constant 88-90 degrees celsius. Is this a safe operating temperature?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have just brought the 1.8GHz + SSD version. It's really fast and quiet, until the fan spinning like crazy.
What is the acceptable CPU temperature on the Air?
Mine got up 89 degree C (192.2 F) MAX for a while, when the heat-sink is at much lower temperature, like 60-ish. Can't remember what tasks it was doing. It's 54 right now just with the Websites running, and the heat-sink is at 43.
Is it normal? Or should I worry about the thermopaste on the machine?
I happen to have a Late 2007 MacBook Pro (The specs are in my signature). My model was also the one affected by the 8600Gt issue so I had taken to a nearby Apple Reseller in Dubai in 2008. It's been months since that happened.
However, I've been monitoring my CPU & GPU temperatures and I'm still confused about what is ideal and if I should be worried about anything.
(I took a screenshot of my iStat readings and there's a difference of atleast 11C between the GPU Diode and GPU Heatsink)
Is there anything alarming that I should be worried about?
I'm using SMC Fan Control and it constantly hovers around 55-58 degree. Once it hits 60's the fan will bump to 6000+ rpm but will not drop. Even with light work load (Firefox, Adium, iTunes) temperature doesn't drop even when the fan is at 6000rpm until I close everything. Is this normal?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI've got one of the older white macbooks, and recently my cpu temperature has been spiking up to about 90 degrees celsius when I do things such as run online games or stream video from online. I don't think it ever used to do this before. Could this be a problem of stuff getting clogged in the fans? Or is it something else? Or, is it normal?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI just bought a MacBook Pro, i love it however i'm a bit worried about the temperatures, it usually runs at 60 degrees celsius when i start to load the computer a bit with 4 tabs browsing and a 3D App it gets to 70-85 degrees? is that normal or is it a lot? i just want to keep my new mac Healthy. Also, the RPM at 80 degs is around 3000 - 4000rpm
View 3 Replies View RelatedI see people stating the temperatures of their MBPs, fairly often in this forum. How do you do that?
By the way, I got my new 17" i7 MBP, yesterday, and it runs noticeably cooler than my 2006 core duo 2.16 MBP. Nonetheless, I'm still curious what the processor temperature is, and curious how you measure it.
Thank you for any help you can provide.
I know iStat Pro and iStat Menus can monitor the CPU temperature, but I was wondering if there's any way to monitor the GPU temperature. I've been playing StarCraft II, and my CPU temperature has been getting to 80, which I guess is common with MacBooks, but I want to see if my GPU goes critical.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just checked my iStat and it shows that my temperature is around 70C, is this considered as normal? I think it's too hot for an i5
View 1 Replies View RelatedTemperature my macbook pro is very high And the fan work all the time
is that normal or what's going on in my laptop
MacBook Pro
Does anyone know of any web sites that compare temperature differences between the i5 and i7 cpu's used in Macbook Pros?I am still on the fence on if I should get the i5 or i7. I don't own a Mac laptop now and have heard that they get quite hot. I am wondering if the i5 at the lower clock speed would run cooler.I have poked around on google with no luck. Anyone have any insight?
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy Macbook Pro keeps a constant temperature of approximately 80-85 degrees Celsius with only the internet browser running. Is this too high? I have also talked about my computer shutting off on games that were not very graphic intensive like Torchlight.
View 24 Replies View RelatedSystematic Endpoint antivius protection installed on my computer. Recently I have been seeing high CPU temps - around 70/75 and fan exhausts around 4500. I have been researching on other forums and I have seen that it could be the virus protection that is causing this. Now I know that I don't really need the virus protection because well, I have a mac. So I was wondering how can I successfully uninstall the protection. And if anybody on here disagrees with it being the virus protection, then what do you think it could be? Right now I am only running Firefox for surfing and Itunes.
View 6 Replies View RelatedIs everyone else also seeing their GPU Diode about 10-15 degrees Farenheit higher than everything else through iStat??
Currently, roughly everything is at about 130 degrees and with my GPU Diode at 144 degrees..
Just hoping this is normal.. can you guys post your average GPU Diode and Heatsink temperatures?
I've searched a lot about MacBook (not Pro) overheating. I found some cooling pads, but i'm not certain if I need it.
So, my question is: from which temperature should I start to get anxious?
What temperature is good for your macbook to run at. I'm usually always around 135-145 degrees. I have smc fan control, and i am running my fan at 3600rpm's please let me know what you think about the subject.
View 22 Replies View RelatedMy 13 inch Macbook has been getting kind of warm on the right side lately, and with iStat Pro it appears the temperatures of the picture I'm uploading. Are these temperatures normal?? Are the fans okay? I'm not sure, but I think it's been a little slow as well, and I've just bought it 3 months ago...
View 15 Replies View RelatedI just ran a quicktime movie trailer and it immediately went to 81C. I have also noticed that the temp fluctuates very quickly, from 49C to 63C within 10 seconds when just surfing macrumors when I look at istat pro. So how hot does you MBA rev B get? Mine is a 1.86 SSD version and even though the enclosure doesn't get very hot stays in the low 30s I wonder if this is normal. temperature If I watch an episode of CSI Miami on temp goes to 76C (176F) and fans go to 6200rpms. Enclosure still stays at 35C (95F). Is this what you get with the MBA rev B as well or is this something I should be concerned about and consider opening it to see the thermal paste and possibly re-apply?
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