MacBook Pro :: 5.1 Optical Sound (Yamaha Receiver)
Nov 20, 2007
I have a Yamaha HTR-6030 5.1 receiver and a Santa Rosa Macbook Pro. I'm using an XtremeHD Optical Cord with a headphone jack that was bundled with it (bought at the Apple store). I've got the receiver set to "CD" mode as thats the optical port I'm using on the back of it. In the Audio MIDI setup panel (where I've gone in the past to make this work) my settings are Digital Out, 44100.0hz, 2ch-24bit. I'm not able to select anything more then 2 channels, so I'm missing out on the rears (not a big deal) and the center (more of a big deal). How do I get the computer to shoot 5.1 out?
I have a Sasmung LCD HDTV that is connected to my Macbook Pro via HDMI (MiniDisplay Port). The TV is connected to a Sony receiver that is capable of surround sound (reads AC3).The video and sound is working. However, I have an AC3 encoded video file, that doesn't pick up on the receiver. It just says "Stereo PCM" but it's not surround sound. Is there any way to fix this? What information would you need from me about this?
I have a macbook pro and iphone4, so I bought a Denon Ceol RCD N-7 that supports airplay. The system requires, that I upgrade the software on the receiver, which I have done. And I can confirm on the receiver, that I have installed the airplay on the unit. When I go to iTunes on the macbook pro, then I get the option to use the Denon Ceol as speakers for iTunes, so the airplay should work. However neither the macbook or the iphone can connect to the unit, meaning there is not any sound coming out of the receiver or any indication on the receiver, that it is connecting to the airplay.I have also checked for the receiver to be able to connect to the same wireless network as the iphone and macbook - which it does. And the internet radio is working on the receiver, so the internet connection is fine.iTunes is 10.5.1, so that is also fine. How can I indentify the problem or do any of you know how to fix the problem?
I've been sending music from spotify out to my pioneer vsx-1121 through my WAN to a WAN adaptor on the reciever, but I've been getting annoying drop outs in the transmission.I've been told I can hook up a hdmi cable to my imac route the sound into my a/v reciever this way.There doesn't seem to be any clear information out there on how to do this (that I've found).
My Mac Mini loses connection with my Onkyo receiver NR-609 after turning off the receiver then back on. The only way to reistablish the connection is to unplug then replug the HDMI cable to the Mac Mini. There's no effect if I unplug then replug the HDMI to the receiver.
Info: Mac mini, I don't know my OS number it's Lion
I thought simply plugging my mixer via USB cable into my MacBook Pro would start a sequence to allow me to record. Using Audacity, it says that a problem occurs when I try to record.I would first just like to make certain the mixer sound is connecting with the laptop. The unit didn't come with any driver.
I have been using a yamaha UX16 converter for a few years as my MIDI converter. I recently bought a new MacBook Pro (10.7.4) and I went through the process of downloading drivers. A light comes on in the device, but I can't get my keyboard to communicate with my laptop (going into Albeton_Live) at all.
I just have another question regarding the new mac mini. I heard before buying it that it had an outlet for a optical sound cable, so I went and bought the Mac Mini and an optical cable, got both today, hook up everything and now I dont see the outlet on the Mac Mini. How do you get optical sound from it?
I am having optic output problem with my new mac mini, I am running optical out to my Pioneer AV amp and no matter what I do I cannot get any sound? I have tried the optical lead on other devices and all is fine - and even checked to see if the mini mac is generating the red light at the other end of the lead and that's fine too?
I recently got a new receiver, (onkyo tx nr709) and i wanted to connect it with an optical cable. (seems tis is the only chance to get surround sound from mac to sound system...?)anyway, i choose digital out in the system preferences but no sound is being transmitted.btw. the cable (and receiver) is fine, if i hook up my dvd player it works just fine on the same optical input.i also tried this on my second mac pro. same thing. no sound.
Info:Logic Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Mac Pro 3.1, 18 GB RAM, VE-Pro 5
It was very hard to come up with a title for this thread. But here is the problem: I have 5.1 speakers i used for my PC, Logi z680s. I plugged in an optical cable to them and the PM. The volume control doesnt seem to be synced at all to what is going on. So I can have the main volume all the way down and as long as there is volume in itunes up(not set to mute equivalent) and up on the speakers, there is sound coming out. If I use the speaker out cable(which only allows 2.1), the sound is "synced" so even if I have sound on the itunes up and the speakers, if I lower the volume all the way with the main controls, the sound will go off. How can I force the optical out to play nice and sync with my volume control?
I think its worth noting I went into sound options, selected the optical out(when it was plugged in), and muted internal speaker but that didn't solve anything. I also know if I have the speaker volume set low enough to begin with, I can turn the volume down enough in OS X to make it seem mute. But needless to say that requires me manually messing with the speakers anytime I want anything over a whisper, so I can't really call that a solution.
I recently bought a 2009 Mac Pro. Now, I'm trying to setup a small bedroom home theater. And sound is still my main problem here. I used my Mac Pro mainly for doing graphic works, listening to music, watching movie, and gaming sometimes.
Here is what I currently have. 8-Core Mac Pro 40" 1080p LCD TV for Movie 24" LCD for doing graphic work Harman Kardon Sound sticks (trying to get rid of this and replace it with a 5.1 or 7.1 system)
And here is what I'm buying 5.1 or 7.1 Receiver Speakers
My plan is to get audio out through the optical output. But according to several articles I read online, optical output does not transmit audio when I play music on iTunes or play games (in BootCamp), is it true? So far, I couldn't find any sound card (internal or external) which work for mac pro that has 3 analog 5.1 signal output which I can use with standard 5.1 speakers. The only things I found is the Creative DDTS-100 and the FireWire which were all discontinued. What other options do I have?
is there a sound card out there for a Mac Pro that supports 6 channel direct and digital optical? I know the current Mac Pros already support that but not 6 channel direct. !
My apple remote wouldnt work with my MBP, while it would for my girlfriend's MBP. I copies her ktext over to mine on my MBP, and something failed. I no longer have the "disable IR receiver" option in sys prefs, yet my IR Receiver shows up in system profiler.
Is there anyway to reinstall the software for my IR receiver?
I send attachments but the receiver doesnt get them - is it my email ( or apple? also when i get attachments they are sometimes in the body of the email - then i have to save them to open them correctly - this just happens sometimes
I've had this problem since Friday with my Mac Pro (March 2009) and haven't been able to solve it.
On Friday my speakers suddenly stopped working. After first having confirmed that the speakers were working with another source, I tried headphones both in frontal headphone slot and with the analog line out in the back, both without success. There's a red light in the optical audio out, indicating that it's on for some reason, although I have selected different audio out source. The internal speaker works just fine, only the normal audio out doesn't give me anything.
I found a thread in the MBP section similar to this problem, but solutions for MBP didn't work.
I recently got a receiver and surround sound speaker system. The quality of the audio from the CD player connected to it is far beyond the quality of the audio that comes from the MacBook pro via headphone jack to RCA connection. This was confirmed by burning a CD from the MacBook, placing it in the CD player then testing the two against each other - the same audio piece from the CD player or the MacBook, both connected to the same receiver/speaker set up. What other options might get better audio quality from the MacBook to the receiver?Â
My friend is looking into buying the new 27" iMac Core i7 to replace his PC desktop. The only thing holding him back is that he has an analog surround sound system he uses for his speakers. I am having a hard time myself finding a converter that can make his speakers work in the iMac's optical digital output port. Any products out there that will do that?
I am looking for a nice budget 5.1 reciver to hook up to my iMac. I do use my mac for watching blu ray movies and such as I have no Tv but mainly it will be for music. A co-worker of mine is selling his Yamaha HTR-5840 for $250 canadian and I was wondering if this is a good price? I'm not really in the know when it comes to stereo equipment.
I would like to connect my iMac to my Yamaha (a/v receiver) Aventage, purely for the itunes visualizer. I'm told that my Apple TV cannot handle the visualizer.
Recently I start looking for job and send CV by iCloud (online) everyday. But some of the employers told me they can not get my attachment or sometimes they received 2 emails (one email with content and the other was attachment).Â
I tried to send the email to myself (hotmail and gmail) and all of the them work fine.Â
Anyone point in me in the correct direction to stream my iTunes music either thru my AV receiver or PS3?
I'm going to install and set up my Airport Express. Do I need to connect from AE to receiver via mini-stereo to rca cable/toslink cable or can I somehow connect wirelessly to my PS3 and go from there?
I have a Mac Mini Server running as a Home Theatre PC (HTPC) and it's been working great for the last couple of years...(Mac Mini has HDMI output). I recently upgraded my receiver to one that has HDMI switching (Denon AVR-3312CI). I took advantage of this and plugged in my Mac to my receiver and I'm having some problems. I am running a few "Media" type applications (EyeTV and Plex) - some of which (EyeTV specifically) can launch when no one is watching the TV (i.e. to function as a "TiVO" type device. When (let's say) EyeTV launches in the background and the TV and the Receiver are OFF, the Mac believes that it has no monitor attached...which is (I believe) a critical detail...Â
What ends up happening is when I "connect" the monitor (by turning on the receiver) the screen resolution "sets" (or more specifically the refresh rate) and the video I am attempting to watch is really jumpy until I quit and re-launch the offending application (again - let's assume EyeTV)...which is then silky smooth... The way I came to this conclusion is by VNC'ing into the Mini while everything is off and looking at the display settings and the resolution is there, but there is no refresh rate available... I've also noticed that if EyeTV isn't open when I turn everything on and then launch EyeTV, it comes up smooth...Â
is it possible to "fake" an attached monitor - or to retain the settings when it appears to the computer that the monitor has been disconnected...?? I've come up with a workaround for the time being - to delay EyeTV launching until everything is up...but when primetime TV comes back on, I'll be in trouble...Â
Info: Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Snow Leopard Server