Mac Pro :: Main Sound Control Sync With Optical Out?
Jan 4, 2006
It was very hard to come up with a title for this thread. But here is the problem: I have 5.1 speakers i used for my PC, Logi z680s. I plugged in an optical cable to them and the PM. The volume control doesnt seem to be synced at all to what is going on. So I can have the main volume all the way down and as long as there is volume in itunes up(not set to mute equivalent) and up on the speakers, there is sound coming out. If I use the speaker out cable(which only allows 2.1), the sound is "synced" so even if I have sound on the itunes up and the speakers, if I lower the volume all the way with the main controls, the sound will go off. How can I force the optical out to play nice and sync with my volume control?
I think its worth noting I went into sound options, selected the optical out(when it was plugged in), and muted internal speaker but that didn't solve anything. I also know if I have the speaker volume set low enough to begin with, I can turn the volume down enough in OS X to make it seem mute. But needless to say that requires me manually messing with the speakers anytime I want anything over a whisper, so I can't really call that a solution.
I'm currently using a macbook pro 17" 10.5.8 / Unlike windows os, it alerts you in many occasion, for example: low battery, usb device inserted, etc. and you can change the alert sound for everyting in the control panel, sound, option.
so basically, how do I do the same thing on mac? do i need to install additional software? if yes.. any suggestion?
I want to sync my entire iTunes library to a laptop. However, I don't need the laptop library to hold high quality versions due to space limitation. And I want to be able to make changes to the main library, and have the laptop's library sync to that too. Is there an app that does this? I have searched all over and it seems like there is nothing that does this.
I just got this macbook pro on Saturday and I tried plugging in headphones for the first time today. It's not working, I tried a couple different headphones, nothing. Sound continues to come out the main speakers.
I just have another question regarding the new mac mini. I heard before buying it that it had an outlet for a optical sound cable, so I went and bought the Mac Mini and an optical cable, got both today, hook up everything and now I dont see the outlet on the Mac Mini. How do you get optical sound from it?
I am having optic output problem with my new mac mini, I am running optical out to my Pioneer AV amp and no matter what I do I cannot get any sound? I have tried the optical lead on other devices and all is fine - and even checked to see if the mini mac is generating the red light at the other end of the lead and that's fine too?
I recently got a new receiver, (onkyo tx nr709) and i wanted to connect it with an optical cable. (seems tis is the only chance to get surround sound from mac to sound system...?)anyway, i choose digital out in the system preferences but no sound is being transmitted.btw. the cable (and receiver) is fine, if i hook up my dvd player it works just fine on the same optical input.i also tried this on my second mac pro. same thing. no sound.
Info:Logic Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Mac Pro 3.1, 18 GB RAM, VE-Pro 5
I have a Yamaha HTR-6030 5.1 receiver and a Santa Rosa Macbook Pro. I'm using an XtremeHD Optical Cord with a headphone jack that was bundled with it (bought at the Apple store). I've got the receiver set to "CD" mode as thats the optical port I'm using on the back of it. In the Audio MIDI setup panel (where I've gone in the past to make this work) my settings are Digital Out, 44100.0hz, 2ch-24bit. I'm not able to select anything more then 2 channels, so I'm missing out on the rears (not a big deal) and the center (more of a big deal). How do I get the computer to shoot 5.1 out?
I recently bought a 2009 Mac Pro. Now, I'm trying to setup a small bedroom home theater. And sound is still my main problem here. I used my Mac Pro mainly for doing graphic works, listening to music, watching movie, and gaming sometimes.
Here is what I currently have. 8-Core Mac Pro 40" 1080p LCD TV for Movie 24" LCD for doing graphic work Harman Kardon Sound sticks (trying to get rid of this and replace it with a 5.1 or 7.1 system)
And here is what I'm buying 5.1 or 7.1 Receiver Speakers
My plan is to get audio out through the optical output. But according to several articles I read online, optical output does not transmit audio when I play music on iTunes or play games (in BootCamp), is it true? So far, I couldn't find any sound card (internal or external) which work for mac pro that has 3 analog 5.1 signal output which I can use with standard 5.1 speakers. The only things I found is the Creative DDTS-100 and the FireWire which were all discontinued. What other options do I have?
is there a sound card out there for a Mac Pro that supports 6 channel direct and digital optical? I know the current Mac Pros already support that but not 6 channel direct. !
I have a MacBook Air, and the sound is not working. The sound bar is full but there is a stop sign like the one when you completely turn off the sound. And I cannot control the sound bar, It is stuck like that.
I recently came across a Mid-2009 15" MBP with 10.6 on it. I couldn't control the audio, but I figured that when I formatted it and put 10.7.3 on, that issue would go away. Unfortunately I was very wrong. I've been investigating the issue and I've tried just about every permissions fix under the sun, and still to no avail. So far, I haven't reinstalled the OS, but I doubt that would work as it was an issue when 10.6 was running, and I did a complete reformat before reinstalling.Â
Startup chime works fine, and the speakers are recognized in the audio panel as well as the MIDI utility. I just have no control over the sound, and I never have. Plugging in peripherals doesn't work either, this one has really stumped me. Â
I've changed the root .plist files, and I've tried repairing permissions half a dozen times but still nothing has worked. I'm trying to look for a new angle on this issue, because permissions don't seem to be panning out - unless there's something big that I missed.
OS X Lion, output: Cinema Display. Volume doesn't change by control keys on keyboard. But it does with software volume control (on iTunes, for example). When I press control buttons on keyboard, volume icon on display appears and changes - but not the volume. It lets me know that buttons are working, and Mac recognizes that.
since a few weeks, we regularly experience that the sound volume control does not show up in the screen title bar, and we cannot play music in iTunes or in youtube. I don't know if this is since i attached a usb Time machine backup disk or since when i upgraded from 10.7.2 to 10.7.3 The only way out is rebooting and then this works again, The sound volume control is back and i can listen music.Â
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2), Keep mail on server for 1 year
Having just migrated from 10.6.8 where this problem didn't exist, I don't know where or what might be causing this in 10.9.3.Â
I run the JRivers music program Media Center and the normal player feeds the digital stream out the usb port to my DAC. It has 2 modes, starting up with exclusive access and not starting with exclusive access. I have tried it both ways with identical results.Â
If I run music thru the JRivers app and out the usb and then stop the player to have a browser (safari or firefox) play a video, the audio portion of the browser audio is sent to the front panel speaker and not to the usb port.
This wasn't the case with 10.6.8 where I would switch back and forth frequently. Now I have to restart the mac in order to 'release' the usb port back to the browser.
That is until I run the Media Center over usb.Â
I have run Audio Midi Setup, to see if I can 'release' the usb port, to no avail.Â
My sound output preference is set to mute and is highlighted in light gray so that the preference can't be changed. Also, simultaneously, the sound control in the toolbar is gone and is replaced with an eject symbol that responds "SuperDrive F12" when clicked on.
I have an iMac at home. I have two airport express devices with hifi systems connected. I use iTunes to play music, podcasts,radio, .. on the different hifi systems dependent on where I am in the appartment.When using the remote control on the iMac it seems to me that it isn't possible to select the wireless devices for sound output.
I used Handbrake to rip the movie My Best Friend's Girl like I do all my movies. The problem is the sound is off by about 5 seconds on playback. I tried messing around with it but didn't get too far. Does anyone know the best way to help set the audio right? Is there a feature I'm not seeing, or will I have to export the sound from the whole movie and add it back in as an audio track to the movie?
I have some live footage of musical performance. I have footage from two cameras and the sound off the desk that I need to sync up. I had hoped I could sync the sound to both cameras, then put in which shots I chose at any given point, but I don't know if the system will do that.
This is really really starting to annoy me now. I'm watching a movie, and suddenly out of no where, it starts stuttering. It stops playing, misses frames, sound gets off sync with video, overall kills the movie experience. Checking activity monitor, I see going crazy thrashing the hard drive. What the heck Apple. I don't need spotlight updated every 10 minutes. Is there a way to set times where it scans my computer? I rarely even use spotlight, most of the time I use it to launch programs. Plus, most recent files I really don't need to search since I know where I put them. Please Apple, add some more options for spotlight for heaven's sake. I looked into spotlight options and it's a pathetic splatter of simply selecting which folders you want it to *display*. I want to make it only index at twilight times, or only if I'm not using the data heavy programs like the video player. I don't really want it turn it off though, as I use it sometimes and it's been helpful in finding things. I don't know why Snow Leopard doesn't address this, since it seems like the same interface that's going in 10.6.
I've had this problem since Friday with my Mac Pro (March 2009) and haven't been able to solve it.
On Friday my speakers suddenly stopped working. After first having confirmed that the speakers were working with another source, I tried headphones both in frontal headphone slot and with the analog line out in the back, both without success. There's a red light in the optical audio out, indicating that it's on for some reason, although I have selected different audio out source. The internal speaker works just fine, only the normal audio out doesn't give me anything.
I found a thread in the MBP section similar to this problem, but solutions for MBP didn't work.
My friend is looking into buying the new 27" iMac Core i7 to replace his PC desktop. The only thing holding him back is that he has an analog surround sound system he uses for his speakers. I am having a hard time myself finding a converter that can make his speakers work in the iMac's optical digital output port. Any products out there that will do that?
I have a Nokia N78 cellphone which I can sync to my Macbook Pro using iSync. This works fine for photos, iCal, contacts but I what I would like to do is to be able to back up and view my sms on my Mac. Does anybody know if there is anyway of achieving this (free if possible)? If not, can anybody recommend a phone (other than the obvious iPhone) that has this syncing capability with Macs? I am looking to update my phone soon anyway.
What is the best way to upgrade my main HDD? It's the 160gb stock drive. Can I do this and still somehow keep all of my docs that are on the stock drive?
I seem to have a glitch preventing me from changing my internal HD icon. I have no troubles changing icons for folders or external drives, but since recently getting myself a new internal, it just stays on the default. I even tried using CandyBar (was doing the other changing by hand) but that thinks the icon I want is already applied, although it doesn't display in Finder or anything like that. Reapplying or trying to use a different icon doesn't work either. (And the icon works fine when I apply it to other things, just not drive I want it to work on.) Does any one know how to fix this? The horrible drive icon is bugging me; I'm used to the pretty one that matches my other drives.
(I should probably add, I can change the default internal drive icon using CandyBar, but this isn't what I want since that changes both my HD icon and my Windows partition icon and I want them to be different and since Windows is NTFS, this seems like the easiest way to change it's icon. I'm open to suggestions which involve a different method of changing the windows partition icon.)
I've got a Mac Pro (early 2008 edition) and I installed Windows 7 via boot camp. I no longer use the OSX on the main partition because I boot OSX on this computer from an external drive.
I would like to format the main partition (where my old OSX is) so I can use it for file storage from both OSX and Windows, but I'm afraid I might screw up the boot capabilities by doing so. Can anyone confirm that my Windows 7 boot camp partition will still boot successfully after formatting my old OSX partition to FAT32 (or whatever makes the most sense)?