MacBook Pro :: 13" MBP Threads Faded FAST Since The Update?
Apr 30, 2010
Before the recent update to the MBP's the 13" MBP was a hot topic of discussion here, now it's quiet.
Focus seems to have gone to the 15" MBP's.
I wonder why, people not happy about the update to the 13" MBP? It's not 'that' bad ... or is the new 15" so well spec'd now that people want it regardless.
13" MBP was Apple's best selling computer in recent months, I wonder if the 15" will end up back on top now?
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Dec 8, 2010
I really wan't to know if there are anyone out there who can swear that their new MBA (13") doesn't creak AT ALL? I mean some ppl says that their MBA dosen't say anything at all! Is that really true? Or is it just because you (owners of non-creaking MBA) don't notice or is it because you don't think it is a problem?
I would also like to hear if any of you have made the creaking go away (for good) by tighten the buttomplate?
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Dec 29, 2010
Have spent a lot of the festive break reading these discussions and still can't decide between 11'' or 13.'I will be replacing a G4 PB which is acting as my desk top. My main needs are: email, internet, Office, music storage and photography( playing rather than serious user!). I suspect the 11'' may do for my needs, but the 13'' seems 'better value for money' and perhaps more future proof?
I could sum it up by saying: my heart says 11'' but my head says 13!.I need to buy before Jan 4th to beat the UK VAT rise. If I spend any more time researching this on the net, either I'll go mad or my wife will leave (tempting choices! -just kidding!)
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May 31, 2009
1. Today, I turned on my MacBook running 10.5.7 bought in the Summer of 2006 and the colors were washed out/faded. They were noticeably more bluish-purple. This is the third time it happened over the past year, so it is incredibly hard to replicate for a genius. A restart fixed the issue. I did not mess with the color schemes (I actually don't even know how to use them), nor have I dropped my laptop in the past three years I have owned it. Anyone know what is the issue here? I'm pretty sure it's hardware-related. I am concerned because my AppleCare is expiring this coming September, and I don't know how to replicate the problem.
2. Also, after a good period of nonuse, one-fourth of my screen (the lower left corner) is noticeably "darker" after I turn it on. The area goes back to its correct brightness after 10-15 minutes, like the screen has to warm up first. I've had this problem since I first purchased the unit but this dark spot has definitely gotten bigger. Is this normal for a laptop?
3. Coconut battery says that I have only gone through 4 battery cycles. I've calibrated the battery and the program still says the same thing. The battery I replaced quite a while ago did not have this problem.
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Feb 19, 2009
This started very suddenly today. I was in finder looking through some pictures when my screen suddenly turned blue. After a second, it faded back to normally, so I continued what I was doing. After about 5 minutes, it happened again, but faded back. It's be less than a half-hour, I haven't touched the computer but the screen is turning blue than fading back every half a minute or so. Every now and then, the screen stays blue for about 20 seconds.
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Dec 9, 2010
Just browsing around, noticed this one process...seems like a lot of threads compared to other processes.
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Jul 17, 2010
I've been recently realizing that every time i use safari or socialite for a few mins I get a lot of 'beach ball' time. The application would show in red (not responding) in activity monitor and kernel_task would have over 1,900 threads, that will decrease slowly after I force quit the applications.
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Nov 27, 2009
My mac recently started printing light and faded. My printer is an HP laserjet 5si w/postcript and network card. I can print fine from my PC, everything from the mac is faded. It makes no difference whether I print with the printer driver or through gimp-print. The result is the same. I am running 10.4.11.
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Dec 4, 2009
There are some folks who insist on sending me e mail with either no subject lines or very vague subject lines.
What this ends up doing is associated messages with no subject or vague subject lines together when they really are not related at all. I've attached an example; that four different conversations from four different people, and none of them are related at all, but they are all part of one thread.
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Jul 31, 2005
I've used Google's instructions to set up my Gmail accounts on Mac Mail using IMAP. The only issue I'm finding is when I have messages in my inbox, all I see are the emails that were sent to me. To see the messages I've send, I can only do this by clicking on sent mail.
Is there anyway to see my messages in their threads just by clicking on the inbox, just how it works when using Gmail via their web site? I can get the view I want when I click "All Mail" but then I have hundreds of emails rather than what's in my inbox. I've searched everywhere but have yet to find a solution.
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Mar 19, 2009
Can the Mac mini with 4GB of RAM run VMFusion 2.02 with Windows XP Home properly without any problems? Is 2.0GHz fast enough, or even 2.26GHz fast enough for VMFusion? Does the Mac mini have enough horse power to run Windows XP?
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Sep 26, 2010
Over the last week, my 7 year old Powerbook G4 began showing faint pixels in the background which is more obvious if you are scrolling over menus also when a menu is highlighted. Unfortunately this seems to be affecting DVD playback because it will show blinking green vertical lines inside Front Row. This image within OS X 10.5.8 will show what I mean: [URL]. Does this means the graphics card is failing?
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Apr 23, 2009
This morning I found my iMac G5 was accidentally left on all night. The screen saver was running so I didn't think there was a problem. However, my screen is now noticeably darker than it was yesterday. I've checked all the settings and they all appear fine. The brightness is set to 100%. My co-worker has the same iMac as me and her screen in set at 50% brightness and still looks brighter and crisper than mine. I've restarted, shut down, left off for about 10 minutes, no change.
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Oct 3, 2008
I have had a PowerBook G4 for approximately 3.5 years, and the top left hand corner of the screen has become slightly faded.
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Apr 14, 2009
When I open the program, I get this: [URL] My favorites are gone, the buttons are faded, and I can no longer reference my history. The passwords are still stored, but the links don't come up when I start typing them and also, I have to physically type in a website to get there, nothing loads automatically. I've tried restarting in safe mode - get the same routine.
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Jul 18, 2006
I bought my mac back in Feb. and I received a free printer along with it. The Epson all in one Stylus piece of ****. Well I shook the individual ink catridges well and installed them all. Since then I haven't been able to get a clear sheet of paper. All the colours look faded but the actual picture is not distorted. It's just the contrast of the colour thats gone. now is there a way I can alter the amount of ink my printer is using? I have tried aimlessly, looking for an option but I cannot find any.
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Jun 17, 2010
i am thinking about buying the current 13inch macbook pro. i am switching from window because my computer right now has crashed many times and it is a pain in the butt to redo everything. what is the life xpectiancy of the base model macbook pro and how do i keep it fast? and is this a good buy for keeping it in the future?
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May 3, 2012
It get so hot so fast it is a 2011 macbook pro 15 inch
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Jan 6, 2011
Am I the only one, or does the SSD fill up faster than a standard HD? Right now I of course keep my iTunes library on an external drive, and soon I will do the same for my iPhoto library as well. That said, it seems that I loose space faster than I would expect, is that how these drives behave? All I can say is thank goodness I got the 256 GB model!
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Mar 4, 2008
How fast are the airs, I need to get a new labtop for college and was pretty much focusing on the pros...i have a 1.83 cd, would a 1.6 c2d be all that faster??? in a way it seems very illogical
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Feb 23, 2012
So I just bought a new Macbook Pro in September (MPB 15.4" CTO: 2.2Ghz Qaud-core i7 processor, 8gb 1333MHz DDR3 SDRAM, 128GB SSD). This was my first apple laptop, and I was just amazed at how quick, smooth, and fluid everything was running (internet, apps, etc.). I ended up installing a few applications from the apple store, installing microsoft office, and partitioning my computer to use Windows 7 through bootcamp (for those windows-specific applications). I'm a student, but take all of my notes by hand; I bring my computer to class with me anyway. When I get home, I plug it in right away. It usually goes from full charge to 80% - 90% and then back to full charge everyday. Whenever I'm not using it I just shut the case and put it to sleep (never turn it off, always plugged in). Recently (In the past month or so), I've been noticing that if I leave Safari open for a few days and then keep using that same, open Safari application to browse the web, open new tabs, etc. it becomes slower to load pages (pretty much noticibly slower). Also, when I have a bunch of tabs, it tells me that I need to reload all of them because something went wrong with the one I was just loading. Also, when I'm multi-tasking; using Safari, and then working in Word, Word will not respond as quickly as it used to. So when I get annoyed that everything usually takes a few more seconds to load/respond, I restart the laptop (allowing all windows/apps to reopen upon restart), and then everything is smooth and fluid as the first day I bought it. I would like to know why this is? It kind of feels like I need to restart every 3-4 days to get everything going back to it's original fluidity. Is this normal behavior? Is it a rogue process slowing everything down? Now, when I say slowing down... by all means this doesn't mean unresponsive, just takes 3-5 more seconds to do things it normally would as if it were new. Is this just the way Macbook Pros work, and they clear some sort of "memory" file or "cached" process upon restart? Thanks for the input, I just want to be reassured it's not some sort of virus per se or some rogue app taking up memory. For the most part, my cup is broken up to: User 5%, System 5%, Idle 90% (although it could be more/less since I'm not constantly looking at it).
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Oct 31, 2010
The most demanding thing I would do with a new Air is watch videos, while having 5 windows open, while also running Office. Would 2GB be enough? And if it isn't just wondering when the MBA accesses more RAM virtually using the SSD how slow would it be? Half the speed of actual real RAM? A quarter? Or maybe it would be almost as fast as real RAM??
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Nov 20, 2010
Here's my set up:
Macbook Pro (Early 2010) running 10.6.5 w/ 2.56GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4GB DDR3 RAM, 500 GB HD w/ 290GB free space.
There have been times when I'm just running iTunes and the wheel of death will come on, or i'm on Chrome or FF w/ 2 other programs running and will get the wheel again and will get locked for about 1-2min. Before I hadn't had too many problems on a different MBP with lower specs, this one is higher yet is slow. I don't understand what the problem is because I also monitor my CPU and when it locks up the CPU remain at normal. Also, flash has always been lagging on here but will freeze for 5-10sec while audio keeps playing. I possibly think it's the Hard Drive which is a WD Blue Scorpio w/ 5400 RPM.
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Jun 26, 2009
The new 13" MBP is insanely fast with the Intel X25-M SSD. Check out the video I have of the machine booting up and launching apps.
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Dec 13, 2009
My dad really needs a new laptop, and I wanted to get him either an MBP or MBA. I'd like to keep the price beneath $1500, and lower is better. He is by no means a power user, but travels a lot, so weight is a concern. Right now, he literally has a 10 year old, 600 MHz, 128 MB RAM, 4 GB HDD, 2'' thick Dell. Yeah, it's bad.
I think the MBA would be plenty fast for his needs, but my only concern is with the slower, 4200 RPM drive. How slow is it? I have a netbook with a 5400 RPM 160 GB HDD, so it's probably slower than that, right? By a lot?
An SSD would be nice (from Runcore or another 3rd party), but that would add another $300 to the price, and even if I got a refurbished Rev B, the price would probably be more than I'd like to spend.
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Jan 26, 2010
My cousin is a photographer, and she wants to change her computer from a PC to a Mac. She asked me to help her select one of the laptops. Basically, at most, she would have 3, 21MP photos on Photoshop, doing whatever photographers do. Which laptop would be good for this? I was thinking with going with the low-end of 15", and add 8G of RAM to it. But would the 13" with 8G of RAM suffice as well? Or should we go for something faster?
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Jul 23, 2010
I have a MBP 13" 2.66ghz, 4GB Ram, 320GB HDD. I used bootcamp and setup the drives 150~ for each partition. I installed Windows 7 64bit for some reason when its loading I sit at the Welcome screen for a unusually long time. Several older laptops can bootup (timing past the black windows logo) almost twice as fast. One of the older laptops I am talking about is 2.0ghz core 2 duo. My Macbook air 2.2ghz loaded 2x as fast I know the SSD in the device should make it the same speed as my MBP, but why is the MBP so slow?
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Mar 29, 2012
an effective software to keep my Macpro clean...I mean to keep the machine running fast and to delete unwanted things which have got stored in the registry or elsewhere,where i may not be able to access and delete?
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Mar 30, 2012
Recently I've been noticing that my MacBook Pro's battery has been draining really fast. It's draining about 5% every 7 minutes. The battery condition is normal and it only has about 290 cycles on it. My brightness is turned all the way down, bluetooth is off and the only application I have open is Google Chrome, and I'm only using it to do some light browsing. Does anyone have this same problem? I have a MacBook Pro (mid-2010) running the latest version of Lion?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 3, 2012
I have a Macbook Pro and it goes into sleep mode when I am actively using it. I set it up to go to sleep in a few hours. This happened within a few minutes twice when I am using the computer.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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