MacBook :: Plugged In During Sleep
Apr 5, 2010
Just wondering, whenever I use my macbook unibody at home, I have it plugged in most of the time. When I take it to school, I don't bring my plug. When I go to sleep, I generally unplug it and put the macbook to sleep. Should I keep it plugged in even though I closed the lid whilst I sleep during the night? Or should I keep unplugged it every night when I close the lid?Also, I do calibrate my battery once a month. its at 93% after 43 cycles.
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May 31, 2012
I bought my macbook pro few months ago. Now i'm facing sleep problem while my laptop is plugged in. I searched on internet try all stuff. but still it won't work. I does my update regularly.i have format it and have to put LION again but i dn't wanna loss my all date and other setting because of this sleeping problem..
Mac detalis:Processor 2.2 GHz Intel Core i7Memory 4 GB 1333 MHz DDR3Graphics Intel HD Graphics 3000 384 MBSoftware Mac OS X Server Lion 10.7.4 (11E53) System report Battery Information: Model Information: Serial Number:D86130402XDDGDLA1 Manufacturer:
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Sep 16, 2009
My Early 2009 aluminum macbook does not recognize headphones. when i plug in, noise continues to play through the speakers. When I sleep and wake it, the headphones are recognized. I am not sure about the other way around, but this is getting to be supremely annoying.
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Jan 10, 2009
Just purchased and hooked up a WD 2tb MyBook Studio Edition II external HD, the drive spins down on the HD but my iMac doesnt sleep while its plugged in.
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Apr 11, 2012
This is an odd, intermittent problem that started about a month or two after purchasing my fall 2011 MBP 15 (i7 2.5, 16GB RAM). This problem started, went away on its own, and now it's back after about two months of being trouble free.When I close my computer, it doesn't go to sleep.The slit light on the right front of the computer does not go into its slow flash mode; however, it does light up solid, and theng it stays lit.When I open the lid, the computer wakes up immediately (it was never "sleeping" to begin with), but then after a second or two the screen fades to black.The screen can be brought back to life by pressing either of the brightness buttons on the keyboard.I took it to the Genius Bar, and of course I couldn't replicate the problem for them.When I got back home, I decided to test the computer plugged in, and that's when the problem came back.I don't know why it went away previously.So, in summary: The issue only occurs when the computer is plugged in.The sleep problem existed before I installed 3rd party RAM and Parallels 7, and they exist now after I have installed the RAM and new software.I use a wireless mouse, and the little dongle has no effect on the sleep issue - the computer will not sleep (when plugged in) either with or without the dongle in a USB port.The battery charges just fine.All of my software is up-to-date, and I'm running OS X 10.7.3I have checked for the Flashfake malware, and I do not have it.I am running Sophos Anti-virus; I have done a scan, and have found no threats.They flashed my PRAM and ran some tests at the Apple Store and everything passed.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 20, 2012
Computer will not come out of sleep mode (even when pushing the start button). I have to unplug and plug back in and and then push "start" switch to start computer. This has occured twice in a about one week.
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Oct 17, 2009
I use my MBP 15" (the new one), as my primary machine in my office. I sit by my best usually 10-12hrs a day working on it.
I am trying to figure out what is best to do, keep the AC plugged in or have it un-plugged and only plug it in when the battery is drained (or less then 50%)? I have tried different experiments, plugged in, not-plugged and time is about the same for life of the battery. The true question is, how is is best to do it for the health of the battery.
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Apr 9, 2008
I leave my Air on pretty much all the time, and put it to sleep while moving around etc. Sleeping it disconnect the Airport connection - which if very annoying. At a desk I've just been dimming the display all the way off in order to keep my connection.
However, I recently noticed that by setting a "sleep display" hot corner, my network connection is maintained.
I have 2 questions:
1) Is sleep display equivalent (functionally) to simply dimming the display all the way down?
2) Is there a way to either set up a shortcut to sleep the display (other than a hot corner) and/or set it so that only the DISPLAY sleeps after 'x' minutes?
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Oct 10, 2009
I set the MBP to sleep in 10 min through the Energy Saver pref with the option to sleep the hdds. When it's about to sleep the screen dims, then turns black, then the sleep light comes on but does not blink no matter how long I leave it. The blinking only happens when I close the lid or when I select the Sleep option under the Apple logo. Is that normal behavior?
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Dec 11, 2014
I have a macbook pro 13" early 2011 and I'm se as shown in the pictures (since i upgraded to os x yosemite) . It happens after display sleep or computer sleep on login not on boot up .I've noticed that i run out of ram when the problem appears (only 15MB RAM available out of 4GB), though i doesn't happen every time . I've talked to service and told me its either motherboard replacement or because the ram isn't enough (gpu shares with main ram) so maybe i should try upgrading ram. URL....
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jul 12, 2009
I have torrents going all the time. If the computer goes to sleep, the internet disconnects, so they stop. Display sleep wouldn't disconnect though. Is it OK to have computer sleep on "never" but keep display on "15 minutes"? I don't usually even leave the computer on overnight.
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May 5, 2010
i tried mroogle and search but i couldn't find exactly what i was looking for and i know this community knows it all.
i am trying to prevent my new 2010 macbook pro from going to sleep when the lid in closed. i know there are programs that do this but they keep the display on as well. I wanted to know if there is a program that does it and has the option of turning off display. i am running snow leopard 10.6
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Sep 7, 2014
Recently I've started connecting my 2.5GHz Intel Core 2 Duo (pre-unibody) Macbook Pro 17" to an external monitor (via DVI).
Since then my computer goes into Safe Sleep instead of Sleep (it's plugged into power).
This is an annoyance I'd rather avoid because even if all programs relaunch:I have to wait for them to launch (longer)Programs like Excel seem to have been quit in an unorthodox fashion: when it starts back up I get an error notice that it was shutdown inappropriately & the doc which reopens is a rescued version of the doc I had open before the safe sleep.
MacBook Pro (17-inch Early 2008), iOS 7.1.2
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Mar 16, 2008
Of course i'll unplug it 2-3 times a month and run the battery down to condition it, but other than that, is it bad to leave it plugged in 24/7, including when not using it and it's turned off?
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Dec 11, 2009
My white MacBook is not charging when plugged in. And if I take out the cord, the computer dies. I noticed this right after I had made a flight on an airplane so I'm assuming something happened while on the flight, even though I had my computer with me the whole time, and inside the case. I tried using compressed air to try and blow out any debris that might have got into the little charger port, but no luck.
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Jan 19, 2010
I have had my MacBook Pro since May 2007. It has been working fine up until a few months ago. I will have nearly full, or fully battery and the computer will turn off, and will not turn back on unless I plug the charger in. If the charger is unplugged for 5 minutes, the computer completely shuts down. So basically I cannot use the computer unless it is plugged in. It is starting to become a pain because sometimes I need it when I am in a place without an outlet.
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May 5, 2010
My 2.4ghz i5 MBP runs a lot better when using discrete graphics. Minimizing and maximizing windows, scrolling, opening folders etc... all run smoother with the 330M. Is there a way to always run the 330M when plugged in, and switch to automatic graphics switching when unplugged? This would be the perfect solution for me.
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Jun 1, 2010
I recently upgraded my last-gen macbook to a macbook pro 13". I have a feeling there's something wrong with the battery however. On my old Macbook, whenever i let the battery drain completely (After I got the 10 minute warning message), the macbook went into hibernation until I plugged it in. However, on my Macbook pro, whenever I do the same it doesn't go into hibernation. Is there something wrong with my battery or have apple changed how this works?
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Apr 12, 2012
My MacBook is about a year old. It has never had a problem with power or battery issues before, but now if it is not plugged in, it will work for a little bit and then randomly shut down (even with a full charge).
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Apr 28, 2012
I've been told that I should replace its battery since it's been damaged. I haven't had the time or the money yet to buy a new one, and right now, I really need to use it.
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May 7, 2012
My macbook is plugged into the charger, and the green light on the charger is on, but my computer says "not charging" in the top right. i've checked the charger with another computer, and it works, as well as turn off my computer, and turning it back on.
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May 17, 2012
Macbook Pro always thinks that it is plugged in, even when it is not. When actually plugged in it says charging, and when I unplug it then it shows the plug symbol and says Power Source: Power Adapter.
I tired reseting the PRAM, and doing the thing where you turn it off, unplug for 10 seconds, plug in for 5 seconds then power on, not sure what else I can do, and if it is an internal issue with the Magsafe if it is covered by AppleCare.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 17, 2012
My Macbook is plugged in but says Not Charging.
What do I do?
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Sep 8, 2014
I have an older Powerbook Apple MacBook Pro Core Duo 2.16GHz 15" (2006) - A1150 that has been working fine but all of a sudden today developed a problem where it will not start with the adapter plugged in, but will start fine on battery alone. However, once started, if the adapter is plugged in it immediately powers down. I suspected the adapter and tried a known good one and it has the same issue.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Sep 2, 2014
I have a late 2010 macbook air 11 inch. The battery condition is normal and about has 650 cycles. The light on my charger is green and my computer only stays on when the charger is plugged in. When I unplug it the computer just turns off and my battery says its not charging and that the power source is the adapter. Do I need a new one or is this fixable?
MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3), late 2010 model
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Aug 24, 2010
I just bought the new MBP 13" 'cause I'm gonna need it for college, but since I'll also use it as "personal computer", for web browsing, playing music and movies, I'll probably have to charge every day. My question is: if I got home and my MBP is dead, I plug it in and use it, when the battery is fully charged, I have to unplug it or I can use it for the night (still plugged in) and just unplug it the next day for school?
Is it somehow harmful to my battery life? And by the way, I've read that "discharge the battery" means just use at least until the 50%, is that right? So if I charge it just when it's about 40%, I just need to recalibrate once a month, and that's all fine, right?
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Oct 12, 2010
My wife and I always leave our MBP plugged up when we are near a charger. This morning the MBP had been plugged up all night, but the battery was dead. I noticed the light was out on the charger so I went to take it out, but when I touched it it turned red indicating that it was now charging. It turns out it is very finicky and randomly stops charging. Anybody else had problems with their charger? It will be Thursday before I have a chance to get to the Apple store.
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Oct 25, 2010
I have been using my 13" MBP with a monitor for the past few months now and I just noticed that sometimes I look up at the battery status and it is plugged in and it says in parentheses not charging. I press the button on the side of the MBP and it indicates it is at about 80%. I left the MBP at home all day plugged in and I was wondering if it is doing its own battery maintenance or what.
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Nov 6, 2010
In the last few months I have been having trouble charging my Macbook (Early 2008). My computer is about 2 and a half years old. When I plug in my Macbook with the MagSafe power adapter, the little light that is supposed to show up green or red usually does not show up at all. Sometimes the light shows up green when it is not fully charged. Also, when my Macbook is plugged in, it does not usually start charging, though the charge on the battery will stay static. For example, I have been using my Macbook for the last 3 hours. Even though it's plugged in, the charge on the battery is still at 38%. I have tried shutting down my computer, popping out the battery, and then putting the battery back in. This allowed me to start charging my computer one time, but it obviously did not fix the problem. One time I held my Macbook and shook it up and down a couple of times, and when I plugged it in again, it started charging. Here is my hardware information:
Hardware Overview:
Model Name:MacBook
Model Identifier:MacBook4,1
Processor Name:Intel Core 2 Duo
Processor Speed:2.4 GHz
Number Of Processors:1
Total Number Of Cores:2
L2 Cache:3 MB
Memory:2 GB
Bus Speed:800 MHz
Boot ROM Version:MB41.00C1.B00
SMC Version (system):1.31f0
Serial Number (system):W8823SXA0P1
Hardware UUID:9925BAB9-883A-5871-ADB9-71AD1063C304
Sudden Motion Sensor:
and here is the Power information:
Battery Information:
Model Information:
Serial Number:DP-ASMB016-38ba-2f09
Device name:ASMB016
Pack Lot Code:0002
PCB Lot Code:0000
Firmware Version:0110
Hardware Revision:0500
Cell Revision:0200
Charge Information:
Charge remaining (mAh):1833
Fully charged:No
Full charge capacity (mAh):4791
Health Information:
Cycle count:58
Battery Installed:Yes
Amperage (mA):0
Voltage (mV):11555
System Power Settings:
AC Power:
System Sleep Timer (Minutes):15
Disk Sleep Timer (Minutes):10
Display Sleep Timer (Minutes):5
Automatic Restart On Power Loss:No
Wake On AC Change:No
Wake On Clamshell Open:Yes
Wake On LAN:Yes
Display Sleep Uses Dim:Yes
Battery Power:
System Sleep Timer (Minutes):5
Disk Sleep Timer (Minutes):10
Display Sleep Timer (Minutes):1
Wake On AC Change:No
Wake On Clamshell Open:Yes
Display Sleep Uses Dim:Yes
Reduce Brightness:Yes
Hardware Configuration:
UPS Installed:No
AC Charger Information:
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Nov 9, 2010
I have this gorgeous 22" ACD that I have plugged into my G5, where I use it quite often. But my intention for the G5 was to be a server, which it is. I often need some extra display space when I'm doing school work, or coding, so I was wondering if there is a way that I can use the display, while plugged in to the G5, as an external display for my MBP. Preferably something that I could stream over my local network.
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