MacBook :: Lost Folder From Tool Bar?
Dec 29, 2010This is crazy but an entire folder is missing from my tool bar menu. I looked in every folder as well as organized and unorganized folders but can't find it.
View 1 RepliesThis is crazy but an entire folder is missing from my tool bar menu. I looked in every folder as well as organized and unorganized folders but can't find it.
View 1 Replieshow do i get rid of a question mark in my download folder tool bar
MacBook Pro
Why does Folder show up next to Tool bar in finder? How did it get there? How do I get rid of it?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Lost my docs file. How 2 get in back in dock?
I lost my download folder from my dock, how do I get it back. I am using leo. How do I get this back?
View 6 Replies View RelatedLOL may sound funny, but accidentally deleted my downloads folder. Trying to locate it and put it back on the dock, where is it? Am running Leopard os....l feel stupid, been trying to find it via spotlight but get the itunes download folder which isn't the one l deleted..
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.1)
I have lost my applications folder off my dock,how do I get it back??
MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I was copying some files onto my external WD drive and was surfing while the files were copying. When the copy process ended, I went back to the destination window/folder and clicked the "prev" arrow to jump up a level. Upon doing that, I "lost" the folder I was in - it seems to have dissappeared from Finder? I checked and the storage space seems to still be used on the external drive, but I can't seem to "see" the folder (and all the subfolders/files) in question. I tried ejecting the USB drive and re-mounting it using Disk Utility, and also restarted my MBP - both to no avail .
View 3 Replies View RelatedSo I just upgraded and moved my files over using the time machine but now my recovered files folder in my dock is missing (all that's there is a question mark). How can I get this folder back and get rid of the question mark.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have lost my downloads folder on my toolbar, and I would like to have it back.
I can OPEN the file, but not leave the folder IN the bar.
One of my friends just called me, saying he changed the name of his home folder, and after a restart, everything is gone.
I've never done this, and I don't know what to do to fix it. Quick googling has come up with nothing useful.
He's got an album that he just recorded, which isn't backed up, and so he's pretty distraugh.
Somehow I was trying to change my itunes size and ended up draging my download folder off of my dock. This is probably a simple fix, but can someone please tell me how to get it back on my dock.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am running the most recent build of Leopard (not snow). Today, Safari has lost it's icon in the App folder, with just a icon of a white page in it's place, correctly labeled. Clicking on it launches Safari OK, and strangely the usual Safari icon appears in the dock while the App is open.
View 10 Replies View Relatedlost everything in document folder ! Why ?
I have lost my downloads folder!
View 1 Replies View RelatedCame in this AM to find power had been lost some time last night. After I booted up, I could not see anything in my Documents folder... I get a message "The folder 'Documents' can't be opened because you don't have permission to see the contents." Permissions seem to be fine:
flamingo:~ jnojr$ ls -lde Documents/
drwx------+ 54 jnojr staff 1836 Jun 24 15:34 Documents/
0: group:admin allow list
group:everyone deny list,delete...I also cannot see it in my Time Machine, even for older dates when everything was OK. I can see the contents with an account with sudo privileges. I verified and repaired permissions. I booted into safe mode and ran an fsck Googling led to several discussions where people were using different UIDs or had otherwise lost privileges, which does not appear to be the case here.
Running mail with 2 email accounts, one old one that I could still receive emails from but not send any; the other is the main email that I use. I deleted the old account then could not send any emails. I spoke to my ISP and have fixed the sending problem, but now I seem to have lost a heap of emails, possibly all the ones that had been sent to the old account but also a long one that my wife had just written that was in drafts as it was unable to send. Essentially we want to recover the emails we received, and the one that was in drafts.
View 5 Replies View RelatedFolders I created in mail just went south on me. That is I finally got the ability to get all mail again but seem to have lost the folders I created. I had stored some messages in them too. It just makes one curious as to where they went, Anyone know anything about this?
View 3 Replies View RelatedIn Tiger, I always had the main harddrive in the upper right hand corner of the desktop, easy to click on to open up a finder window. I wanted to make this happen again in SL, but couldn't figure it out. I tried dragging the main harddrive from under "devices" in Finder to the "Desktop" folder, and it poofed away....I go to undo, and there is no undo option for that. And it is not in my trash folder. What the heck did I do? Why did the drive disappear in a poof just because I dragged it over? How can I fix it? I don't even know what to search for but "my folder went away in a poof" turns up nothing
View 3 Replies View RelatedI just noticed that the icon for my Applications folder has been replaced with an icon for a different folder. (I was adding new icons to some folders the other day and apparently wasn't watching what I was doing closely enough.) how can I restore the Application folder icon back to its original state?
View 24 Replies View Relatedfor some reason, several of my Garageband files have ended up in this location: /.trashes/501/ folder. when i'm running garageband, i can open a couple of them with the Open Recent feature. i cannot find them on the computer though and need to transfer them to another drive.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have lost my dock folder containing my windows programs, I'm using Parallels. How do I restore it?
imac, Mac OS X (10.6.6)
All emails from my iCloud account (previously .mac and then .me) inbox older than one week just disappeared. They had been in my inbox for years. Why did this happen now and are they recoverable? I have Time Machine backups on my iMac. Will restoring my system or a particular folder recover the lost emails or were they only on the server?
View 7 Replies View RelatedWith the update to OS-X 10.7.3 did anyone lose the entire Library folder from their user directory? I didn't notice until I started working on the installation of an application (beta version) and found the my entire ~/Library/ folder gone, all 57+ GBytes of it. I'm restoring it from Time Machine two days ago, but I wonder what happened with the update to completely remove it.
View 6 Replies View RelatedOne of my folders lost the ability to sort somehow. The titlebar is locked and I can no longer click on it to arrange files by name. url....
MBP 15" 2010, Mac OS X (10.6.6)
I recently had to reinstall Leopard on my computer. As a result, I lost Quick Time and can't access my ITunes folder.
it seems that I have lost all my documents in my documents folder on my MacBook Pro. They were there a couple of days ago, I did not delete them and no one uses the mac other than me. How can I get my documents back??? I am running Lion OS (i think)
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I couldn't find any resolve from anyone on this topic in older forums, but I have the folder generated and backed up on my iMac and my backup drive, a DROBO. I managed to get rid of the lost+found items on the iMac, but the DROBO says "The operation can�t be completed because the item �dir_1558208� is in use." as well as the rest of the contents.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have a new 21.5" iMac and have been playing around with everything. When I started two weeks ago I had an Apps folder with the Apps logo on the dock to the right of the dotted separation. All the applications are there lined up with the first application showing but for my consternation I cannot put the Applications in there folder like it was when I started out two weeks ago. This is the Snow Leopard OS.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI don't want anything terribly expensive - I just want to test my times against those uploaded to Amazon from PC's.
Mac OS X (10.7.4), 16 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD