MacBook :: Installing Snow Leopard To White 2.0 Ghz - Should Move Important Files First
Sep 7, 2009
I was about to install Snow Leopard to my Macbook white 2.0 ghz with combo drive which I bought in 2007. I have Leopard installed. Is there anything I should know before I begin? I have an external HD with 160 left. Should I move important files there first?
I am trying to speed up Re-Labeling all my metadata for every song in my library. Basically I need to create a workflow first, but I am having some troubles on how I should be doing it in Automater.
Example filename: "forrestaveryderty_driftinonby_flapjack.m4a" find all filenames that start with the same word before the First underscore (_) create a folder with that same word
copy files with the same word (BEFORE THE FIRST UNDERSCORE) to their corresponding folder name I then can use Media Rage to select the certain folder and and change the artist name all at once. and I would like it to do that with every file at one time.
1: Find files with the same name before the first "underscore"
2: Create a a folder for every different name found (before the first underscore)
3: Copy found files (with same name before the first underscore) to the folder with the same name
Did an archive and install of Leopard then installed Snow Leopard. 90% of Video sites would not work. Uninstalled and reinstalled Flash. Uninstalled ShockWave, tried to reinstall received message could not reinstall with 10.6.1. Attempt to install adobe air, received this message: "couldn't write the application to hard drive - please verify and try again." performed verify disk, disk permissions, repair permissions all ok. Attempted to install Air again, same message.
Tried to use Time Machine to open Safari from a week ago, received message: I did not have permission. Using Macbook Pro, 2g memory, 80g hd, with 42g free. Backed up on ext. HD, One more, getting a lot of spinning wheels when using Safari that causes a lockup and hard re-start.
I have an expensive piece of software that uses adobe air and I create videos for my business and I'm not able to do so now. I just logged off of my admin account and logged on with a guest account. Video and flash seem to be working with the guess account. I didn't check adobe air or TM. How can I create a new account and move the important apps, files, docs, etc. that I need from the main account to the new one. Al of my business is setup on the mail account, emails, downloads etc.
I moved the files from my external hard drive from the back up files made by Time Machine into the trash, as I've always done. This time I get an error message (error code 8003) and am not allowed to move the files back onto the drive or out of the trash, even after changing the permissions. I've searched the support forum for error code 8003, but find nothing that relates to back up files.
My wife's Macbook (2.0 Intel Core Duo) is not recognizing the Snow Leopard disc, and I'm not sure why. I initially thought that even though Apple is saying that all Intel's are compatible with SL, they focus on the Core 2 Duo's and since her computer is technically a single core, it wouldn't work. Everything I have read has stated that SL will just run in 32 bit mode with Core Duo's - so I'm pretty confused. As for it being a bad disc, it's recognized immediately in my MBP...
I just received my new unibody macbook today with a 160gb hd and snow leapard installed, I also purchased a new 500gb hd and want to install snow leapard on the new hd how would I go about doing this? (I don't need to do any backup being I haven't even turned on my macbook yet!) I just need to install snow leaprd on the new hd and put it in my macbook.
I bought a used macbook that came with Leopard 10.5.8 I believe on it and I decided to delete the entire hard drive by going into disk utility and wiping it clean and then trying to install snow leopard like that... Unfortunately when I put the snow leopard install dvd in my macbook it is now not allowing me too install it saying "Mac OS X can't be installed on this computer - This disk requires that Mac OS X 10.5 or later already be installed on your computer" Then it gives me the option to restore from back up (which there is no back up as the hard drive was wiped out)
I'm trying to install Mac OS X Snow Leopard on to my macbook but I keep getting this error.
"mac os x installation couldn't be completed" I get this message usually within 5 minutes of installation.
My macbook specs are... Mac OS X Version 10.5.8, 2.16 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 1 GB 667 Mhz DDR2 SDRAM
I've already tried repairing the disks. (I repaired my leopard with the snow leopard CD because I couldn't find the leopard CD.
I heard it was fine to do.) I would have tried to verify and repair the partition but the buttons seemed to be grayed out for some reason.
Here is the error log...
[URL] (sorry for the download, forum rules. "the text that you have entered is too long (123483 characters). Please shorten it to 20000 characters long.")
It just hangs at the spinning pinwheel. I shut the machine off and booted it into Verbose-mode (Command-V) and it stops at "Initializing Power Manager" or something very early on. I pulled the battery and unplugged the machine, am letting it cool off (not that there's a point) -- it's one of the original MacBooks that had that "shutoff" problem with the wire that'd melt and short to the heatsink but mine never had the issue because I wasn't using it very often at the time. Any ideas? The drive does show up when I hold down Option.
My MacBook Pro will not go to sleep after installing Snow Leopard. It WILL go to sleep if I close the lid; however, if I have it sit open for 15 minutes, it won't go to sleep. It attempts to sleep, but instead the screen will just go black for less than a second. It's just like a flash of black, and then the screen goes back to normal. It simply won't sleep.
i got my first Mac today and it didn't come with snow leopard installed but it did come with a snow leopard disc. the problem is whenever i try to upgrade, i insert the disc, it stay's in for about 30 seconds making weird noises, and then it spits the disc back out. i'm very new to mac, today is my first time ever using one so i really don't know what to do so i came here. i have a 13 inch MacBook Pro running on OS 10.5.8. also, i installed iWork perfectly fine so i'm guessing it has to do with the disc.
I'm trying to install OS X on an Intel X25-M SSD. I'm at the point where it asks to select the disk where you want to install Mac OS X but no disks are showing as available. I can see that the computer recognizes the Intel SSD in Disk Utility but it says it's not formatted. Is that the issue?
i was looking to install Snow Leopard from a second hand mac book pro (year 2010) I just bought onto my old 2008 Macbook. But the install DVD from the mac book pro would not install. My Mac book has an Intel 2.2GHz processor, 4GB of memory and 7.1 GB of free space on the hard drive. It comes up with a screen just saying it cannot be installed on this computer.
I bought a 2009 Macbook, from a friend that needs a new hard drive, but he doesn't have Snow Leopard disc that came with Macbook. I have a Macbook Pro that came with Snow Leopard. I have upgraded it to Lion. Can I use my old Snow Leopard disc on the Macbook, after I put in the new HDD??
I want to install a SSD into my MacBook Pro (mid-2010). So, after I install the new SSD, I need to reinstall my OS (Snow Leopard). But the internal DVD player is broken. I have an external DVD player, but I am afraid the Mac will not recognize it because when I plug the external DVD player to the mac with USB cable, there will be no operating system on the mac. Am I just worried too much? Can I just install OS x from an external DVD player?
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Alright first of all, Hello to you all, I've been reading this forum for a couple of month even though this is my first intervention and i need a tip. Alright my situation is the following: I have:
-Macbook Pro Unibody -Macbook C2D -Snow leopard Disc x2 -Snow leopard image I cloned to a hard drive partition.
The situation is I have bought two licenses for Snow leopard because i have two macs. The macbook pro is the computer i use everyday and is fully functional. The macbook however took a big drop about a year ago and the display was totally broke along with the DVD and the hard drive. I retrieved an old HDD i had with leopard installed and put it in the macbook along with an external display and i now use this computer as a media center. The problem is i want to install snow leopard on it. The DVD drive is broken hence the reason i made a disc image and i wanted to install from the disc image. SO i restart the macbook with the alt key and as expected, the image from the usb drive is detected and i launch the install. The problem comes from the fact that when the installation starts, the external display is set as secondary display and i cant control the installation which is displayed wont eh broken display. Is there a way to remotely install SL or to set the external display as only display at boot through holding a bunch of keys?
I would like to install Snow Leopard on my Macbook Air Rev A as I have work to do that requires 10.6.x - however I didn't buy the Superdrive so need to do this as a remote install.
I have a PC with a DVD drive and can install the software; I also have the USB ethernet dongle and assume this will be better to use than over Wifi
Has anyone got any hints about doing this? I'm slightly nervous about installing an OS upgrade over a network for some reason..
My hard drive recently crashed. I just bought a new one and installed it myself. Now it's simply a matter of reinstalling the operating system, which is where I'm having trouble. I insert the Snow Leopard Install DVD into the drive. I power on the computer and hold 'C' (I've tried Option too) to boot from the disc, but it doesn't work. It spits out the disc after a few seconds, whether I hold 'C' or not, and then it gives me a folder icon with a question mark in it in the center of the screen, the same thing it showed when my hard drive first crashed.
[URL] nor any twitter apps like tweetie or twitterific will load for me on my macbook pro since installing snow leopard.
I can login fine on my iphone and windows 7 pc on the same network. firewall is off on my mac. I have tried firefox and safari and clearing the cache. It just 'fails to open page' on safari and firefox. I have an AirPort Extreme router.
After installing snow leopard I've had constant issues with mobileme, first with data conflicts, after I choose which data I think is correct (I usually guess) it then (sometimes after several minutes) constantly props me for a password. It's constantly saying this:
It says this WHILE LOGGED IN, I've logged out a million times and logged in, the password is correct. After I log out and try to log back in, it also gives me this error.
Since installing Snow Leopard, I have noticed that my Mac will wake randomly. It does not happen all the time, but it does a lot. I have tried to reset the PRAM and it did not help. The "Wake for network access" option in Energy Saver is unchecked. Any ideas?
While installing software update MacBook pro froze,I could see a white screen without progress bar.the external hard drive was plugged in at the time. It has been 3 hours already.I just unplugged external hard drive and don't know what to do next..
I recently discovered after installing the new Snow Leopard OS that I did not have a bluetooth option under my system preferences. I own a mid 2008 Macbook Pro (pre-unibody, more info below) and I know that I've used it before. I recently took my computer in to be repaired by Apple because the keyboard and trackpad were inconsistently responsive, and to fix it they simply replaced the entire top panel (with the keyboard and trackpad). I have also checked under the system profiler and it says that there is no information available for my bluetooth...what exactly does this mean? Did they forget to reinstall it? or what?
"it is possible to completely erase a hard drive and install Snow Leopard without a pre-existing operating system in place, enabling users to bypass the possible headaches of an upgrade and go with a clean install instead. Wired said many users upgrading from Tiger should probably consider backing up their files from Tiger and doing a clean install instead."
I don't have an external harddrive. What other backup options do I have?
I have a tower Mac Pro with Snow Leopard running on it.Unfortunately one of the software that I use doesn't have yet a Snow Leopard update. So I am thinking maybe I can install older version of Leopard on one of the internal drives (i have 3 additional internal drives), so I can boot my computer from either Leopard or Snow Leopard, depending on needs (i don't want to get rid of Snow Leopard).
I never installed OS X system before, so I am a bit scared.The internal drive is ready, I have the old Leopard on disks, what are the next steps to take?