MacBook :: Fan Not Stop Running After OS X Upgrade
Feb 8, 2008
I wasn't so concerned about this until my wife started complaining about my MacBook being so noisy. The fan didn't used to be always running. I think it was after I upgraded to OS X 10.5 that the fan decided it would just always be running. I have my MacBook on all the time and usually the applications that are open are, Firefox(with 10 active TABs), iTunes, Azureus, VLC and Mail (and Widgets). It used to only come on if Azureus was real busy. Now the fan will start up soon after I boot up and will even keep running when I close all Apps and only have the Finder open. What can I do to regulate my fan? It doesn't seem to want to control itself. Also, my MacBook never feels overheated. I used to have an iBook and that thing got hot. MacBook with constantly running fan fees real cool in comparison so I don't think the fan needs to be constantly running.
I have a Macbook running Leopard and an iMac running Tiger. I am looking to upgrade Leopard to Snow Leopard and Tiger to Leopard. If I were to purchase Snow Leopard and install it on the Macbook, would I then be able to use the copy of Leopard that came with the Macbook on the iMac? I am not trying to use 2 copies of the same thing on different machines, I just want to put a new os on one machine and move the existing one to another.I am reluctant to purchase the Mac Box Set version of Snow Leopard for the iMac because I do not want or need iLife and iWork.
A lot of times, when I close the flash intense web sites, my fans won't stop running until I go into activity monitor and force quit flash. This is very irritating and kills my battery life. I feel like I am constantly playing the sims 3 even if I am not doing anything. Also, are there varying levels of how much flash you're using? For example, if you're on youtube is that just as bad as being on macrumors and looking at flash based ad banners?
Brand new 2009 octo, with the 2.2x ghz CPUs. Turn it on, start NO apps. Let it sit idle. Within a few minutes the fans ramp up to FULL jet engine speed. I can't hear people on the telephone. And never stop. Let me reiterate that I am running NO apps. My load averages are in the zeros.
I just installed VM Fusion 3.0, it is really much faster running Windows Vista with it.
Anyway, my main issue is, when I opened Activity Monitor, I realized that VMF 3.0 runs in the background when the computer start, is there anyway to totally shut it off if I am not using it?
Also, on the top right tool bar, there is a "bi-head" arrow of VMF 3.0, how to get rid of it?
Currently im using the Windows XP partion on my Macbook which runs fine. But the Mac OS X will not start, it will stop running at the white screen with apple logo. I have tryed to re-install it from the disc but still not luck as it still stops at the apple logo. I have run several Hardware tests and its sais that there is no problems.
My Imac has been running super slow and the hard drive will not stop writing. Current Specs running 10.7.3, 2.8 Ghz Intel i5, 4 GB 1333 MHz DDR3. I have had it for less than a year bought refurbed from the online store, I wiped the hard drive once before but it did not help at all, I am currently running parallels but the problem existed before that. I also have an external hard drive but makes no difference in whether it is hooked up or not
How do I stop audio tracks from websites running continuously while Safari is open? I have tried deleting history and cookies. I have rebooted computer and still the audio newsclips play.
how do i stop two processes that are running in Activity Monitor took one out of trash and it says preparing to move desktop still running with another one been running for hrs now want to stop these.
I recently picked up a 17" 2009 unibody MacBook Pro with Intel Core 2 Duo 2.8ghz, 4gb RAM, SuperDrive and a Samsung 1TB hard drive. The system did not come with the original hard drive and I don't have any other hard drives to test and verify that the new larger hard drive is the cause. I have tried a clean install of Snow Leopard, Lion and even Mountain Lion but no matter what my fans always running at max speed (5k+ RPM). I have looked at iStat and the temps of any of the components in the machine never show more than 42*C so the fans should never be running at full blast. Oddly enough smcFanControl shows 0* temp but fan speds for both left and right are always 5.5k+ and very noisy. Using HDD Fan Control I am able to get at least the right fan to run at a controlable speed but its silence is drowned out by the left fan that still runs on full blast. I have already done multiple SMC resets and PRAM resets with no change in the condition. These noisey fans are driving me insane! I have run every available update as well. Is there a chance that the hard drive or something elses temp not being supported or detectable by OSX is causing the fans to default to the fail safe constant high speed?!
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.8GHz Core2Duo
Installed Mavericks yesterday over Snow Leopard (10.6.8) and have had a host of problems that have paralysed my computer use. The most irritating problem has been that I use the glass chime for my calendar alert. Well, it won't stop ringing--it's like a button's depressed and stuck in that position. It renders the audio unusable now, which means no VOIP calling or audio of any kind as I'm forced to keep it on mute. My mouse is fluttering all over the place.
I have an iMac G4 700 MHz with 512 MB ram running Jaguar. It actually runs very smoothly. I was wondering if 10.3 would slow it down, or maybe even 10.4?
I just took advantage of the cheaper Trans'intal Memory available online and upgraded from 8GB to 12GB.Subjectively the machine now sounds noiser, but Hardware Monitor shows there is no increase in the fan speeds, ie same as prior to upgrade. However Hardware monitor definitely shows an increase in temperature in the Memory banks, has anyone else had this experience?
I have a Power Mac G5 Dual 2.3 running 10.5.8, I understand that I can not upgrade to Lion, so what will happen to my Mobile me, which I can not live with out? Also will I be able to get Icloud to work?
Info: PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), Can I get ICloud to work
Ever since upgrading to OSX 10.7.4, Safari has been very slow loading websites that normally are very fast. When I open Safari or load a page I get the spinning ball for as long as fifteen seconds. This is especially problematic when I initially open Safari in the morning after my iMac has been asleep for several hours.
I plan on finally upgrading my Mac OS to Mountain Lion in July, but I'm still running Leopard.[URL].. says I need to at least have Snow Leopard. I really don't want to have to upgrade to Snow Leopard or Lion just so I can upgrade again in July.
My MBP has this issue every once in a while where I have to hold the power button and force shut down. Randomly the volume keys/brightness etc. stop working and i can't open apps or shut it down normally. Everything still works though (can still function in open applications) Anyone know what the problem is? It fixes when I force reset.
My Macbook Pro (from mid-2010) has recently started running EXTREMELY slowly, and the fan continuously runs loudly. From other posts, I have checked my activity monitor to see if any process is taking up a lot of the CPU % and have found that nothing seems high, except the kernel_task which, from what I understand, is supposed to be high. I have also attempted to reset the SMC which didn't fix the problem either. I have taken my computer to the genius bar 3 times now, and they keep telling me nothing is wrong (because it works perfectly there), but when I get it home the fan comes back on, and everything runs slowly.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), OS X Mavericks (10.9.2)
My Mac feels as if it is running slower these last couple of months. I have thought of pursuing a commercially available "clean up" product, but thought I would try the community first and also for pointers using the Mac's own internal diagnostics or system improvement capabilities. Any and all advice is most welcome. I have a 250GB hard drive that is half full, I always update to latest revisions and have an extra high-speed internet connection. Computer is not heavily loaded with apps and typically using Firefox for browsing. (MS Office for Mac as well, but usually limited to one program such as MS Word or Excel at a time.) No heavy graphics utilization. Videos from the internet load slowly and some are choppy. Even scrolling just doesn't seem "brisk".
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.53/4GB Ram
Looking at getting a 13" MPB to replace my aging Macbook. I am aware of the imminent arrival of the next gen next year, but still seriously considering getting a current gen.
Anyway, I am debating between getting the 2.66GHz version with 4GB RAM and the 2.4GHz version with 8GB RAM. I already have a 500GB 7200rpm HDD which I will transplant into it. Some stage in the next year or so I will look into getting an SSD and optibay for it.
I know that if I get the faster processor I can upgrade the RAM at a later date, but is the faster processor worth the money, or would I be better spending on RAM?
I've had an iMac for just about a year and over time I guess I just didn't notice but the machine always ran very quietly. At the same time the back of the computer would heat up so bad that it would nearly burn my hand if I left it there. Well last week I decided to upgrade to Lion from Snow Leopard and when I did the install failed and froze up the hard drive. I took the computer in to the apple store and they determined that it had to have a new hard drive installed because the old one (only a year old) had a physical malfunction (was broke). So anyway I have my iMac back and get it started up, backed up from time machine, and then finally get Lion istalled - and now all of the sudden I notice that the fans in the computer are CONSTANTLY blowing - I can hear them spinning and can hear the air venting out of the back of the computer - and the computer is STILL really hot on the backside of the screen.
So now I am wondering if the originial problem was the computer heating up and if that may have broken the otherwise good hard drive? Also now that I have a new hard drive - should I be concerned about the fans being on ALL the time? I mean they never go off. Even when I leave the computer for hours and come back to it and the screen is asleep the fans are STILL buzzing away at top speed. Here is the stats on the computer at the time that I'm typing this note - there are no other programs running than Firefox and Mail. Also - I don't know what the optical drive is exaclty - but if it's the DVD drive (superdrive) - there is nothing in the DVD disc drive